Oernonia Eagle CLASSIFIED ADS 4 FOR SALE-General FOR SALE-Real Estate FOR SAKE: Davenport with two new spring units; chair; 15 pounds cotton and 10 yards upholstery material. Reasonable price. Mrs. Paul Gordon, 141 A St. 29t3c THREE BEDROOM house, needs repair. In the city. Make offer. Georg; Laws, HAzel 9-5603. 29tfc FOR SALE: Baled hay in the field. Perry Smith, Birkenfeld, Oregon. SKyline 5-2332. 29t3 FOR SALE OR TRADE: Tear­ drop camp trailer. Will sell reason­ able or maybe you have something to trad; that you don’t want and I do. Make an offer. 543-6509, Scappoose. 28t3c FOR SALE: 11-cubic foot refrig­ erator, good condition, $50 123 North St„ HAzel 9-5603. 29t3c FOR SALE: Alfalfa hay, wire bales, conditioned. $25 per ton. Bill Sword, HAzel 9-6491 or HA­ zel 9-5411.________________ 28tfc FOR SALE: Contour chair, excel­ lent condition. Reasonable. Call HAzel 9-5105.______________ 28t3 JULY CLEARANCE—Geraniums, 4 for $1.00. Spofford’s Gardens, Sixth avenue on Corey Hill, or call HAzel 9-5863.__________ 28t3c FOR SALE: Baby beef, good lock­ er meat. Ready to butcher now. Contact Mrs. George Laird, HAzel 0-6283. 28t3e FOR FLOWERS for all occasions and potted plants, call your local florist, Spofford’s Garden and Florist Service. HAzel 9-5863. ’ __________________28tfc BULLS for rent. Angus, Milking Shorthorn and Whiteface. John Wilmarth. Phone Clatskanie 2368. 28t4c FOR SALE: Burro (three to choose from) or trade for hay or white-face calves. Jim Johns, Mist Rt„ HAzel 9-3846. 27t3 MASON’S VELVET-EEZ SHOES available from Vera Miller, Star Route, Timber Oregon. HAzel 9- 3871.______________________ 27t3 FOR SALE: Stuffed love-seat. Reasonable. Ideal for family room. Cell HAzel 9-3715._________ 27t3c EVEN-TEMP INSULATION CO. 18860 SW Vista, Aloha, Oregon. Blown - in insulation. Aver­ age house, $50-$60. Call collect, Mitchell 4-3918.___________ 18tfc FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Fin­ est in flowers for all occasions. Plants, bouquets. Floral pieces for funerals. Flowers speeded by long distance or wired anywhere. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, HAzel 9-6611. ltfc FOR SALE: Used chain saws. Keasey’s Saw Shop, corner of Bridge and State St. 27tfc TEN-POUND bundles of news­ papers for sale. Suitable for Starting fires, etc. Vernonia Eagle Office 8tf FRESH FLOWERS for any occa­ sion Flowers wired anywhere. Ruth Steers, HAzel 9-5384 15tfc FOR SALE-Real Estate WANT FARM. Must have water and buildings. Can pay cash. Write No. 11, N. E 39th Ave., Portland, Oregon. 28tfc FOR SALE: Clean two-bedroom bouse, garage, fruitroom. Reason­ able. Will take pick-up, truck or small trailer house down. Portland CH 6-6201 or Vernonia HAzel 9- 8625.______________________ 27t3 FOR SALE: 856 A 866 Rose Ave. 1058 2nd Ave. Will finance re­ pairs. Perfect title. Lawrence Meissner, Meissner Road, Deer Is­ land. 29t3 OR SALE: Five-room house. On ity sewer. Needs some repair. Vill consider car or trailer in rade. Write Lyman Hawken. Rt. , Box 475, Warren, Oregon. 29tfc WANT TO RENT, option to buy: Acreage. 10 to 15 acres, preferably river-bottom soil, available water for irrigation, in Vernonia area. Jerome Stark, G en ral Delivery, Vernonia. 29t3 THREE BEDROOM house, living room, dining room, kitchen, glas­ sed-in porch, Rarnge, large shop, on four lots. All redecorated. Available now. $5500. On 4th St., Riverview. Contact Mr. Sozoff for key.______________________29tfc COMPLETELY furnished all elec­ tric, five rooms, bath. Newly dec­ orated home. Garage. Ideal for retired couple Comer lot Rea­ sonable. Orval Clark, 1011 Ne­ halem. 29t3 FOUR ROOM house, garage with extra room, electric water tank, wired for washer, dryer, range; lawn, garden space. 1 blocks from main street on Rose avenue. Mrs. C. O. Thomas. 876 Third St.. Vernonia, Oregon. 79t3c Kellars Move To Westport Home FOR SALE OR TRADE SERVICES BOOKKEEPING, taxes, public stenographer, notary public. New accounts invited. Doris Skidmore, 875 Bridge St. Offioe open Mon., Friday., 10-5. Closed Tues. Satur­ day, 9-1. After hours by appoint­ ment. HAzel 9-6005 or HAzel 9- 5895. 27tfc DELEGATION watching the operation of Robert­ son and Christensen. From left, Robertson on cat; Chief O. B. Aking Olugbode; Emar C. Akwinure (Deputy Speaker); State Dept. escort and Senator Dahlton P. Asemota. Nigerians See Tree Farm, Mill OPPORTUNITY! Your money can earn dividends and free life insurance. See your Credit Union. 959 Rose Avenue. 