Sisters Visited In Two States TIMBER ROUTE — Mrs. Exie Weaver was visited last Tuesday by three families that added up to four generations. They were her sister whom she had not seen for ten years, Mrs. Josie Bowerman from Miller, Missouri, and her son, Roy Bowerman and wife Mary and two sons Roy Jr. and Michael, from Grants, New Mexico; their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston and two small daughters from La Habra, Calif. After a brief visit, the Roy Bower­ man and Johnston families drove on to Seattle fair, leaving Mrs. Josie Bowerman in Vernonia to visit with her sister and other relatives. Before coming to Ver­ nonia the Bowermans had visited Mrs. Louise Wilson, who is an­ other sister to Mrs. Josie Bower­ man, whm she had not seen for 32 years. Mrs. Wilson is in a rest home in Temple City, California and has been confined to a wheel chair since suffering a stroke four years ago. The Roy Bowermans returned to Vernonia from Wash­ ington late Thursday evening and spent the night with relatives, leaving early Friday for New Mex­ ico where Mary Bowerman and , children will remain while Roy will drive his mother on to Miller, Missouri, returning to his home by July 18. The Johnston family plan­ ned to go from the Fair to Canada for an extensive tour before re­ turning to their home in Calif. Bob Drips has been home on leave from the USS Tulare sta­ tioned at San Diego for the past 10 days. Pamela Shafer returned home Monday after spending a few days in Cornelius visiting both the Phil­ lip Shafer and Stanley Reynolds families. Frank Birt was taken to the Tu- ality hospital in Hillsboro last Wednesday morning and under­ went surgery Sunday. His present condition is not known. Howard Family Picnics At Yaquina Bay Park NATAL - PITTSBURG — Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howard and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Christensen and family of Portland drove to Newport Saturday and spent the night there. In the morning Joe and Dan drove to Depoe Bay and went deep sea fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christensen of Eugene met the group in the afternoon and they all enjoyed a picnic lunch at the state park at Yaquina Bay. Mr. and Mrs. DeeVeere Hershey and Devy drove to Portland Sat­ urday. Mrs. Chet Pope and son Greg of Portland, who spent last week visiting here, returned to Portland with them. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Woods of Clatskanie called on Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Lindsay Sunday evening. Walter Hascall spent Sunday and Monday with the Noble Dun­ laps and helped them with their hay. Natal Grange met July 11 with 19 present. The third and fourth degrees were given to Mr. and Mrs. Kit Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hemeon and Mrs. Katherine Schlehuber. Mr. Waddell reported it now is compulsory for land own­ ers to control tansy ragwort on their property. Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan and family of Longview visited her folks, Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Dass this week end. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Grant and children of Bay City also spent the week end with the Dasses. Mrs. Grant and the chil­ dren are spending the week here. Mrs. Lottie Swanson visited with Mrs. Lillie Henderson Sun­ day. Mrs. Reed Holding and Mrs. Max Oblack called on Mrs. Ro­ bert Kyser and Mrs. Sam Devine at Mist Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Johnson and family drove to Astoria Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Car- son. They enjoyed water skiing at Colby Lake. Mrs. Gladys Leake of Portland spent Tuesday visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Lindsay. LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES V. F. W. Regular meetingai Fourth Wednesdays. 