A nnual Report of the S h e riffs Office for the period, beginning Ju ly 1, 1961, and ending Ju n e 30, 1962, show ing T axes and Fees Collected a n d A m ounts turned over to th e C ounty T reasurer: T u rn ed B rought O n H and O ver F orw ard Collected R O LLS 14.26 14.26 1949-50 622 57 622.57 1950-51 378.32 1,117.05 1,495.37 1951-52 604.37 12,427.79 13,032.16 1952-53 477.72 2,307.09 2,784.81 1953-54 421.67 1,611.81 2,033.48 1954-55 796.04 3,348 11 161.25 3,982.90 1955-56 911.10 1,983.24 238 45 2,655.89 1956-57 2,345.19 19,651.66 441.50 21,555.35 1957-58 1,182.55 17,963.08 703.34 18,442 29 1958-59 1,469.51 34,433.60 1,847.43 34,055.68 1959-60 2,088.43 180,681 08 24,540 05 158.229.46 1960-61 4,774.73 2,299,769.46 2,234.544.19 1961-62 2,493,448.41 S H E R IF F ’S FEES Y IELD TAX 27,932.02 2,575,930.80 3,002.83 3,002.83 39,274.39 39,274.39 TO TA L COLLECTED 15,449.63 $2,618,206.02 STA T E O F OREGON ) ) ss. CO U N TY O F CO LU M BIA ) I hereby certify th a t the above rep o rt for th e year, beginning Ju ly 1, 1961, and ending Ju n e 30, 1962, is correct and tru e as I verily believe. S PE N C E R L. YOUNCE, S H E R IF F O F COLUM BIA COUNTY By Joyce B urghart D eputy A nnual R eport of th e County T reasu rer, C olum bia County, O regon for th e year ending Ju n e 30, 1962 and show ing am ount of receipts, dis­ bursem ents, and balances on hand. Receipts S heriff - T ax $4,010,347.36 D isbursem ents for th e Year Ending J u n e 30, 1962 G eneral F und ----------- --- —..............................$385,276.18 G eneral Road 413,270.29 Road D istricts 46,114.39 Cities 153,191.58 D rainage D is tr ic ts ________________________ 65,938.97 School D istricts 742,280.27 Union H igh Schools ............................ - ...... 203,374.54 Non High School 1,425.84 In terest on School B o n d s ----------------—......— 56,970.00 School Bonds ---- 115,500.00 High School Bonds 41,000.00 In terest on High School B o n d s ------------------ 8,190.00 R u ral F ire D istricts 30,691.45 R ainier C em etery ------ 7,830.28 Dog License F und ...................... -........................ 4,400.72 Law L ibrary .......... 1,121.50 C ounty R ural Schools .............. 619,885.90 Clatsop R ural E lem entary -------- 3,596.41 M ultnom ah R ural E lem en tary ------------------ 2,723.22 F ire P atro l 22,452.92 P o rt of St. H elens ___________ _______ ___ 70,039.77 C ounty School 74,236.20 S tate School—Irreducible —----- 7,600.29 C olum bia H ospital . ...... ................ ......— 19,100.58 Soldiers and Sailors F und -------------------------- 75.00 C ounty F air F und ....................................-..... 21,804.61 School R eorganization --------------------------- ■— 828.28 3 Mill Oiling ............-...................... ................... 50.717.49 39,274.39 3,002.83 D isbursem ents ..................... $3,169,636.68 B alance on H and Ju n e 30, 1962 --------------- 840,710.68 $4,010,347.36 STA TE O F OREGON ) ) COUNTY OF CO LU M BIA ) Louise A. Johnson T reasu rer of C olum bia C ounty $2,575,930.80 39,274.39 3,002 83 A nnual R eport of the C ounty C lerk of C olum bia C ounty, Oregon, show ­ ing th e am ount of w arran ts draw n by o rd er of th e C ounty and C ircuit C ourts upon th e G eneral Funds of said C ounty, from Ju ly 1, 1961 to Ju n e 30, 1962 inclusive, upon w hat bud g et app ro p riatio n draw n, th e am ount of w arran ts unpaid and th e cash on hand as of Ju n e 30, 1962. 23,434 54 674.01 149,922.11 341 79 5,358.06 20,190.91 284 98 57,995.26 405 00 2,613.00 6,254 51 3.75 267,477.92 C ounty Clerk 16,032 49 1,412 60 402 80 00 4,273.90 260 00 120.00 10 00 5 00 22,19801 J u stic e of th e Peace C ourt Costs Civil Case Fees G eneral Fines L iquor Enforcem ent Fund C o u n ty School 1,153 39 786.25 24,847 55 257.50 500 00 T otal G eneral F und W arran ts Issued C o n sta b le Foes L and Sale.