Recent Bride Honored With Shower On July 9 Wantlands Home From Holland On June 14, Judith Laurel Berg, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Victor Berg, was married to Phillip Lay­ man, son of Mrs. Helen Layman and the late Wyman Layman of Portland, at Vancouver, Wash. Nellie Morgan, sister of the bride and Richard Layman were their attendants. Others attending were Mrs. Hel­ en Layman, Mrs. Victor Berg and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Berg. They will make their home in Seattle while he works at Boeing Aircraft. On July 9, Ethel Larson, Helen Nordstrom and Annie Johnston were hostesses for a bridal show­ er for Judy at the Birkenfeld gym. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cagle enter­ tained last Saturday evening with a welcome home party in honor of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wantland and family who had arrived Wednesday from The Netherlands where he is now employed by the Tektronix com­ pany. In addition to relatives and lo­ cal friends, the following were here from out of town: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fleskes and Mrs. Julia Davis, Forest Grove; Sam Alger, Aloha; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stuve, Beaverton and Mrs. Marge Burness and daughters, Bandon. When the Wantlands arrived at the Portland airport Wednesday they were met by Mr. and Mrs. Fleskes, Mr. and Mrs. Cagle, Mrs. Don Webb, Mrs. R. L. Thompson, Mrs. Evelyn Rose and family and Otis Fuller and by members of Mr. Wantland’s family. The Wantlands remained in Portland until Friday when they came to the Cagle home which will be their head­ quarters while they are home. Saturday noon, the Cagles had a family gathering which included Mrs. Marie Shafer, grandmother of Mrs. Wantland; Mrs. Evelyn Rose, another sister, and her fam­ ily and Homer Fuller, brother of the three ladies, and Mrs. Fuller. The Wantlands will be here un­ til August 11. HENRY & POLLY HUDSON DRY GOODS NOTIONS — GIFTS FIRE. AUTO AND CASUALTY INSURANCE LINES Phone HA 9-6058 At Mile Bridge, Riverview Brewer-Tallm an Vows Exchanged D O G -T IR E D of complicated Farm Insurance? Then simplify your protection with our packaged farm insur­ ance that protects your build­ ings, e q u ip m e n t, p erso n a l belongings, livestock and other farm property in one policy! What’s more, this latest in farm insurance can save you money! Let us give you all the facts. BILL J. HORN Vernonia Insurance Exchange Phone HA 9-6203 905 B ridge S tree t V ernonia, O regon Representing the Hartford Fire Insurance Company Group Miss Donna Lorraine Tallman of Forest Grove, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Tallman, and John S. Brewer of Vernonia, were mar­ ried June 23 at the home of the bride’s parents at Forest Grove. The Rev. Roger Davidson of the First Christian church per­ formed the double ring ceremony. The bride wore a white suit with brown accessories and a red rose corsage. Miss Sharon Herbert of Forest Grove, was maid of honor. Best man was Jim Brewer of Vernonia, brother of the groom. The wedding cake was cut and served by Mrs. Gerald Herbert. Mrs. E. D. Tallman poured coffee. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Brewer; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brewer, and Mrs. Max Buckner, all of Vernonia; Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Tallman of Timber. The couple honeymooned in Portland for several days after which the groom left for Frank­ fort,Germany where he is sta­ tioned. Mrs. Brewer plans to join him there in September. At pres­ ent she is with her parents in Forest Grove. j ; DR IL V. LANCE OPTOMETRIST j j Wed.. 10 A.M.