Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, August 16, 1962, Image 1

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    L ibrary, U o f O
Mathews to
Seek Post as
Demonia Eagle
Annual County Fair Event
To Open Gates August 23
Columbia county's 47th annual Commerce, the Trail Blazers, have
fair which opens Thursday, Aug. an act which is known as the Zany
23rd for a three day stand is ex­ Gray theatre.
Walter Mathews of Mist filed VOLUME 40. NUMBER 33_____________VERNONIA, OREGON__________ THURSDAY. AUG. 16. 1962 pected to have the largest dis­
A trophy saddle will be awarded
petitions in the office of the Co­
plays in livestock and agricultur­ to the all-around cowboy. The ro­
lumbia county clerk, Robert Wel­
al products that the event has had deo announcer is Wallace Kirk of
wood Tuesday of this week to
in a good many years, according Goble; rodeo secretary is Mrs. Ray
place his name on the November
to Matt Erickson, board member Nelson Rt. 1, Box 174, Goble.
ballot as an independent candi­
in charge of the building.
date for Columbia county commis­
Erickson states that all build­
ings will be overloaded, accord­
The faculty for all schools in
Mathews first announced his in­
ing to all indication. With new
tention to file for the commission­ district 47 joint is now complete, ance records.
paint on the outside and in many
A complete run-down of faculty,
ers post the middle of July. Peti­ according to an announcement
cases renovations and new fix­
tions circulated since that time made this week by J. W. Acaiturri, bus routes and schedules and other
tures on the inside, all efforts are
which he deposited with the coun­ district superintendent. The last pertinent information will be giv­
One Columbia county fair event,
being made for the comfort of
en in next weeks paper.
ty clerk Tuesday carried over 700
animals and the best possible dis­ the 4-H rifle match, has already
signatures and sev3ral petitions thy Sloop who will have the first
play of products and domestic been completed and winners an­
were yet to come in. Only 495 grade at Lincoln school. She is a
nounced. The event took place
graduate of Willamette University,
names were needed for filing.
The commercial space at the Thursday evening on the rifle
Salem, where she received her
fair has been taken, including a range on the Garner property
bachelor of arts degree and she
new area opened up under the at the south edge of Vernonia, just
also has a bachelor of science de­
outside the city limits and was
gree from Eastern Oregon College
held here because there is no rifle
Tuesday, Aug. 7 after a game of
at LaGrande.
range at the fairgrounds.
For the past five years she has golf, and a delicious luncheon at
Members of the two 4-H clubs in
Plans are now underway for a taught at Pilot Rock. Her present the home of Mrs. J. W. Acaiturri,
the county competed. One club is
class here in which the Medical home is at Hillsboro where her for which Mrs. David Knowlton
arena area in front of the grand­ the Vernonia Sharpshooters, led by
Self Help course devised by the husband is employed. However, was co-hostess, the Vernonia Wo­
stand where new fixtures and new Ben Fowler and Larry Garner and
departemnt of defense, office of she plans to live in Vernonia dur­ men’s Golf association was orga­
type lights, including floodlights, the other club is from Apiary. It»
civil defense of the United States ing the week.
have been installed for the eve­ name and leader were not ob­
health department in cooperation
Officers elected were: President,
Parents are reminded that the
B. A. (Bob) Welwood was ap­ ning events. New and more lights
with the American Medical asso­ schools open August 31 with that Mrs. Dave Knowlton; vice-presi­
High scores in the senior division
ciation w i l l
ta u g h t.
were as follows. 1, Mark Medges;
day devoted to registration. All dent, Mrs. Horace Hertel; secre­ pointed Wednesday of last week grounds.
It is aimed at p r e p a r i n g
children entering for the first time tary, Mrs. W. A. Rumbaugh; treas­ as county clerk of Columbia coun­
As an indication of the increas­ 2, Ben Fowler Jr.; 3, Ed Kamholz;
people to survive in emergency must have birth certificates and urer, Mrs. Ellen Hanson; telephone ty to fill the unexpired term of
exhibits, officials stated this 4, John Curtis, Apiary; 5, Alan
and to teach them what to do un­ those who do not have them committee, Mrs. James Davies and Harold F. Jensen who has recently
that eight granges and the Bozarth, Apiary.
til the doctor comes.