-. R estaurant License Garbage Licanaa T o u rist F acilities H ealth D ep artm en t—V ital S tatistics Bridge C onstruction Road W ork Sale of Rock and M aterial A lum inum Co. of America M ineral Lease In te re st on Investm ents Refunds T re asu re r of Clatsop Co U H No. 1 J t U H No. 5 J t R ural School T ress, of W ashington Co. R ural School Treas. of M ultnom ah Co Rirral School S upt. of Schools Non High Basic School Reorganization R ural S c h o o l-B a sic S tate Land B oard—Irreducible C ounty S urveyor — Rent on B lueprint M achine W elfare Commission — S unilus Fi»ods — Refund Oregon California Land G rant Pacific Pow er A Light O ption Renewal W est Oregon Electric Co-op. Tax B u ild in g In sp ecto r S h eriff T ransporting Prisoners C ountv School Supt Insurance Exam s S h eriff - G un P erm its G eneral Road — Sale of T ruck Rock from County Land T im ber from County Land G eneral Fund — O re l,oa»e A greem ent T ru st Fund R ainier C em etery Lots A Labor Dogs to M edical School School Dist No 32 Sinking Fund 722 90 16,158 61 842 50 50 00 160.00 350 00 2,000 00 3,055 23 1,338 84 1,047 89 13,042 95 1.332 02 132.75 8,309 61 3,227.70 3.451 80 2,640 82 662.20 855 28 18,469 93 7,600 29 130 00 1,254 31 6,460 62 226.938 36 2501X1 2,511 73 3.673 00 86 40 1600 4.50 1,150 00 20 03 638 16 207 29 401 00 2,650 00 52 00 1,340 00 50.00 1,662.38 4,054.36 44,372.88 27,713.28 35,689.42 5,675.77 12,440.83 13,133.60 8,458.59 23,000.03 12,202.59 783.55 8,891.06 1,155.00 3,395.00 7,143.96 75,989.00 15,462.34 1,188.72 6,400.22 1,940.95 3,081.39 716.94 13,070.00 33.50 159.59 9,312.10 3,841.53 13,990.85 308.87 839 70 1,200.00 1,639.14 5,238 19 4,830.00 1,177.29 2,249.43 325 00 1,374.72 964.70 6,182.97 328.97 6,106.49 913.09 4,272.51 1,146.00 311.46 $394,417.96 R oadm asters Office Right of Way New C onstruction and B etterm en t Bridges — New and M aintenance Labor Rock, M aterial and Supplies E quipm ent M aintenance New E quipm ent Building M aintenance New B uilding R eim bursable W ork for Cities G eneral $ 394,417.96 Road D istrict No. 11 Road D istrict No. 18 Road D istrict No. 20 Oiling Fund T otal A ll W arran ts Issued L S 1 9 1 I1 V I IV k ’ IO $ A m ount of unpaid G eneral Road Fund w arran ts on Ju n e 30, 1961--------------- ---- $ 26,761.04 W arrants issued Ju ly 1, 1961' to Ju n e 30, 1962 ______________________ $446,062.69 $ 472,823.73 W arrants paid and cancelled from J u ly 1, 1961 to J u n e 30, 1962 413,407.21 W arrants unpaid and outstanding, Ju n e 30, 1962 A m ount of unpaid D istrict Road F und w arran ts on Ju n e 30, 1961------------------ $ W arrants issued Ju ly 1, 1961 to Ju n e 30, 1962 _____________________ $ $ 59,416.52 $ 10,080.76 188.10 9,892.66 W arrants paid and cancelled from Ju ly 1, 1961 to J u n e 30, 1962 9,782.64 W arrants unpaid and outstanding, J u n e 30, 1962 $ 298.12 A m ount of unpaid Oiling F und w arran ts on Ju n e 30, 1961______________ None W arrants issued Ju ly 1, 1961 to Ju n e 30, 1962______________________ $ 50,717.49 $ 50,717.49 W arrants paid and cancelled from Ju ly 1, 1961 to Ju n e 30, 1962 50,717.49 W arrants unpaid and outstanding, Ju n e 30, 1962 N one Bond Indebtedness ------------- ----- ------------------ None W arran ts outstanding (subject to paym ent upon presentation to County T reasu rer) ----- --------------------- $ 88,750.98 A gency L iability (dem and money of schools, cities, drainage districts, etc.) — ---- ----- --- ------- ---- -------------$263,123.12 A SSE T S:— Cash in all f u n d s __________________$577,587.26 L IA B IL IT IE S :— (W arrants outstanding) — ___ ________ 88,750.98 Balance on H a n d ................................ ..........$488,836.28 $ 446,062.69 $ 60,610.15 AM OUNT O F CASH IN HANDS OF OOUNTY TREA SU R ER , V iz:— r v i ’r t U 29,036.34 W arrants unpaid and outstanding, Ju n e 30, 1962 ss. H. F. JE N SE N COLUM BIA COUNTY CLERK $ 901,090.80 $ 64.812.55 6,254.51 39.274 39 257.50 311.825 48 187 76 22.23836 67.239 06 53,580 15 232 83 353 03 1.019 78 90585 479 20 413 38 292 75 $ 419,928.38 390,892.04 D ated this 27th day of July, 1962. RESOURCES G eneral Fund T railer R egistration Y ield T ax L iquor E nforcem ent C ourthouse A nnex T im b er Reappraisal Savings A ccount — G eneral G eneral Road 3 Mill Oiling O iling Fund Road D istrict No. 11 Road D istrict No. 12 Road D istrict No. 13 Road D istrict No. 14 Road D istrict No. 15 Road D istrict No. 16 A m ount of unpaid G eneral Fund w arran ts on Ju n e 30, 1961------------------- $ 25,510.42 W arran ts issued Ju ly 1, 1961 to Ju n e 30, 1962 ______________ ______ $394,417.96 I, H. F. JE N SE N , County C lerk of C olum bia C ounty, O regon, do h ereby certify th a t th e above rep o rt for th e year ending J u n e 30, 1962, is tru e and correct as I verily believe. 