Oernonia Eagle Scouters Work 8 THURSDAY. JUNE 28, 1962 At Spirit Lake Last week end, four men from Ridge Riders here participated in Scouters’ Weekend at Spirit Lake in Wash­ Plan Program ington near Mt. St. Helens help­ The Vernonia Ridge Riders met on Tuesday evening to complete plans for the horseshow they will present Saturday afternoon, July 28, following the Friendship Ja m ­ boree parade. Club president, Archie Dass, stated that this year events will be in three divisions, senior for all riders 14 years old and up, junior for age 10 through 13 and junior junior division for those nine ysars old and under. In each of the three divisions a high-point trophy will be given and ribbons will be given for four places in each event. Rules will require that all p er­ sons who enter events must b3 active members of some riding club at the present time. An entry fee of $1.00 will be charged for seniors and 50 cents for juniors and junior juniors. Events scheduled are as follows: For all three classes: Texas bar­ rel, keyhole, and barrel bell. For seniors only: egg race and two-man sack roping. In open class, musical sacks, two-man flag race, scurry and. buck and squaw race. If time permits, musical ropes will be added. Neighboring saddle clubs are being invited to enter the parade nt 11:00 a.m. Saturday morning, Ju ly 28, and the horse events in the afternoon. Bellingham Boy Has Operation BIRKENFELD—M arty Belling­ ham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bel­ lingham underw ent surgery last Friday and returned home S at­ urday. Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson and his mother, Elsa Richardson, left Monday for Madras to visit with relatives. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jepson Lonnquist Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. K link and family and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Koch and family of Beaverton. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bellingham and family, Mr. and Mrs. iton Trenholm and family and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scott of Vancouver, B.C. all spent the week end at Detroit dam. A pot luck dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Johnston Sunday. A brother, La- vie Larson and his wife from Spokane were here, ns was Mrs. Dutch Sacher and Mrs. Willard Benson of Silverton, the Gene Larsons, Francis Nordstroms and Francis Larsons. Mrs. Roger Chase visited with Mrs. Clausen last Thursday. Father: “The man who gets my daughter will get a prize.” Suitor: "May I see it please?” Z X £ X X X K 3 Z X II> —< E £ Z X 3 B a B Z X X Z 2 Z -E n > *-< £ Z X 2 B E B X Z X X K X Z -E B 3 S T Q H tS » <2ZXXBQ BZnXXEnZ> ’ ON YOUR WAY TO OR FROM THE S E A T T L E WORLD'S FAIR BUY YOUR CAR AND TRAVEL.NEEDS 0 1 0 LOCALLY “ JO OWNED S tores and still STARTS THURSDAY GROWING II Ounca Spray Hap BUG KILLER Leonard 14 cu. ft. dble. door refrigerator. Mod. MA1011. Reg. $349.95, W ith T ra d e SQr7Q88 i O Vl Inch P la s tic Due to open here tomorrow, Friday, Ju n e 29, is the account­ ing office of Mrs. Doris Skidmore which will be maintained in the office space next to Nichol’s V ar­ iety store. Mrs. Skidmore has previously done income tax work at her home but is expanding her services to include accounting, typing, reports, and the work of a public st?nographer. H er office will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. each Monday, W ed­ nesday and Friday and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. She will be closed Tuesday and also will be available after hours by ap­ pointment. COAST \S U P E R D IS C O U N T / ing prepare the Boy Scout camp for summer activities. Those who went were Don Cameron, Scout­ master; Ed Burton, Julius H ytrek and Robert C. Lindsay. , Scouters’ W eekend is a time set for vounteers from all over the Portland area to gather at the camp and do the necessary work to prepare it for the use of Scout groups during the summer. The Vernonia Scout troop will go to the camp August 5 through 11. The men who worked at the camp last week end returned home tired but with a feeling of pride and accomplishment as the reward for their effort. New Office to Open Friday C O A S T -1 O ZEBCO SPIN CAST REEL WITH MATCHING SPIN CAST ROD LAWN HOSE *3n W Doubl« wo labt, flaxl- ble plastic •tic Koso no»< with* stands knotting and twisting. 8 yaor- guar on­ to a. No fly a t mosquito can llvo onco iprayod with this deadly klllorl Kills on contact. Non-staining, no odor. O n. ploco black shaft with 2 spin cast guides. Spinning reel with ad- lustable drag. Inter­ changeable spool. Anti- blacklash. Coast to Coast Top quality titanium house paint. W hite ® /l49 only...... ..... Gal. Easy to fold and carry In boat or cor. Strong oak frame, attractive stlpped drill cover. COAtT» Aliti BIG 2 0 Inch 87< SALE FROZEN FOOD CONTAINERS PORTABLE Goulds balanced flow shallow well system. No tank. no extras. 