Miss Cowitz Honored aluminum etching. A pink and blue shower was also given for Mrs. Claire Devine. Relatives of Mickey Hopkins helped him celebrate his birth day Tuesday of last week shower Thursday at the home erend Harshman will officiate. of Mrs. Reeves. School friends The Mist Nehalem extension of Darlenes also gave her a show unit met with Mrs. Fred Busch er last Saturday. Miss Cowitz last week. Mrs. Arby Mills and will be married at the Reeves © Mrs. Lee Barlow were the pro home on the 29th of March. Rev- | ject leaders and the subject was With Bridal Showers BIRKENFELD — Darlene Cow. itz was honored with a bridal THE EAGLE VERNONIA. ORE Don’t forget the program of sacred records at the home of Anna Hanberg Wednesday even ing. March 26th. Pot luck sup per at 6 p m. Program starts at THURSDAY. MAR 20. 1958 5 7 pm Rev. Harshman, Zella Belling ham and Shirley Berg were in Portland Tuesday and attended a Vacation Bible School work shop. SALAD DRESSING Nalley's TANG PIEDMONT Brand [[e JJ* Save 7c QUART JAR Greater Savings QUART JAR SPRING SALADS 45c % Save 10c on BEST FOODS / MAYONNAISE Finest Quality Regularly 75c your fovorisos...at SAFEWAY QUART JAR 20 65c Save 10c on NU MADE MAYONNAISE Finest Quality Regularly 73c QUART JAR 636 Add a gay touch of spring to your meals with salads It's easy t ake them inviting with foods from Safeway. Choose your favorite salad fruits and vegetable# from our large displays. Select dressings and condiments, too. Com bine them to make plain and fancy salads your family is sure to like. Satisfaction is guaranteed when salad mak ings are from Safeway. Nu Made TUNA FISH Bumble Bee light meat chunk style. Save 8c 3 NO. '2 CANS Crisp. Red Radishes or Mild Flavor New Low Price at Safeway on GREEN ONIONS 3.. 79c Save 12c on SEA TRADER light meat, chunk style TUNA FISH ASPARAGUS Butter-tender, all-green stalks especially selected for you by our produce experts. Add this flavorful touch of Spring to your family’s Salad tonight. Perk up salads with our fine quality 63c Save 28c on GARDENSIDE Brand, all-green CUT ASPARAGUS Lb. $1.00 No 303 Cans Add variely ±o salads with Endive or For Lenten season salads, PACIFIC PEARL SMALL SHRIMP 33C can Bu. Seafood delicacy. BEACH CLIFF brand MAINE SARDINES No 14 Cans 23c Romaine Lettuce Crackling fresh. Veg. Salad Mix Cello Pack. Head Lettuce Solid Heads. Brighten your salads with ZIPPY fresh CUCUMBER CHIPS ____ 16-0». COFFEE SAVINGS AT SAFEWAY 2-Lb 1-Lb Tin 92C HILLS BROTHERS Vacuum Pack 2-Lb Tin 86 EDWARDS COFFEE Rich Robust. NOB HILL COFFEE Aromatic Flavor--------1-Lb Bag 83C 2-Lb 1-Lb Bag 79ç 2-Lb AIRWAY COFFEE Mild, steilos Jar 25c SI 83 n $1.71 Baz $1.65 Rae $1.57 Tin Prescription Brand 300 Tissues per box Post Toasties LB. 49. IOC Lb IOC Lb Regular 45c Save 6c 4 $100 20/ JJ 40-oz. Pkg. 31c 2-Lb. Pkg. 25-Lb. $100 BOOK MATCHES 1000 Lights to a Carton 12-oz. Rings ron $1-00 HALIBUT Fresh from the Columbia River Medium Size Pacific Ocean Captain s Choice Fresh-frozen Slices 1 LB. PKG. 59c cine so 29c WAX PAPER Thrifty Brand a Reg. 2 for 33c Save 4c La 75 Ft. Rolls 0Q4 LJ* SHARP CHEESE Cut from Mammoth Blocks Lb. rn PEe "ere than 46-oz. Cans Boxes Freestone Peaches No $1.00 212 Cans Peanut Butter_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 69c 49c S& W KIDNEY BEANS 303 Cans 49c KIDNEY BEANS Taste Tells Brand.. 