EASY-OFF CLEANER 59* With Applicator Save 39c — 16-oz. Jar ......... SHEAS APPLE CIDER GEISHA POTATOES 5 $100 J|| Flav-R-Pac Frozen— Lb. Pkgs. O Mix New Lg. 23-oz. Pkg. 2.-89 K DC 3-59' 75 RANCHO TOMATO I* Soup Large 22-oz. Can 16-oz. Can ........... Visiting the Robert Andrus Mr. and Mrs. Dale Iverson and children, Joyce and Steven, from McFadden, Wyoming visited the Walter Mathews family at Mist from Tuesday afternoon to Wed­ nesday morning of last week when they left to go to the world’s fair. Other visitors at the Mathews home Wednesday night and Thurs­ day morning were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and daughter Janet of Pendleton and Karen Hamil­ ton of Nampa, Idaho. Joining the group for a pot luck dinner Wed­ nesday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Condit of Westport, Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Clark and family of Hillsboro and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Condit and family of Portland. Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Mathews are cousins. Rummage tale, Aug. 24. 25, fire hall. St. Mary'» Altar Society. Cof­ fee, cookiei. 10c. Door prise. 34tlc Guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Omar Poynter were her niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Long from Tilla­ mook, and his daughter and hus­ band, Mr. and Mrs. George Blan­ ton from Portland. Guests August 12 at tha home of Mrs. Lona Weidman were her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Harvey and three chil­ dren from Seattle and Mr. and Demon ia Eagfe 2 THURSDAY, AUG. 23, 1962 Brake Relining with American Brakebloc Bonded Brake Shoes R A LPH S CHEVRON SERVICE Atlas Tires Batteries Accessories Motor Tune-up Auto Paris HAsel 9 6691 2.89* O * ) Q c Milk For WlJ 8 S1 S I Fruit Cocktail 5 $I 4 O /|Q c Oxydol 75* Tacos 14-oz. Hotties For * Hunts— 15-oz. Can Contains Bleach For le Waffle Cremes Mrs. Leland Errand and five chil­ dren from Beaverton. Mrs. Errand is the former Marietta Hodgson who was a school chum of Mrs. Harvey and came especially for a visit with her. See our large line of school sup­ plies. Nichols Variety. Guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Hom were his mother, Mrs. R. R. Horn, and his sister, Mrs. Leonard Lineberg­ er and daughter Becky from Spo­ kane. Wednesday night they en­ joyed dinner in their patio with additional guests, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Elwell of Rainier and his sis­ ter, Mrs. Lida Taylor from Colo­ rado Springs, Colorado. Thursday and Friday, the Linebergers and Mrs. Horn Sr. took a trip down the coast to Crescent City, Califor­ nia and on into the Redwoods as far as the Trees of Mystery, and back by Crater Lake. On their return here, Mrs. Horn Sr. en­ joyed a visit via telephone with her other son. Rocky, who had just returned to his home at Man­ zanita after spending three months on a Greek merchant ship, mostly in the East Pakistan area. Mn. Either Ring spent Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of last week in Portland attending an ad­ vanced hair styling class taught by Don Johnson of the Mar-Don shops. Classes were held at Pha- gan’s Beauty shop. Miss Suxi Alexander and Miss Betty Jo Aldrich visited this week at Seattle with Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Wills, uncle and aunt of Suzi. The girls went to Seattle and the fair last week end with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Aldrich. August 11, A. C. Alexander and daughter Suzi were at Salem to attend the Golden Wedding anni­ versary observance for his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander. Mrs. L. E. Stiff, who has been quite ill at her home for the past two weeks, is somewhat improved now but still under doctor's care. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Riggins and two of their grandsons from Eu­ gene were in Vernonia Sunday visiting her brother, George Ro­ land and other relatives and friends. They attended morning services at the EUB church. Mrs. Lutie Waldin spent most of last week with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Bill DeMoss at Copalis Beach in Washington digging clams Special: 4 packi 25c wide-line 3-hole filler paper, 89c. Nichols Variety. Mrs. Laura Carmichael. Mrs. Reta Lamping, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hudson and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNair and fam­ ily were among those who attend­ ed a district picnic for LDS churches at Short Sands beach last Saturday. Mrs. Laura Carmichael is spend­ ing this week at Deer Island at the Columbia county fair grounds where she is working in the ag­ riculture building while the fair is in progress. Guests from Tuesday of last week until Sunday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Em­ mons were her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Millard Parks and son Millard Jr. from NuBieber, California who came to visit with the Emmons and with Mrs. Iva Gilchrist, mother of Mrs. Emmons and Mr. Parks, who resides with the Emmons. Friday, Mr. Parks went with Ed Miller deep sea fishing while the others accom­ panied Mr. and Mrs. Emmons to Canby to attend the Clackamas county fair. See our large selection of 3- ring binders. 