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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1958)
be successful. Arthur Lamping and Melvin Snook returned to Corvallis Sun day for the spring term at OSC. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Weed re James Waller and a friend, parents, Mr and Mrs. H. J Peas- Merwyn Waaenberg, from the I nail, while having dental work turned home Saturday from Myr tle Point where they had visited Mare Island Navy base visited at done. the Paul Weller home from Fri Charles Sundland of Mist en their son Chester and his family day till Sunday noon. tered Good Samaritan hospital for several days. Also there dur EASTER LILIES and potted last week and had major surgery ing the week end were their plants for gifts. Helen Spofford. Thursday from which he is mak grandson and wife, Mr. and Mrs. 14ilc ing good recovery. He hopes to Robert Weed, from Crescent City, Phone HAxel 9-6583. California and their baby daugh Mr. and Mrs. Bob Titterington come home this week end. ter, the O. G. Weed’s great- and small son, Paul Lee, arrived Meriin and Darwin Goodburn Monday afternoon from Seattle of Elma, Washington were week granddaughter whom they had for a visit with Mrs. Titterington’s end guests at the home of Mr. and not seen before. Enroute to Myr mother, Mrs Jean Neurer and Mrs. Ben Fowler. Sunday even tle Point they visited Mrs. Weed’s grandmother, Mrs. Oakley Cripps ing they accompanied the Fow 98 year old mother. Mrs. Alice and other relatives and friends. lers to Corvallis when they took Meats, at Springfield and while Mrs. Neurer returned to Seattle their son Allen back to OSC fol at Myrtle Point they made a trip to Powers and called on Francis with them Wednesday for a visit. lowing spring vacation. (Pet) Parker, old time resident Melvin Schwab drove to As- Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Garner were here. toria Sunday to get Mrs. Schwab week end guests at the home of EASTER LILIES and potted and the four children who had Mrs. L. H. Dewey and Joy in plants for gifts. Helen Spofford. spent last week there with her Portland. Saturday afternoon, Phone HAzel 9-6583. 14tlc Mrs. Dewey and the Garners Mr. and Mrs. James Spohn from were joined by Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Thompson for a drive out to Red Oakland .California are spending lands to visit Mr. and Mrs. F. D. this week here with her parents, Macpherson and Miss Zoe Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hickman. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Thomas The Thompsons were also Satur day evening dinner guests at the and Wayne arrived home Sunday evening from El Segundo, Cali Dewey home. CHRISTIAN Church C. E. cooked fornia where they had visited their daughter and husband, Mi. food sale. April 5, 9:30 a.m. Bldg, next to Ben's Barber Shop. and Mrs. Jim Ross and daught 1213c er, Mary Lynn, and other rela Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson. tives. Saturday night they visit Verna Johnson and Rose Marv ed Mrs. Dave Marshall at Arcata, Patterson spent the week end at California. He waited too long the beach. Saturday, they called Mrs. Frank Lentz arrived home to chock up on on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kasper at Sunday from Oakland, California the home they are completing at where she had visited her sister his property insurance! Sunset Beach. They continued who is ill. She reported coming An under-insured home down the coast and came home by through a regular blizzard in the can be the cause of severe way of Carlton where they called Siskyous. financial embarrassment on Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brady Sun Jim Davis spent all of last ... if fire or other disaster day afternoon. The girls also week here with his parents, Mr. strikes Be sure your prop called on Mrs. H. Gouge and and Mrs. Art Davis, while Uni arty insurance has kept Donald. versity of Oregon was having pace with the times and Guests from Tuesday io Sun spring vacation. Sunday, his par the additions and improve day of last week at the home of ents took him to Forest Grove ments you have made on Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Horn were his and his sister and husband, Mr. your home in the past parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Horn and Mrs. Bert Fleskes, took him years. Call on us for a from Spokane. Saturday, Mr. on to Eugene. property insurance check- ; Horn’s brother, Rocky Horn, also up-today. Mrs. Verle Barker received a was here from Manzanita. letter