Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, August 09, 1962, Image 1

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    L ibrary, U o f O
School to Open
Doors August 31
For Registration
Demonia Bagfe
Council Hears
Proposals for
Sewer Lagoon
Much of the meeting of the city
council Monday evening was de­
The weather the past week AGE LIMITS SET
voted to consideration of the sew­
which has put a feel of fall in the
age lagoon and the correction of
air, emphasized that summer has
its inefficiency.
been extremely short due to the five years old on or before No­
A report from the engineers in­
lata spring and that school days
years old on or before November
dicate that their study revealed
are fast approaching.
15 to be admitted to school.
that the present condition was due
This week, Superintendent Joey
Older children new to the
to low sewage flow, high evapo­
W. Acaiturri released information school and community may ob­
ration and excessive seepage.
pertinent to the start of school in tain information and enrollment
Their recommendations for cor­
district 47 joint including the facts blanks prior to August 31 if they
recting it were as follows:
that the first day of school will be wish to call at the school office
1. Return sewage flow to former
August 31, which will be devoted in the Washington building after
septic tank disposal system and
to the registration of students. This August 15.
allow floor of the lagoon to dry
date, however, will count on at­
Supplies needed by primary
tendance records so all students
from kindergarten through high students are: crayons (large ones
2. Remove all vegetation.
school should register on that day. for first graders), tablet, pencils,
3. Divide area into two sections
eraser (pink pearl) , ruler and
by a four or five foot dike.
4. Rip bottom area to depth of
Upper grade students will be
one and a half to two feet in two
Following the registration Aug­ furnished with a list of needed
directions, wet loosened earth and
ust 31, Friday, there will be the supplies when they register. Gen­
compact with sheepsfoot or grid
long Labor Day week end and erally these include paper, pencil,
school will resume Tuesday, Sept­ rules and crayons. All books and
ember 4 with a full schedule of most other supplies are furnished
The first recommendation has
classes in all grades.
been followed out now and the
by the school district.
engineers are arranging with the
August 31, busses will operate
Parents of in-coming freshmen
original contractors to do the other
to bring students to the schools are reminded that a complete
work as soon as possible.
and will take them home again physical check-up should be giv­
at noon. Tuesday, September 4, en their children to determine
The council took action, also,
busses will operate on the regular their health status and whether
to have an ordinance prepared
schedule and lunches will be serv­ there are any limitations to be
lowering the sewer use charge
ed in the cafeteria, also.
from $1.50 to $1.00.
PRIZE WINNERS at the Vernonia Society picnic
A. B. Counts, oldest man present. After the awards
A representative of the Jay ­
This year, there will be 10 new
A complete list of teachers and
Sunday were, from left, Mrs. Franklin Malmsten,
were made, Mrs. Olive Powell arrived and had
Cees appeared before the council
teachers in the schools of district information concerning bus routes
Cedar Mills, oldest woman present; Mrs. Louis
she been present, she would have taken honor«
to present suggestions from Bruce
47 joint. Tuesday, August 28, and lunch program will be given
Boeck and Mr. Boeck, Phoenix. Arizona, the
as oldest lady since she is 92 and Mrs. Malmsten
Roberts for deepening the swim­
these 10 teachers will meet with later.
couple who came the farthest to the picnic and
only 86.
ming pool at the diving board by
Superintendent Acaiturri for a day
In spite of inclement weather
moving bottom material upstream,
or orientation and in-service train­
there was a large attendance at the
thus creating an area of medium
ing to acquaint them with this
picnic Sunday at Anderson park.
depth for use for swimming in­
school system.
About 150 signed the register and
struction. It was the opinion of
August 29, Wednesday, all dis­
it is known that a number of peo­
the council that the area on the
trict teachers will meet for a one-
ple failed to sign.
east side of the pool at the end of
day-in-service workshop.
A decision was reached to have
A meeting of the Jamboree awarded as follows: First, Horace North street formerly used for
At the meeting of the Vernonia
Lions club at Lew’s cafe Monday the picnic here again next year steering committee was held Mon­ Hertel; second, Tracy Hanson; instruction could still be used for
plans were made for the with the understanding that in day evening at the fire hall to third, Mr. Belmondo of Renton, that and that it was too near the
On the school calendar prepared
for the coming year, September annual ladies’ night which is case of rain a building will be audit and pay bills and hear re­ Washington; fourth, Robert Tur­ end of the season to make changes
ports from the various activities ner, Portland; fifth, Ronald Siever, now.
17 is listed as Columbia county scheduled for September 10 at the made available.
Election of officers saw Robert of the Jamboree week end. Also, Vancouver, Washington; sixth,
Information from Crown Con­
institute at St. Helens which will city park.
