Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, May 15, 1958, Image 1

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Ballots Out
For Chamber
Board Vote
Three Wins Top
Off League Play
Loggers evened
series with Rainier and kept out
of the Columbia River league
ce llar by beating the Columbians
3 to 2 last Thursday.
The game was scoreless unt.l
the fourth inning when Vernonia
pushed across their three runs.
After Mullins flied out to left
fie id, Richard Hunteman went
to second on a two-base error.
Larry Akers drove him home
with a sharp single to right cen­
ter field and went to second on
the tnrow home.
Norman, the Rainier pitcher,
suddenly lost control and walked
the next four Loggers forcing
across two more runs.
With the bases loaded and only
one out, Zimmerman replaced
Norman for Rainier and struck
out Gary Dinger and Owen Ene-
V ldsen was called out on a
pick-off play at,third to retire
the side.
Richard Hunteman went all
the way for the Loggers allowing
only six hits, striking out fou .
and issuing two bases on balls.
He was under constant pressure,
however, as five Vernonia errors
h ned the Columbians get run-
The locations of polling
places for the May 16 election
for people in the Mist pre-
cinct and the four Vernonia
precincts were
earlier this week by County
C erk H. F. Jensen as fol-
Vernonia No. L Old West
Oregon Electric bldg.; Ver-
z onia No. 2, IWA union hall:
Vernonia No. 3, Washington
grade school; Vernonia No. 4.
Vernonia city hall: Mist,
school bldg.
Lot Site Cleared
For Shay Engine
ners on base in every inning.
Vernonia put together two big
innings to pile up a lead and de-
feat Reynolds 10 to 7 on their
own diamond Monday afternoon.
Both teams had their ragged mo-
ments but the Loggers outhit the
Lancers 12 to 9
Besides being the winning pitch­
er, Leonard Hunteman had a
triple, double and single in four
times at bat. Larry Akers hit a
triple, Richard Hunteman had a
double and a single and Byron
Hawkins hit three singles in four
ups. The Lancers rallied in the
last of the seventh but with two
out Richard Hunteman struck out
Lucas to end the game.
The Loggers made it three wins
in a row Tuesday at Greenman
field by defeating Reynolds 8-6,
thereby finishing the season with
a 4 and 4 league record.
The Lancers scored twice in
the first inning but the first two
Loggers nullified this lead as
Leonard Hunteman singled and
Mike Mullins hit a home run.
Vernonia took a two run lead as
they batted through the order in
the first inning.
They added three more runs
in the second as eight Loggers
came to bat with Owen Enevold-
sen driving in two runs and scor­
ing himself after a series of walks.
Reynolds made ft strong bid in
the fifth as they tagged Richard
Hunteman for four runs, two of
them homers, making it a 7-6
ball game.
Leonard Hunteman was called >
on to pitch the last two innings
and with good support in the
field kept more Lancers from
scoring. Larry Akers added an
insurance run in the sixth after
he singled, got to third on a wild
pitch and fielder’s choice the 1
scored on a double steal
Final Columbia River League
Ballots went out last week to
elect four members to the bi ard
of directors of the Vein onia
chamber of commerce. The eight
names were presented by the no­
committeemen who
were: Dwight Strong, chairman,
Art Ostrander and Lyman Hawk­
en. The candidates are: Mary
Drips, Wilbur Davis,
Hearing Jr., Ed Roediger Jr.,
John Thompson and Wm. Nichol.
Votes are to be in by May 20 and
will be opened at the regular
directors’ meeting on May 26.
A recommendation was made at
the Monday director meeting and
it was voted to appoint a com­
mittee chairman to arrange for
political meetings here after the
primaries, giving the Democratic
and Republican parties equal
time impartially, so that people
in this area can meet and hear
these candidates in person. This
chairman will work with the
precinct committeemen to ar­
range the meetings.
It was reported that 16 cham­
ber members and wives had at­
tended the dinner and meeting
when Governor Holmes spoke in
St. Helens recently.
Govern r
and Mrs Holmes was presented
a Vernonia blueberry-cream pie,
specialty of the City Cafe, by
Wilbur Wilson.
Some of the members of the
chamber's new industries com­
mittee met May 8 with two mem-
bets of a research committee
seeking information about financ­
ing new industries in Oregon
The research committee wants
data about these problems so that
recommendations can be made tc
the state department of planning
and development in an effort to
promote industrial growth.
Richard B. Halley, assistant
professor of economics, and Dr.
John O. Dart, associate professor
of geography, both from Portland
state college represented the fact-
finding group
Bob Lawrence, assistant traffic
manager for the S.P.&S. railway,
also met with the local group the
same day.