Intermediate: 1, Frank Curtis,
should secure them at once from Mrs. Guy Thomas; food chair­ resigned. The appointment will Farm Bureau and two junior
The classes here will be taught the Oregon State Board of Health, man, Mrs. J. W. Acaiturri; social run for the remainder of Mr. Jen­
Apiary; 2, Rodney Aldrich; 3,
by Spencer Younce and the coun­ statistics section, P.O. Box 231, chairmen, Mrs. O. T. Bateman sen’s term. He assumed office
ted display space in the agricul­ Kenneth Vealey; 4, Geoffrey
ty nurse, Grace Roumagoux, and Portland 7, Oregon by sending and Mrs. H. E. McEntire; tourna­ Monday.
tural building in addition to indi­ Proehl; 5. Ronald Russell; 6, Cur­
are open to all persons interested. $1.00 for abstract copy or $2.00 ment chairman, Mrs. Gordon Reed;
Jensen, who earlier this year vidual farms and the many plate tis Hickman; 7, Edwin Sanders
It is hoped to have at least 25 in for photocopy.
handicap chairman, Mrs. Ben filed for re-election, then with­
and Daniel Walker .tied; 8 Ron
the class.
Bozarth, Apiary.
The first day of classes will be Brickel; publicity, Mrs. Paul Gor­ drew, asked to be released now to
All persons interested should
accept a position in the office of manned at the fair this year by
Jack Bergerson and Art Odam
September 4 but the August 31 don.
sign up now with Mrs. Charles
The group will gather at the the county clerk of Multnomah the Clatskanie Future Homemak­ acted as score keepers.
Minger. Those who had signed
If arrangements can be made
Vernonia Golf club Tuesday morn­ county.
ers club of CUHS and new mater­
last spring should contact her
Mr. Welwood is 58 years of age ial has been secured.
and the use of target rifles assured,
ing at 9 for play. All women golf­
again now.
ers are invited to attend, beginners and his family consists of himself,
Political activity is not to be the top three in the senior division,
as well as advanced players. They wife, Naomi, and a son, Michael missing from the fair grounds as Mark Medges, Ben Fowler Jr. and
may call Mrs. Davies or Mrs. Tho­ J. Welwood who is a lieutenant the Republicans have already con­ Ed Kamholz, will be taken to Sa­
mas for more information. They serving with the U. S. engineers at tracted space and the Democrats lem September 1 to compete at
Marvin Crowston and Leonard are to take a sack lunch.
Fort Belvoir, Virginia. He has been are making plans for their booth. the state fair.
Schmidlin are at Pendleton this
Score cards are to be turned in in business in Oregon for the past
The board announces that ad­
week undergoing intensive prac­ to Mrs. Reed after playing so that 18 years, seven years of which he mission to the fairgrounds will be
was the owner and operator of a 50 cents for adults and 25 cents
A special public meeting of the tice for the East-West Shrine foot­ handicaps may be established.
retail lumber yard and hardware for children. Parking is 25 cents.
Vernonia Planning commission has ball game to be played in the
store in Medford. He later moved The only entertainment at the fair
been called for Tuesday, August Round-up stadium at Pendleton
to Manzanita where he owned and for which a charge will be made
21, at 8:00 p.m. to discuss the Auguts 25. They are part of the 24
A-2, B -ll and B-8 football stars,
operated a shingle mill and for the will be the Friday and Saturday
adoption of a city building code
past eleven years he has owned evening rodeos let which admis­
Six or seven members of West
The meeting will be held at the all seniors last spring in various
schools in Western Oregon, who
and operated the Columbia finance sion is $1.
Oregon Electric Cooperative, Inc.,
city fire hall.
company of St. Helens.
The planning commission has make up the West \squad being
The horse shows all three days met August 6 for the purpose of
His college training, past busi­ of the fair and the small circus investigating the necessity of the
been discussing the various phases coached by Bob Peterson of Myrtle
Robert Wendel, new football
recent increase in rate of the
of several different building codes Point high school.
coach at Vernonia high school, an­ ness training and clerical exper­ acts are free.