— 5 P.M. I ! Phone HA 9-6565 ; ; Complete Visual Care YOUR CAR NEEDS Minute Mon Service R -E -G -U -L -A -R -L -Y Our kind of service gives you assurance of trouble­ free driving all year long. Try it today— then continue it regularly. BOBS U N IO N S E R V IC E JAMBOREE BOWLING TOURNAMENT Open to all League Bowlers no mailer where you bowl. No cost except regu­ lar price of bowling. You m ay bowl anytime from Friday, July 27 until Sun­ day night, July 29. Trophies for Men's Singles, Women's Singles, Men's Doubles, Mixed Doubles. DESSY'S BOWL ' Fruits of Labor Shared By Pair I ONE of these Rainier Daze princeszes will be crowned as queen at a ceremony at 9 p.m. Friday, July 20. a new kick­ off date set for the celebration. The celebration will contin­ ue Saturday, July 21 and Sunday, July 22. Front from left: Sandra Giepel, Sandra Erickson, Renee Lackey; back from left: Bonnie Sanders, Betty Combs, Janet Nys and Sherry Champagne. Oernonia Eaqte THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1962 1957 Class Sets Date of Reunion That kindness to ones neighbors and the expression of apprecia­ tion are neither one dead arts is verified in a small item which came to the Vernonia Eagle office this week. The item compliments Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Counts on their won­ derful garden and beautiful yard, especially so in view of the fact that Mr. Counts is 91 years of age and she is past 70 and in ill health. Rather than sit down and quit, they have made their part of town more attractive, have pro­ vided themselves with fruit and vegetables, and have brought much pleasure to others by shar­ ing their garden with those not having one. The person who called attention to all this is a neighbor who has tasted the fruits of their labor and appreciated the kindness. Their example was pointed up as one for others to follow. The Vernonia high school class of 1957 plans to hold their five- year reunion Friday evening of next week, July 27, at 7:00 p.m. at Dessy’s restaurant where a chick­ en dinner will be served. All mem­ bers of the class have been con­ tacted as nearly as possible and replies have been received from quite a number. Husbands and wives of class members will be included in the affair. Any members of the class who have not yet made their res­ ervation should contact Mrs. Elizabeth Parker who is in charge of that part of arangements. Let's Get Acquainted! Do You Know This Man? Rainier Daze Event Ready In the air, on the beach, and in the Columbia river Rainier this week end (July 20-22) observes its third annual Rainier Daze de­ voted to betterment of the water­ front recreation area. Opening Friday evening at 8:00 p.m. with selection and coronation of the queen, a fire-fighting de­ monstration by the Rainier fire de­ partment, variety entertainment, and a twist contest, the activity continues Saturday with a parade at 10:30 a.m., water skiing, boat racing, aerial stunts by the Sky Divers of Tacoma, evening fires on the beach and dancing to close the day. Sunday will open with the an­ nual Lions club beach breakfast Odd Fellow s Seat Officers Vernonia Odd Fellows Lodge No. 246 installed officers July 10 as follows: Pete Wiederkehr, no­ ble grand; Albert Tandy, vice­ grand; Lee Rogers, secretary; Henry Anderegg, treasurer; Carl Davis, past grand; Frank Lentz and Robert Spencer, right and left supporters to the noble grand; Al­ len Ray and Thomas Hall, right and left supporters to the vice­ grand; Wayne Akers, warden; Hugh Devine, conductor; Ernest Herman, chaplain; Albert Wood and Bill Horn, inside and outside guardians; Nels Hogberg and Ike Dass, left and right scene sup­ ports. Those who acted as installing officers were Thomas Hall, dis­ trict deputy grand master; Frank Lentz, warden; Harry Culbertson, secretary - treasurer; Ernest Her­ man, chaplain; Wayne Akers, in­ side guardian and Bob Spencer, marshal. Many Callers Are Noted A t Albert Blount Home MIST—Visitors at the Albert Blount home Sunday were Mrs. Mary Crawford, Anna Hanberg Mrs. Badlin of Jewel, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Busch and Mrs. Fred Heck- enliable and Mrs. Jane Pidcock from Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. Wusanen of Marshland were Sunday dinner guests at the Charles Hansens. Sam Devine and Mr. and Mrs. Clair Devine and Rick were in Forest Grove and Hillsboro last Friday on business. from 7 to 11 a.m., pause for church services at 11 o’clock, and then continue with the salmon barbecue at noon, and an after­ noon of