S. Lindsay named as president to suggestions for correcting various special prize, Joe Dennis.
struction company was that water
be a holiday for students. The
succeed Alvin Parker and Mrs. situations noted this year were put
The bagpipe band went to the lines in Second addition were pro­
two-day deer hunting vacation is group and friends to attend the
Lona Weidman named as secre­ on record.
after the parade to picnic gressing satisfactorily and that
set for October 1 and 2 to coincide
Portland August 25 at 8:30 p.m. A tary. She had filled out the past
As yet, there are some bills and but did not entertain as did the .«ewer lines were the next prob­
with the start of the season.
year for her son Robert after he some funds outstanding so a com­ one here last year, to the disap­ lem. A supplier for sewer pipe i»
Christmas vacation will be from section of seats is being reserved
joined the air force.
to be here this week to figure
plete financial statement could not pointment of many.
December 22 to January 1, inclu­ for Vernonia near the 50-yard line
material needed.
sive. There will be a spring vaca­
Other business included a change
tion, March 20 to 24 inclusive and group may secure tickets by con­
A report concerning the Tillicum not yht been all tabulated so win­
in names on a contract for a house
Trailer group revealed some in­
school is scheduled to close May
in the OA addition and instruc­
teresting figures. Over 50 trailers They will be given as soon as
31, 1963. High school graduation Tickets are $4.00 each.
tions of the recorder to notify
will be May 24.
were parked here for the event.
Concessions maintained by orga­ certain residents of defective side­
calendar was a visit of the St. Hel­
The group estimates that when
all seemed to have done walks which need repair. A de­
ens club to the Vernonia club Sep­
Harold Jensen has resigned as they have a 50 trailer encamp­ well. The Natal Grange mobile cision was reached to engage a
Parents of kindergarten stu­
Following the Monday evening Columbia county clerk, effective $1500 to $2000 in that town since kitchen was voted as <a good suc­ surveyor to lay out the extension
dents and first graders entering
as of August 10, and his resig­
of Idaho avenue in the Oregon-
school for the first time are re­ meeting, members of the club nation was accepted Wednesday of they plan to buy groceries, gas
American addition.
and other commodities there.
minded that the state requires went to the Scout cabin in the city last week by the county court.
400 names on its register and
Several sidelights mentioned
a health examination and a birth
Under the state law, the re­
many visited the building who did
certificate on a child’s first ad­ ing of he interior. The white un­ placement must be of the same which shows that the Friendship
not sign it. Names on it included
mittance to school. Children who
political party. Jensen is a Repub­ Jamboree is being recognized as the first manager of the original
attended the pre-school clinic in
a celebration include the attraction
Skaggs store to open here which
April got their required exami­ on the walls. Monday evening, the
to it of the itinerant painter who
later became the Safeway store.
nation there. For those who did
sen, who refused to be a candi­ set up Sunday at the logging show He was Harold Dissmore.
not attend the clinic, health cer­
date for re-election to the office, who stated he was from Calif, and
Members of riding clubs in
M r s . C a r l D a v i s , chair­
tificate forms may be obtained at of the ceiling this week.
accepted a position in the of­ the presence of the man with the man for the window displays, re­ Washington and Columbia counties
the school office if needed.
fice of Cy Cohn, Multnomah little ribbon bows who represented ported 18 displays given apprec­ will gather at Camp Wilkerson
Birth certificate applications to to Welch and to Cass Bergerson county clerk, and will move to himself as asking contributions for
iation ribbons. It is felt that an­ again this year for a Labor Day
the state health department for their assistance witn the paint­ Portland.
disabled veterans. He has been
other year more effort needs to be week end camp-out.
should be made in plenty of time
Jensen has served as county seen at parades at Forest Grove exerted to contact people with in­
Riders are to gather at Vernonia
given much time and effort.
to receive them.
clerk since August 1, 1954 when and elsewhere. Just who he does teresting hobbies or collections, Saturday morning, September 1,
Applications should go to the
he was appointed to succeed the represent is not a certainty. Also, asking them to make displays.
to leave at 10:00 a.m. for the ride
vital statistics section, Oregon
late Cecil Wickman, who resigned it is known that at least one pock­
Les Caron, 1962 chairman, ex­ to the camp with Bob Thompson
State Board of Health, P.O. Box
to become St. Helen’s postmaster. et was picked.
pressed his appreciation to all who in charge. Riders are advised to
231, Portland 7, Oregon and
Jensen ran for the office on the
Reports from the golf tourna­ worked to make the Jamboree a take along a sack lunch.
should be accompanied by the
regular ballot that fall and was ment are that between 25 and 30 success, including all the indi­
Meals at the camp will be served
proper fee, $1.00 for an abstract
elected and then re-elected four persons entered the Million Dol­ viduals who worked behind the by the Washington County Sher­
copy or $2.00 for a photocopy.
years later. ’
lar Golf tournament. Prizes were scenes and whose names perhaps iff’s Posse auxiliary for the fol­
are not known and have not been lowing price for meal tickets:
mentioned. In turn, the committee Adults, $5.00; under 12 years of
expresed appreciation to Mr. Caron age, $2.50. Price for single meals
for the good job of organization he will be $1.50. The cooks promise no
“We are going to give the peo­ the Stan Kramien Circus, this board and is in charge of the for 1962’s fair. This section is did this year.
beans, but plenty of potatoes.
ple of Columbia county the kind too entirely free and featuring grounds and buildings. He re­ printed on pink paper.
Those attending are to take their
own table service.
