a ¿ m a i.g j .m » v in w — n a i -gy î o i i -r n » —- < i t v» A i -nvr r»»1fiA»>—-< CQASl-IO-CQA a m a r a r 5 -rT ö ^ c ä j STORES/ FRIGIDAIRE DOLLAR DAYS SALE BIGGER SAVINGS THAN EVER 30" DeLuxe Electric Model RD-38-62 Speed-Heat surface unit. Auto­ matic Cook-Master can start and stop oven—Unlimited heat sett­ ings from simmer to high! Frigi­ daire dependability $6Y J 4A95 too!—Only Leonard 14 cu. ft. dhl". door refrigerator. Mod.“ * MA1011. Reg. $349.95, With $ 6 )1 7 0 8 8 Trade Li i O ’2 4 9 F R I G I D A IR M e ta llic Gold or Silver IIT T F P ”1- RASKFT A lum inate IR O N IN G BOARD C O V E R Assorted S T O V E B O L TS Cross Type FA U C ET HANDLE E A rm strong Budgetone vinyl floor covering. Square $-j 29 Yard 1 Congoleum vinyl Fore­ cast floor covering. Square $ -| 59 Yard ± 9x12 Linoleum $p*95 Rugs, Only____ O Product of G eneral Motors Group 1 Batteries. 36 month guar. $-J 6 )9 9 Exchange ... A AM 2 2 x 2 9 Inch CARPENTERS A PR O N Goulds balanced flow shallow well system. No tank, no extras. $ 1 /Y J 85 C o ast-K ing S a fe -F le x B IK E IN N E R T U B E S A ll M etal C H A L K L IN E R E E L 10 Piece S O C K ET W RENCH SET 4 Inch Round DOOR M IR R O R 3 - 1 /4 Inch Cut HA LF HATCHET 36 Inch Single and Double B it AXE HANDLES 12 Foot Steel T A P E RU LE 3 / 4 x 2 4 Inch W R E C K IN G BAR 5 - 3 /4 Inch R E P A IR M A N ’ S REAMER Bore-In Type C ast Iron C E M E N T E D G E R & SCREW & STORM C E M E N T G R O O V E R DOOR L A T C H 4-Piece Bowl Set EXHAUST E X T E N S IO N $-g 00 Coast to Coast Top quality titanium house Paint. White $£»39 only Gal. O Full 50-ft. garden hose. Green, plastic & flex­ ible. W ithstands w ea­ ther, sunlight and stor­ age. Lightweight and easy to handle. Reg. $2.49 — $6)19 Now Only «4 Ad/uitabl»! ALUMINUM CHAISE LOUNGE Regularly $^Q B 8 $14.95, Now Folding Alum Arm $ß88 Chair. Reg. $7.95, Only WE 7-Pc. M etalcraft Din­ ette set. $99.95 Value. Special 95 Only 5-Pc. Set. $79.95 9.95 Val. v¡ Special $ / • 4 95 Only *84 64 Revolving Lawn Sprinklers Priced from 'c 85' HXHZHZHZ up PHONE HA 9-5651 ZHZHZHZH ■ Commercial farmers and garden­ ers frequently complain that prob­ lems of insects and diseases are becoming more numerous, making the production of plants and ani­ mals more and more difficult. W hether they are serious or joking, this analysis of the situation is actually true. ‘ A good point in example occur red a couple weeks ago when Oernonia Eagle THURSDAY, JULY 26. 1962 C O A S T -T O -C O A S T STORKS By DON COIN WALROD County Extension Agent AROUND THE FARM UTILITY PAN uu»«te"í«s» VERNO NIA , ORE. T < T L U Ä 1 X TAK i M.IT> — « C U i A f H.4 -T A i< U L H > — Archie Newbold, St. Helens, re­ ported having difficulty w ith his garden peas. Upon examination, we found them infested with a very small weevil. Entomologists at Oregon State University identi­ fied them as larvae of the pea leaf weevil. Long know in Europe as a pest of legumes, the pea leaf weevil was first found in North America in 1936 on the southern tip of Vancouver Island, British Colum­ bia. By 1940, the insect had moved to the adjacent San Ju a n Islands of Washington. In 1942 it was WRENCH SET, BROOM Set O w o lity of g ra d u a te d strength, d u ra b ility . fe r » -.< r lT S S’ Heavy guage gal­ vanized pan with smooth rolled edg­ es and corrugated bottom. 