COTTAGE CATS MEOW Friendship Jamboree Specials CAT B FOOD | $3.39 14s? *1 2 55 /I Cc For Jr ^f Rf ★ ★ HI For ’if /|Q< "¡J O ^Jr E C LEMONADE |4| OQc 5. ™ 1 ^f ^f CHEESE 19 Darigold Brand — PINT CARTON Case of 48 Dirge Size For Tomatoes 1 Fancy Slicers 1 i KAISER ALUMINUM Cookies Foil O Lb. Meat Department C Q c 12-Inch Roll Com Oil N E STL ES CHOCOLATE TASTEWELL— Vernonia’s Favorite Spread Mazola.................. U i-Q t. Bottle Chips Margarine C Pork and Beans H'/j-oz. Pkg............... Cantaloupe » NEW! NABISCO PEANUT KLUSTER For 71 1- Lb. Pkgs............. CROWN’S ZEE WAX EARLY CALIF. PITTED RIPE Paper O Q R i 100-Ft. Roll Oregon Chief Skinless Shrimp Lb. 2 111. S lic e d o r ( ' h u n k Bacon 7 9 ^ tfcjg $115 Boneless Bar B.Q. Lb. Charles Eversaul of Estacada was in Vernonia Sunday and cal­ led on Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nichols. He reported that he is now suf­ ficiently recovered from his heart attack to plan on returning to work before long. Company last week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Frank were their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Murvel Frank from The Dalles and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Sprecher from HilLsboro. Kenneth Frank remained this week to vis­ it his grandparents through the Jamboree. RUMMAGE SALE. Fri. & Sat., Aug. 3 & 4. Fire hall. Nehalem Social Club. 2912c Mrs. Linwood Reynolds of Tim­ Pineapple •J o i/ T h e a tr e THE VERNONIA EAGLE Alice Love Jam ) I This issue is designed to help you enjoy it fully. Why not let it bring you news, pictures and ad savings every week? $ I SUBSCRIPTIONS: In the Valley—$3.00 per year Mrs. Leona Haverland came home last Thursday from Tuality hospital where she had undergone surgery on Monday RUMMAGE SALE, Fri. & Sat., Aug. 3 & 4. Fire hall. Nehalem Social Club. 2912c Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tipton spent from Saturday, July 14 to Wednes­ day of last week at Seattle visit­ ing her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Anardy. They made the trip to Seattle with Mrs. Tipton’s daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dick May and Mrs. Tipton took care of her grand­ daughter while the Mays attended Let's Get Acquainted! Do You Know This Man? His parents came from Germany and were on the ship crossing the Atlantic ocean for 90 days. They settled in the Iowa colonies and he was born there May 11, 1871. The family came to Oregon and settled at Bethany when he was 16. When he was 18, his mother, then a widow, came to this area and homesteaded about six miles from Vernonia. His older bro­ ther took an adjoining home­ stead. He was too young to take up a claim. He married in Portland when he was 26 years old. He and his wife had six sons and a daughter. One son passed away and four sons and a daugh­ ter still live in this area. One son lives in Portland. He remembers walking to Port­ land via the Hershey ranch trail, in one day. He also remembers walking to Buxton and carrying supplies in on his back. At the age of 90, he fought a fire single handed and contained it until the forest service arrived. He has 9 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. Answer to last week's quiz: Clar­ ence Nance. Kansas Picnic Set All former Kansas residents are invited to attend the annual Kan­ sas State picnic Sunday, August 5, at Jantzen Beach park in Portland. It is to be held in area 5 and games and prizes are being ar­ ranged. Persons wishing more in­ formation may contact Vera Peck, secretary, 15960 SW 74th, Port­ land, MEcury 9-3052. Guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schalock were her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wilhelm and three year old daughter Diane who left Monday to return to their home in Lincoln, Nebraska. Mrs. Verner Blount returned home Sunday from Louisiana where she had spent the past two months with her sister and Elsewhere—$3.50 per year NEHALEM VALLEY { MOTOR FREIGHT { brother at Deridder and her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chadwick in New Or­ leans. One of the highlights of her stay was attending the wed­ ding of her grandson Jimmie Chadwick. Mr. and Mrs. Art OslTander drove to Forks, Washington on the Olympic peninsula Wednesday morning of last week to attend funeral services for her sister. They returned home that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson