Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, July 26, 1962, Image 1

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    lib r a r y , U o f O
Named Head
Of JayCees
A group of young men, aged 18
through 36, are in the process of
instituting here a Jaycees com­
munity service organization. They
now have about two thirds of the
25 persons required to obtain a
charter and effect permanent or­
ganization, but they are tentative­
ly organized and active on com­
munity projects while awaiting for
formal institution.
At their first public meeting
called Tuesday of last week at the
Keasey Saw Shop, the following
officers were named: Neil Zim­
merman, president: Stan Enevold-
sen, secretary; Larry Johnson,
public relations: Paul Weidman,
Don Wantland, Les Caron, Ralph
Keasey, Norm Axeman and Cal­
vin Bass, committee members.
Projects which the group have
carried out to date include the
sponsoring of the bus to take the
band to Seaside last) Saturday
which was a big success. The
sign on the bus proclaimed it as
“The Biggest Little Band in All
the Land.”
Other projects include assist­
ing the Lions club and Jamboree
committee with construction of the
bleachers which will be used Sat­
urday at Anderson park, then
moved by the Jaycees to the city
park for use on Sunday. The group
also plans participation in the Jam­
boree parade Saturday and a
dunk-tank concession for the week
Another project planned is as­
sistance to the life guard at the
pool with instruction in swimming
and watching swimmers. Also,
clean-up plans are being formu­
lated to help in beautifying the
Entries Asked
For 2nd Fair
Entries in the second annual
community fair, sponsored by Na­
tal Grange with Mrs. Laura Car­
michael and Mrs. Ruth Steers in
charge, will be accepted from 9:00
a.m. Thursday morning to 9:00
o’clock that evening and until
noon Friday.
Blue, red and white ribbons will
be given in each category includ­
ing fancy work, knitting, crochet­
ing, tatting, garments, hobbies,
both junior and senior, flowers,
including potted plants, cut flow­
ers, arrangements, novelty con­
tainers; vegetable plates, fruits,
baked things, including breads,
cakes, pies and cookies; candies,
canned fruits and vegetables, jelly
and jams, pickles and other items.
Men are invited to enter cakes
in a special contest. Also, there
will be special classifications for
4-H sewing and cooking.
The fair attracted much atten­
tion last year and it is hoped there
will be more entries this year. It
is being held in the former Miller
store building.
Society Invited Here
Dr. and Mrs. T. M. Hobart and
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Buell will be
hosts Thursday of next week, Au­
gust 2, to the Northwest Oregon
Osteopathic Society which has
been invited to Vernonia for a
day of golf, bowling, picnicking
and swimming. Due to that fact,
neither doctor will be in the clin­
ic that day.
Demonia Sagte
Friday Events Open Sixth
Annual Jamboree Affair
An outstanding evening of en­
tertainment is promised Friday
VOLUME 40, NUMBER 30____________ VERNONIA, OREGON____________ THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1962 evening at the Journal Juniors
variety show which is the kick­
off event for the sixth annual Ver­
nonia Friendship Jamboree. The
show will take place at 8:00 p.m.
at the Washington grade school
and features the traveling troupe
which approximates professional
entertainment. Those who saw the
show last year are enthusiastic
about seeing them again.
During the evening, the queen
will be announced and crowned.
The three princesses are Toni
Monaco, Patti Chandler and Suzi
Alexander and they have been
making numerous public appear­
ances advertising the Jamboree.
Last Thursday they attended a
tea at historic McLaughlin House
at Oregon City. Saturday, they
participated in the Miss Oregon
Pageant parade at Seaside. Tues­
day of this week they were heard
over KOHI radio at St. Helens
and Wednesday over KUIK radio
at Hillsboro.
The queen and her court will
reign over the Saturday and Sun­
day events of the Jamboree, in­
cluding the parade at 11:00 a.m.
Saturday, the horse show in An­
derson park Saturday afternoon,
the dance at the Legion hall Sat­
urday evening at which they will
be honored and presented with
gifts and the logging show in the
city park Sunday afternoon.
The city of Vernonia began tak­
ing on a festive air this week as
windows and buildings were read­
ied for displays. The Vernonia
Gem and Fossil club will have a
rock and agate show again this
year in the Nance building at
which local agates will be featured.