49c to $6.00. Nichols Variety. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Steers and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Emmons attended the coin collec­ tors’ convention at the Clackamas county fair at Canby. Mrs. Launee Cousins returned home last week from a month long trip to Iowa, Missouri, Ne­ braska and Colorado on which she was accompanied by her grand­ son, Ronnie Caramella from Mil­ waukie. They had comfortable weather most of the time but ex­ perienced some extreme heat in Missouri after which they exper­ ienced low temperatures at Pike’s Peak. They had intended to vis­ it the Grand Canyon but were un­ able to get reservations at the time desired. Guests from Tuesday to Friday of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Justin Folken were her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Cotton and daughter Carolyn and J. Cot­ ton, all from Beaumont, Texas. Last week end, Mr. and Mrs. Fol­ ken and Mrs. Launee Cousins drove to Medford where the Fol- kens visited her daughter and hus­ band, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Culbertson and family and Mrs. Cousins vis­ ited friends. The Folkens also at­ tended a family reunion at the home of her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hunter at which other guests were her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. R F. Fvfe from Oakland, California. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Vlcek and !c » 15 6 1|J1 Crisp— Lb. Cello Bag For day with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kamholz and family. They had just returned home from Detroit where they had visited for sever­ al weeks. The trip home was made through Canada by way of Lake Louise, Banff and Vancouver. August 13 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson rode in the Crawfish Days parade at Tualatin. Gover­ nor Hatfield was at the celebration and they were among those to shake hands with him. Mr. and Mrs. Don Webb and Mr. and Mrs. Owen East and their families spent week end before last at Yale dam in Washington where they enjoyed boating and water skiing. Mrs. Grace Currie returned to her home Sunday after being away for ten days, most of which she spent at Eugene. She had gone there for the funeral of a cousin August 9. Sunday, she came to Portland for the wedding of Joe Taylor and from there, rode home with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Thomas who were among those at the wed­ ding. Harry Laschinger returned home Monday from a trip to his former home in Minneapolis, Minnesota where he visited with cousins. He was gone a little over a week. Tiffney came home August 13 from the hospital where she had spent several weeks due to surgery on her spine. She is recuperating slowly. Mrs. Willard Haverland received word recently of the death of her father in New Mexico. She had been there to help care for him during the spring months. Due to her own recent surgery she was unable to make the trip for the funeral services. ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery H —From your home-owned independent grocery. X 1 H N SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING. WE BRING t 4 Consumption Of Food High Restaurant managers say it takes a heap of cooking to feed the es­ timated 350,000 who will be eat­ ing at the Oregon state fairgrounds between Aug. 3-Sept. 8. In the course of the nine days the public will consume approxi­ mately 95,000 pounds of meat Portland is spending this week (right at 50 tons) all of it Choice with her grandmother, Mrs. Frank Grade. Meat is delivered fresh daily and cut in the Fair’s com- McCabe. Making their annual trek to misary handled by Midget Mar­ their former home, Vernonia, last ket of Salem. Of the total amount week were Josephine and Martha delivered 40,000 (20 tons) is ground Corey, daughters of A. Corey who into hamburger and the addition is came to Vernonia in 1922 and had served in hot dogs, steaks, and the Economy clothing and dry other cuts. In the bakery goods department goods store. He also bought and subdivided the property now it is estimated 18,000 dozen burger known as Corey hill. Josephine is buns; 3,200 dozen hot dog rolls, now Mrs. Elias and lives in North 3,500 large loaves of bread, 600 Hollywood, California and Martha dozen doughnuts will be con­ lives in Portland, With them wa sumed. the former Josephine Murray To meet the high standard of whose father also had a store here quality the Stae Fair commission during the early mill days of Ver­ has set on foods served in fair­ nonia. ground restaurante, meat is in­ Rummage sale, Aug. 24, 25. fire spected daily and sometimes twice hall. St. Mary's Altar Society. Cof­ daily by the Marion county and fee. cookies. 