The directors discussed the
likelihood of reviving the clean-
up. paint-up. fix-up campaign
again this year and noted that
some repairs and improvements
are being made. It was pointed
out that much should be done to
prepare for th * second Friend hin
Jamboree July 4 and 5
T c site for the Vernonia Log-
ging Museum has had the sign
boards removed and the dirt fill
of the lot is to begin soon.
The shay logging engine, do-
nated by the International Paper
company, will be the main dis­
play Plans are to have a logging
donkey, a replica of a spar tree
and ether objects of historical chorus will be featured at the
value displayed together with the PTA meeting which will be held
at the Washington school Mon­
If anyone has an old logging day evening at 8:00 o'clock. The 4.73 Inches Recorded
Weather tabulations made dur­
donkey or any other item of log- band will be directed by William
ing April by Frank Slemmons
ging or historical interest that B Johnson and the chorus by
After their showed a total precipitation of
the y will donate to the Vernonia Miss Carol Smith
Logging Museum, they are asked performance, the band and chorus 4.73 inches. The greatest amount
was .85 of an inch on April 20
will hold a skating party
to contact Pete Brunsman
Highest temperature was 77 d
1: is hoped that this logging
A safety film will also be
grees on April 30 and the low i
museum will become a center of shown and installation of new of
much interest to local residents | ficers will be held. Refreshment; 30 d grees was noted April 5 and
as we It as to tourists
will be served after the meeting. 28.
Band, Chorus to
Appear at PTA
PHONE HA 9-3372
Pictured today in alphabetical
order arc the five top students
scholastically from this years sen-
ior class as released this week by
Eugene F. Dove, superintendent
From these five, Carolyn Heath
f Mi
He has been active in variou
civic organizations, especially the
St Helens Jaycees of which he is
a past president. He is a past
treasurer of the Oregon State
Clerks and Recorders association
At present he is a member of the
Portland Symphonic Choir and
the Portland Lutheran Choral as.
sociation. He is also a membe r
of the First’Lutheran Church of
St Helens.
His imme Late family i
• f Oregon.
in 19%), he came back to S'
He lens and e as employed by Jo.
mother having been a school
teacher and a native of the N -
M Jensen and has lived in St.
Helens all of his life
He gra­
duated from St. Helens high in
1943 and served three years in
the U. S. Navy, being discharged
in 1946, at which time he enroll-
ed in Pacific Lutheran College in
He graduated
in 1950 with a BA Degree in bus
ness and economics with minors
in music and history He has also
E '
May, 1954, when he was s< lected
by the Republican central com-
itter i . win
thetion of
clerk of Columbia county upon
man On August 1. 1954, he as
sumed the p sition of clerk and
was the i el to) to the p siti on
for a U.vt year t> rm in November
. e
A combination dinner meeting
of the Vernonia Lions club and
the Columbia county schoolmas
ters was held at the Washington
grade school Monday evening.
Jack Day of Tektronix. Inc.,
Portland spoke to the groups on
the development of Oregon indus­
try and the relationship of edu-
cation to local development.
In a golf tournament preceding
ing the meeting, Bill Johnson ot
Vernonia placed first and the
team from Vernonia union high
school retained for the third year
th ■ county golf trophy.
After the program, the two
groups held separate business
meetings. The Schoolmasters elec-
ted Wm Harcombe, Clatskanie
union high school principal, pre
sident for the coming year; Ron­
ald Puzey, Clatskanie, vice-pre­
sident; Kenneth Unwin. Quincy,
secretary and Chet Cardiff, Clats­
kanie, treasurer.
The Lions club nominating
committee reported to that group
and their election will be held
May 19
A definite decision to hold the
Northwe t b r > shoe
Pit! ing contest ber during the
Friendship Jamboree was reach-
Buckner. Judith Cantwell, Jim
my Dever, Gerald Dinger, Judith
Fetherston, Larry Garlock, Rich -
ard Haverland, Carolyn Heath,
Jack Howard, Marion
Knol .
James Lamb. Sherry Lindsley
Nancy Lloyd,
Mary Millis, Helen Mills, Janic
Pearson, Penny Plummer, Nina
Sampson, David Seibel, Wayn •
Shafer, Glen Siedelman, Gari
Strong, Joyce Sullivan, Donal
Tunnell, Julia Waite, Mary Wo
ver, Paul Weidman und Alle .
Pace Increases
As Year Closes
With the closing of school slat­
ed for May 29, the pace of activi
tics at the grade school is stepped
up and many events will claim
the attention of both pupils and
parents during the next two
Tonight, the members of th •
eighth grade classes will be guests
of the Masonic lodge at a party
at the Masonic temple.
