CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE-General FOR SALE: Rabbits, calves and ducks. J. W. Johnson, Keasey route. HAzel 9-5897. 28tlc FOR SALE: 22 laying hens, $1.00 each. HAzel 9-3278. 26t3c Demonia Eagle 6 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Auto Painting CARS & PICK-UPS $35 and up J. B. ARTMAN Timber Route, Vernonia 26t3c FOR SALE: Milk cow. Gives about six gallons per day. B. L. Mitchell, HAzel 9-5129, Vernonia. 26tlc WILL DO custom baling, pick-up bales and storing, or entire har­ vesting of hay, including cutting, raking, baling and storage. Call SKyline 5-2315. 25t3 FOR SALE: Guernsey - Jersey cow, just freshened. Purebred Jersey bull. J. B. Artman, Timber Rt., Vernonia. 26t3c OPPORTUNITY! Your money can earn dividends and free life insurance. Sec your Credit Union. 959 Rose Avenue. 7tfc ICE CREAM freezer, six quart, General Electric motor, used only once. Cost $27.95; sell for $18.00. Call HAzel 9-5252 or at 1158 Bridge St. 26t3 WORKING MOTHERS, let me help you. Ironing done reason­ ably $3 & up per basket. You need help, I can use money. Ma Vike, 1654 Nehalem St., Corey Hill. 5tfc U-PICK Strawberries. Highway 26, mile post 44. C. A. Morgan, Buxton, Oregon. 25t3c FOR SALE: Young grade Hol­ stein cow. Bred to registered shorthorn. Fresh in 10 days. $175. A. Kittlcson on P.O. Mellinger road. 24t3 EVEN-TEMP INSULATION CO. 18860 SW Vista, Aloha, Oregon. Blown - in insulation. Aver­ age house, $50-$60. Call collect, Mitchell 4-3918.___________ 18ifc BEDDING plants and geraniums. Many varieties to choose from. Fresh flowers for bouquets, cor­ sages, funeral designs. Long dis­ tance telephone service and local delivery. Roses, rhododendrons, etc. Spofford Garden and Floral Service. Phone HAzel 9-5863. Haberman's Meat PROCESSING PLANT State Inspected CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Beef: Monday, Tuesday, Friday Hogs: Thursday, Friday till noon Cutting and Wrapping Sharp Freezing Smoking and Curing Free use of Stock Trailer Shop Res. EL 7-3922 EL 7-2981 Rt. 2, Bx 141, Forest Grove, Ore. On Fern Hill Road ltfc CLARENCE R. WAGNER, county surveyor, Court House, St. Helens. Phone office, 698; home, 183. P ri­ vate surveying, engineering work. 24»fc I7tfc FLOWERS THAT PLEASE. Fin­ est in flowers for all occasions. Plants, bouquets. Floral pieces for funerals. Flowers speeded by long distance or wired anywhere. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, HAzel 9-6611. ltfc FOR SALE: Used chain saws. Keazey’s Saw Shop, corner of Bridge and State St. 27tfc TEN-POUND bundles of news­ papers for saie. Suitable for starting fires, etc. Vernonia Eagle Office 8tf FRESH FLOWERS for any occa- »ion Flowers wired anywhere. Ruth Steers, HAzel 9-5384 tStfc FOR SALE-Real Estate COMPLETELY furnished all-elec­ tric, five rooms, bath. Newly dec­ orated home.. Garage. Ideal for retired couple. Comer lot. Rea­ sonable. Orval Clark, 1011 Ne­ halem. 26t2 FOR SALE: House at 1153 Ruth Ave. Five rooms nnd bath, elec­ tric heat, garage, large lot. Good terms. Contact owner nt above address. 26t3 FOR SALE OR LEASE: Small two-bedroom house on approxi­ mately one acre. Wired for 220, electric heat. Cull HAzel 9-6084. 25t3c WANTED: Small ranch suitable for grazing cattJe; good water supply, prefer irrigation possibili­ ty; buildings. State price and par­ ticulars. P.O. Box 182, Forest Grove. 24t3 FOR SALE: Four-room house, wired for 220, has water heater, some furniture. Eleven acres, good gravity water. On good road, inquire at Vernonia Variety. 24t3c THREE FOUR bedroom house, newly remodeled, new paint, new hurricane roof, two baths, room for two cars, near store, schools^ wired for range and plumbed for laundry and dryer. $4500. See at 101 North St. Call HAzel 9-5603 23tfe FOR SALE-Car, Truck FOR SALE: 1959 Olds converti­ ble, white, full power, excellent condition. $2395. Also, 1947 Stu- debaker pick-up, good shape, $195. Call HAzel 9-6245. 26tlc WANTED WANTED: Small siz’ used bi­ cycle. Contact Wilfred Holce, HA­ zel 9 6783 26tl WANTED: Hay baling. New Cormick 46 baler. $5 00 per James Gaston, Keasey route, miles up Burn road. Also, miles up Burn road. Mc­ ton. two hay 26t2 NOTICE NOTICE M A IN STREET CLEANERS WILL NOT pick-up and deliver in Vernonia during the first two weeks of July due to vacation of the driver, Mrs. Eva Johnson. Send items NOW and be prepar­ ed. Thank you. 24t3 FOR RENT FOR RENT: Small furnished 3- room house on A street. Reason­ able. Phone HAzel 9-5571. 26tlc FOR RENT OR SALE: Lovely thr?e-bedroom home at 405 First Ave. Completely remodeled and enlarged. All-electric heat. Ga­ rage. Ideal location. Contact Jim Davies, HAzel 9-5023 or HAzel 9-6233. 