7tfc WORKING MOTHERS, let me help you. Ironing done reason­ ably $3 & up per basket. You need help, I can use money. Ma Vike, 1654 Nehalem St., Corey Hill. 5tfc Haberman's Meal PROCESSING PLANT State Inspected CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday Hogs: Thursday. Friday till noon Cutting and Wrapping Sharp Freexing Smoking and Curing Free use of Stock Trailer Shop Res. EL 7-3922 EL 7 2981 Rt. 2. Bx 141, Forest Grove, Ore. On Fern Hill Road FOR RENT FOR RENT: Small well-furnished house on A street. For informa­ tion call HAzel 9-5571. 28t2c FOR RENT: Three-room furnish­ ed modern house, with refrigerator and water heater. Mrs. T. A. Adams, 108 A St., Vernonia. HA- zel 9-5573.________________ 27t3c FOR RENT:Bedroom with kitchen and living room privileges. Prefer lady or older couple. Mrs. Frank Mills, First Street, Riverview. HA­ zel 9-6114. 27t3e CHERRY TREE Apts, and rooms —Furnished, Private bath. 830 Second St. HAzel 9-5042 . 24tfc WANTED HELP WANTED: Care for semi­ invalid lady and It. hskpg. for her and bachelor son. Perm. Live in. Lovely new home with 3 BR 2 Bath in Milwaukie area. $75 per mo. plus rm. & bd. Write % News­ paper or phone OL 4-1140, Port­ land. 29tlc DESPERATE! Need ride to Tek­ tronix, day shift to Building 39 or vicinity. Please call Judy Cay- wood, HAzel 9-3198,_______ 29t3c CARD OF THANKS WE WISH to thank all of the members of the American Legion for extending their help in getting W. K. (Kenneth) Parker into the Veterans hospital. Reita Parker Mr and Mrs. W. Parker 29tlc Oernonia Eagle MARVIN KAMHOLZ Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class mail matter, Angus’ 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Oregon under the act of March 3, 1879. Sub­ scription price $3 00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Elsewhere $3 50. N A T IO N A L . E D IT O R IA L i u im u i.'.iL T n i Support Your Vernonia Friendship Jamboree! MIST—Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kellar moved this last week end to Westport. Mrs. Wayne Kyser and boys are spending a few days in Delena at the home of her parents, the H. Sparks. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathews entertained with a dinner for Mrs. Mathews relatives Sunday. Mrs. Albert Blount gave an open house birthday party Sun­ day honoring her son, Buddy. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lindberg of Astoria were Sunday visitors at the Shalmon Libels. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Danielson of Apiary visited the Sam Devines one evening last week. Mrs. George Mathews visited Mrs. De- vine Wednesday afternoon. MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Their first American picnic drew an enthusiostic response from Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore. EL 7-7281 members of a Nigerian parliamen­ Slaughtering, Cutting, Wrapping, tary delegation who toured Crown and Curing Zellerbach’s E. P. Stamm Tree Meat for sale, any quantity. Farm and St. Helens paper mill Cattle Received Sunday and recently. Monday until noon. Hogs received Tuesday and Site of the picnic was the com­ Wednesday until noon. pany’s Rogers Park, six miles Come through Banks, take south of Vernonia on Pebble Tillamook road l'/j mile, Creek. Hosted by tree farm man­ take first lefthand road. ltfc ager Bob Lindsay and forester Neil Zimmerman, the visitors from the dark continent of Africa drank hot coffee brewed over a stone fireplace, ate berry pie, peaches and sandwiches. Earlier in the morning while Complete, fresh drug stocks touring the second growth thin­ V-J (beyond what is carried ty non-drug outlets) ning areas of the tree farm, the Values on drug and related group spotted several deer and it products that are the main was here that Zimmerman and part of our business (not Lindsay learned of year ’round a " s id e lin e ” as in non* drug outlets) hunting in Africa. Hunting sea­ Professional services of a sons were something new to their trained pharmacist and guests. trained salespeople Prompt service at any time Senator Dahlton P. Asemota, who is also president of African of the day or night in any emergency Timber and Plywood, Ltd., de­ As in dep end ent business scribed the vast virgin timber re­ men, we take an active sources in his African country, and interest in the community we serve at the same time expressed amaze­ ment as Lindsay pointed out a FIVE REASONS stand of young Douglas fir tim­ YOUR MONEY ber that had been thinned five W HY... times. BUYS MORE At St. Helens the rewinding and slitting of huge rolls of paper scheduled for conversion into toilet tissue and the chipping of farmer- wood caught the African’s IN A REAL eye. Their host at the