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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1958)
Mother and Daughter Have Pictures In Show Mrs. Verne Dusenberr® and her daughter. Mrs. Cora Hiatt, sub mitted pictures to the Oregon Artists Society which were ac cepted for exhibit in the associate members annual exhibit last week in the association galleries in Portland. Their entries were among the 220 chosen for display. The picture submitted by Mrs Dusenberry was a pen and ink drawing of a large fish bowl sit ting on deer horns. The one made by Mrs. Hiatt was a char coal drawing of two kittens which had previously taken a blue rib- bon at the Wheeler county fair. Mr. and Mrs. Dusenberry at tended the show in Portland last week. SHOP AT HOME AND Whisk Liquid Laundry Detergent Quart Can Tranco-American Spa ghetti 20-oz. Can Creswell Sliced Beets No 303 Can Libby’s Fancy Catchup 14-cz. Bottle Hood River Pear ’n’ Apple Sauce No. 303 Can Tree Tea Black Tea Bags Package of 48 Bags Sunshine Fudge Sandwich nokies Lb. Pkg. Duncan Hines Hot Roll Mix 1414 -ox. Pkg. Plsbury Golden Package Yellow 2 Cake For 49 Del Monte Sweetheart Bologna Sticks A meeting of district 2, Veter ans of Foreigns Wars auxiliary, was held in Vernonia Sunday, March 23, at 2:30 p.m. in the V.F.W. hall and presided over by Mrs. Wiljo Green, Astoria. Aux iliaries comprising the district are Astoria, Seaside, Westport, Clatskanie, Rainier, St. Helens and Vernonia. Officers of Department of Ore gon, ladies auxiliary, V.F.W., in attendance were Mrs. Carl V. Shoemaker, president, Portland; Mrs. Jean Peterson, condâctress, Portland; and Mrs. Max Law rence, soloist, St. Helens. Mrs. Jerry Liebel, Eugene, also at tended. Mrs. Lawrence announced the visit of the national president. Mrs. Ruby Godby, Lynwood, Cali fornia, to Portland Members were urged to attend a reception in her honor in the Pompeiian room of the Congress hotel, Port land, March 31. Mrs. Shoemaker urged auxili aries with money to spare to con tribute to the organizations can cer aid and research fund. If possible, members were asked to welcome the national auxiliary president at the airport in Port land, April 7, 12:55 p.m. Following the meeting a buf fet dinner was served by the Ver nonia auxiliary. Franciene Urban Candidate For Co. Clerk Nomination Yostle’s Quick Cocoa Pound Can Lb. THESE PRICES GOOD AS LONG AS PRESENT STOCK LASTS MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Member United Grocers Inc. Deliveries Twice Daily 10 A.M. & 3 P.M—Ph. HA 9 3492 Rainbow Board Hears Of Assembly Activity VFW Auxiliary District Host Franciene Urban of Warren has filed for the Democratic nomina tion for county clerk. Sh? at tended Chapman grade school. Scappoose high school and Maryi. hurst college and has taken clas ses at Northwest School of Com merce and Portland State col lege. She has taught English and commercial subjects in high school and is now working in the accounting department of a wholesale forest products com pany in Portland. She is a member of Chapman Grange and vice-president of the St. Helens Young Democrats club. Valley Squares Offer Brush-up on New Calls Square dancers who wish to brush up on the new calls that have been introduced during the past year will be given that op portunity Friday evening at Bir kenfeld at the dance scheduled by the Nehalem Valley Squares, The dance will start at 8:30 p.m. and refreshmemnts will be served. —Office Supplies at the Fuiten's Chapel In The Hills VERNONIA AND FOREST GROVE Dial O and ask operator for COmmerce 9725 24-Hour Mortuary Service Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, Res. Managers Phone HA 9-3725 Peterson and Derring PERENNIALS I | | I ■ I Members of th? Rainbow Girls advisory board met last Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Glen Hawkins, mother advisor. Claude Shaw, new chairman of the board presided and other members present were Mrs. Shaw, Frank Serafin. Ralph Bergerson, Darrold Proehl and Mrs. A. F. Swanson. Much of the afternoon was de- voted to discussion of grand as- sembly reports. • Reports heard on the activities of Nehalem Assemb!ly included the information that Suzi Alex ander and Judy Aldrich had been initiated at the last meeting. March 24 and that there was a very good attendance for that meeting. Trip Pictures The meeting of Cub Scout pack 201 was held last Friday evening at the Washington school The meeting opened with the flag sa lute and inspection after which awards were made and birthday s observed. The Mom and Dad award went to den 5 for which Mrs. Ethel Blackburn is den mother. Entertainment for the evening was provided by the showing