25t3c CHERRY TREE Apts, and rooms —Furnished, Private bath. 830 Second St HAzel 9-5042 24tfc LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF BOND REDEMPTION Notice is hereby given that the City of Vernonia, Oregon, will, on August 1, 1962, call and redeem the following General Obligation Sewer Bonds dated August 1, 1954: Bonds numbered: 24 to 27. due August 1, 1962. u Io 31, due August 1, 1963. S2 Io 35, du? August 1, 1964. M to 40, due August 1, 1965. 41 Io 45, due August 1, 1966. 46 Io 50, due August 1, 1967. 51 to 55, due August 1, 1968. 56 Io 61. due August 1. 1969 Bonds are called pursuant to Section 3 of Ordinance No. 334, City of Vernonia, Oregon, the or­ dinance authorizing the issuance of such bonds. Bonds shall be redeemed at the office of the City Treasurer, Ver­ nonia, Oregon, at par value plus accrued interest to date of re­ demption. Interest on the above bonds shall cease from and after August 1. 1962. Dated at Vernonia, Oregon, this 21st day of June, 1962 Walter E. Linn, City Recorder _________________________ 25t2c Ocrnonla Eagle MARVIN KAMHOLZ Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregor Entered as second class mail matter, Augus’ 4. 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Oiegon undet the act of March 3. 1879. Sub scription price $3 00 yearly in th» Nehalem Valley, Elsewhere $3 50 N A y ° N M N E W S P A R IR P U B L IS H E R S A SS O C IA TIO N Pleas« advise us of your new I address if you are planning to : move. THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1962 FREE! Five cute kittens to give away. Three yellow, two gray. Contact Wilfred Holce, HAzel 9- 6783. 26tl CARD OF THANKS MAY WE express our heartfelt thanks for the cards and messages, floral offerings and the many acts of kindness during the recent loss of our loved one. A special thanks to the Rebekahs and those who helped supply and serve dinner for the family. May God bless you. Mrs. Bruce McDonald and family 26tl WE EXTEND our thanks to all the friends and neighbors for their many expressions of sympa­ thy in our recent bereavement. We wish to thank all the ladies who arranged and served the lunch. Mr. Herbert Sturdevant Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hartzell and family Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sturdevant and family 26tlc I WANT to thank all of my friends and neighbors for the wonderful cards and flowers while I was in the hospital and since coming home. Words cannot express how much they meant to me. A spec­ ial thank you to Elizabeth Sera- fin for her wonderful help while I’m recuperating at home. My sincerest thanks. Mrs. Howard Johnson 26tlc WE WISH to express our sincerest thanks to all the kind friends and neighbors for their thoughtful­ ness and sympathy and beautiful flowers in our recent bereave­ ment in the great loss of my hus­ band “Clyde” and our “Dad.” Lillie V. Henderson and family 26tlc CLASSIFIED RATES THE EAGLE assumes no finan­ cial responsibility fo- error, that may appear in ads pub­ lished in its columns, but in case where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part ol an adv. in which the typo­ graphical mistake occurs. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER TUESDAY N O O N EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK S PAPER. BLIND ADS with answers to be handled by the Eagle: Mini­ mum charge $1.00. No informa- lion given relative to such ads. POETRY accepted only as paid matter. Rate: 5c per type line. M I N I M U M charge 50c for 25 words or less. Words over min­ imum, 3c each. Three inser­ tions for the price of two. CARD of Thanks & Notices: $1.00 NO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. Group Gathers to Fete Mrs. Berg on Birthday BIRKENFF.LD—Last Thursday evening dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Berg were Mrs. Marion Steers, Mrs. Laura Carmichael, Mr. and Mrs. David Morgan, Ralph Berg, Sharon Sei­ fert, Mr. and Mrs. Kit Kennedy and a cousin of Mrs. Berg, Gladys Priebe of The Dalles. Later, Vick shoved his pictures. The occa­ sion was Mrs. Berg's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Parman of Portland visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Baker. Eagle Want Ads Get Results— a. Nearly everybody reads a newspaper every day. b. Practically every sale of every pro­ duct manufactured by any company will be made to a newspaper reader. c. Hence the newspaper is basic and the effective use of its advertising col­ umns constitutes the most powerful and the most profitable advertising force in existence, any day and every day. advertising works for you I MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt. 2, Box 379, Forest Grove, Ore EL 7 7281 Slaughtering. Cutting, Wrapping, and Curing Meat for sale, any quantity. Cattle Received Sunday and Monday until noon Hogs received Tuesday and Wednesday until noon. Come through Banks, take Tillamock road l l i mile, take first lefthand road. ltfc The Vernonia Eagle