8 P.M. VJ.W. Hall. Donald George, Commander J. E. Ade. Adjutant 4-60 N EH A LEM V ALLEY COIN CLUB Meets last Thursday every month West Oregon Electric Auditorium, 7:30 P.M. Patricia Burns, President Richard Burns. Vice-president Ruth Steers. Secretary Ralph Bergerson, Treasurer VISITORS WELCOME 10-62 Knights of Pythias Hardings Lodge No. US Vernonia. Oregov I.O.O.F. Hall Second Monday of Each Month Jack Bergerson. Chancellor Commander Robert Wyckoff. Secretary Pythian Sisters Vernonia Temple No. SI Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall Second and Fourth Wednesdays of each month Cleo McNair, M.E.C. Cora Lange, Secretary 2-62 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 £%ZX^>LO.O.F. Meets Every Tuesday 8 P.M. Pete Wiederkehr, Noble Grand Lee Rogers, Sec. 1-63 MT. HEART REBEKAH LODGE NO. 243 Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday evenings of each month in the I.O.O.F. HalL Gertrude Schalock. Noble Grand June Ray, Secretary 3-63 American Legion VERNONIA POST US Meets Second k Fourth Fridays of each month. Horn. Commander L. E. Stiff. Adjutant AUXILIARY Second and Fourth Fridays Otilia Heckenliable, President Leah Stiff. Sec. 1-83 Vernonia Barracks Veterans of World War I Meets 4th Monday each month at the IOOF hall. 8 P.M. Tigard Student Talks At Jewell BIRKENFELD — Mrs. Francis Nordstrom, Katy and Mrs. Dar­ rell Baker attend a gathering at the Jewell Grange hall last week where an exchange student from Tigard showed pictures and gave a talk on Israel. This was spon­ sored by the 4-H. It was very in­ teresting to all. Gary Murray of Portland spent Monday at the Fred Larsons. Mrs. E. T. Johnston, Jan, Allen, Steve and Lloyd went to Portland last Wednesday. Lloyd entered the hospital Thursday afternoon and had a tonsilectomy Friday morning. They returned home Sat­ urday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sayres of Portland visited over the week end with the Udeys. Mr. and Mrs. Udey took her mother back to her home in Portland Monday. She had been here visiting with them. Larry Reid had a birthday par­ ty at his home Sunday. He had a nice decorated cake. Anna Han- berg was a dinner guest there. Larry’s grandmother is also vis­ iting them for awhile. John Cahill and Ben Holboke went to Hamlet Sunday and had a picnic with Wilbur DuPuis. Harold Ashley from Longview spent the week end with the Udeys. The community was saddened to learn of the death of Mrs. Susan Magee of Mayville. She was a sis­ ter of Mrs. Darrell Baker. The sympathy of all goes to the fam­ ily. Visitors at the Jepson Lonnquist home for three days were Mr. and Mrs. Roger Thompson and son of Phoenix, Arizona. Their son, Chris is staying over for two weeks and he will be going home by bus. Many Friends Visii J. Siedelmans Sunday TIMBER ROUTE — Calling on the John Siedelman family over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dennis, Vernonia; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Usher and family, St. Helens; Mr. and Mrs. Starrett and son, Scappoose; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Temple, Olympia, Washington; Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Ritchie and daughter. Forest Grove, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hytrek and family, Vernonia. Mrs. Wayne Miller and children left early Monday morning to visit her sister’s family, the Rich­ ard Shirk’s, in The Dalles. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Linnwood Reynolds last Thursday were Mrs. Reynold’s brother and family, the Harry Weavers from Seaside. Their daughter Charlotte remained at the Raynolds to visit for a few days. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Nel Thacker were Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stowell from Buxton and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer. Calling on Mrs. Thacker later Sunday af­ ternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Teeling from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stanley spent Sunday in Portland visiting their daughter’s family, the Wm. Pol- zels. Miss Sharon Peters from Van­ couver, Washington was a recent house guest of the Wayne Miller family. Mike Yount from Seattle, Wash­ ington is spending his summer va­ cation with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Huff. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hodgson left last week for Carpenteria, Cal­ ifornia where they will spend the summer months. They stopped off in Gold Beach, Oregon to visit their son’s family, the James Hodgsons. Bliss Home Is Reunion Scene NATAL - PITTSBURG — This past week the A. J. Bliss resi­ dence was the scene of a family reunion with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson, son Jim and daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Camp of Denver, Colorado; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bliss of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. John Bliss of Toledo present. The Wil­ sons and Mrs. Camp had spent a week viewing Century 21 at Seat­ tle and brought with them many lovely colored slides of the fair. They also brought several rolls of film and slides taken while va­ cationing in the Hawaiian Islands, last year which were greatly en­ joyed by the group. Jim Bliss came home Friday evening to join the family. Saturday they all motored to Seaside and to Neha­ lem where Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Camp had spent a summer with the A. J. Bliss family while Mr. Wilson, who was in the service at that time, was overseas. Mrs. Camp was only five years old at that time. Oernonia £ a < jk THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1962 The Robbins Visit With Children and Families RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Olin Robbins and son of Pendle­ ton visited her children, James and M. C. Brewer and their fam­ ilies and Mr. and Mrs. Max Buck­ ner and family recently. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Norris vis­ ited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lloyd. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lindsley and Mrs. Kenneth Lindsley of Spring- field were here Monday looking after their place and visiting neighbors. Word from Mrs. Robert Wyckoff of Forest Grove is that she suf­ fered last week from pleurisy but is much improved at this time. Mrs. Don Campbell of Skamoka- wa, Wash, is helping out with the work at the Wyckoff home for several days this week. Support Your Vernonia Friendship Jamboree! Evangelistic Meetings with Rev. Fred Billings Dallas, Texas VERNONIA BIBLE CHURCH First and Maple E. J. Ruff, Pastor Ju ly 22 thru 29th. 7:30 p.m. Every Night * Old Time Gospel Preaching * Good Singing * Special Music SHZHZHZHZHZHBHZHZHZHZNZNZHXHZHXHXHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZ H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H THERE'S A TOUCH OF \ Art Gardner, Commander Carl Davis, Adjutant AUXILIARY Meets 4th Mon., IOOF hall 8 p.m. Mabel Gardner, President Cora Lange. Secretary 7-62 VERNONIA LIONS CLUB MEETS FIRST AND THIRD MONDAY EACH MONTH 6:30 P.M., FIRE HALL John Jensen, President Neil Zimmerman, Sec. 3-62 IWA Local 5-14 Meets First and Third Thursdays 7:30 p.m. A.F.L. — C.I.O. Business Agent is at the hall, North and Washington Sts. third and fourth Thursday 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 4-62 Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. 8. Regular com­ munication first Wednesday of each month at Masonic Tem­ ple. All visiting sisters and broth, ers welcome. Isabelle Brunsman, W. M. Mona Gordon. Sec. 1-63 H Z H Z Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H H Z H X H Z H You can’t see it, although it’s constantly a t your fingertips. You can’t hear it, but it makes things "hum .” Electricity is the magic touch th at brings modem living into your life. Electricity heats your home in winter, cools it in summer, cooks for the family, does the laundry, entertains you and can even "sit” for the baby. There’s almost no end to the magical comfort and convenience of total electric living. Now’s the time to add the magic touch to your family living. VERNONIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Board of Directors report to members quarterly. Board meets 2nd and 4th Mondays, 8:00 p.m., at West Oregon Electric office Visitors invited Robert C. Lindsay, President Mrs. Evelyn Heath. Secy.. Mgr. Manager’s office. West Ore. Bldg 7-62 A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. k A. M. meets at Masonic Temple. Stated Communication t h i r d Thursday of each month, at 8:00 pun. Albert B. Brunsman. W.M. Harry G. Sandon. Sec'y. 1-83 5 ELECTRICITY—t h e of modern living o NMC a H z H Z N Z H Z H W EST OREGON ELECTRIC CO-OP.INC V ernonia, Oregon A SELF-LIQUIDATING SELF MANAGED. TAX-PAYING COOPERATIVE ENTERPRISE ~ p UVE * BETTER *• K k FARM BITTER w a H X H X H Z H Z H Z H Z H 5 z H Z N Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z M z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z N fc M X H Z H Z H Z H X H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z K Z H X H X H Z H Z H Z H Z H X H Z H Z H X H Z H X H Z H X