of pictures of a trip taken some weeks ago to Mt. Hood by mem- bers of den 1 and their families. Movies of the trip were shown by Cubmaster C. L. Johnson and colored slides were shown by Joe Grosche and Walter Workman. Following the meeting, refresh- ments were served by den 6 for which Mrs. Desmond Laird den mother. The Cub Scout committee met Tuesday evening. April 1, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fowl er. Discussion of future activities included consideration of a skill- orama booth later at Hillsboro as a part of a district project to show handcraft done by the boys. No decision was reached. Announcement of the April Sunset district round table was made. It will be at the Peter Bos- cow school at Hillsboro April 17. Routine reports completed the Tuesday evening business The next committee meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grosche May 6. Mrs. Richard Schimel Honored With Shower Miss Joyce Akers who was va- cationing here last week from Oregon College of Education at Monmouth and Miss Harriet Heath who was home from Ore gon State college, Corvallis, were joint hostesses for a bridal show er at the Heath home honoring Mrs. Richard Schimel, the former Margaret Cook. The guest list included former classmates of Margaret. Appropriate games were play- ed and prizes given to winners after which the gifts were open ed and admired. Spring flowers were used in decorations with the table center piece featuring interlocking wed ding rings and a bride doll. Cherry cake was served for re- freshmen ta. Richard D Schimel of Ver- noma omplet d a re ( ial short course on use of aerial photo- graphs in fore try this week at ' le ge Sa n • Crown { llerbech forester now usis or will be «a «a aev • photr • the i or Tess ra * • • It includ on contrae ion ? « a rial ph to • «•••• I • projection 145 Distributor for Gillette Tires and Tubes REMEMBER TO PHONE HA 9-5985 Cason Transfeo Vernonie Tiding Co. Vernonia Sanitary Service •VERNONIA TRADING CO- COMPLETE NEHALEM VALLEY FARM STORE Feed — Seed — Fertilixer — Building Material — Paint Vernonia. Oregon Phone HA 9-5985 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, APRIL 3. 1958 3 Cole Slaw Making Is Jolly Jills Project MRS. CARTER H. MATTHEWS Grand Chief To Visit Temple Mrs Carter H Matthews of Portland, grand chief of Oregon Pythian Sisters, will make her official visit and inspection to Vernonia Temple next Wednes day, April 9. She will be a guest at the home of the Vernonia most excellent chief, Mrs. Carl Davis, Wednesday afternoon where of ficers of the temple will meet her to get acquainted and dis cuss temple problems. She will also inspect books of desk officers at that time. At 6:30 p.m. a planned pot- luck dinner will be held in the IOOF dining hall Members may contact Mrs. Harry Culbertson for assignments. The evening meeting at 8:00 p m. will include the initiation of a knight and balloting and ex emplification of other ritualistic work for Mrs. Matthews' inspec tion. Other temples in the district have been invited to be guests that evening and several other grand officers are expected. A practise was held Monday evening and another will be held at the IOOF hall Friday evening for all officers and staff mem- bers. Time for the practise is 7:30 p.m. SS Benefits Due Women Now at 62 Reduced Social Security pay ments for wives and women wage earners 62 to 65 years have been in effect since November 1956. Beginning in November 1956, a wife or woman wage earner, if otherwise eligible, could choose to take her social security bene- fit at a lower-rate if she wished to do so. Since retroactive payments in some cases can be made for one year prior to filing the applica tion, there might be situations where a woman may be losing benefits by not filing. It is true that her benefit will be reduced the earlier she files and will re- main reduced after she reaches 65. She may decide to wait till 65 However, there may be fac- tors advantageous to her if she receives a full explanation The decision to file or wait must be made by the applicant herself, but th? Social Security office located at the Sheriff's of fice, ground floor, Columbia County Courthouse, St. Helens. Oregon, and open to the public from 9:00 a m. to 12:00 noon, re commends that women who have not yet filed and are under 65 visit the office for a complete € x- planation of how the reduction operates. When coming to the office, it is suggested she bring ome kind of proof of her ag . There is no reduction in wi- @ow‘s benefits The widow re - ceives the same size benefit now at 62 that she received at 65 be fore the law was changed. The Jolly Jills 