A rock table will be on display,
THE COURT and chaperone for the Vernonia
Princess Patti Chandler and Mrs. T. M. Hobart,
Friendship Jamboree looked like this just before
official chaperone. They were taken to Seaside
The community fair in the for­
leaving last Saturday for Seaside to appear in the
and driven in the parade by Craig Davies in a
mer Miller store building, under
Miss Oregon Pageant parade. They are, from left.
Chev convertible provided by the Vernonia Auto
sponsorship of Natal Grange, will
Princess Toni Monaco, Princess Suxi Alexander
The band, court and drill team receive entries up to noon Friday.
came home from Seaside Saturday Items will be judged Friday after­
noon so that ribbons will be in
with three ribbons, an honorable
mention ribbon for the court, a place when the doors open Satur­
third place ribbon for the drill day morning. Fancy work, sewing,
team and a third place ribbon for handcraft, cooking, produce, can­
ning and all usual fair items are
the color guard and band.
Hey. kids, are those fishing
People are often accused of run­
Men and boys are in­
The drill team was made up of
poles ready and your bait cans
vited to enter cakes in the cate-
ning from work but few have the
15 girls in blue sweaters, white gorie reserved for them.
filled? All of you, up to 11
excuse one employe of the Crown
• ------------------------------------e
years of age, are invited to the
Zellerbach Tree Farm had recent­
Tillicum Trailers began moving
big fisheree Saturday morning
All band members are re­
ly. It seems he is a tree marker
in to the high school grounds Tues­
starting at dawn at the park
and in the course of the tour in
day. This is the fourth year they
swimming pool.
tonight at the high school at
one area, he found a bear cub. As
A large quantity of fish is to
he was looking at it, the mother
be dumped that morning, ear­
port to the school Saturday
spotted him and gave chase.
ly and they will be hungry and
morning at 9:30 a.m. to get in­
The story as related is that he
eager for your bait. The prizes
to uniform and ready for the
retreated, then looked back, but
offered are the fish caught
Jamboree parade, according
the mother bear kept coming so
and there should be plenty to
to John Jensen, leader.
then he really ran. When he
insure all of catches.
• ------------------------------------e
Bill J. Horn, chairman for the
reached other workmen, the moth­
The activity will be super­
dance Saturday night
er bear had given up. He was wet
vised until 9:00 a.m., accord­
hall, announced this
and said he guessed he ran through
ing to Melvin Schwab, chair­
is in readiness and
the creek. The next day he was
man for the event.
band of Bill’s
nursing various bruises but he
provide out­
wasn’t sure just where he got
ry the American flag and band standing music for the eveqt.
At an intermission at 10:15, the
banner. The band was assisted by
From now on, it is pretty cer­
one outside player. Chip Davis queen and court will be presented
tain that Tod Bowerman will be
from Sylvannia, Ohio who handled and given gifts. Door prizes will
keeping a watch out for more than
the drum. He is an experienced also be drawn at that time with
trees as he makes his rounds.
All tickets to the Journal Juni­ marching band drummer and also top prize announced as a movie
ors show Friday evening will be plays bassoon in the Sylvannia camera. A number of other door
sold at the door. Tickets are $1.00 band and orchestra and is also an prizes, donated by various com­
for adults, 50 cents for children outstanding voice soloist in his panies, will be given.
Dance tickets may be obtained
Vernonia residents who failed under 12 and no charge for those father’s choir. John Jensen met
to get the type 3 Sabin oral po­ below school age who are with him at Forest Grove where he is now from Hom and in a number
lio vaccine when it was given pre­ their parents. Dr. T. M. Hobart, spending the summer while his of business places or may be pur­
viously, will have the opportunity in charge of tickets and show ar­ father studies for his masters de­ chased at the door.
to get it Friday evening, July 27, rangements, especially urges en­ gree at Pacific University.
from 6:45 to 7:45 p.m. at the tire families to attend. The show
Washington grade school office. is filled with music, comedy and
This is just before the Journal novelty acts to please all ages and
Archie Dass, president of the
Juniors variety show in the the entertainment approximates
Riders Saddle club, issued
school auditorium.
professional talent.
a reminder this week that those
Ribbons will be given in each
who wish to participate in the
horse show games at Anderson parade classification, the really
park Saturday afternoon must be fancy rosette type, and a sweep-
active members of a saddle club. stakes trophy will go to the entry
He stated that many other clubs judged the most outstanding in
the parade.
are expected here to take part.