and family from Port Orford arrived here Monday to visit until after the Jamboree with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Han­ son and brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Schwab and their families. Mrs. Wm. White and two chil­ dren visited last week at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Emmons who took them to their home at Roseburg last Friday then spent the week end visiting Mrs. Emmon’s grand­ mother after which they went to Medford to visit former Vernonia residents, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Fol- lis. last Thursday from Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Sunday, they attended a family gathering of Mrs. Rey­ nold’s relatives at a 25th wedding anniversary observance in Port­ land. The Carsons are spending part of this week at the fair in Seattle but will return here Fri­ day for the reunion of her high school class Friday evening and the week end Jamboree events. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McEntire and Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Bateman and Kenny vacationed last week at Coquille and Coos Bay. They visited with the Bill Vlcek and John Heenan families at Coquille. They had good fishing luck, also. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Towne were called to Selah, Washington last week end due to the illness of his mother. Word was received Tuesday that she had passed away. Time for the services had not been set. A A During the Jamboree J visit NANCE'S RUMMAGE SALE. Fri. & Sat., Aug. 3 & 4. Fire hall. Nehalem Social Club. 29t2c Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reynolds ANTIQUE SHOP Former Hoffman Bldg. Open Sunday, too, for your enjoyment. are enjoying a visit from their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Carson, who arrived BACK-TO-SCHOOL-NEEDS GIRLS Skirts — Blouses — Sweaters BOYS Jeans — Anklets — Shirts — Tennis Shoes WESTERN STORE CHECK YOUR FILM AND HAVE PLENTY ON HAND For The 8MM COLOR Processing.. Huy 127 Kodacolor Film — Process Included RECEIVE 127 CAMERA $2.98 FREE C A N N IN G FULL LINE OF ALL FILM SIZES A P R IC O T S Complete Line of Suntan Lotions WE H U E THEM NOW FOR EATING OR CANNING 1 Free Deliveries Twice Daily 10 A.M. and 3 P M JA M BO REE Phone HA 9-3462 BRING CONTAINERS 8 9 $ HA 9-3492 C C t the fair. The crowds scared the Tiptons away from the fair but they took a look at the space needle. Enroute home they visited Rainier National Park, also. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Towne had as their overnight guests Wednes­ day of last week, her niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Carl De- Wing from Fresno, California who were enroute home from the Se­ attle fair. Mrs. R. F. Chetwood has com­ pleted her move from Vernonia to Portland and is at present in an apartment at 2157 W. Burnside St., apartment 4. Her home here on Washington street has been sold to Mr. and Mrs. Merrill An­ derson of West Richland, Wash­ ington who moved in this week. Guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Bowerman were Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Tuttle of Milwaukie. Mr. and Mrs. Loel Roberts and Mrs. Macile Grady were at Ne­ tarts last week end to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Hieber. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hawkins at Tillamook. On their return home Sunday evening Mrs. Grady brought news to Mrs. L. G. Bowerman that her sister, Mrs. W. P. English and husband from Tex­ as had arrived Saturday evening at the Hieber home to visit them and her mother, Mrs. Anna Wall. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ruhl from Forest Grove and her sister, Miss Charlene Durant, from Los An­ geles visited Friday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest East. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson were in Portland Monday evening and while in a restaurant near Good Samaritan hospital, they met John Kirk who told them he had just taken his wife, Clara, to Good Samaritan for treatment of an infection which had come on quite suddenly. extends a welcome to alt who attend the FRIENDSHIP JAMBOREE You're As Close to the Mill Market As Your Telephone R f 2- Lb. Jar...................................... all went to Newberg to visit another sister, Mrs. Vida Jones. Oernonia Ea