Jack Lindsley Serving On Seventh Fleet Ship Jack R. Lindsley, electronics technician s?aman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon M. Lindsley of Timber route is serving aboard the dock landing ship USS Mon­ ticello, which has joined the sev­ enth fleet in the Western Pacific which will visit ports in the Phil­ ippines, Japan and Hong Kong. She is one of the Navy’s most mo­ dern amphibious ships, having the capability to carry numerous as­ sault crafts, troops and helicop­ ters. Coin Club Postpones Meeting for Jamboree The Nehalem Valley Coin club, which usually meets the last Thursday of each month, will dis­ pense with the July meeting due to the nearness of the Friendship Jamboree for which the club is arranging a window display. Reg­ ular meetings will resume next month, according to Mrs. R. M. Burns, president. IT PAYS TO READ THE ADS! N e w / SAFE DRIVERS SAVE ON HARTFORD FAMILY AUTO INSURANCE! H artford’s Fam ily Auto Insurance will provide you with broad protection — at substantial savings — if you have a good driving record. And with the H artford name on your policy there need be no doubt about the quality of your insurance. Call our office now to see if you qualify for savings on the finest auto insurance you can buy! I BILL I. HORN ! i ; ; • Vernonia Insurance Exchange Phone HA 9-6203 905 Bridge Street Vernonia Oregon The FFA tour group in Europe in which Leonard Schmidlin is included is completing three days in Paris during which they made tours of both the modem Paris and the historical Paris, and spent two full days in agriculture visits and meetings. Tomorrow, Friday, July 27, they leave at 8:00 a.m. for Prague, Czechoslovakia where they will be met by CEDOK, the official Czech travel bureau which assists with customs formalities and transfer to the Zlata Husa hotel. That af­ ternoon they will visit a state farm. Saturday, July 28, after break­ fast in the Prague hotel, they will visit the Zvirostice collective farm, have lunch there and then go to Slapy Dam and Konopiste castle. Sunday, July 29, they will tour the beautiful old city of Prague. Monday they will depart aboard Hungarian airlines for Budapest, Hungary where they will spend three days. Two days are reserved for agricultural visits and meet­ ings, including a full day in the country with lunch on a farm. There will also be time for sight­ seeing in the city. August 3, they go from Budapest to Warsaw, Poland, the third and last of the three Iron Curtain countries to be visited. Again/ their two days there will include agricultural visits and meetings and city tours. Monday, August 6, they will fly from Warsaw to Copenhagen, Denmark for a bonus visit to an extra city. There they will be the guests of the Scandinavian air­ lines. During their free time there, one of the attractions suggested is the amusement park unlike any found elsewhere, the fabulous Ti­ voli Gardens. They will have a guided tour of the city of Copen­ hagen August 7 before departure at 6:00 p.m. for New York. The flight from New York to Portland will be made August 8 with a one hour stopover in Chi­ cago. Details of the trip are being given so those who helped to make it possible for Leonard may fol­ low his schedule and know what he is doing. He will be interviewed after his return so that his impres­ sions on the trip may be told to everyone. SUNSET SHELL SERVICE WELCOME TO VERNONIA AND THE FRIENDSHIP JAMBOREE. THIS IS A »:• GOOD HOME TOWN, IF YOU DECIDE 3 3 TO LOCATE HERE 3 3í SEE US BEFORE YOU BUILD I V "Always Top Quality For Less" I Ï Building - Remodeling - Building Supplies Ï I Component Homes - Cabinets I $ 3 ïI WELCOME TO VERNONIA Our Favorite Place To Live I I ♦ We Hope You Enjoy Your Visit Here! V Where people are friendly and forests and streams offer relaxation