Crowston was named last spring nounced this week that there will ience in financial affairs weighed
over the last several months. Codes
Four-H home Ec. activities at charges for service. Hans Slette,
being considered include the uni­ to the backfield and Schmidlin be a squad meeting at the high heavy with the county court in the Columbia county fair begins owner of Sunnyside Grocery and
form building code, which is the was named as an alternate line­ school gym next Tuesday evening, making this appointment.
Monday, August 20 when exhibits Service Station at Treharne, was
His civic activities in Columbia will be received from 3 p.m. to elected chairman of a committee
code adopted by the Columbia man. When he arrived home last August 21, at 7:00 p.m.
county have been extensive as in­ 3:30 p.m. Then Tuesday morning to prepare and circulate petitions
county court for all areas outside Wednesday from his People-to-
Things that will be cared for at
dicated by the fact that he is the style revue judging begins and the for the purpose of calling special
incorporated cities, and the build­
that meeting will be the fitting of
past chairman of the Columbia junior and senior demonstrations, meeting of the members of the co­
he had been moved up to a place
ing code for small cities.
mouth pieces, the making of plans
operative in order to investigate
Copies of each of these codes on the squad due to the loss of for the coming season, the dis­ County Red Cross. For many years individual and team.
may be examined at the city hall. Bob Ivarie, Coquille who had un­ cussion of plays and practice and he has been on the board of di­
All clothing exhibits will be and determine justification of the
rectors of the chamber of com­ judged Wednesday.
increase in rates and look into the
Persons interested in any phase dergone surgery.
1 the purchase of shoes. Estimated
merce and Kiwanis club and has
As soon as Leonard returns
entire operation of the organiza­
of building codes are asked to be
cost of shoes is $12.
served as vice-president of both
present at the meeting next Tues­ home he will be interviewed for
Coach Wendel also announced of these organizations. He is pre­ are the dollar dinner contests; at
stories concerning his overseas trip.
According to the by-laws of the
the following practice schedule: sently serving on the city planning 10 a.m. the home ec. judging con­ cooperative it will be necessary
August 27, 28 and 30, 9 to 11 a.m. commission, is a charter member
to secure signatures of 10 per cent
and 2 to 4 p.m.; August 29 and 31, of the Elk’s lodge of St. Helens making contest.
of the members in order to cal,
2 to 4 p.m. only. All practice ses­ and is a member and past vestry
bread baking, canning contests any special meeting, and accord­
sions are open to the public.
man of the local Episcopal church. and the style revue.
ing to the records of the coopera­
School starts September 4 and
A sizeable delegation attended
Thursday, all day, will be de­ tive it serves approximately 2000
regular schedules for practice will the meeting of the court last Wed­ voted to judging in the 4-H live­ members in the Nehalem Valley
be in effect then.
nesday at which the appointment stock classes for every type of and adjacent territory including
The first game of the season will was made. Law requires that the domestic animal. 4-H showman­ large portions of Clatsop, Colum­
be September 14 when Rainier appointment be from the same po­ ship contests will start Friday bia, Yamhill and Washington coun­
litical party as the one who re­ morning at 8:30 for horses, beef ties in Northwestern Oregon.
comes here.
and sheep and judging will con­
Louis Wasser brought up the tinue in all classes.
fact that since Welwood is the Re­
Saturday is another full morn-
publican candidate for the election in gof 4-H agricultural and live­
this fall, his appointment would stock demonstrations and the var­
give him an unfair advantage. ious showmanship contests as well
However, it was noted that prece­ as the identification competition
The directors of the Vernonia
Gerald F. Diddle, director of dent had bezn set in the county in in forestry and crops and weeds.
Chamber of Commerce at their
Western Area-Electric for REA,
The highlight of the fair’s 4-H meeting Monday of this week, ap­
will be the principal speaker at sioner, died in office. Dane Brady, activities is the grand parade of proved the slate of committee
the West Oregon Electric coopera­ who had filed October 15 as an champions which will be held in chairmen selected by President
tive annual meeting October 20, independent candidate for the of­ front of th-> grandstand at 1 pm . Robert C. Lindsay. These are:
President George L. Smith an­ fice, was appointed just 13 days Saturday.
