! ★ Meat Department ★ F A L L IN S T E P AGAIN BY POPULAR DEM AND BO NED & ROLLED sweet Lb. Sw ift’s Eversw i HAMS B&M BAKED PORTER’S— Elbow Macaroni and Elbow Beans 3 Large 28-oz. Can OOc F o r O W GRAI’E JILL PURE CONCORD GRAPE 7 3 75« Juice 24-oz. Can CROWN’S CHIFFON FACIAL /I Tissues Pkg. of 100 QCf For 7 Spaghetti 24-oz. Pkg................ CQc For 0 W 3 5 3' NABISCO LORNA DOONE 1014-oz. Pkg. DEL MONTE FANCY (R E A M STYLE ¡Ground Beef No. 303 Can 10-oz. P kg................ 6 ,?1 Relish 2 5 3 15« Beef Steaks □ Ç c 10« Cereal Celery W ILLISON’S FROZEN CHIP Green Crisp Stalk Pkg. of 8 Steaks Carrots Lb. Cello B a g ................................. Kraft Miracle Whip Dianna and Deanna Rita, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Ritz, returned home Saturday from Monrovia, California where they had spent five weeks with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. David Lenaburg. They had enjoyed much time at the beach and in sight seeing, including Dis­ neyland. New« from former Vernonia residents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris of Cottage Grove is that their summer has been made most pleasant by visits from their chil­ dren. Included were their son Rollin and family from Califor­ nia who came for Father’s day. Two daughters, Elna and Lyla and their families also were there at that time. July 7, Don Morris and his wife and four children from Klamath Falls came to Cottage Grove for a few days. Sightseeing trips in the area were taken dur­ ing their stay. Rummage «ale. Aug. 24. 25. fire hall. St. Mary'» Altar Society. 3213 Mr. and Mr«. Sam Hearing Jr. and sons Sam and Danny spent Monday, Tuesday and part Wednesday of last week at Seat­ tle attending the World’s Fair. Mr. and Mr». Ed Green and grandson Karl from Creswell were among former residents who came from a distance to attend the pic­ nic Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Crossan and two sons visited here briefly last Wednesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Art Gardner. They are now Uernonia Eagle 2 THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1962 d o g T h e a tre Fri.. Sat. Aug. 10-11 THE SECOND TIME AROUND Plus THE HELLIONS living at Lynden, Washington and brought news that their daughter Vicki and her husband are now living in Hawaii. Mr. and Mrs. Art Gardner and his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gardner of Salem spent from Thursday of last week to Sunday at Ft. Stevens state park. They were very comfortable in their trailer in spite of the weath­ er change and during the week end toured the beaches from Tilla­ mook to Long Beach, Washing­ ton. Mr. and Mr». Curti« John and his sister, Mrs. Eula Stanton of Portland visited Sunday with Mrs. John’s folks, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Brown after which they went to Anderson park to visit with friends nt the Vernonia Society picnic. Mi»» Ruth Holaday of Portland called op Albert Childs Sunday evening after the picnic at the park. Guest» at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Thomas Sunday were their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baty and son Brent from Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Young and son Eric from Yakima. Mrs. Young is the former Ruby Daniels who came especially for a visit with Mrs. Baty. Mr». Wallace Lambert of St. Helens is the pharmacist at the Vernonia Drug company this week while Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hertel and family are vacationing at Wal­ lowa Lake in Eastern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Talus of May- ger called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lange Sunday evening enroute home from Tillamook. Rummage sale. Aug. 24. 25. fire hall. St. Mary's Altar Society. 3213 Guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Spencer are her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. James Duggins from Oakland, California who arrived here Sat­ urday in time to attend the picnic Sunday where he saw many people he had known when he resided here many years ago. Mr, and Mrs. Leo Thackery, new residents on highway 47 FOR SUMMER alues up to $3.5(1, Spec. Sun Glasses v> 50c $100 Swim Fins SUN TAN LOTIONS All those in stork. Values up to $2.75 Sea A Ski, Bronx Tan and other fam ous brands X Summer Candies......... 39c In half Ih. reusable freezer container. Other fresh summer candy All our chocolates are in refrigerated cooler Always fresh regardless of how hot the weather WJUG CtN & LOCKERS ___ You're Ax Close to the Mill Market As Your Telephooe N E W ! G E N ER A L MILLS C ftg Salad Dressing TOPICS OF THE TOWN For IL L ARKET 12-oz. Jar 22-oz, Jar 7 Crackers N A L L E Y ’S SW EET Com Del Monte Halves 7 • 100% Pure Beef Lbs- Ground Fresh Hourly SU N SH IN E GRAHAM— Low Sugar Content 2 F°r 60 Cookies $115 ; Thick Sii. Bacon J Golden Crisp.............2-Lb. Pkg. FRA NCO- AM ERICA N fcghew g V For Qt. HA 9 3492 RQç 2 Free Deliveries Twice Daily 10 A.M. and 3 P M W heaties Bran with Raisin Flakes IT'S YOUR LAW Retpect For Law Makes Democracy Live WAS IT AN ACCIDENT? rancid from lack of care. He An accident isn’t one if it’s sold a customer who sure to take place. It must be m*xed it with good food prod- unexpected and sudden, and, vets and damaged all his stock, generally, unintentional. court agreed that damage A ¡„„..