300 Cans 35C CAKE MIXES $1.00 GINGERBREAD MIX Dromedary brand. 49c FROSTING MIXES Betty Crocker, 3 varieties. 354 Half Gallon 45c LUCERNE 3.8 MILK Bonus Quality. Wright’s white - wheat. 29c FRESH BREAD HOT CROSS BUNS Curtsy brand. 39e brand. 30C BEAR CLAWS 2-Lb Pkg 594 GRAHAM CRACKERS Pirates’ Gold Dozen $1.09 "AA'' LARGE EGGS Cream O' the Crop. WESTERN BEER Blitz, Olympia and others_ Pack $1.17 "BEST" BEER 95C Pkgs Reg 15-oz Pkg Large Loaf Mrs Reg. 2 for 37c Save 3c ah $439 Bag in Med. Bars Enjoy finest quality. Save 8c on Beverly All-purpose Baking Mix Regular 35c Save 4c OYSTERS 49c 35c BAKING MIX SMELT 12 OZ. JAR “J Pkgs Kitchen Craft. Top Quality Fresh Fryers D. id and Drawn Cut-up LB 40c whole LB. 45- EACH $2.79 Canned Pieniä Hormel, boneless. 4-Lb Can 2-LB. PKG. Pure Lard For ee no taking i frying LE 49c Ground Beef 100= pure beef, ground fresh daily LB. Pot Roast US CHOICE" well-aged beef Meat blade cuts Pot Roast us CHOICE” aged, steer beef Round-bone cut LB. 75c 2 UBS 29c -OK BISQUICK SAFEWAY BOLOGNA SALE! Ring Bologna Lge. Bologna Sii. Bologna LB. 45C Shredded Wheat, Jrs. 39* Sandwich Favorite 12-0» Pkgs NBS's bite-size breakfast favorite Government inspected, broad breasted young, tender turkeys with lots of juicy white meat, plump thighs and drum- sticks at a really wonderful price. 16 to 18-Lbs. 19 to 24-Lbs. 1 to 10-lb. Pieces L Save 16c on 4 cans of delicious Sundown Help yourself to health with 6 gc WW GRADE "A" TURKEYS! LB. 14 wta IVORY SOAP CANDI CANE SUGAR NI C ORANGE FACIAL TISSUES Here's A Grand Buy On Oven-Ready 37e Lb Complexion Favorite. It floats! Regularly 3 for 32c Save 28c now Finest, Pure cane. Regularly $2.67 Save 28c Delicious and Refreshing Regularly 31c. Save 24c on 4 Cans Choose from cut or French cut green beans, chopped Broc coli, Whole Kernel Corn, Peas, Peas and Carrots, Leaf or Chopped Spinach. Mix ’em or d% th 7 Match 'em REG. PKGS. LB. Pkgs Crisp Carrots Topped and washed Spring Cabbage New, Green Winesap Apples Extra Fancy. 15C 25c 25c % BEL-AIR FROZEN FOODS (g th V Lb U-Can Pack Kitchen Fresh Roxbury Easter Candies Jelly eggs, marshmallow center eggs, marshmallow Easter pets, party mix, speckled jelly bird eggs, chocolate marsh mallow bunnys. fruit and nut filled eggs. Paas coloring kits, too. APPLE JUICE CRISCO FLUFFO High Country All Veg. Shortening Golden Shortening .. . $1.00 Save 5c 3-Lb. Tin 4 00- Ju- Finest quality 3-Lb. Tin Prices in this advertisement are effective through Saturday, March 22 at Safeway in Vernonia SAFEWAY On- Jl •