10c. Door prize. 34tlc the state health departments. Mike Shipley is spending this week in Portland with his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gates at the Portland air base. Major and Mrs. Philip J. Millis Fri„ Sat. Aug. 24-25 and son from Minot, North Dakota are spending this week here with his mother, Mrs. Blanche Millis, and sisters, Mrs. Bill Sword and Mrs. James Weller and their fami­ Frank Sinatra - Dean Martin lies. J o y T h e a tr e Sergeants 3 Mrs. R. D. Eby of Beaverton and Mrs. Frank Hartwick of Port­ land were in Vernonia Monday. Mrs. Eby was looking after their house which recently was vacated by the Clarke Andersons who moved to California and Mrs. Hartwick was calling on friends. Mr. and Mrs. Edison Aldrich have as their guests her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jones and her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Carey Blackburn (Janice Jones) from Sumrall, Mississippi who plan to be here for about two weeks during which they will all go to Seattle to the fair. Special: 300 sheets 3-hole filler paper, 89c. Nichols Variety. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Aldrich of At the Mile Bridge | | ALWAYS — Best Prices BIRKENFELD—There are peo­ ple from Portland who have a summer cottage near here (name unknown) and the woman got her foot in the lawn mower and in­ jured it quite badly. It slashed the side of her foot and perhaps she will loose her big toe. She went to the doctor in Vernonia and was sent to a hospital in Portland. m Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hickman Little Michelle Lee Hinton of H X H Mower Accident Sends Woman To The Hospital Lbs. were at Corvallis Monday for fu­ neral services for her mother, Mrs. Fred Hickman who passed away the latter part of last week. Forest Grove visited here Thurs­ ALWAYS — Top Qualily 2 ,b C 2 9 ‘ K IN G ’S Grocery-M arket 5 "Where Your Money Buys More" Velveeta..................2-Lb Box | Special: One ream (500 sheets) 3-hole filler paper. $1.79. Nichols Variety. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford of Riverview x Cheese Golden Fruit SNXH XHXH XHXHXH XNXH XHXHXH JI X 14 X H X N Lb. Pkg. Bananas Roseburg took her mother, Mrs. George Roland with them last week end to attend the fair at Se­ attle. This week they have been visiting his moth?r, Mrs. Mary Al­ drich and other relatives and friends. H Phone HA 9-6015 Swift’s Premium Fey. Carrots * Mrs. Kathleen 49* 29* 79* Franks Giant Pkg. family from Coquille were in Ver­ nonia Friday afternoon for a few hours and enjoyed visiting with friends. h ★ Meat Department ★ 14-oz. Pkg. of 6. .. Shurfine— Tall Cans Packed in water— 7-oz. Can TOPICS OF THE TOWN family in Vernonia are his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Andrus and three daughters from Los Angeles, California. They plan to be here about two weeks. : n BEEF HACIENDA FROZEN N abisco....................12-oz. Pkg. Crescent— 8-oz. Pkg.................... For Free Deliveries Twice Daily 10 A.M. and 3 P.M. Tuna Fish Catsup CCc EQ c Ham Hocks Ice Cream Pickling Spice HA 9-3492 Smoked, Lean & Meaty.. .Lb. DEL MONTE Half-Gal. You're As Close to the Mill Market As Your Telephone EIUIII JiD.Al THREE DIAMONDS FCY. LIGHT MEAT DARIGOLD’S MELLO Assorted Flavors O 11-oz. Can................ FOR Syrup & LOCKERS MANDARIN Oranges HERSHEY’S CHOCOLATE BETTY CROCKER I BROWNIE J R v O i i l u IL L ~ ARKET OVEN Fuiten's Chapel in the Hills VERNONIA. HILLSBORO. FOREST GROVE 24-Hour Mortuary Service Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas. Res. Managers Phone HAzel 9-6611 Cottage Cheese Salad Boat! Wait till you hear all hands cheer your Cottage Cheese Salad B o a t.. . with its delicious cargo o f Cling peaches, pineapple, prunes, pears, strawberries, and raisins. Easy? Just place a molded carton of dairy-fresh cottage cheese in the c e n te r .. . the port hole« are olive« and the m ast is a carrot stick. And remember, your Cottage Cheese Salad Boat carries a cargo of health, too. It's loaded with m ilk s protein and lots o f natural nourishm ent. S o ., • SERVE DARIGOLD Cottage Cheese Regularly!