and plea­ sure. I Officers Seated By Auxiliary The American Legion and aux­ iliary held joint installation of of­ ficers at the Legion hall Friday evening, July 13. Prior to the installation, a very impressive ceremony was held in which the charter Was draped for Mrs. Ruby Biggs and Mrs. Alvina Sturdevant, members who had passed away just recently. Mem­ bers formed a cross and each one had a part in the ceremony which closed with the Twenty-third Psalm, a prayer and the singing of the hymn, The Old Rugged Cross, by Mrs. Earl M. Ray. Officers for the auxiliary were installed by District President Irene Towne with the assistance of the Past Presidents drill team. Those seated were President, Mrs. Fred Heckenliable; first vice-pres­ ident, Mrs. Justin Folken; second vice-president, Mrs. James Harri­ son; treasurer, Mrs. Harry Culbert­ son; secretary, Mrs. Loren E. Stiff; ssrgeant-at-arms, Mrs. Charlie Biggs. Mrs. Heckenliable presented gifts to Mrs. Towne and to Mrs. Stiff, outgoing president. There were guests present from Banks, Forest Grove and Seaside. The potluck suppers which the auxiliary has held jointly with the Legion post each fourth Friday of the month, have been discon­ tinued for the summer months and their resumption will be an­ nounced later. IT PAYS TO READ THE ADS! ORVEL & JUANITA EDWARDS VERNONIA - HA 9-3715 » The state educational television network, stations KOAC and KOAP, and the state department of education are presenting at 7:30 p.m., PST, on August 1, a 60-minute television program on the use of educational television in the classroom. The program is a production of the Midwest Program for Airborne Television Instruction (MPATI) and was developed for use by schools participating in that pro­ ject. It consists of four segments. The first segment gives an ov­ erview of the school and its fa­ cilities; the second segment shows pre-telecast activities in the class­ room; the third segment features a telecast of an MPATI lesson in science, intermediate grade; and the fourth segment presents class­ room follow-up activities. Support Your Vernonia Friendship Jamboree! 2 mile east Staley’s Junction on Sunset Highway Crown Construction Co. V Program to Give View of Telecast Teaching Schmidlin Trip Itinerary Given STANDARD OIL COMPANY JOE AND TRUDY MAGOFF Shower Is Given For Bride-Elect Twenty ladies gathered at the home of Mrs. Dan Lawler last Fri­ day evening to honor Miss Ann Cameron at a bridal shower. A corsage of rosebuds was presented to Miss Cameron when she ar­ rived. The guests placed their gifts on the dining room table which was gaily decorated with streamers, balloons and tablecloth all in the bride-to-be’s chosen col­ ors of pink and white. A word game and a game test­ ing memory and observation were enjoyed by the guests with Mrs. Faith Reynolds and Mrs. Joyce DeHart winning the prizes. Unknown to Miss Cameron, the expressions and comments she made while opening the many lovely gifts were recorded by Mrs. Lawler who later read them to the group uder the heading of "Monologue of a Happy Bride-to- be.” This proved to be amusing and entertaining. Co-hostesses Mrs. Betty Elton and Mrs. Violet Gortler and Mrs. Lawler served the refreshments. A three-tiered cake, decorated with pink rosebuds and topped with a wedding hell, was cut and served with strawberry ice cream and coffee. Pink and white nut cups added to the decor. The remainder of the evening, Ann enjoyed visiting with friends and classmates. Mrs. Marjorie Carson was a surprise guest, hav­ ing arrived the same day from Arizona. Other out-of-town guests were Mrs. Joyce DeHart and Mrs. Harriet Light of Portland. Ralph Bergersons Home From Interesting Trip Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bergerson and family have returned from a