DATES to Remember THURSDAY. JUNE 28 Nehalem Valley Coin club pot­ luck and meeting. Burns build­ ing, 7:00 p.m. Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge, IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY. JUNE 29 Sabin Oral Vaccine Clinic, West Oi^gon Bldg., 4 to 6 p.m. Type'l MONDAY, JULY 2 Reupholstery workshop prelimin­ ary meeting, West Oregon bldg., 1:00 p.m. Lions club directors dinner meet­ ing, Lew’s Cafe, 6:30 p.m. Jamboree band practice, high school, 7:30 p.m. City council and city budget hear­ ing, City hall, 8:00 p.m. Jamboree meeting, fire hall, 8:00 p.m. TUESDAY. JULY 3 Vernonia Odd Fellows lodge, IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY. JULY 4 INDEPENDENCE DAY - Holiday Coin Club Meet Set for Tonight Mrs. R. M. Burns, president of the Nehalem Valley Coin Club, is­ sued a reminder this week to club members that a meeting is sched­ uled for tonight, (Thursday, June 28), at the Burns building at 7:00 p.m. which will start with a pot luck dinner. She also extended an invitation to anyone interested in coins to meet with the club that evening. Following the dinner, an impor­ tant meeting will be held to com­ plete plans for the club’s partic­ ipation in the Friendship Jambo­ ree July 27, 28 and 29. Those who attend are invited to bring coins to swap. The meeting will be followed by a social hour and games. Wayne L. Welch, machinist’s mate fireman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Welch, is serv­ ing aboard the ammunition ship USS Wrangell, operating in the Mediterranean with the Sixth Fleet. The Wrangell is scheduled to re­ turn to the United States in Au­ gust. During her Mediterranean cruise, the ship has visited Naples and LaSpezia, Italy, the island of Malta and Izmir, Turkey. Darrell R. Elliott, fireman ap­ prentice, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elton A. Elliott, is serving aboard the guided missile light cruiser, USS Topeka, which de­ parted her home port at Long Beach, Calif., June 7, for a six- month cruise to the Western Pa­ cific, where she will operate as a unit of the Seventh Fleet. During the cruise, which will take the ship first to Hawaii and then to Japan, Formosa and Oki­ nawa, the crew will be trained in underway operational effective­ ness. In addition to the training the ship and crew will participate in “Operation Handclasp,” which as­ sists hospitals and orphanages through the delivery of food, clothing and medicine collected from all over the United States. The flagship for Commander Cruiser - Destroyer Flotilla Three is scheduled to return to Long Beach in December. Reupholstery Workshops Due A reupholstering workshop is being planned to be held in Ver­ nonia during the month of July. The preliminary meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 2, at the West Oregon Electric build­ Rebekahs Hear Reports ing in Vernonia starting at 1 p.m. Of Assembly Delegates It is important that everyone An interesting report on the interested attend the preliminary Grand Assembly held at Medford meeting for the following will be was given by Herlene Robertson discussed at that time: 1. Supplies and materials need­ and Irma Chance at the meeting of Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge held ed for this workshop. 2. Type of materials suitable for June 14. Gertrude Schalock, noble grand, reupholstering. 3. How to measure to determine presided at the meeting. The charter was draped in hon­ amount of material needed. 4. Set the dates for the work­ or of Ruby Biggs. There were five guests from shop. (It will require five full Gaston lodge, all of whom were days. ) Everyone interested in learning officers of their lodge. Following the meeting delicious how to do reupholstering is most refreshments of pie and coffee welcome. The classes are being were served by Marie Atkins, arranged by Mrs. Margaret Allyn, county extension agent, and they Jackie Atkins and June Ray. are sponsored locally by the Mist- Nehalem, Vernonia and Timber Natal Grange to Present route extension units. However, 60-Year Membership Pin they are open to everyone whether they have ever been a member of Natal Grange extends an invita­ an extension unit or not. tion to friends to meet with them this Saturday evening, June 30, at 8:00 p.m. for a special program in which Mrs. Robert S. Lindsay will be honored with the presentation Do You Know This Woman? of her 60 year membership pin. Born March 21, 1900 at LaGrande, Interesting program features are Oregon. planned. Married in 1925 at Astoria. Came to Vernonia in . 