Friday, at 2:45 p.m., the fifth
grade classes of Mrs. Evelyn
Heath and Mrs. Noma Callister
will present an assembly pro­
Saturday, May 17, the county
track meet will be held at Scap­
poose and the state marble tour
nament will be held at Jantzen
Beach in Portland. A local mar
ble contest was held here under
the sponsorship of the Smith
Christensen VFW post was was
directed by Daniel Lawler of the
grade school staff. From it, the
following boys were selected to
go to Portland Saturday: Class A,
boys 6 to 12, Bennie Fowler, first;
Kenneth Bateman, second; Vin
cent Monaco, alternate; Class B.
boys 13 to 15, Fred Mangat, first,
Leonard Schmidlin, second and
Wendell Pearson, alternate.
Tuesday, May 21. the eighth
grade field trip will be made to
Portland to visit Davidsons Bak
ery, the Oregonian and other
points of interest.
Friday, May 23 at 2:30 pm. the
annual awards assembly will be
held at the Washington school
Eighth grade graduation will be
Tuesday. May 27 and speaker will
be Dr. Hauton Lee, professor of
'education at Lewis and Clark
college, Portland
Student work
will also be on exhibit that even,
Class picnics will be held May
29. the final day of school.
Anderson Named
On Rural Board
Only unofficial count of the
rural school board member-at-
large election throughout the
county has been received to date
and that shows the following re-
suits Oscar Anderson, Scappoose,
490; J F. Lewis, Clatskanie, 399,
R L. Berg, Birkenfeld, 309, Otto
Hackenberg, Rainier, 159. There
also were a good many scattered
write-in votes. Results as tabu
lated now give the election to An
Horseshce Pitching Contest, Class
Reunion Definitely Decided on 4th
man in the St. Helens and Rainier
areas for manyOye . © Two I
then live in St Helens
J< nsen is owner of the Jensen
Transportation company and F
mer Jensen is manage : of the
U. S National Bank • One
formerly taught school tn St Hel­
ens but now resides in Aberdeen,
and Donald Tunnell have been
chosen to represent the class as
honor speakers at the graduation
exercises, May 23.
Graduation activities get un­
derway Sunday with the bacca-
laureate service which will be
held at the Evangelical United
Brethren church at 7 30 p.m. This
is a union service arranged by
the Vernonia Ministerial associa­
tion for which the speaker is
chosen in rotation. This year,
Rev. F M. Knoll, pastor of that
church, will speak on the sub­
ject, "Choosing the Highest."
The invocation will be given
by Rev A. L Argo of the First
Baptist church; the scripture
reading by Rev. John E Cowles
of the Vernonia Bible church and
th ? invocation by Rev. R. E Per-
svn of the Nazarene church. The
high school chorus will sing. This
service will be the first appear­
ance of the seniors in their caps
and gowns.
Wednesday evening, the seniors
will be honored at the annual
banquet at the Legion hall which
is sponsored and prepared by the
American Legion auxiliary witn
financial assistance from other
Thursday of next week at 1:15
p.m., the annual awards assembly
will be held at the high school.
All awards except scholarships
and the scholarship cup will be
presented at that time. The pub­
lic is invited to attend.
Graduation will be held at the
high school Friday evening. May
23, at 8:00 o’clock and diplomas
will be presented to 35 seniors by
Sam Hearing Jr., chairman of the
board of directors.
ment speaker will be Mrs. Golda
Wickham, dean of women’s* af­
fairs at University of Oregon.
Seniors who will receive di­
plomas are:
Larry Akers, Carol Allen, Lee
Allen, Carol Anderson, Darlene
Bernardi. Dane Brady, Jerrold
Lions, Teachers
Hear Speaker
Jensen Seeks Nomination for Position of County Clerk
Harold F Jensen of St Helen
wh is a candidate for the posi­
tion of Columbia county clerk, is
and has been for the past four
years the county clerk of Colum­
bia county. He is seeking the
Republican nomination in tomor-
row’s election
THURSDAY, MAY 15. 1958
id last Friday evening at
meeting of the committee held at
the West Oregon building. Carl
n o
sen, veteran horseshoe pitchers,
ai being asked to chairman the
event It is planned to hold it as
a two day event to pick winners.
Plans also were begun for the
holding of high school class re-
union-’during the jamboree and
to have alumni register at the
high school and have an oppor­
tunity to see the building. A pi
oncer registration also is planned
in Connection with the historical
Details of the queen contest are
almost completed according v
Mrs. Ben Brickel, chairman of
that activity and should be ready
to announce by next week
Mo P. M Burns told of inter
< st shown in rocks found in this
area by people who come here
and suggested that small rocks
be given to visitors as a promo-
tion for the area She has been
doing this on her own at the
City cafe and found people really
pleased and interested. A deci
sion was reached to order a thou­
sand stickers to attach to gift
rocks to advertise the area.
The committee will meet again
Thursday evening. May 22 at the
West Oregon building