With only an exception or two,
of fair so many have been asking small animals, but even to the places Elmer Loyd who resigned
The Riders Association is spon­
for — a fair without a carnival,” elephant size. They will put on
soring a trophy for the club with
Mrs. Lydia Erickson will again year will be operated by county
stated Elsie Tracy, secretary of three shows daily, Thursday, Fri­
the most hor»?s and riders at the
be superintendent of the agricul­ residents or organizations.
the fair board, Tuesday. This day and Saturday, in the space tural department; Mrs. Florence
Any person or group wishing a
year’s 47th annual fair will be formerly occupied by a carnival. Tarbell of the culinary; Donald concession should contact Matt
August 23, 24 and 25 at the Deer
The only paid admission show Howard, poultry; Mrs. Agnes Erickson. Also any company wish­
The Vernonia JayCees met
Island fairgrounds.
planned for the fair is the eve­ Hovland, textile; Orville Oliver, ing to advertise at the fair is Thursday of last week to discuss
But Paul DeShazer, president, ning rodeo Friday and Saturday livestock; and Elmer Loyd will asked to contact Mr. Erickson.
projects which they will sponsor
and Matt Erickson, vice-president nights in front of the grandstand be in charge of the forestry ex­
New rest room and toilet facil­ for the betterment of the commun­
and treasurer of the three-man to which $1 will be charged.
hibit as well as the Christmas ities will await fair-goers this ity and to hear Dick Littler, state
board, hastened to emphasize that
This is an amateur rodeo from tree display. Mrs. Loyd will again year.
JayCee representative from this
this does not mean the fair will the Pacific Northwest and Chris­ have the floral building and Mrs.
A graduation ceremony will be
A new 14x20 building has been area and a member of the St. Hel­
be lacking in entertainment for tenson stock has been secured for Elva V. Goss is superintendent of constructed of concrete blocks ens club, explain the purpose of a held for the successful students of
they believe they have arranged the events which include bare- the art department; and Mrs. according to state specifications by JayCee organization as he showed the recent Hunter Safety course.
an outstanding program to enter­ back and saddle bronc riding, bull Pearl Becker will supervise the Kangas and Lahnala of Clatska­ slides.
At this time a guest speaker will
tain and at a very small cost, in milking, Oregon girl barrel racing hobby hall, in fact there will be nie. Joe Walker, county sanitarian,
The Vernonia group now has 20 give a short talk and present the
fact most of the entertainment is and there will be the clowns and two hobby halls this year, one has been supervising the work prospective charter members to­ students with their shoulder
free to those who pay the nominal bullfighters.
in the grange cottage and the which will be completed by the ward the 25 needed for chartering patches. The ceremony is to be
entrance fee.
Heck Harper of television fame other in the first aid building.
of a club. Other young men, aged held at the Vernonia fire hall at
middle of next week.
Headlining the free program will be the announcer both Fri­
Miss Grace Roumagoux is again
A new 1500 gallon 9eptic tank 18 to 36 who wish to be charter 7:00 p.m. Friday, August 10.
are the horse shows which will day and Saturday nights.
the nurse in charge of the chil­ has been installed. The new im­ members should contact Neil Zim­
Those successfully completing
be put on by the Columbia Riders.
The fair will not be all enter­ dren's clinic and emergency hos­ provement cost in the neighbor- merman, acting president or any the course in compliance with
The first of these is the Junior tainment, Mr. DeShazer says. pital.
hod of $5,000.
other member of the group at state law are: Rodney Price, Ron
horse show scheduled for Thurs­ Much work has already gone into
The premium lists for the fair
Florence Tarbell, superintendent once.
Shepard, Jerry Hays, Steven Pfoet-
day evening, August 22, then on securing bigger and better exhibits came off the presses this week of the fair, announces that a spec­
The next project to be tackled ter, Mark Medges, Edwin Sanders,
Friday and Saturday afternoons to be shown in the newly painted and are available from any mem­ ial award of 50 pounds of White by the club is the preparing of an Rodney Aldrich, Ken Lindsay and
will be the adult open horse buildings and remodeled inter­ ber of the fair board or may be Satin sugar will be awarded to the area at the swimming pool shallow Monte Enyart.
shows. All are in front of the iors.
obtained from the newspaper of­ contestant whose pastry is judged enough tor the younger age group
The Vernonia Hunter Safety
New personnel will be seen on fices in the county.
best of all entries with cakes, pies who are too large for the wading council extends an invitation to
Then, with special appeal to the fairgrounds. Matt Erickson of
The premium list has a com­ and cookies included. White Satin pool. Thu ia planned for the east parents and other interested per­
the young and young-in-heart, is Quincy is a new member of the plete program of the 4-H clubs sugar must be used.
aide of Rock Creek.
sons to attend.
Recognition Given at Society Picnic
Jamboree Wind-up Hears
Reports horn Chairmen
Lions Plan for
Future Events
Jensen Ends
Clerk Duties
Riding Clubs
Plan for Camp
County Fair to Open August 23 For Three-Day Annual Showing
JayCees Plan
New Projects
Hunter Safety
Course Ends