16 inch diameter, 4 inches deep. cern broom Five tew ed t e e m » .em m w . m e » . i : n found on the mainland. A fter pro­ gressing southward at an average rate of 15 miles per year, the wee­ vil reached the Eugene area of Oregon. A pparently natural conditions of tim ber - covered mountain ranges have tended to confine the insect to the valley areas of south­ western British Columbia and W estern Washington and W estern Oregon. Pathologists in the OSU plant clinic report that the trouble was caused by a fungus and that was the first time that the particular fungus had been found on the Can­ by variety. The pathologists felt that the unusually wet cool spring 4 wrenches tre a te d fo r J eatre »trengtl* A PRIVILEGE had a great deal to do w ith the development of the disease. Fortunately, control in this case is not very difficult. An appli­ cation of lime-sulfur, mixed 1 to 10 about December 1 and a second spray just before the new growth starts—probably the latter part of March, is recommended. Red raspberry problems have been rather numerous this year. Again the type of spring we had probably had a great deal to do w ith it. As a result of the com­ plaints that have come in, we have discovered that many folks have omitted this dormant lime-sulfur spray. While we may get by some years, these sprays are pretty im ­ Large and Full of Juice ■b 15c 8 For $1 6 25c 5c 10c S I». Cello Bags ' " Ea. Order Your Canning Apricots Now! Standard Dairy Products COTTAGE CHEESE............ Pi. 4 ) g c ORANGE DRINK....... Hall Gal. ORANGE DRINK TOILET TISSUE H i-C "J $1 -n 12 $1 16-oz. Cans M -D - Colors jê For Rolls Libby’s 21-oz. Can BEEF STEW CATSUP WESSON OIL TOMATO JUICE Standby 65 49c 39C 65c 4 $1 For 1 l o z. I lo l t le Extra Large ÎS-oz. Size Cottage 16-oz. Tin* For CURL S GROCERY Eat Better—Buy More— Spend Lee*—When You Shop Here! H A 9-6341 D e liv e rie s 3:00 P .M . V e rn o n ia sill cock newable fiber disc. up 17 percent and carpet wool up 7 percent. Imports of dutiable raw wool during the first quarter of this year were substantially above those of a year earlier. Because wool is considered a strategic m a­ terial for our nation, Incentive pay­ ments are made to wool growers as a means of encouraging greater production. Funds used in making these incentive payments are de­ rived from import duties charged against foreign wool coming into the nation. Wool growers participating in this incentive program will reosive checks from the ASCS office this week. Dubuque Picnics W eighs 3-Lbs. — EACH .................... Pure Cane 25 $2 brass CANNED HAMS $ |8 5 SUGAR For All or lawn faucet. Re­ CURL’S GROCERY— W here Your Dollar B uys More. Air Conditioned for your com fort while shopping at our Store. W e strive to please. C and H Enjoy Farm -Fresh Fruits and V egetables from Curl’s The Produce Center of Vernonia LAWN FAUCET AN D A PL E A SU R E TO U V E IN VERNO NIA portant to continued success. Lime sulfur is one of our easier sprays to apply and it ie not very costly, either. Market reports indicate that wool sales last week amounted to 175,000 pounds of graded medium wool at 52 cents, on a grease basis, w ith common and braid grades at 45 cents. In addition, about 50,000 pounds of mixed lamb and ewe wool was contracted at 45 cents for August delivery in Portland. Dsmestic consumption of wool during thef irst three months of 1962 was about 140 million pounds compared to 123 million pounds during the same period a year ago. The use of apparel wool was JAMBOREE SPECIALS BANANAS CANTALOUPES LEMONS GREEN PEPPERS CARROTS l-l. Aluminum SPRA Y P A IN T DELIVER Brunsman Hardware and Elec. 8 L eve r Type FAUC ET HANDLE For A ll Faucets JET AERATOR SUGAR WAFERS - » X 39c ZEE TOWELS 2 X 4 - $ l