Rocks, Albert Schalock; recrea­
later to fill out the term of Davis.
nounced this week.
The following program and in­ tion, Ralph Bergerson; civic im­
formation has been received from provement, Jim Davies; roads and
The meeting will consider the
operations of the cooperative for since the appointment of Welwood A. A. Wainwright, president of highway, Joe Magoff; membership,
the past five years and include was the recommendation of the the Columbia Riders, who with the Dr. T. M. Hobart; agriculture, Lou­
the election of two board members. Republican Central committee, he Columbia county Sheriff’s Posse, is Towne; industry, Guy Thomas.
The meeting will be held at the felt the court should follow is sponsoring the rodeo and horse
The directors gave their support
cooperative headquarters in Ver­ through on it. When neither Was­ show, both of which will be in to the city planning committee in
front of the grandstand.
their effort to provide a building
nation, he asked Wasser to take
Friday and Saturday afternoons and zoning code for Vernonia. It
The directors whose terms are the chairman’s chair and he made
are the open horse events with the was cited that one Oregon city had'
expiring are Noble Dunlap of Mist the nomination himself.
following: pole bending, figure failed to attract an industry be­
route, Vernonia and George Smith,
eight stake race, scurry, Texas cause of lack of a building code.
Timber route, Vernonia.
barrels, two-man flag race and a
Nominations for directors will
n;w event, cow daubing for ladies.
be held August 28 at Natal Grange
The rodeos will be Friday and
Some 70 or more persons parti­
for a director for district 2 which
Saturday evenings at 7:30 in front
includes Birkenfeld, Mist, Pitts­
Ten or twelve tickets are still
of the grandstand The events are
burg, and Chapman Nominations tournament at Dessy’s alleys and
bareback bronc riding, calf roping, available for the Cleveland-49ers
for director from district 5 will be
saddle bronc riding, cow milking football game in Portland Satur­
held at the Vernonia Grange hall tabulate results. Trophy winners
bull riding and open Texas barrels. day evening of next week, August
on August 29. District 5 includes
M ISS K A T H Y D U D L E Y , daughter of M r. and Mrs. Robert Dudley
Featured at thz rodeo will be 25. The Vernonia Lions club hag
that portion of Vernonia west of lows: Women's singles, Althena
of Scappoose was named last Saturday evening as queen of the
Heck Harper and his horse, Jody. made arrangements for a reserved
the SP&S tracks, the Nehalem val­
rodeo court which w ill reign at the Columbia county fair at Deer
The stock contractor is John Van section for Vernonia fans and the
ley to and including Timber and gles, Larry Holsey, Hillsboro, 654;
Island next week, August 23. 24 and 25. Her coronation took place
Belle of Outlook, Wash., and the ticket sale has been going well.
Beaver Creek to the Cone place.
at the fairgrounds after she was tapped by last years queen. Linda
rodeo clowns will be Ben Bidwell Persons who still want tickets
Cards notifying members in the Ray Christians, Hillsboro, 1121;
Thayer of Rainier, with the royal scepter, a white leather braided
and Chuck Blaylock of Redmond. should contact Joey Acaiturri, Red
two districts will be sent next mixed doubles, Fran and Ray
quirt. Princesses are Sheryll Tarbell, Pam Lousignonl. Judy Morris
The St. Helens Junior Chamber of Ade or Bill Hom at once.
Christians, Hillsboro, 1087
and Eleanor Matney.
Faculty Complete N o w
For O pening o f School
Welwood Named
To Clerk Post
High Scorers
Win Fair Trip
Women Golfers
Name Officers
Medical Help
Course Offered
Building Code
Plan Proposed
Two on Squad
For E-W Game
Group Seeks
Special Meet
Grid Squad to
Meet Tuesday
Chairmen lor
Chamber Named
Speaker ior
Meet Named
Bowling Tabulated
Tickets Available