from her brother, John Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Fletcher. Jim and Danny were dinner Procu nier Jr. of Pierre, South guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Dakota, enthusiastically acknowl edging a gift she had sent him, Bill Chalmers at Corvallis after one of the calla lily candles made which the Fletchers took Danny here by the Caylite Candle com on to Eugene. He had spent all pany. He has it on display in his of last week at homa during the Capitol Flower shop there and is Bill J. Horn, Agent U of O spring vacation. helping in that way to advertise ORCHID CORSAGES for Easter. Phone HA 9 6203 — Vernonia $1 50 up. Harry Emmons, South Vernonia in that area. 905 Bridge Street I Rose Ave. Call after noon. HA CHRISTIAN Church C. E. cooked food sale. April 5. 9:30 a.m. 9-5112. 1312c Gregory Lamping, eight year Bldg, next to Ben’s Barber Shop. 1213c old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rfprrienting th» Ralph Sawyer. grandson of Lamping, caught a 24% pound Hartford Fire Insurance Company I Chinook salmon Saturday while Mrs. Mary Skinner of Vernonia, I fishing just below Rainier and is listed on the honor roll at Ore was the only one in the party to • gon Technical Institute at Kla math Falls for the winter term which ended March 21 He is a student in electronics technology and his grade average was 3.82. A grade point of 4 0 is the highest given. Jim Lamb received word Tues day of the death of his father, announce the opening of James Sheldon Lamb at a Port land hospital following an ill ness. Jim and Mrs. James Cay- wood went to Seattle Wednes 511 Bridge Street day for services. for the practice of News from R. M. Aldrich this i week is that his condition is I about the sam?. Mr. and Mrs. I Clayton Aldrich came from Rose Office Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily except burg Tuesday evening to spend Sunday. Night and Emergency calls. the rest of this week here with him Gerald Millis left Wednes Telephone HA 9-5061 day to return to his base at Twentynine Palms, California, but Mrs. Millis and the children will remain here for awhile. The car owned by Larry Garn er of Forest Grove was brought in to Vernonia Auto company with the wrecker Tuesday after it had been wrecked the previous evening between Birkenfeld and Jewell. The car rolled some 20 feet over an embankment and was practically demolished Lar ry was alone and escaped with bruises Mr. and Mrs. Ernest East had all their family visit th >m last 2 THURSDAY, APRIL 3. 1958 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. TOPICS OF THE TOWN VERNONIA INSURANCE DR. L. A. DENNIS AND DR. JOHN E. BULLOCK THE VERNONIA CLINIC Obstetrics, Surgery & Osteopathic Medicine THURSDAY. APRIL 3. 1958 i Elementary district 47 budget hearing — Washington school, 8:00 p.m. I Union high school budget hearing j —High school, 8:00 p.m. ; Vernonia Study Club — Home of Mrs. Myron Vlcek, 8:00 p.m. ! Neighbors of Woodcraft — IOOF I hall. 8:00 p.m. Vernonia Lodge No. 184, AF&AM —Masonic Temple, 8:00 p.m. Winema Grange — Birkenfeld, 8:00 p m. FRIDAY. APRIL 4 Drivers License Examiner—City I hall, 10 a m. to 4 p.m. Columbia Encampment No. 89— IOOF hall. 8:00 p.m. Rodent control demonstration — Deer Island, 1:30 p.m. Baseball — Loggers versus Rey nolds, here, 3:00 p.m. Nehalem Valley Squares — Bir kenfeld, 8:30 p.m. SATURDAY. APRIL 5 Grade school band festival — Clatskanie, 1:00 p.m.; concert 7:30 p.m. Free square dance, Do-Si-Do — Legion hall, 8:30 p m. SUNDAY. APRIL 6 EASTER Community sunrise services — Memorial cemetery, 5:30 am. MONDAY. APRIL 7 j Lions club dinner meeting—VFW I hall, 7:00 p.m. American Legion — Legion hall. 8:00 p.m. Past Chiefs club — Home of Mrs. J. C. Sawyer, 8:00 p.m. City council — City hall, 8:00 p.m. TUESDAY, APRIL 8 Chapter BS, PEO Sisterhood — Home of Mrs. R. D. Eby, 8:00 p.m Odd Fellows Lodge No. 246 — IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. VFW Auxiliary — VFW hall, 8:00 p.m. Baseball — Loggers versus Banks, here, 3:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 9 Columbia County Development Commission—Rainier, 8:00 p.m. Veterans of Foreign Wars—VFW hall, 8:00 p.m. Vernonia Temple, Pythian Sisters —IOOF hall, dinner, 6:30 p m. Meeting 8:00 p.m. week. Wallace East was here from San Francisco and Thurman and Ray East came from Coos Bay. ORCHID CORSAGES for Easter, $1 50 up. Harry Emmons. South Rose Ave. Call after noon. HA 9-5112. 