Money Order Warning Given Merchants and the general pub­ lic should be warned that cash­ ing a post office money order for a stranger is every bit as risky as cashing that person’s personal check. Literally thousands of money orders are stolen from post offices each year, and often the rubber stamp equipment to make them look authentic is either stolen at the same time, or duplicated illeg­ ally. A recent theft of several hun­ dred of the new style print punch money order forms and the issuing machine which prints the amount and punches in the value was ta­ ken at the same time from the Huntsville, Utah post office. Some of these were reported cashed. Too many people believe that a money order is good, because they are issued by the post office. Plan every move — and keep your thinking a day ahead of your work. Outboard Motor Oil In measure-marked Plastic Containers R A L P H 'S CHEVRON SERVICE Atlas Tires Batteries Accessories Motor Tune-up Auto Parts HAzel 9-6691 Let's Get Acquainted! AT THE CHURCHES Do You Know This Man? Bom July 18, 1920 at La Moure, North Dakota. Married June 9, 1945 at San Fran­ cisco. Came to Vernonia in 1946. Is now in business here. Holds an elective public office. Is active in church and commun­ ity affairs. Has several children. (Information supplied by J. W. Nichols.) Answer to last week’s quiz: Otto Siedelman, senior ci­ tizen in the Jamboree parade. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Third St., back of Miller's Store A. W. and Lillian Wilson, Ministers 9:45 a.m.—Bible school. B. L. Mitchell, director. Orchestra prelude. Classes for all ages. 11:00 a.m.—Morning worship 6:15 p.m. — NYPS second and fourth Sundays. Kenneth Mish- ler in charge. 7:00 p.m.—Evangelistic services. Lively singing of favorite songe Wednesday 7:00 p.m.—Midweek service. All are welcome to "The Homelike Church” Local Witnesses Go to Longview A delegation of some 20 Je­ hovah’s Witnesses of Vernonia congregation will attend the two- state three-day “Courageous Min­ isters district assembly” slated to start Friday, August 3 in Long­ view, Washington. Heading the local group will be La Moine Todd, presiding minis­ ter, who said that upwards of 6000 delegates from 100 congregations will receive advanced ministerial instruction from regional and na­ tional representatives of the Watchtower Bible and Tract So­ ciety, convention sponsor. The convention program will include talks, staged dramatiza­ tions, group discussions and dem­ onstrations all designed to impart advanced instruction in Bible teaching methods. Climaxing the Longview assem­ bly will be the free public talk on Sunday, August 5, at 3 p.m. Vernon C. Wisegarver, New York minister and direct representative of the world headquarters of Je­ hovah’s Witnesses, will speak on “Take Courage — God’s Kingdom Is at Hand.” Doctor: Have your eyes ever been checked Little girl: No sir, they’ve al­ ways been brown! LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES V. F. W. Regular meeting«: Fourth Wednesdays, 8 P.M. V.F.W. Hall. Donald George, Commander J. E. Ade, Adjutant 4-60 NEHALEM VALLEY COIN CLUB Meets last Thursday every month West Oregon Electric Auditorium, 7:30 P.M. Patricia Burns, President Richard Burns, Vice-president Ruth Steers, Secretary Ralph Bergerson, Treasurer VISITORS WELCOME 10-62 Knights of Pythias Hardings Lodge No. 116 Vernonia, Oregon I.O.O.F. Hall Second Monday of Each Month Jack Bergerson, Chancellor Commander Robert Wyckoff, Secretary Pythian Sisters Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall Second and Fourth Wednesday« of each month Cleo McNair, M.E.C. Cora Lange, Secretary 2-62 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 ¿ C V o . o . f . Meets Every Tuesday 8 P.M. Pete Wiederkehr. Noble Grand Lee Rogers. Sec. 1-63 MT. HEART REBEKAH LODGE NO. 243 Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings of each month In the I.O.OT. HalL Gertrude Schalock. Noble Grand June Ray, Secretary 3-63 American Legion VERNONIA POST 