Band, Court, Drill Team Win Awards
Tree Marking
Has Dangers
Dance Offers
Special Events
Journal Juniors
Talent Offered
Type 3 Offered Again
Reminder Voiced
Logs Pul in Place
Logs provided for the Jamboree
logging show, courtesy of Crown
Z llerbach corporation, are being
put in place at the city park in
readiness for the show Sunday
aftarnoon, starting at 1:00 p.m.
An outstanding program has been
arranged by Ralph Keasey, chair­
man, and trophies will be cvaid-
ed in each event.
Signs Being Placed
THE PORTLAND Scottish Bagpipe band will ap­
pear in the parade Saturday under sponsorship
of the Vernonia Golf Club. They will spend the
remainder of the day at the club on Timber road.
about 3*/s miles south of Vernonia. Other spon­
sored entries will be the Portland Rainmakers
sponsored by Crown Zellerbach and the Kelley
Cadets sponsored by Vernonia Drug company.
Directional signs for the Jam­
boree events are being put into
place this week. They have been
prepared for the event by Sam
Murray, one of the newer Ver­
nonia boosters, whose participation
and help is greatly appreciated by
the Jamboree committee.
have been a part of the Jamboree
and the number of trailers in­
creases each year. They are a wel­
come addition to the community.
Other trailers, including rock-
hounds, are expected to use trail­
er facilities at Anderson park.
The cowboy breakfast will be
served Sunday morning at the city
park by the Rebekah social club
which has done it each year. It is
open to everyone who wishes to
come and a good hotcake break­
fast is served for a reasonable fee.
The bowling tournament starts
Friday evening at Dessys and will
continue through Sunday. There
are trophies for men’s singles,
men’s doubles and mixed doubles.
The golf tournament will be held
at the Vernonia Golf club on Tim­
ber road all day Saturday and
Mathews Seeks
County Post
Walter Mathews of Mist last
week announced his intentions to
file for a place on the November
ballot as independent candidate
for county commissioner and pe­
titions are now being circulated
for him. This brings to four the
number of names expected to ap­
pear on the ballot.
Other candidates are Louis Was-
ser, Goble, incumbent, who won
the Democratic nomination in the
primaries from a field of six can­
didates; Mel Gregory, Goble, who
won the Republican nomination
over Wm. E. Janvrin; and Earl
(Ozzie) Ray of Vernonia who is
filing as an independent, also.
Mr. Mathews who is 51 years of
age, is a life-long resident of the
Nehaiem Valley. He was born near
Mist, about three miles from his
present home. He attended grade
school at Vesper and Mist and high
school at Vernonia. Since then his
interests have been logging and
For five years he managed the
Mist general merchandise store
and during those years he served
as acting postmaster and then post­
master of Mist.
He and his family are active in
all community affairs in Mist and
at present he is chairman of the
Clatskanie soil conservation dis­
trict board.
His wife, Grace, teaches in Mist
and his daughter is a student at
Vernonia high school.
Most Outstanding Parade Entry
To Receive Sweepstakes Trophy
Classifications are as follows:
1. Commercial floats
2. Non-commercial floats
3. Floats from other communi­
4. Bands
5. Marching units
6. Antique autos
7. Mounted Groups
8. Individual horse and rider
9. Horse drawn unit
10. Open class
11. Comedy entries
12. Fraternal groups
13. Kids with pets
14. Kids without pets.
Kids, there is still time to get
together a clever costume, deco­
rate that bike, wagon or doll up
that pet and get ready for the
parade. All children who enter
will be given tickets for treats at
Sam’s Food Store after the parade.
AU entries are to be at the
SP&S tracks at 10:00 a.m. They
will be partially judged there by
Hugh McGilvra. editor of the For­
est Grove News-Times; Albert
McCall, editor of the Rainier Re­
view and Louis Wasser. county
commissioner. The judging will
be completed as the parade is in
motion and ribbons and trophy
will be presented as the parade
comes back through town to the
The parade wiU move out at
11:00 a.m. and go down Bridge
street to East street, across from
Washington school; up East to A
street; from A to State street, up
State to C street; across C to
Washingon. down Washingon to A
street, across A to Grant, down
Grant to North street, across North
to Washington, then down Wash­
ingon past the Pine Cone to Bridge
street and back through town to
the tracks to disband.
All streets along this route must
be cleared of cars before 11:00 a.m.
and remain cleared until after tht
parade. Otherwise, streets will
be too narrow for entries to pass.