1312c Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Hanson spent three days at Seattle re cently visiting his 86 year old aunt and four cousins and their families. They also spent four days at Elma, Washington with Mr. and Mrs A. J. Hyman, form er Vernonia resident. They visit ed the Jack McDonalds March 25, also. Mrs. J. D. Gandy will arrive here Saturday from a visit with her daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Weaver, and grandson Davie. She is coming to help the Weavers await a new arrival expected soon in the fa mily. Mrs. Gandy, her husband and two small daughters lived in Vernonia three years ago and are now residing at Kendallville. In diana. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Lindley re turned home Tuesday evening from a trip to Eureka, California to visit Mr. Lindley's daughter and husband. Mr and Mrs. Irvin Ackley, and their two daughter. Enroute home they also stopped for a few days at their cottage at Garibaldi. Be su^e I your dollars have a II high 1.Q.* y p CALL Featuring... ) APRIL 1 BANK EOF PORTLAND Joy Theatre PERRI BEN S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work ¡ Vernonia. Oregon 19 (Color) Plus THE SAD SACK (Color) Jerry Lewis PHEN-O-LETS - A. new, easy, money-saving way . to worm cattle & sheep! For full therapeutic dose in one feeding, just sprinkle highly palatable Phen-O-Lets pellets on top of the feed. Phen-O-Lets are equally palatable and effective with sheep. Depending on weight of the animals, you can worm your cattle for as little as 8%2 cents a head and sheep for 5 cents a head. 6 Increase Meat and Milk Production- Eliminate Anemia. Losses Ciro 7MCFOP VERNONIA TRADING COMPANY Phone HA 9 5985 Vernonia, Oregon D SPECIALS 0 Purepac 5-gxain Aspirin, 500,1129 ADORN Hair Spray, rag. 63.25 TAME Cream Rinse, $2,00 val. BRECK Shampoo plus cream rinse. S2.35 Palue DRENE Shampoo, 60c value by APRIL 1O NATIONAL Mr. and Mrs Robert Jackson are the parents of a girl born March 30 at Emanuel hospital in Portland. She weighs 8 pounds, 14 ounces and is named Debra Kay. She comes to join four brothers and one sister. Mr and Mrs. Verne Dusen- berry of Keasey route are proud ly announcing the arrival of the.r second granddaughter. Debra Mae CORRECTION Hiatt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reports that two cars were Harold Hiatt of Fossil. She ar rived March 2 and weighed in at drag racing just prior to the ac- 8 pounds, 11 ounces. She joins cident last week just south of a sister, Chery Marie. Mrs. Du- town are said to be erroneous senberry spent two weeks at Fos according to Pete Norris in a sil with her daughter and family, statement made last week to The Eagle. returning home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cameron Wood-using industries in the added a fourth son to their fam. ily Monday evening, March 31. j U.S. employ over 7,000 foresters The young man arrived at Tu- ality hospital and weighed 8 pounds 7 ounces. Both mother and son were doing fine but APRIL 4 5 a name for the young man had | FRI.. SAT. WALT DISNEY S not yet been decided on. TONI Home Permanent, S3 val, TONETTE, S2.50 value Open or add to your Earn Interest from Debra Popular Name For Girls • “Foodfish for the Future” is the title of a 20-page educational bulletin just published by the Oregon fish commission. Written in a popular vein, the bulletin contains general info, mation about Oregon’s commer cial fishing industry and duties and activities of the fish com mission in conserving the re sources that support the industry. The bulletin is liberally illus trated with photographs and sketches, highlighted by a centei piece depicting various commet cial fishing methods. Although the booklet was pre- pared primarily for answering re - quests for fisheries information from school children, the fish commission is distributing the bulletin free of charge to anyone requesting it. Authors of “Foodfish for the Future” are fish commission in formational representatives Chas P. Selden and Irving W. Jones HA 9 3725 FOR FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS MRS. L. H. THOMAS Savings Account * ínter«»/ Quota Fish Commission Lists Free Book DATES to Remember Olives — String Beans — Corn Peas $2.25 plus 52.29 plus 61.79 plus SI. 59 plus tax tax tax tax $1.75 39c DRENE Shampoo, S1.20 value 89c New WOODBURY Shampoo, $2.00 value 69c •New WOODBURY Shampoo. 50c value • 39c WHITE RAIN Shampoo, SI.20 value 89c DEEP MAGIC Facial Cleansing Lotion. S1.20 value 89c Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation VERNONIA BRANCH THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone HA 9-6341 VERNONIA DRUG CO. Telephone HA 9-6254 Vernonia, Oregon