sports repeating the pro­ gram of Saturday. The Daze pro­ gram will close with the awarding of prizes and trophies at 5 p.m. U. S. National Deposits Gain Continued substantial gains were reflected in deposit1:, loans and total resources of U. S. Na­ tional Bank of Portland, accord­ ing to figures released as of June 30. Loans were up more than $43 million and now total $442,923,- 666 compared with $399,863,658 recorded on June 30, 1961. Depos­ its increased in excess of $54 mil­ lion and now stand at $881,010,767 compared with $826,818,561 re­ corded the same date one year ago. The Vernonia branch of U. S. National recorded total deposits of $1,438,769.53 according to B. R. Pilger, manager. Total resources for the U. S. National system, with its 83 bank­ ing offices throughout the state, were $975,187,163, up nearly $56 million from $919,266,780 recorded on June 30, 1961. During the last 12 months, U.S. National has opened new branches in Gladstone and Seaside, and new buildings for already established branches in Corvallis and Eugene. New quarters for the North Med­ ford branch were opened this week. Great-Grandchildren Now Number Seventeen RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lazuck of Hillsboro have a baby girl born July 9. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ray Buckner and this gives Mrs. Artie Buckner 17 great grandchil­ dren. Clara, Stella and Jimmie For­ syth are visiting their sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ba­ ker at Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Shaw and Billy of Ontario were here last week working on their house. Leslie Forcier, son of Mrs. B. R. Normand is spending several weeks at the home of his grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Ray- mer at Seattle. 3 Bom January 13, 1897 at Neosha, Missouri. First came to Vernonia in 1923. Married March 2, 1920 at San Francisco. Is a father and grandfather. Is in business in Vernonia. Is a veteran of two wars. Is interested in sports. Is often known to hit the nail on the head. (Information supplied by J. W. Nichols) Answer to last week’s quiz: Wilbur Davis. Mike Hopkins Fam ily at Seattle Worlds Fair BIRKENFELD—Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hopkins and family took in the fair at Seattle over the week end. All the relative families of Mrs. Lloyd Beach had a family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ro­ bert Mathews Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Janisch and fam­ ily of Disston visited Sunday with the Lloyd Beaches. Mrs. Janisch is the former Helen Beach. For Results Use Eagle Classifieds XM XHXHXH XH XH XH XHXHZH XH XH2) X H ----------------------------------------------------------- M Z H W IN A N E W ♦ Nothing to buy! Nothing to write! H Z H Z H Z H H Z H Z H Z H 5 Here’s all you do: Just drop by, write your name on an entry blank and try one of the new Homelite chain saws. You'll be seeing the most dependable chain saw ever built. And you will automatically be in the big "Power-Up Sweepstakes" in which 12 Homelite chain saws will be given away absolutely free. Don't miss out, come in today! Entries must be in by July 20, 1962. COME IN THIS SATURDAY JULY 21,1962 AT 2 P.M. FOR HOMELITE H Z H DRAWING CHAIN FOR ONE SAW H Z H Z H KEASEY'S SAW SHOP 292 Bridge Street Vernonia, Oregon IfH Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H ^ ; ☆ Better Quality for Less Here! Delirious with Chicken Strained— No. .300 Cans 89c OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY SAUCE AA U/C 65c INSTANT TANG NESTLES QUICK A |/r *1I VCC MCP PECTIN ,X “ g .2 .«kgs .29c LAKE lYllAEj 3/29c FRISKIES M IX ¿I“ ».,.,,. $4.89 SPRAY STARCH 69c 3 «3 STANDBY M-D TISSUE 29c 3 Jl SAFFLOWER OIL BAKED BEANS 89c TILLIE LEWIS 3 FROZEN PEAS X X 10c Mixes Instantly with milk— Lb. Pkg. For Orange Drink 14 -oz. Hottie White’ Choc- Fudge Spice, Yellow, 9- oz . Niagra 13-oz. Tins Assorted — 4-Roll Packs B&M 28-oz. Cans Cocktail— No. 2 Tins Packs DELIVERY Betty ( ’rocker 28-oz. Jug For For S A M ’ S FO O D FREE Grapefruit or Orange Section* -303 Cans ST O R E PHONE HA 9-5501