POST OFFICES OF EARLY DAYS Pomona Meeting at Birkenfeld Recalls Events of Early Days Clair Devines Entertain Niece, Maureen Gordon MIST—Maureen Gordon of Tur­ ner is spending a week with her aunt and uncle, the Clair Devines. She returned home with the De- vines Saturday evening. Mrs. Geo. Mathews is enjoying having four of her grandchildren with her. Mrs. Shalmon Libel participated in the program at Birkenfeld for Pomona Grange Saturday even­ ing. A welcome visitor at the meet­ which 45 members took the fifth Pittsburg post office was located at the junction of East Fork of ing of Columbia County Pomona degree. It is well to recall that the Nehalem river with the Ne­ Grange at Birkenfeld Saturday, the Kerry Logging Co. was in op­ halem river at a point five miles August 4 was State Grange Mas­ eration then, accounting for the northeast of Vernonia and was ter Allen P. Wheeler, who was large attendance. In those days established on the Peter Brous elected at the June session of the Winema Grange was the largest homestead in his original home Oregon State Grange. Mr. Wheeler Grange in the county. The large which consisted of a log cabin. It came to help celebrate the 60th hall was the gym for the school was served by carrier on foot or anniversary of Columbia County as well as being a Grange hall and was jointly owned by the two Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sharar of on horseback from Houlton (which Pomona Grange. Loren Millimen, the new editor groups. Stoney Point road welcomed a is now West St. Helens) once a of the Grange Bulletin, also was Those taking the fifth degree daughter, Teresa Ann, July 29. week. Fruit Torie Making Mrs. Sharar and the babe are now A trail had been cut out of the a guest, and took pictures for the Saturday were David Crawford of Project for Goodies at home from Emanuel hospital. wilderness and later a passable Grange paper, especially of the Winema Grange, Stanley and charter members of Winema Florence Chandler and Kit and The Goodies 4-H club meeting Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. road was constructed. The Ne James Sharar of Portland. The halem Valley pioneers furnishing Grange. Seven of these faithful Anita Kennedy of Natal Grange, was held August 1 at the home grandfather is now working in the labor and the St. Helens and members were present. There and Lawrence and Grace Meissner of the leader, Mrs. Loren Ellis, West Pakistan on the Mangle dam Houlton merchants furnishing the were no charter members of Po­ of Fern Hill Grange. Jr. The members made fruit torte mona present. Pomona meets next with Chap­ and served it with koolaid. project. Mrs. Linnie Scott of Ver­ grub. Also, a picture was taken of man Grange in November. nonia is the babe’s great grand­ News reporter, Joyce Knowlton The date of the original open­ mother. ing of the Pittsburg post office the State Grange master, the Po­ James Allen is the name of the was April 17, 1879 and it was mona master and Mrs. Alice Lind­ ¡ X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X X H X H X H son born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. closed on the 26th day of April, say of Natal Grange. Mrs. Lindsay H Rainbolt of Vernonia Monday, 1892. Peter Brous was its only was honored recently by being X July 30 at the Columbia District postmaster. From the date of its awarded her 60th year pin. The Grange historian told of H closing its business was merged hospital, St. Helens. the founding of Pomona Grange X An eight pound daughter, Re­ with Vernonia. at Clatskanie on September 11, H The name of the original post becca Ann, arrived Friday, August 1902, with 68 charter members. As office was Pittsburgh, named after 3, at the Vernonia Clinic for Mr. far as is known, the only charter and Mrs. Jim McClendon of Kea- the former home of Peter Brous member still living is Mrs. Flora which was Pittsburgh, Pennsyl sey Rt. Grandparents are Mr. and vania, but the name was later Stratton who is now a member Mrs. George Orr of Keasey Rt. of Aloha Grange in Washington changed to Pittsburg. county. She was Flora Young at At the time of the residence of Peter Brous at Pittsburg, he oper­ that time and a member of Cedar ated a flouring mill and a saw mill Grove Grange near Clatskanie. Winema Grange at Birkenfeld by waterpower generated by a was organized in 1924 although dam and water wheel in the east Fork of the Nehalem river, and there had been a Grange in that MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Bernard later there was a sash and door vicinity earlier known as the Dowling who recently returned factory which operated for many Fishhawk Grange. Records were from a trip to Missouri, visited his years before the turn of the cen­ read of the Pomona Grange meet­ father and sister from Friday until tury on the opposite bank of the ing held at Birkenfeld in 1926 at Sunday when they returned to Nehalem river, which rafted its their home in Vancouver. product to Mist and thence by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine and wagon and ox team to Clatska­ Mr. and Mrs. Clair Devine and nie. family enjoyed a family picnic at A covered wagon bridge span­ H the home of Edwin Danielson at ned the Nehalem between the east To the Editor: Banks Sunday. and west banks of the Nehalem In Vernonia two gas stations K Mrs. Brower of Calif., mother river and from the west bank of alternate in being open on Sun­ of Mrs. Sulo