116 Meets Second 8: Fourth Fridays of each month. Horn, Commander Stiff, Adjutant AUXILIARY Second and Fourth Fridays Otilia Heckenliable, President Leah Stiff, Sec. _ _ _ _ _ _ J Vernonia Barracks Veterans of World War I Meets 4th Monday each month at the IOOF hall, 8 P.M. Art Gardner, Commander Carl Davis, Adjutant AUXILIARY Meets 4th Mon.. IOOF hall 8 p.m. Mabel Gardner, President Cora Lange, Secretary 7-62 VERNONIA LIONS CLUB MEETS FIRST AND THIRD MONDAY EACH MONTH 6:30 P.M., FIRE HALL John Jensen, President Neil Zimmerman, Sec. 3-62 IWA Local 5-14 Meets First and Third Thursdays 7:30 p.m. A.F.L. — C.I.O. Business Agent is at the hall, North and Washington Sts. third and fourth Thursday 10 ajn. to 12:30 p.m. 4-62 Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. 8. Regular municatioa first Wednesday of each month at Masonic Tem­ ple. All visiting sisters and broth, ers welcome. Isabelle Brunsman. W. M. Mona Gordon. Sec. 1-63 VERNONIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Board of Directors report to members quarterly. Board meets 2nd and 4th Mondays, 8:00 p.m., at West Oregon Electric office. Visitors invited. Robert C. Lindsay. President Mrs. Evelyn Heath. Secy., Mgr. Manager’s office, West Ore. Bldg. 7-62 A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 164 A. F. k A. M. meets at Masonic Temple. Stafkd ! Communication t h i r d Thursday of each month, at 6:00 p.m. rt B. Brunsman. W.M. y G. Sandon. Sec'y. 1-83 Logging Events P lea se Record Crowd j! a •'* w SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 2nd Ave. and Nehalem E. E. Stratton, Pastor Services on Saturday: 9:30 a.m.—Sabbath school. 10:45 a.m.—Preaching, mission­ ary programs, or Bible study VERNONIA EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Slate Avenue Raymond Targgart, Pastor 1768 N. Ainsworth. Portland, Ore. BUtler 5-8159 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. Carl Holsey, Sup’t. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. Nursery for small children. 6:00 p.m.—Youth Fellowship. 7:00 p.m.—Evening service. Wednesday 7:00 p.m.—Hour of power, pray­ er and Bible study. MIST-BIRKENFELD COMMUNITY CHURCH Sulo A. Sanders, Pastor Shirley Berg, Sunday School Superintendent At Blrkenfeld Community Center Sunday 9:45 a.m.—Sunday school for alL 11:00 a.m.—Family worship. Nur­ sery for pre-school children. Wednesday 7:45 p.m.—Prayer and Bible study. Saturday 7:30 p.m.—Youth Fellowship and recreation. At Mist Church 8:00 p.m.—Sunday evening, wor­ ship service. ASSEMBLY OF GOD 2nd and Maple W. C. Armstrong, Pastor 9:45 a.m., Sunday school. Clas­ ses for all ages. 11:00 a.m., Morning worship. 1:30 p.m., Evangelistic service. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday — Prayer meeting at the church. VERNONIA BIBLE CHURCH E. J. Ruff, Pastor First and Maple Sts. Gone Weller, Sunday School Supt. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday school 11:00 a.m.—Morning service. 6:30 p.m.—Classes for adults and high school age. 7:30 p.m.—Evening worship ser­ vice. 8:00 p.m.—Tuesday home study class. 9:30 a.m. Thursday—Ladies cot tage prayer at Virgil Snooks. 7:00 p.m. Thursday — Christian service brigade. VERNONIA BRANCH CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTER DAY SAINTS 925 Rose Avenue Branch Presidency — Elders Wil­ bur E. Wilson, Henry T. Hud­ son, and Clarence Updike. Sunday: 9:00 a.m. — Priesthood Convenes 10:30 a.m. — Sunday school. Robert E. McNair, Supt. 12:15 p.m. — Sacrament Service. Wilbur E. Wilson, presiding. Tuesday: 4:00 p.m. — Primary. Cleo Mc­ Nair, Pres. Thursday: 10:00 a.m. — Relief Society. Laura E. Carmichael, Pres. Visitors Welcome at All Meetings FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH North and Washington Sts. Bruce Roberts. Pastor HAzel 9 6522 9:45 a.m.—Bible school. Mrs. Ruth Sullivan, Sup’t. 11:00 a.m.—Morning worship. 6:00 p.m.—Chi Rho Fellowship 6:30 p.m.