HERE A T SAM’S I I I t I I I I i I I 4 0 -o z . P k g . i i I I I I i t t t I t I I I L im it 3 I ! ♦ CHEESE Rainier Maid Cheddar________________ Lb. 49c and VEGETABLES TOM ATOES 3 25c LETTUCE 2 r « 19c RADISHES or GREEN ONIONS Bu. 5C SQ U A SH Zucchini _______ ____ __Ub SC PEACHES lb 10c G RAPES Seedless 2 Lbs. 2 9 c Women's Bowling League Calls First Fall Meet The Vernonia Women’s Bowling league will hold its first meeting for the fall season at Dessy’s al­ leys next Tuesday evening, August 21 at 7:30 p.m. to make plans for the months ahead. All women interested, both those who have bowled before and those who have not but are interested are invited to attend. Local Scouts At Spirit Lake, Wn. Last week, 16 members of the Vernonia Boy Scout troop 201 camped at Spirit Lake, Washing­ ton and enjoyed all of the usual camp activities. They were Jim Lindsay, Gordon Blackburn, Gary Hanson, Keith Cameron, Tom Lawler, Steve Curl, Pete Bruns- man, Greg Laird, Larry Elton, Steve Minger, Ken Lindsay, Eddie Burton, Stanley Meyer, Wayne Cameron, Pat Workman and Al­ bert Brunsman. The boys were accompanied to camp by Scoutmaster Don Cam­ eron, Clarence Blackburn, Tracy Hanson and Robert C. Lindsay. The first three spent the entire week there with the boys but Mr. Lindsay was there just the first part of the week. During that time he talked to the boys about need for care due to slick logs. He later demonstrated the talk quite unin­ tentionally when he slipped and fell and fractured his leg. Goodies 4-H Club Ends Year, Plans for Fair The Goodies 4-H cooking club held their last meeting of the year August 8 at the home of their leader, Mrs. Loren Ellis Jr. Each member made a lunch for herself which consisted of a broiled cheese sandwich, salad, ice cream and milk. They discussed exhibiting and demonstrating at the county fair and it is hoped that all the mem­ bers can attend. News reporter, Joyce Knowlton BEN'S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Open Six Days a Week Vernonia, Oreoon I « « » » » :« :* » » » .* » » :« :« Two Honored By Woodcraft Last Friday evening, Nehalem Circle, Neighbors of Woodcraft, held a very special meeting at the IOOF hall to observe the 35th an­ niversary of its institution here and to honor two charter mem­ bers, Mrs. Erma Johnson and Mrs. Alice Lindsay, by presenting them with their 35 year membership pins. The presentation was made by Grand Guardian Violet M. Lundstedt from Portland. Both of the ladies made nice talks concern­ ing their years in the circle. The event started with a pot­ luck dinner. Other distinguished guests were Roy Peters, Oregon State manager and Wm. Sutfin state organizer for the Neighbors of Woodcraft. There were 16 mem­ bers of the local circle present. Mr. Lundstedt also was there with his wife. Before the evening closed, Mrs. Frank Lentz presented a bouquet of gladioli from her yard to Mrs. Lundstedt. Sunday Event To Honor Galloway At the meeting of the Vernonia Odd Fellows lodge Tuesday even­ ing of last week, August 7, the second degree was conferred on Chet and Earl Ray. Thursday ev­ ening, August 9, they were taken to Clatskanie for the conferring of the third degree. Other Vernonia lodge members who accompanied them to Clats­ kanie were Albert Tandy, Carl Davis, R. L. Spencer, Hugh De- vine, Thomas Hall, Allen Ray and Frank Lentz. Visitors at Clatskanie from oth­ er lodges included four from St. Helens, four from Warrenton, two from Kelso and two from Long­ view. Clatskanie had an attend­ ance of 16 members. This Sunday, August 19, the Vernonia lodge will hold a recep­ tion at the Vernonia IOOF hall honoring one of its members, Les­ ter Gallway, who was elected as grand conductor at the last Grand Lodge session. The reception will be from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. and is open to the public. Eagle Want Ads Get Results— 10% Betty Crocker ANG EL F0 0 ° GOLD MEDAL CAK E ( Mil FLOUR 10-Lb. Bag 89* 3 lo o - s: ! Limit 1 ZEE N A P K IN S DC A rilC C I CM