1931. One of her names is Mary. She is active in fraternal and club groups. Locally employed in the same ca­ pacity most of the time she has lived here. (Information supplied by J. W. Nichols). Answer to last week’s quiz, O. T. Bateman. Lei's Gel Acquainted! Engagement Announced For Miss Ann Cameron How to give your car ' the best of care Mr. and Mrs. Ray J. Cameron announce the engagement of their daughter Ann to Don E. O'Neil, son of Mrs. E. J. O’Neil of Moun­ tain Home, Idaho. Ann is a graduate of Vernonia high school and of the University of Oregon, Eugene. Mr. O’Neil is a graduate of the University of Idaho. Both are presently em­ ployed in the LaGrande public school system. Plans are being made for a sum­ mer wedding. Your car represents one of your most important invest­ ments. Treat it wisely by having a mechanic check it periodically for top running efficiency. And don’t forget to have your auto insurance program kept up-to-date, too! The right coverages can save you thousands of dollars if trouble strikes. See us today for the full story on Hartford Auto Insur­ ance*. BILL I. HORN Vernonia Insurance Exchange Phone HA 9-6203 905 Bridge Street Vernonia, Oregon Representing the Hartford Fire * r.iurance Company r.Mi » ¥ Oernonia Eagle Local Boys See World with Navy Past Chiefs to Recess During Month of July ' ' The Past Chiefs club will not meet in July due to the conflict of the meeting date and the July 4 holiday. Their next meeting will be August 7 at the home of Mrs. Irma Chance. ^Election of officers will be held at that time. The June meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Fred Hecken- liable who entertained club mem­ bers at a 6:30 p.m. dinner at which sh; served some of the German dishes which are her specialty. Support the Jamboree July 27, 28, 29 THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1962 3 Rodeo Court To Host Show From left to right: Judy Morris. Rainbow Girls To Take Recess On June 25, Nehalem Assembly No. 18, Order of Rainbow for Girls, held its regular meeting at the Masonic Temple. The girls decided to have a food sale to raise money to go to the beach. The food sale will be Sat­ urday, June 30. They will then go to the beach the first week in August. These five lovely girls, who are the 1962 Columbia County Fair Rodeo court, will act as hostesses at the June 30 and July 1 Western Horsemen of Oregon approved game show, to ba held at the Co­ lumbia county fairgrounds, spon­ sored by the Columbia Riders saddle club. Two days of performances by some of the top horses and riders in Oregon and Washington are scheduled. As this is the last show that riders will have points tallied towards the July Interstate events they will be trying their best. Con­ sidering this fact everyone will be out to win and the shows are sure to be exciting. The public is invited to attend these free shows starting at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, June 30 and 1:00 p.m. Sunday, July 1. A western dance will be hold in the Forestry building Saturday evening follow­ ing the evening show. A cowboy Kathy Dudley. Sheryl Tarbell. Eleanor Matney and Pam Lousignont breakfast, all you can eat for $1 Columbia Photo Service will be served starting at 8:00 a m. Sunday morning in the 4-H kitch­ ger, Rory Workman, Christine Mrs. Howard Jones, mother ad­ en. visor, reported on Grand Assem­ King, Nancy Skidmore, Nancy Hamnett, Judy Slough, Kathy bly which took place in Salem Steele and Sherlynn Floeter. June 17, 18 and 19. During the The girls were taken to Salem sessions, Marjorie Jones served in by Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Ed Roediger her office as grand recorder and and Mrs. Dave Skidmore. Sharon Brunsman was a member DRY GOODS No more meetings of Nehalem of the grand choir. Nancy How­ NOTIONS — GIFTS Assembly will be held until Sep­ ard was appointed as grand rep­ resentative to Iowa to serve dur­ tember since they recess during August. FIRE. AUTO AND ing the coming year. Marjorie July and ______________ v. Jones and Jean Roediger were CASUALTY Following in the footsteps of given the grand cross of colors. INSURANCE LINES Other girls who attended the every man there’re at least three Phone H A 9-6058 sessions were Marilyn Jones, Jan­ women—and one of them will A t M ile Bridge. Riverview catch him. et Bruce, Diana and Kathy Min- HENRY & POLLY HUDSON it's bargain day! [A? T»‘ iTwínWes Mil® V 5 $ .penosi 10-oz. Pkgs. For 3 Pkgs. S1 MJB COFFEE SAFFLOWER OIL 1 Saffo», 1- Lb............... 55c 2- Lbs........... $1.09 6-oz. Inst....... 75c 01 5c Variety Ctn. 24 95c FLOUR Reg. 59c 14-oz. Hot. 10 Lbs. 89‘ 28-oz. Bot. Reg. $1.15 Betty Crocker Reg. 43c........... CAKE MIXES CANDY BARS PANCAKE FLOUR STALEYS SYRUP GOLD MEDAL ' Ifettq OiockCA- 4 6 Ft Fui Betty Crocker Bttrmilk, l-Lb. For Pancakes & S A M ’S FREE DELIVERY 5 $1 3 /2 5 c 25C CANNED POP 45c ★ BANQUET T-V DINNERS ★ Q QOr X 1 0 71 39c $1 ( .U U K It J Fireside— Assorted Creme Sandwich— 10%-oz. For Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Italian and Mexican ...................................... FOOD STO RE PHONE HA 9-5501