paper mill DRUG STORE was resident manager Howard Hall. The African’s tour sponsored by the U. S. State Department, took them to Washington, D.C., Niagra Falls, Cleveland, Denver and San Francisco and Seattle, be­ fore coming to Oregon. DRUG FACTS 0 __________________________ ltfc CLARENCE R. WAGNER, county surveyor, Court House, St. Helens Phone office, 698; home, 183. P ri­ vate surveying, engineering work. 24tfc THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1962 SENATOR Dahlton P. Asemola and Robert C. Lindsay Miss Joanne Slette Visits Relatives In California Mist Circle To Picnic July 26 TIMBER ROUTE — Miss Jo­ anne Slette left Tuesday with her brother’s family, the Raymond Cappellis, for Livermore, Cali­ fornia where she will spend some time. She also plans to visit her sister and family in Concord, Cal­ ifornia before returning home. Gilbert Beal has just returned home after spending several days visiting the Vernon Ridderbush family in Elsie. Visiting the Carl Wieneke fa­ mily during the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Butler from Forest Grove and Mrs. Hazel Has- call, Vernonia. Mrs. Janet Fields and son Ben­ nie will be leaving July 17, for Le- Vining, California to join her hus­ band who went previously to es­ tablish a home for them. Mrs. Lester Shafer drove Mrs. Carl Wieneke to Forest Grove last Wednesday for medical care. Miss Cheryl Reynolds has re­ ceived word her aunt, Mrs. Dixie V. Kubin, passed away quite sud­ denly at the Multnomah hospital in Portland July 3. Funeral ser­ vices were held at the Mt. Scott funeral home with concluding graveside services at the River­ view cemetery in Portland. She is survived by a sister, Mrs. C. J. Reynolds of Portland, and a bro­ ther, Clarence Sullivan, of Taft and a number of nieces and ne­ phews. MIST—The Mist Helping Circle will hold their meeting at the Dass park next Thursday, July 26, with a picnic lunch at noon. In case of bad weather, Mrs. Elsie Peterson will entertain the club at her home. Mrs. Alma Busch was a recent caller on Mrs. Hugh Cox. Sunday some friends, Mr. and Mrs. Evans of Beaverton and Mrs. Opal Lux of Sheridan, visited the Coxes. Ricky Devine is spending the week at Rockaway at Camp Ma- gruder. His parents took him down Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Georgs Mathews spent Sunday in Forest Grove with the McCroskey family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kyser and children moved to the village and are living in the Closner house. Mrs. Clair Devine left Tuesday for Turnsr where she will visit her brother and sister-in-law, the Robert Gordons. She plans to come home Friday evening. Carla Sue will be visiting her grandpar­ ents while her mother is gone. Saturday callers at the Norman Hansens were some friends who came from Bancroft. They were Sherry, Ronnie and Mike Cornet, relatives of Mrs. Hansen. CLASSIFIED RATES THE EAGLE asium ei no finan­ cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads pub­ lished in its columns, but in case where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adr. in which the typo­ graphical mistake occurs. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER TUESDAY N O O N EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK S PAPER. BLIND ADS with answers to be handled by the Eagle* Mini­ mum charge $1.00. No informa tion given relative to such ads. POETRY accepted only as paid matter. Rate: 5c per type line. M I N I M U M charge 50c for 25 words or less. Words over min­ imum. 3c each. Three inaee- tions for the price of two. CARD of Thanks & Notices: SLOG for up to 12 lines. Additional lines. 8 cents each. NO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. 0 0 0 CF1 ¿ ■ DRU G CO. Support Your Vernonia Friendship Jamboree! A 1 b ” ->**1 D O U G CL/YTLC2 / n l u a l î m V a l l e y f 92«? BRIDGE ST ,flle>iMidcL,(Vu> SNXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHX I KING’S Grocery-Market S H Phone HA 9-6015 JQ "Whera Your Mcney Riverview Buy» More At the Mile Bridge || x ALWAYS — Top Quality J ALWAYS — Best Prices H H ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery X X H H —From your home-owned independent grocery. X H SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING. WE BRING tfHXHXHZHXHXHXHXHXHXHXKXHX ' Confidentially WG LOVE tO LOSIì! j LO W BANK RATES • ! I LOANS TO $ 2 ,5 0 0 • UP TO 2 4 M O N TH S TO PAY If a dark cloud enters your life, give it a silver lining with a low-cost personal loan through U. S. National Friendly, confidential service. THE UNITED STATES N A TIO N A l BANK OF P O IT IA N D