4-H Cooking club met at the home of their leader, Mrs. Herb Heckenliable, Wednesday, March 26. Patty Ro bertson called the meeting to order and Sharon Akers led the flag salute The roll was called by Janet Johnson and every mem ber was present. The project was salads and cole slaw was made and served with crackers. Carolyn Waite brought cookies and kool aid to serve with the salad. The club had their candy sale Friday, March 28 to raise money for the IFYE fund and $1.70 was made. Judy Towne, junior lead er of the Jolly Jills, is IFYE chairman for the Vernonia area. The next meeting will be April Virginia Heckenliable, News Reporter. Rodent Demonstration At Walter Loyd Farm Control of moles and other ro dents will be demonstrated at the site of the old Walter Loyd farm just north of the Paul Borlin Dairy, Deer Island. Friday. April 4, reports Don Walrod, county extension agent. The demonstra tion will start at 1:30 p.m. Willard Nelson of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will assist in the demonstrations. eral methods of control, includ ing poisoning and trapping will be included. Everyone concerned with ro dent control is invited to attend these demonstrations. Co. Red Cross Meet Held Here The March meeting of the Co lumbia county Red Cross board of directors was held at the West Oregon office here Wednesday evening of last week. Chris Ny land of St. Helens, county Red Cross chairman, was in charge of the meeting and reports were heard from commatees on first aid, home service and bloodmo- bile, three of the principal ac tivities of the association in Co lumbia county. The bloodmobile report showed that all commun: ties in the county had fallen short of their quotas this past year and that much more blood had been used by Columbia coun ty residents than had been dona: ed Chester Carroll of Scappoose. Columbia county civil defense head, talked on preparedness and especially stressed the need for every family to have on hand supplies of food and water for survival for several days in case of an emergency. In case of an emergency, the civil defense corps and the Red Cross would work hand in hand. Seventeen persons attended the meeting from St. Helens, Scap poose Clatskanie and Vernonia. Among them was Mrs. Grace Roumagoux, county nurse. Guy Thomas and Mrs. Glen Hawkins, local members of the board, acted as hosts for this meeting and served cake, jello and coffee following the meeting. Sell it with an Eagle Classified. Bible Quiz Featured In P.E.O. Program Mrs. Harry Sandon was host- ess for the P.E.O. meeting March 25. Following the business meet- ing, Mrs. Wesley Bolmeier pre- sented her program in the form of a Bible quiz. Mrs. Sam Hear ing Jr. won the prize for answer ing the most questions correct- ly The next regular meeting will be Tuesday evening, April 8, with Mrs. R. D. Eby as hostess. Mrs. Ralph Valpiani will have charge of the program. ALWAYS CARRY EXTRA KEYS KEYS MADE IN 1 MINUTI VERNONIA DRUG CO. THE SPAIl THEE "WHERE GOOD FRIENDS MEET" COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE SUNDAES AND SODAS JUMBO SHAKES Featuring Strawberry, blackberry, banana and pineapple shakes made with pure fruit. Try a refreshing chocolate mint shake. ALSO COMPLETE TAKE OUT SERVICE Open 10 A.M. to 12 midnight. Closed Mondays. HA 9-6467 protect the whole family w i th the offered by Bankers Life of Nebraska ONE low premium ONE policy covers every member of the family — FOR DAD- perma . FOR THE KIDS — nent whole life in surance in amounts on Dad’s life for all children from ages 15 days to 18 years FOR MOM — insur 3 “) approximately one- 3 fifth of the amount Dad’s life, figured in c *- <A J , . 1 age t<> I ad’s age. NEW ARRIVALS —all new arrivala arc automatical!V covered at age 15 days with one-fifth the amount of insur ance on I ads’ life LLOYD QUINN Terminal Sales Bldg. Portland CA 8 8209 During 1957 Oregon’s harvest of four seeds red and crimson clovers, I bentgrass and Merion blue © a was at an all-time high. Res. Vernonia HA 9-3693 /hmkers life ‘oxAANY timber volume est mat on from aerial photo and axp cation of aerial photo t rest enginGer- ing problems. The OSC school annually at tracts - foresters and engineers from throughout the v t En- rollees this year represent Ore- California. Ida ho. Montana, and Alaska Tree farming is can industry “program to help landowner grow timber as a crop. \ Everwidening circles of discriminating Westerners DR. R. I. OLDROYD are discovering DENTIST Here each Tuesday beginning April 1. Make appointments with Mrs. M. J. Lamping. I • Phone HA 9 6264 "It's the Water ppenl Me Dntwie COMPAN V makes Olympia refreshingly /( different