-»a to the customer’s stock was A company insured J o n e s _ . , an accident, from damage h e m ig h t c a u s e to o th ers "by accident.’’ J o n e s drilled for and got oil on his land. He pumped for years, and one day when his neigh­ bor's land began to sink, the neighbor sued Jones. The in­ surance firm would not de- _ ____ fend the suit or pay the damages. Casualties and accidents So Jones up and sued the in- must happen suddenly. Dis- surance firm. putes arise over what an acci- The court upheld the insur- dent is, often with the tax col­ ance firm: The sinking land lector. Under the taxing laws was not an "accident.” It was you may deduct for "casual- bound to happen and Jones ties” or "accidents.” In in- and the neighbor could have come tax cases the govern- foreseen it. Maybe in the first ment will not let you deduct year the sinking might be an termite or dry rot damage accident. But the neighbor caused to your home over was suing for damage for many years. But a sudden years of pumping and drilling, swarm of termites damaging In one case, unknown to the your house all at once would owner some salad oil grew be deductible. Friends Invited To Siager-Rekopf Rites Friday of next week, August 17, has been announced as the date for the wedding of Albert O. Stager, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stager of Timber route and Miss Helen Y. Rekopf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Rekopf of Rainier. The vows will be exchanged at 8:00 p.m. at the Vernonia Evan­ gelical United Brethren church and a reception will follow at the home of the groom’s parents. An invitation is extended to friends to attend. Pioneers Plan Annual Picnic The Columbia County Pioneer association will hold its annual pic­ nic Sunday, August 12, at Hudson park near Rainier. A potluck dinner will be served at 12:30 p.m. Coffee and ice cream will be furnished by the assoc­ iation. In case of rain the meeting will be at the Hudson Valley Grange hall. Everyone is welcome. 33rd Annual B oysen P a in t: N ot»: Oregon lawyer» offer this column to you may know about our law». I t it to inform, not adviie. Intermediates Invited To Baptist Sessions The First Baptist church which has been conducting this week a Vacation Bible school for children aged three through 15, announced that starting W.'dnesday evening of this week, evening sessions would be held for one week for the intermediates age 15 and up. Sessions will be at the church at 7:30 p.m. each evening and will conclude Wednesday of next week, August 15. All young people are invited to attend. Mail Order Tickets Obtainable for Fair Mail orders for tickets for the State Fair Revue f'aturing Gor­ don MacRae, and for the Rodeo- Horse Show opened at the fair­ grounds office, August 1. Tickets will go on sale in down­ town Salem at Stevens and Son and Meier and Frank on August 17, Howard Maple, state fair man­ ager states. The mail orders should be ad­ dressed to Oregon State Fair, P. O. Box 7045, Salem. about thre? and a half miles south of Vernonia, returned home re ­ cently from a trip to California on which they went down the coast highway 101 to San Francis­ co and back home by highway 99 They stayed in state parks dur­ ing the trip. Some of the scenic spots they especially enjoyed were the redwoods. Crater Lake and Mt. Shasta. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Schwab and family vacationed from Thurs­ day to Sunday of last week They first went to Suttle Ijike, but the change in weather caused them to | complete their vacation at Astoria with Mrs. Schwab's parents Mr and Mrs. H. J. Peasnall. DATES to Remember THURSDAY, AUGUST 9 Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge, IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY. AUGUST 10 Hunter Safety graduation, Fire hall, 7:00 p.m. American Legion and Auxiliary Legion hall. 8:00 p.m. SATURDAY. AUGUST 11 Vernonia Grange, Hall near golf course, 8:00 p.m. SUNDAY, AUGUST 12 Columbia County Pioneer Assoc­ iation picnic. Hudson Park near Rainier, noon. MONDAY, AUGUST 13 Chamber of Commerce board. West Oregon building. 8:00 p.m. TUESDAY. AUGUST 14 Mt. Heart Rebekah club, home of Mrs. Evelyn Heath, 8:00 p.m. Vernonia Odd Fellows lodge, IOOF hall, 8:00 p m. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 15 EUB Circle picnic, City park, neon Now Is The Time To Check Your EXH AU ST SYSTEM Soundmaster & Pacemaker Glasspack Mufflers. R A L P H 'S CHEVRON SERVICE Atlas Tiras Batteries Accessories Motor Tune-up Auto Parts HAsel 9 6691 NO LIMIT TO QUANTITY Buy One Q u a rt BOYSEN RUBBERGLO Flat Wall Finish STARTS AUG. 9 $£98 (1 3 b e a u tifu l re a d y -m ix e d co lors - also Colorixsr custom-mixed colors slightly higher) GET SECOND QUART... f OTHER BOYSEN MONEY SAVING SPECIALS (These ara not 1« Saia items) ODORLESS DREEM SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL Quart $1.99 Gallon SS.29 PLASOLUX GLOSS ENAMEL Quart $2.67 Gallon $8.99 KOROLIN HOUSE PAINT Gal. $7.08 PORCH & DECK ENAMEL or LATEX FLOOR PAINTS Quart $1.99 Gallon $6.44 100% PURE HOUSE PAINT ______ Gal. $6.73 QUALITY ROLLER SET S P E C IA L __________ $2.54 BOYSEN SHAKE AND RUSTIC PAINT Gal. $5.18 5-GaL tin $5.03 Per Gal. PLASOLUXER BRUSH S p e c ia l---------------------- SI.69 4-INCH WALL BRUSH S p e c ia l_______________ $3.79 SALE ENDS AUGUST 25th ygfZNONIA Ç-59 8 5 J T r a d in g fU tf-S U O S tM ^ a p m co . N ite s