Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, January 15, 1959, Page 3, Image 3

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    Inaugural Ball Bids
Received From Juneau
A number of local people have
received invitations to the inau­
gural ball at Juneau, Alaska Sat­
urday evening, January 17 which
will follow the inauguration of
William Allen Egan, first gover­
nor of the 49th state, and Hugh
Joseph Wade, secretary of state.
The enevelopes carried first issue
stamps commemorating the event
and are collector’s items.
Invitations that were received
here came through the courtesy
of Mrs. L. M. Crossan who is
working on the ball committee.
Christian Church Slates
Father and Son Banquet
The First Christian church has
announced that tickets have been
placed on sale for the father and
son banquet planned for January
22. A turkey dinner is planned
and tickets, which are $1.25 each,
may be secured from B. J. Horn,
Robert Lindsay and Wm. Bridg­
Schilling Golden West
1-Lb. Can 4 0
Planter's Peanut
2-Lb. Jar
/ J
I9H-OX. Can
1 (c
Steinfeld's Fancy Sauer-
No. 212 Can
1 F7c
1 4
Fresh Roasted Peanuts
Pound Package
Sunshine Hydrox Cookies A 1 c
Pound Package
— I
Open House Is Held
For Former Resident
Mrs. Cora Lange
Heads Rebekahs
Mrs. W T. Graves entertained
with open house last Friday af-
| ternoon in honor of her house
I guest, Mrs. Dave Marshall from
i Bayside, California. More than
thirty friends called during the
afternoon to visit with her.
Edith McFarland, district depu­
ty for Mt. Heart Rebekah lodge,
installed the 1959 officers at the
meeting of the lodge held on
Thursday evening of last week at
the IOOF hall. She was assisted
by a team of past noble grands
who served as the following de­
puty officers: Ella Cline, mar­
shal; Pauline McKee, warden;
Irene Minger, secretary; Grace
Currie, treasurer; Dorothy San-
don, chaplain; Evelyn Heath, in­
side guardian; Zoe Whitsell, out­
side guardian. Murel Knight act­
ed as musician in the absence of
Noma Callister.
Cora Lange was seated as noble
grand and others installed with
her were: Marie Atkins, vice­
grand; Reatha Horn, recording
secretary; Dorothy Carter, fi­
nancial secretary; Alice Buckner,
treasurer; Irma Chance, chaplain,
Isabel Anderegg, warden; Char­
lotte Mason, conductor; Edith
McFarland, color bearer; Myrtle
Oaks and Imogene Brissett, right
and left supports to the noble
grand; June Ray and Virginia
Hogberg, right and left supports
to the vice-grand; Herlene Ro­
bertson, Hazel Grosche, Irene
Minger and Catherine Lentz, al­
tar bearers.
Isabel Anderegg was re-ap­
pointed as drill captain.
Hazel Cook, outgoing noble
grand, presented each of her
officers during the past year with
a handmade gift.
The evening concluded with de.
licious refreshments served by
Mary Sawyer, Ione Justice, Gen­
eva Killingburg and Eleanor Gib­
Mrs. Marshall came to Ver­
nonia last Wednesday enroute
home from Richland where she
had spent Christmas with her son
Jack and family. She spent
Thursday and Saturday calling on
as many former neighbors and
friends as possible.
O. P.
Eagles Plan For
Official's Visit
The Vernonia Aerie, Fraternal
Order of Eagles, has been advised
that O. P. "Bill” Begoni, state
Aerie president, will make his
official visit here Friday of next
week. January 23.
Begoni, at the age of 43, is one
of Oregon’s youngest state Aerie
presidents. He also is a native
Oregonian, born at The Dalles,
and now a businessman in Port­
He is married and has
four children.
He joined the Eagles in 1946
and has been very active ever
since. He has attended the last
nine Grand Aerie conventions
and has become known as the man
who gets jobs done.
All members are urged to turn
out for his official visit here.
Ralph McKee Is
New Noble Grand
June Wedding Planned for
Dee Ann Cook, Geo. Trott
Vernonia Odd Fellows lodge
No. 246 held installation of of-
ficers Tuesday evening of last
week at the IOOF hall with Hen­
ry Anderegg, district deputy
grand master, acting as installing
officer. He wax assisted by the
following acting as district depu­
ty grand officers: Carl Davis,
warden; Frank Lentz, secretary:
Les Galloway, treasurer; Harry
Culbertson, chaplain; Charles
Hickman, guard and R .L. Spen
cer, marshal.
Ralph McKee was installed as
noble grand and other officers
are: Ernest Herman, vice-grand;
Harry Culbertson, secretary; Hen­
ry Anderegg, treasurer; Albert
Wood, warden; Bill Wilson, con­
ductor; R. L. Spencer, chaplain;
Ike Dass and LeRoy Cook, right
and left scene supports; Frank
and Charles Hickman,
right and left supports to the
noble grand; Carl Davis and Nels
Hogberg, right and left supports
to the vice-grand; Joe Grosche,
inside guardian; Wayne Akers,
outside guardian; Cecil Johnson,
musician and Albert Tandy, past
following the installation, de­
licious refreshments
of fried
chicken, salad, cake and coffee,
provided by the new vice-grand.