—Senior youth group 7:00 p.m. Bible study 7:30 p.m. Evening service ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC Rev. William Delplanche Bridge St. at 2nd Ave. First and Second Sundays, Mess Mase at 7:00 p.m. Third, Fourth Fifth Sundays, at 8:00 a.m. First Fridays, Mass at 7:00 p.m FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH A. K. Pevoto. Pastor A and Washington Si. Sunday services: 10 00 a.m. — Sunday school. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. 8-10 p.m. — Training Union. 7:15 p.m. — Evening service. THE LOGGING show Sunday afternoon, chair- manned by Ralph Keasey. drew a record atten­ dance and was enjoyed from start to finish. Some of the events are pictured here. Top left, log birl- ing in which Bill Bergerson placed first, Don Webb was second and Lynn Michener, third; top right, pole walking which resulted in first place for John Normand. second for Gene Weller and third, Chet Ray; middle left, power saw falling, in which Da­ vid Carson took first, Archie Dass. second and Del- mer Michener, third; center right, the two clowns (alias Bob Thompson and Homer Fuller) take a try at the log chopping which was won by Archie Fam ily Visits Portland Zoo BIRKENFELD—Mr. and Mrs. Jepson Lonnquist and family went to the zoo last Friday. Anna Hanberg stayed with Mrs. Reid’s mother Saturday while they were gone to the community 4-H day at Clatskanie. She also took care of the Lonnquist child. Mrs. Darrell Baksr was at the home of Mrs. Maud Rogers at Mist last Friday to play pinochle. Mrs. Ione Downs and Stevie of Portland spent the week end with her folks, the G. P. Wanstroms. Mrs. Downs returned home, leav­ ing Stevls here. She will return here aiid they will spend the rest of the week at the beach. Mrs. Flora Lustig of Detroit, Mich., arrived here Sunday for an indefinite visit with relatives. Visitors at the Robert Berg home over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Billy Barty of Los Angeles and Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Siska of Portland. Sunday they all went to the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Arby Mills spent Sunday at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Richardson and his mother, Elsa Richardson spent last week at Seaside. Clyde Johnson is doing some carpenter work on the foundation of Lloyd Beaches house. IT PAYS TO READ THE ADS! Dass, first, Lynn Michener, second and George Brown, third; bottom left, power saw bucking, which ended with David Carson in first place, Mel­ vin Parrish in second and Chet Ray in third: bot­ tom right, the parachute jump thrilled everyone with the skill of the chutist in maneuvering the chute to an almost perfect landing. Other logging events were truck backing, won by Bud Gibson, first. Archie Dass. second and Chet Ray. third, and ax throwing in which Delmer Michener placed first. Bill Sword, second and Chet Ray. third. The sweepstakes trophy for high points, or all-around logger went to Archie Dass. Baptists Slate Guest Speaker Reverend Robert Crider from Alabama will be the guest speak­ er Sunday morning at 11:00 o’clock at the First Baptist church at Washington and A streets, accord­ ing to Reverend A. K. Pevoto, pastor of the church. Sunday ev­ ening, Mr. and Mrs. Crider will have charge of the song service and an invitation is extended to everyone to come and help sing. Rev. and Mrs. Crider are here to assist with the vacation Bible school which will start next Mon­ day, August 6 at 8:30 a m. and ex­ tend through next week There will be classes for children aged three through 15 and the activities will include Bible stories, charac­ ter stories, handcraft, fun and food. It is open to all children who wish to attend. Denton i a Eagle THURSDAY. AUG. 2, 1962 Crabbing - Clamming • Skin Diving ANTLER COURTS Netarts, Oregon Bud and Ilene Larson "Not Fancy — But Clean" LOW RATES Couples $5 00 and up Families $6.00 and up Walar Skiing • Plahlng - Boating DRIVE WITH ASSURANCE . . . the assurance of top performance from your car when it gets Union Minute-Man Service BOB'S U N IO N S E R V IC E 7