I CALIROSE ELBERTA FREESTONE PEACHES 5 $i Halves— No. 2 li Cans Case 24........$4.75 You r« A t Close to tha Mill Market A t Your Telephone H A 9-3492 Prices Good Through Tuesday, July 3rd. i OLIVES Lindsay Pitted— No. 1 Tall Can................... Early California Stuffed 8*«a. Jar............................ PORK & BNS. 2 r6 5 c 2 L For For 89c 6 n u i rjiv SOFT ovr i CAMPFIRE NEW SUPER DAD’S Marshmll ws O Root Beer / I Efl I NO. 2 S I CANS * 00 1/2-Gal. Glass Keg Vermont Maid........24-oz. Bottle White Hulless Blue Bell 4-Pac, $1 Value 2-Lb. Pkg. M l Picnic Frozen, 12-oz. Cans Assorted Flavors TOPICS OF THE TOW N Mr. and Mr». Frank Lenta re­ nonia Thursday of last week cal­ turned home last Friday from a ling on friends. Mrs. Ruby Brown and daughter two-week vacation in California during which they visited with Rita from San Jose, California relatives in the bay area. Included were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes­ in those visited were his two sis­ ley Bolmeier Thursday of last ters, Mrs. E. Geiger at Stockton week. They had been visiting at and Mrs. Ella Spencer of Oak­ Hillsboro with Mrs. Brown's par­ dale who met them at Stockton; ents and her son Larry. Mrs. Bol­ his brother and wife, Mr. and meier went to Hillsboro to bring Mrs. Eail Lentz at Richmond them here. Among others they whose 25th wedding anniversary called on briefly was Mrs. Larry they helped celebrate; her sister, Garner and family, a former next Mrs. Bertha Moreau at Oakland door neighbor of the Browns when and their son Raymond at Napa. they lived on OA hill. Also visited at Napa were a niece, Frank Lange was in Portland Mrs. Helen Meyer and a sister-in- Friday to call on Maynard Grün­ law, Mrs. Alice Wakeman. If any­ den at the Veterans hospital. Mr. one has noticed Frank sporting Gründen had undergone surgery some spiffy new trousers, it is on his neck Thursday. because they visited the Rough Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stevenson Rider manufactureing plant at and three children from Spring- Napa and he came home with a field were here last week end sample. He and his brother also to see cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph attended a baseball game in San Krieger. They also called on Francisco between the Giants and friends. St. Louis. Mrs. Russell Junken and daugh­ Guesti Thursday and Friday of ter Carol from Bakersfield, Cali­ last week at the home of Mrs. fornia have b