: ★ Meat Department ★ ; ENERGY DETERGENT } J i • { CO CO* ' All-Purpose Powder— Giant Size Pkg............................ J Pink Liquid— Quart Plastic Bottle ............... 3 Cans ... Kenneth will probably be in the hospital for some time. Mrs. Larry Garner and three The Fourth of July wai the oc­ They also attended the Seattle casion for a barbecue picnic at the Worlds Fair and toured the San children are visiting this week at Seaside with friends, Mr. and home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Thomas Juan Islands. on Mist route. Guests included her Oscar Weed was in Philomath Mrs. Bill Danforth and three chil­ brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday, July 8, to attend a Philo­ dren. Mr. Garner took them to Ralph Rawie of Corvallis and math college reunion. From there Seaside last Friday evening. friends, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kre- he went to Myrtle Point to visit Recent visitors at the Harry ger of Portland who were over­ until Thursday of last week with Culbertson home were his sisters, night guests and the Thomas’s his son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. F. Frederick from Sacramen­ daughter and husband, Mr. and Chester Weed and son Roger. to, California and Mrs. Forrest Mc­ Mrs. Robert Baty and son Brent Mrs. Marvel Russell has re­ Nabb from Durham, California. and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Harold turned from a vacation trip to They had been to the World’s Fair Coleman from Portland and Mr. Alberta, Canada on which she ac­ and visiting relatives in eastern and Mrs. Sheldon Goff of Vernonia companied her brother and wife, Oregon. who joined the crowd for the pic­ Verl Barker was called to Oma­ Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Carlberg of nic. Siletz. She and her brother had ha, Nebraska early Monday morn­ RUMMAGE SALE. Fri. Sc Sat.. previously lived there and they ing due to the death of an aunt, Marie Ericson. Verl and his bro­ Aug. 3 b 4. Fire hall. Nehalem visited relatives and friends. Social Club. 29t2c Mrs. Marie Shafer returned ther Dale were raised by Mr. and Paddy Robotham of Santa Rosa home Friday from Bandon where Mrs. Ericson after the death of is here with her friend Sheryl she had spent almost a month with their own mother. Funeral services Nance who is visiting her grand­ her daughter and husband, Mr. will be held Thursday at 1 p.m. parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Nance. and Mrs. Ed Burness and daugh­ Mrs. Ericson’s sister, Mrs. Chet She arrived Wednesday of last ters. During that time she had Fugate also lives here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Culbertson week. Debby Flynn of Portland, celebrated her 78th birthday June cousin of Sheryl, also has been 24. Mrs. Burness and the girls received a letter from their son here to visit with her grandpar­ brought her home and spent the Harry Jr., stating that he and his week end here. family had just returned from va­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Ring. Friends here have received news cationing in Europe where they Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cedarburg of the arrival June 28 of a son at spent some time in Holland, Spain, returned home last Wednesday the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Italy and visited the birthplace of from New York where they had McAvoy of Eugene. Mrs. McAvoy Mrs. Culbertson’s mother in spent five weeks while he re­ is the former Valta Marr who lived France. Word from another son, ceived training in Yonkers to pre­ here when her mother, Mrs. Emily Douglas Culbertson, is that he is pare him for the job of mainte­ Marr taught in the Vernonia ele­ in Miami Beach, Florida. He is nance man for a bowling alley. mentary schools. The baby singing in the Barry Ashton’s They encountered some very hot weighed 8 Vi pounds and has been Playmates of ’62 Revue. He is weather and to sum up their trip, named Randy Thomas. known as one of the Vespia Bro­ he said they hated New York, Mrs. Mabel Graves, Mrs. H. A. thers. They will appear at the loved Washington, D.C. ahd the Dewitt and Mrs. Ira Peterson Deauville hotel all summer. most beautiful sight on the whole were in Portland Monday to at­ News has been received con­ trip was Mt. Hood as they came tend funeral services for Mrs. Mar­ down the highway from Arling­ tha Kallesee whose home had pre­ cerning Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Thom­ as who have been moved to a ton. viously been on Clatskanie moun­ hospital in Germany to complete Kathy Barker returned to work tain. recuperation from automobile ac­ at Kate's cafe this week after a Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wood. cident injuries. July 12, a son, two weeks vacation during which Mrs. Grayce Bundy and Mr. and David Jonathon, weighing 7 she accompanied her brother and Mrs. E. E. Garner were in Van­ pounds, was added to their family wife, Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Barker to couver Sunday to attend the an­ and both mother and babe are get­ Seattle where they all visited Mr. nual Oregon - Washington Pythian ting along fine, though the mother and Mrs. Ed James. Mrs. James Home picnic. is still in a cast. That same day, is the sister of Kathy and Elroy. RUMMAGE SALE, Fri. & Sat., the Thomas’s two other children Aug, 3 & 4. Fire hall. Nehalem arrived at Springfield to stay with Social Club. 2912c their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Robert Tunnell, until the parents Mrs. Wallv Noakes the first part are sufficiently recovered to come 2 THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1962 of this week were their daughter, home. Mrs. Earl Redding and three chil­ Mrs. J. R. Cone drove to Gol- dren from Portland. Friday of this dendale Friday of last week to • BEN'S BARBER SHOP week, the Noakes will observe bring home her son Robert and their fortieth wedding anniversary. Mike Hobart for a few days here Expert Tonsorlal Work G uests last w e e k end at the between hay cuttings. They came home of Mr and Mrs. Dave Skid­ through Camas to leave another Open Six D a y i a Week more were his sister and husband, boy at his home. Mrs. Cone took Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young from them back to Goldendal? Sunday. Vernonia. Oreqon Gresham. Friday of last week, The boys are helping with hay » » •♦ T O » » » » » » » » :* Mrs Skidmore was in Hood River harvest on a ranch. to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. A. D. Lolley was taken Henry Dimbat. to Tuality hospital, Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parker Wednesday of last week for treat­ have been making trips to Port­ ment for phlebitis. She returned FRL. SAT. JULY 20 21 land to visit their son Kenneth at home Monday of this week but Walt Disney's the Veterans hospital where he must be off her feet as much as MOON PILOT is being treated for a serious in­ possible for awhile. Plus fection in his leg Mrs. Kenneth RUMMAGE SALE. Fri. & Sat. SWINGING ALONG Prices For This Show: Adults 70c Parker, who comes up from their Aug. 3 & 4. Fire hall. Nehalem home in Nehalem on the days she Social Club. 29t2c Children (under 12) 35c is off work, has accompanied them [ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sturdevant Oertionia Eagle O C e Fruit Cocktail I^arge Crisp Heads ............. Ea. T n p rc.9 O F THE TOWN For KING KELLY ORANGE SHURFINE FANCY Y 4 -1 IL L ARKET E $1 gg 16-oz. Pkg................................. 2 93 © /in « 2 .4 9 © RQC 3 .6 9 10« 3-Lb. Can For Potatoes i l U D L i FOOD r u v u BETTY CROCKER A ANGEL $199 Jg : Picnic Hams • Sw ift’s Premium FLAV-R-PAC FROZEN FRENCH FRIED »KL MONTE MIXED SALAD 2 -8 9 * • Fresh Hourly i Lunch'n Meats TASTEWELL SALAD Dressing ! 100% PURE-GROUND ! For the Convenience of You and Your Friends i---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J Style Show coming August 3. All new fall fashions. Professional and local models — 8 p.m., I.O.O.F. Hall. DORIS SKIDMORE I 1 I