Ernest Herman, were served by
two Rebekahs, Hazel Cook and
Dorothy Carter.
Sixteen members were present
for the meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Cook an­
nounce the engagement of their
Quaker Puffed .Rice.
daughter DeeAnn Cook to George
Large 634-oz. Package
Trott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ar­
thur Trott of Bandon, Oregon.
A.I. International Sauce A Pc
The announcement comes as the
9-ox. Bottle
culmination of a long friendship
begun when both were quite
Ivalon Vinyl Sponge
A Pc small when he visited here with
Large Sise
relatives. During high school
days, the romance began and was
Brillo Soap Pads
o)Ec carried on during the time Dee
Pkg. of 12 Pads
£0 I Ann was attending Portland State
Chiffon Liquid Detergent ” A c
Miss Cook is now stationed at
22-ox. Can
04 the WAC base at Fort Sill, Okla­
homa and Mr. Trott is stationed
Del Monte Sweetheart
“Oc at St. Paul, Minnesota
Sliced Bacon
Lb. Pkg. 0.
their marriage which is planned
for June, she will be transferred
THESE PRICES GOOD to St. Paul to complete the second
AS LONG AS PRESENT year of her enlistment.
Member United Grocers Inc.
Deliveries Twice Daily
10 A.M. & 3 P.M.—Ph. HA 9-3492
Phone HA 9-3462
Oldtimers Dinner Is
Set For January 24
Dwight Strong, worshipful
master for the Vernonia Masonic
lodge, sent out invitations this
week to all members who reside
elsewhere and former members
of this lodge to attend the annual
Oldtimers dinner which is sched­
uled for January 24.
The affair was started in 1933
when Emil Messing was worship­
ful master and has come to be
one of the outstanding features of
each year. The dinner is pre­
pared and served by the men and
this year George Johnson and
Darrold Proehl are the committee
in charge.
Fuiten and Davis
24-Hour Mortuary Service
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, Res. Managers
Phone HA 9-6611
KING'S Grocery ■ Markel
Phone HA 9-6015
"Where Your Money Buyi More"
At the Mile Bridge
ALWAYS — Top Qualify
ALWAYS — Best Prices
ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery
2 —From your home-owned independent grocery.
Initiatory degress were confer­
red upon Mrs. Ralph Bergerson
at Nehalem Chapter No. 153,
OES Wednesday evening. She
was accompanied by her aunt,
Mrs. Ed Tapp of Cornelius, a
charter member of this chapter.
Claude Shaw, sentinel, was hon.
ored for his birthday. An origi­
nal poem. Ode to the Man Behind
the Door, written by the patron,
Sam L. Hearing was read to hin-,
and a birthday cake presented by
Mrs. Hearing.
A proficiency certificate was
presented to Mrs Frank Serafin,
associate matron, for giving from
memory all of the secret work of
the order and other information.
and Mrs. I. J. Dass received word
of the birth of a new grandson
last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Young of Seattle are the proud
parents and this is their first
child. The new baby arrived on
January 8 and weighed 8 pounds,
2 ounces. Mr. and Mrs. Dass have
not yet learned the baby’s name.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack call­
ed on Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pugh
at Clatskanie Wednesday.
Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs.
Max Oblack attended a thirtieth
wedding anniversary party for
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kyser at
Mr. and Mrs. Wally Noakes
visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pringle
Monday afternoon and evening.
Mrs. Vivian Reynolds called on
Mrs. Eva Pringle Monday fore­
Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall
and Doris called on Mr. and Mrs.
J W. Johnson one evening last
A memorial shelf for Danny
Lawler has been arranged for at
the Vernonia city library by
friends of Danny and the Lawler
family. The following books have
been presented for it:
Shepard’s Tartan, Sister Mary
Jean Dorcy; Don Camillo Takes
the Devil by the Tail, Giovanni
Guareschi; In Heaven We Know
Our Own. Father Blot, S. J ; A
String of Blue Beads, Fulton Our-
sler; Saints and Snapdragons,
Sheed and Ward; The Saints and
Your Name, Joseph Quadflieg;
The Valley of Song, Elizabeth
Goudge; The Miracle of Lourdes,
Ruth Cranston; Borrowed Angel,
Marguerite Hamilton; Heaven on
the Doorstep, Charlotte Edwards;
A Treasury of Catholic Reading,
John Chapin; Life is Worth Liv­
ing, Fulton J. Sheen; The Book
of Catholic Quotations, John
Chapin; James Gillis, Paulist, a
biography, James F. Finley; The
Family that Overtook Christ, Rev.
M. Raymond; The Song of a
Thrush and Crown of Glory.