85 Now Only — WINDOW FAN Regularly $24.95 v A l lOW At a ? High Impact styrsaa, polyathylone lid*. P IN T........... 10 FOR87« h PINT....... 15 FOR 87« QUART.........4 FOR87« H GALLON..4 FOR 87« 104 BAR-B-Q GRILL Manually reversible, 2 speed window fan pulls hot, stale air out, brings In cool fresh air! 20 INCH ELECTRICALLY REVERSIBLE SUPER DELUXE FAN.............. Reg. $39.95 > 3 1 . 8 8 New ”S2 TOGSBAÎBE "Compact"! UL approved swing-out motor, 24 inch grill with tripod logs, hood, crock assembly. 19 Inch E -Z Cat Roto-Coaater First College Loan Issued The Vernonia Branch of the United States National bank has the distinction of issuing the first college assured loan under a new loan plan recently put into force by the system of banks in Oregon. Under this plan, a parent or guardian may apply for a loan for use to cover costs of a student’s educational needs in amounts from $700 up to $10,000. With one loan they may arrange for funds for a course up to four years. Up to six years may be used for repayment. The loan issued locally was for a two year course of study to cover the last two years of col­ lege, according to B. R. Pilger, manager of the Vernonia branch of the U. S. National bank. AND YELLS “FORE” W hat this country really needs is a car brake th at will stop the car behind. A small boy was bored on a long auto trip. Suddenly he turned to his father and said: "I wish you’d let Mom drive— it’s more exciting.” S9S B3HH3E3 24 Inch Motor! sad PER WEEK Group 1 B atteries. 36 month guar. $0^8 Exchange— J>OWER M O W ER „ With Wind-Up Starter ompara At 569.95 Cold Pack CANNER White Rubber . Brigg «-Stratton 2.5 H P . 4 cycle an­ gina. Powerful with ckoka-a-matia throttle central«, pulsa-jat carburaa- tar and a drl-typa air filter. 8 posi­ tion«. Ha« loaf ■wicker. SWIMMING MASK f Reg $2.29 Holds 7 quart or pint |ars, complete with rack. Blue enemel. 20 quart sise. SEE US FOR ALL OF YOUR CANNING SUPPLIE AT SALE SAVINGSI w- K For Cool Comfortable Driving SEAT AND 95 P riced a t *64 95 49 Only ...... O ther models $ Priced From Wide view lens of shat­ terproof amber plastic. Adjustable. LARGE SIZE...................... Revolving Lawn Sprinklers Priced from ’c up $-J I ?547 $58.88 Hydrator. • Spacious storage door. Famed Frigidaire Dependability! F .O .B. rartMB«« ocoqw» o Fully Inquietad With Flberglepl e littoriocklog Thostoas »ett o J Iseweee lost El Montai Xd/uitobfe.* ALUMINUM CHAISE LOUNGE 7-Pc. M etalcraft D in­ ette set. $99.95 Value. Special Only 88 10 5 I I I o Designed to fit in limited space. o No defrosting ever in Re­ frigerator Section. a 71-Ib. zero zone freezer, a Giant Porcelain Enamel ^ E le c tr ic WATER HFATFR □ $-J I Model FD-11-62 10.51 cu. ft. net capacity B19 52 Gallon ^ ^ ^ S ; lver. Seal 85‘ Armstrong Budgetone vinyl floor covering. Square 29 Yard Congoleum vinyl Fore­ cast floor covering. Square 59 Yard 9x12 Linoleum $| Rugs, Only T Spring coil seat fhot lots air vontilato and cool through sprlngsl JUMBO SIZE......12 69 □ s8495 $14.95, Now Folding Alum. Arm Arn Chair. Reg. $p*88 $7.95, Only 5-Pc. Set. Special Only $79.95 Val. Cu «tons g last lined modal. H at water instantly. 1 0 year warranty. O NLY $ 2 9 9 .9 5 Brunsm an H ard w are and Elec. *6495 P H O N E H D h ’ IT ’S A P R IV IL E G E VERNONIA, ORE. H A 9-5651 A N D A P L E A S U R E TO L IV E IN V E R N O N IA SA N D W IC H BAGS % 19c P A P , PLATES 25c PAPER CUPS « “ S r " > ^ 2 9 c P R IC E S E F F E C T IV E TH R O U G H JU L Y 7th - FRESH GRADE A TURKEYS - O R D ER EA R LY L IM IT E D Q U A N TITY Young Nor­ best birds. BACH $259 £ i| O Z*|/ Vanned L uncheon M eat Reg. 45c— S av e 10c 12-oz. Can BEEF STEW 3 5 7 5 ? 57L«, OC qj 47 c 1- Lb. Can............... 59c 2- Lb. Can.............. $1.18 5 to 6-I.h. A verage These T u rk e y s a re b o u g h t especially fo r C u rl’s and are g u a ra n te e d to be th e best your m oney can buy. ★ PICNIC H A M S ★ DUBUQUE Boneless— Fully Cooked D D IA IIC T C DKIUUEI j 3-Lb. Can ,XH1K hinting * hotter 20-Lb. $1.00 IV O R Y LIQ UID Ä $ 1 .89 i.b. 55c 55c 10-oz. Inslant........... 99c CURL’S THE P-R-O-D-U-C-E C-E-N-T-E-R OF VERNONIA B ro u g h t in daily to g u a ra n te e o u r cu sto m ers th e fre s h e s t m erch an d ise available a t th e low est possible prices. RADISHES or GRN. ONIONS Bun. Full of V itam in s TO M A T O JC. H u n t's — 46-oz. 4 For $1 FACIAL TISSUE £ ? £ 4 For $1 Zee— By W A X PAPER ? X ^ n .K ,.5 F » $ l N A PK IN S i r - r 10c BOOK M ATCHES Pkg. ¡“ of 50 Rooks 10c Cottage— Reg. 45c Q Ç e» —Save 10c, 46-oz. Tins 00C ORANGE JC. YELLOW ONIONS.................................... Lb. GREEN P E P P E R S ................................. Each NEW POTATOES.........................................Lb. LETTUCE, I-arge Crisp Heads Ea. CARROTS. 1-Lb. Cello Bags ................ Ea. Bj AU CURL'S GROCERY Eat Better—Buy More—Spend Le«a—When You Shop Herel H A 9-6341 D e liv e rie s 3:00 P .M . V e rn o n ia