weeks vacation to Bend, Lake- view, Reno, Lake Tahoe, San Le­ andro and San Francisco. Some of the visits were with Mr. and Mrs. Randall Craig, Bend; Mr. and Mrs. Scott McDonald, Lakeview; Mr. and Mrs. Russell N. Bunch, San Leandro; and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest D. Wade of San Francisco. Near Lake Tahoe, the annual highway 50 covered wagon train was encountered. While taking pictures, Mrs. Bergerson was in­ vited to ride a few miles in one of the historic stage coaches by some business ladies of Placerville. The most interesting vehicle was the 10-mule-team covered wagon. This caravan starts at Vir­ ginia City, Nevada and continues to Placerville, California past Lake Tahoe and over the high Sierras and takes several days. The Bergersons took tours through Oakland Fairyland, San Francisco Zoo, China Town, Nob Hill, Mission and Market Streets and Oakland outdoor amphithea­ ter. I Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, Res. Managers Phone HAzel 9-6611 3 i Open Six Days a Week I I 3 Î Ï »5 V V $ •5 For all insurance needs let us solve your problems. Car. Liability, Hospital, Fire, Theft—All types of insurance available. Vernonia Insurance Exch. Bill J. and Reatha Horn HAzel 9-6203 Veernonia. Oregon <8 :8 . V . V I 8 8 í 8 W E LC O M E To The 1962 Vernonia 1 s FRIENDSHIP JAMBOREE While here be sure to visit Phone HA 9-6058 At Mile Bridge, Riverview 24-Hour Mortuary Service BEN'S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work- F R IE N D S H IP JA M B O R EE DRY GOODS NOTIONS — GIFTS VERNONIA. HILLSBORO. FOREST GROVE The initiatory degree was con­ ferred on Allen Chester Ray and Earl M. Ray, sons of Mr. and Mj-s. Allen Ray of Mist route, at the meeting of the Vernonia Odd Fel­ lows lodge Tuesday evening ¡of last week. They will be given the first de­ gree this evening, July 26, -at Clatskanie. Visitors here last Tuesday eve"n- ingg were as follows: Clatskanie, four; Kelso, four; Warrenton, two and Kittitas, Washington, one. Twenty members of the Vernonia lodge turned out for the degree work. Following the meeting, refresh­ ments were served by Mrs. Marie Atkins and Mrs. Ella Wood. Insure yourself and your guests a full measure of pleasure by attending all events of the Vernonia Riverview Vernonia’s nicest suburb and Fuiten's Chapel in the Hills I Ray Brothers Receive * Degree from Odd Fellows Vernonia. Oregon HENRY & POLLY HUDSON FIRE, AUTO AND CASUALTY INSURANCE LINES 3 For Results Use Eagle Classifieds Blount Family Attends Paper Company Picnic MIST—Mrs. Albert Blount and children spent from Thursday to Sunday afternoon at Amboy, Washington where Mr. Blount is employed. They enjoyed a picnic at Louisville Park sponsored by the International Paper Co. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Garlock en­ tertained Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sim­ mons and family and Mr. Ander­ son of Clatskanie Sunday evening with a picnic dinner on their lawn. Demon ia Eagfe THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1962 Nehalem Service Station ! •I ’A 'S •s ••i :8 :8 :8 ’8 . V which offers SIGNAL GAS — GREEN STAMPS COURTEOUS SERVICE LLOYD CALLISTER, PROPRIETOR •j f t .x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x í o x o x » : « : « » » 1 Red Hot Friendship Jamboree Specials I Also the Following Mixes Available— • Chocolate Malt, Black Walnut^ Lemon Velvet, Dark Chocolate,- Milk Chocolate, Toasted Coco- nut, Toffee Swirl, and French Vanilla. ♦ 1 ♦ 8 3 GOLD MEDAL FLOUR »»»98c 45c BRIQUETS X ™ HEINZ KETCHUP — . 25c 37c BISQUICK — .m WAX PAPER 5 - $1.00 Sl°° Pkgs. PANCAKE FLOUR 49c GREEN BEANS " 689c MEDIUM OLIVES £ £ 3 - $1 SALAD DRESSING - : , 49c APPLE S A U C E 'X M l S A M ’ S FO O D ST O R E FREE D E L I V E R Y ----------- PHONE HA 9-5501