Mrs. Ben Fowler entertained
Saturday evening with three
tables of pinochle in observance
of her husband's birthday. The
party was arranged as a surprise
for Mr. Fowler who thought he
was joining friends to go square
dancing until they informed him
they were remaining there to
celebrate his birthday.
Guests were Mr and Mrs. Hen-
ry Anderegg, Mr. and Mrs. T L.
DeHart, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. John-
son. Mr. and Mrs. E. E Larson
and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Krieger,
Prizes for high score went to
Mrs. Krieger and Mr Johnson
and consolation prizes were given
to Mrs. Larson and Mr DeHart.
O'Brien Appointed To
Top Cadet Officer Post
The Masons and, their wives
will be entertained at the next
meeting of Nehalem Chapter, Ja­
nuary 21st. and are all invited to
Charles E. O’Brien of Vernonia
has been appointed to one of the
top cadet officer posts in the 1045
student army ROTU brigade at
Oregon State college.
O’Brien was picked to be a
company commander. Selections
were made by the army ROTC
staff on the basis of demonstrated
leadership qualities and out­
standing performance of duty in
ROTC work.
O’Brien is a senior in the
school of business and technolo-
Johnson Slated To Call
For Do-Si-Dos Saturday
C. L. "Chuck’’ Johnson will e
the caller for the Do-Si-Do square
dance at the Legion hall Saturday
evening, according to an announ­
cement made early this week.
Dancing will start at 8:00 p.m.
Information will be given t at
evening concerning the state fes-
tival to be held in Portland i
Radio on Rampage?
Call Anytime •
Laws Electronic Service
Calls $3.50 within 5 miles.
Ph. HA 9-5454—123 North St.
- Condition
DECEMBER 31, 1958 .
: The United States National Bank
Cash on Hand and Due from Bank*.......................................... $ 176,609,85 3.18
United State* Government Bond*............................................
Municipal and Other Bonds......................................................
Loan* and Discounts—Net........................................................
331,479,546 83
Stock in Federal Re*erve Bank.................................................
Bank Premises (Including Branche«).......................................
Interest Earned.............................................................................
3,755,458 48
Other Resources..........................................
$ 910,694,229.26
$ 20,000,000 00
20,000,000 00
Undivided Profit*.......................................
26,180,973.74 $
Reserves for Interest, Taxes, etc................ ................................
Dividend* Declared.....................................................................
Depo*it*.................................................................. ..........................
Interest Collected Not Earned.................... ...............................
Other Liabilities...........................................................................
66 180 973 74
4,427,166 55
6 50,000 00
829,029,903 59
5,377,587 83
$ 910,694,229.26
This statement indudfi 65 branches in Oregon
I Quinn On Committee For
1 State Dance Federation
Lloyd Quinn was in Portland
Sunday to attend a meeting of
the officers of the State Federa-
tion of Square Dancers. Quinn
has been appointed as a member
of the committee on publications
by Ted Hiatt, federation presi­
He will work with Ed
Sticka of Forest Grove, vice-pre-
sid nt.
The peace that God gives every
repentant soul is a priceless pos-
The birthday cake highlighted
the refreshments served by the
The refreshment committee
served a delicious lunch. They
were: Gladys Ruhl, Julia Fisher,
Sally Ortner and Edna Linn.
Shelf al Vernonia Library
Is Danny Lawler Memorial
Heading the slate of officers for
1959 for the Columbia Encamp­
ment No. 89, is Carl Davis who
was installed as chief patriarch
at the meeting held at the IOOF
hall January 2
Harry Culbertson acted as in­
stalling officer and others seated
with Davis were as follows: Frank
Lentz, high priest; Wayne Akers,
senior warden; Harry Culbertson,
scribe and treasurer; Ralph Mc­
Kee. junior warden; Ernest Her­
man, guide; R. L. Spencer, first
watch; H nry Anderegg, second
watch; Mike Willard, third watch;
Jim Jones, fourth watch; Truman
Knight, first guard of the tent;
Bill Horn, second guard of the
tent; Albert Tandy, inside and
outside guardian; Ceci) Johnson,
15? 1959
Birthday Party Given
Honoring Ben Fowler
O.E.S. Chapter
Initiates One
Grandson Arrives at
Seattle For I. Dasses
Columbia Encampment
Seats 1959 Officers
Sell it with an Eagle Classified.
Sunday, she left for Clatskanie
to visit with Mrs. Edna Anderson
who also took her to Longview,
Washington to visit with Mrs.
Cropper and Mrs. M. D. Cole.
From there, she planned to re­
turn to Portland for visits with
other former Vernonia residents,
Miss Vera Finnell, Mrs. L. H.
Dewey and the Charles Richard­
sons. She also planned to accom­
pany Mrs. Dewey to Monmouth
to visit Mrs. H. R. Scheuerman
and to Salem to see Gloria
Scheuerman Staats and her fa­
mily and Mrs. Corinne Wall. She
also will visit in Lebanon before
returning home. -
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