Sanders, is spending the Nehalem river a dirt and some time at the home of her puncheon road served the early days. An excellent idea. If you daughter and family. settlers along its route and it ter­ elect me as your state representa Mr. and Mrs. Shalmon Libel minated at a point which is the tive, I will introduce this bill: These businesses shall be closed spent Sunday in Seaside where present home of Everett Wood. the first and third Sunday of each they visited his mother, Mrs. Clara According to an account told month: any business with only a Libel. to Joseph Van Blaricom who Mr. and Mrs. Evan Rassmusen homesteaded the townsite of Ver­ north or east entrance; and any of Clatskanie were dinner guests nonia, Peter Brous informed him business with entrance on more recently of Mr. and Mrs. Charles that his family had owned a small than one side, including a north Hansen. flouring mill on a tributary of the entrance. These businesses shall be Mrs. Wayne Kyser and Mrs. Alleganey river a few miles up­ closed the second and fourth Sun Hugh Cox drove to Portland Mon­ stream frem Pittsburgh, Pennsyl­ day of each month: any business K with only a south or west entrance; day, returning home Tuesday. Mrs. vania, and after he had home and any business with entrance Cox went in for a check up. steaded at Pittsburg, Oregon, he on more than one side, excluding had the small flouring mill dis­ a north entrance. mantled and its machinery includ­ BUT any business that is more ing the stone mill wheels shipped Come by barge down the Alleganey than five miles from a similar river, thence down the Ohio river business need not close any Sun­ see why to the Mississippi river, thence day if only one person is in at- | “Zts the Water by sailing ship to the city of Port­ tendance at any one time. This gives every person in bus­ H land where it was unloaded and that hauled to Pittsburg to become the iness every other Sunday off and m akes the first flouring mill in the Nehalem gives the customer service every H Sunday at those places that choose Valley. difference. to stay open on permitted Sun­ An interesting sidelight on this Visitors days. account is the fact that the two Lawrence Meissner, are always stone mill wheels, now resting in Meissner Rd., Deer Island w elcom e at the Vernonia city park, are the identical mill wheels brought to the Olympia the Nehalem Valley 90 years ago. Jew ell County Kansas Brewing Joseph Van Blaricon related this Folks to Picnic Soon Company account of the stone mill wheels to the writer, Lester Sheeley, The annual Jewell county, Kan­ at Tumwater, more, than sixty years ago. sas picnic will be held at Kenil­ near Olympia, (Historical information supplied worth Park, 3300 S. E. Holgate in Washington, by Lester Sheeley.) Portland at noon August 19. Coffee 8.-00 to 4:30 and cold drinks will be furnished. every day. Stork Delivers Two Girls, Boy * . - ------------ * 1 , Oernonia Eagle THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1962 3 Lei s Get Acquainted! Do You Know This Man? Bom January 31, 1926 in vicinity of Vernonia. Married in 1950 at Hood River. Now a Vernonia home owner and booster. Has two children. Employed locally. Active in fraternal groups, cham­ ber of commerce etc. Is a collector and sports enthus­ iast. (Information supplied by J. W. Nichols) Answer to last ’.veeks quiz, Dave Brunsman. Invite friends now for the Jam­ boree, July 27, 28 and 29. 4 .0 a im X H X H X IIX H X H X H 3 ATTEND THE 47TH ANNUAL S COCUM SM Couple Returns From Trip East H FA ft? THE PEOPLE SPEAK . . . AUGUST 23-24-25 H H X s* oirwu bkw ! hc a . dmw . « m •• is-c Hearings Join Oregon Trailers BEN'S BARBER SHOP Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hearing Sr., who last year acquired a vacation trailer and started enjoying trips with it, are now members of the Oregon Trailer club. Recently, this group was host for a potluck dinner at Delta Park in Portland at which 93 trailers were ent?r- tained enroute to the Seattle fair. The Hearings have enjoyed sev­ eral trips with the group and have made many nice contacts. Jamboree week end, the Hear­ ings had as their guests here Mr. and Mrs. Ed Muster and her broth­ er and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Oren Cook, all from Portland. Last Saturday, the Hearings left with their trailer for Siletz where they were to join the Cooks for two weeks. Vernonia. Oregon Read the ads, it will pay you! Fuitens Chapel in the Hills VERNONIA. HILLSBORO. FOREST GROVE 24-Hour Mortuary Service Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas. Res. Managers P h o n e H A z e l 9-6611 Expert Tonsorial Work Open S ix Day» a Week Entertainment ★ Art Display 4H Exhibits ★ Grange Exhibits £! FFA Exhibits ★ Circus H X H X H H H Iff SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE Deer Island Fairgrounds Jc ^ h x h x n x h x h x h x h x h x h x ix h x h x h x h x h x h x h x h x h S w Better Quality for Less Here! 39c CANNED POP S fu ™ 10 r , 89 c DETERGENT ¿ E X * Q D inilETC RoyalOak DIIIUUE I 3 Charcoal 5-Lb. Sack or 10 Ind. Variety n QrC OOr DfiCT I v J I TEKIC I Elff J Pack, Servings X l'k g- O POP CORN 1 , - lu 29c POST CRISPY CRITTERS ««29c PORK & BEANS “ 2 U 5 c DOG FOOD $1.29 HEINZ KETCHUP - X 4 - $ l KOOL AID “ 6 ««.25c CORN X X " - 2 fo ,29 c TOMATOES S X « 10c PEANUTS « “X , 29c FRESH CORN E " ‘°‘ 6 29c S A M ’ S FO O D FREE ST O R E D E L I V E R Y ------------ PHONE HA 9-5501