497.60 350.72 9,044.34 50,717.49 $ 60,610.15 L IA B IL IT IE S ) ) COUNTY O F COLUM BIA) $446,062.69 $ ____________________________________$840,710.68 STA TE O F OREGON $ 11,771.83 536.80 15,312.10 50,709.06 137,767.54 124,073 49 35,391.74 25,467.08 1,158.31 .— . 17,595.85 1,917.67 24,361 22 T otal Road F und W arrants Issued 119.54 446.30 33.42 I, 266.85 240.13 103.20 1,437.26 5.402.55 1,942.34 3,863.40 1.35 656.09 1,918.00 9,387.47 7,095.38 227.74 1,700.65 853.69 3,249.00 1,085.33 166.71 168.38 158.50 2.00 477.90 64.76 78.15 67.53 5.319.50 8.56 7.177.55 4,854.77 6,296.28 2,46».75 10,997.50 279.32 19,547.57 643.80 2,214.31 2.165.19 1.168.19 356.59 1,893.14 60,992.71 56.98 57,995.26 3,907.06 1,055.24 5,374.76 112.26 805.20 1.677.50 13,755.00 1.137.50 1.237.50 1,020.00 17.50 127.50 II, 818.75 325.00 1,331.25 W arran ts paid and cancelled from Ju ly 1, 1961 to Ju n e 30, 1962 ROAD FUND W ARRANTS 27,544 69 Miscellaneous V iew ers, etc. ____ Z..............................................$ County S u rv ey o r ......... E lections _________________________________ S heriff ------------------------------ C lerk .............................................. -........- __ ____ A ssessor ------------------ ------------------------ — —— T reasu rer ........................ C ourthouse and G rounds .......................... C ircuit C ourt ............................................. D istrict A ttorney .............. .................................. C ounty C ourt ..... ............ ........................ ............. Ju stic e C ourts ........ -......— ................. - -........ - Insane ........_...................... ...... -........- ....... H ealth O fficer an d S an itarian —...... - ...... ....... M edical Investigator ...... .................................... P red ato ry Anim als ................- ............ - ....... County Ja il ...................... ..............—.......... Relief Item s ...... .................. ................................. C ounty N u r s e ................. ............... ....... . —.........- D ues .......................... Ju v en ile D epartm ent ................................. Civil S ervice Commission ................ C ounty P lanning Commission ......... H o rticu ltu ral Inspector ....................................... C ounty E xtension A g e n t.................... H erd Inspector ..............................—...... P atro l County L ands .......... _ ....................— S tate Industrial A ccident Commission County P ark F und -........ P u b lic Em ployes R etirem en t S ystem Boys’ and G irls’ C ontributions ...................... W eed C ontrol ___________ V eteran s’ Service O fficer ....................... Civilian Defense ..... ..........— ........... Social S ecurity .......................... .. C ounty A udit and Filing F ee ---------------- C ounty P ublishing and A dvertising ........ Insurance—County P ro p erty A L iability S u re ty Bonds E m ployees’ G roup Insurance _ ........... .............. A irport Im provem ent ......................-......... - ....... C apital O utlay T raffic School . S u rp lu s Foods M iscellaneous Dog F und Law L ibrary Em ergency Road D istrict No. 19---------------- Road D istrict No. 20---------------- Road D istrict No. 21---------------- City of C latskanie --------------- C olum bia C i t y ------------ P r e s c o t t ------- -------------- R a i n i e r _______________ St. H e le n s ------------------- V ernonia —------------------ P o rt of St. H elens ..... ............ — C olum bia R iver P U D -------------- Scappoose R ural F ire ....... ......... Scappoose R ural F ire Reserve ... St. H elens R ural F i r e -------------- St. H elens R ural F ire Reserve V ernonia R ural F i r e ---------------- C latskanie R ural F i r e ------------ R ainier R ural F ire ---------- B irkenfe’.d-M ist R ural F i r e ------ F ire P atro l ---------------------------- B eaver D ra in a g e ----------------------- C latskanie D rainage ------------------ D eer Island D rainage --------------- Jo h n D rainage -------------------------- M arshland D ra in a g e ------------------ M idland D ra in a g e ---------------------- R ainier D ra in a g e ----------------------- Sauvies Island D rainage ------------ Scappoose D rainage ------------------ Woodson D rainage -------------------- Union High School No. 3 ----------- Union High School No. 4 ----------- Union High School No. 5.......... — U nion High School No. 4— 1958 S. F. U nion High School No. 5— 1949 S. F. Non High School F u n d --------------- School D istricts ------------------------- County School F u n d ------------------ Dog License Fund -------------------- Soldiers and S a ilo r s ------------------ T ru st F u n d ------------------------------- Law L ib r a r y ------------------------------------------- L and Sales -------------------------------------------- C ounty R ural Schools------------------------------ School Reorganization ---------------------------- D ep artm en t of E ducation — O ffset------------ R ainier C em etery ------------- _-------------------- C em etery E ndow m ent ...----------------—------- Colum bia H ospital D is tr ic t---------------------- M ultnom ah R ural E lem entary ---------------- Clatsop R ural E lem entary A High School — School D istrict No. 1 Jt. 1955 S .F -------------- School D istrict No. 502C 1957 S .F -------- --- -- School D istrict No. 502C 1958 S.F— ---------- School D istrict No. 2 1949 S .F -------------------- School D istrict No. 2 1948 S.F. ........—......— School D istrict No. 11 1953 S .F .------------- --- School D istrict No. 30 1953 S.F. ........... — School D istrict No. 13 1949 S .F .----------------- School D istrict No. 32 1950 S.F. .......... U nion High School No. 1 J t. 1951 S .F .----- Total G EN ER A L FUND W ARRANTS 589.30 207.15 175.84 199.21 27.81 75.88 1.49 3.67 72.24 1,327.51 1,187.06 1,377.17 18.42 S ecre tary of S tate C lerk Fees Law L ibrary Election Costs A doptions Dog License L iquor License Fees C ircuit C ourt Fines Auction License D ance Fees ss. I h ereby certify th a t th e foregoing statem en t is correct and tru e to the best of my know ledge an d belief. 5,262.75 L iq u o r Revenue A m usem ent Device Tax M otor Vehicle License V eterans Service O fficer M otor Fuels Refund C ounty F air ■— Racing 5 ', Land Sales T ax O ffset Basic A utopsies S ta te M arine Board T ra ile r R egistration F ederal M ineral Leases 348,994.72 $3,289,686.11 720,661.25 Total Collected Balance Ju n e 30, 1961 A ssessor—T ax G eneral Fund G eneral Road 3 Mill Oiling ............ Road D istricts ---------- Cities .......................- ........— }........... ..... C olum bia Hospital R ainier C em etery P o rt of St. Helens R ural Fire Districts ---------- ------- County R ural Schools ---------- Union High Schools School D istricts M ultnom ah R ural E lem entary 2500 5,395.38 380.88 60 00 6.00 9,746.78 145.96 St. H elens R ural F ire D is t r i c t ------------------ St. H elens R ural F ire Dist.—R eserve---------- Rock from C ounty Q uarry --- -------------------- A irport Rent --------------- Sale of M a p s --------------------------------------------- Oil and Gas Leases ... -------------- T ax Dept. O u td ated C ancelled Checks $3,169,636.68 ____________$266,429.71 G eneral Fund 150,380.76 G eneral Road 45.18 Oiling Fund 67,772.54 3 M ill Oiling 42.227.69 Road D istricts 159,154.34 Cities 71,333.86 D rainage D istricts 835,858.97 School D istricts 209,426.99 U. H. Schools 108.65 Non High 606,726.21 County Rural Schools _........... 6,952.84 R ainier C em etery 23,708.16 C olum bia Hospital ---- 34.886.69 R ural F ire Districts . . 2,809.60 M ultnom ah R ural E lem entary 3,390.98 Clatsop Rural E lem entary 21,083.26 F ire P atrol 73,634.26 P o rt of St. Helens .11 Colum bia River PUD S h eriff — Yield Tax — Fees LEG A L N O TICE LEG A L N O TICE LEG A L N O TICE