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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1958)
2 THURSDAY, MAR 20, 1958 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE TOPICS OF THE TOWN Guests last week and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Nelson were their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Marble Cook from Beaverton and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Roberts of Port- land. They also took advantage of the good weather to enjoy a trip to the beach. Shirley Pace and Barbara Weed avere week end guests of Karen and Janet Johnson of Timber Rt. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sawyer re- turned home Sunday from Port- eland where they had been at the home of their daughter and hus band. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Taylor, while Mr. Sawyer recuperated from surgery on his lip. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lamping arrived home last week from Coos Bay where they had spent a couple of weeks fishing and visiting. CHRISTIAN Church C. E. cooked food sale. April 5. 9:30 a.m. Eidg. next to Ben's Barber Shop. 1213c Among local square dancers who attended the jamboree at Forest Grove Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ander- egg, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bryant, -Mr. and Mrs. John Harris, Mr and Mrs. Ron McDonald, Mr. and Mrs Richard Nightwine, Tommy McFarland and Delons Davis. s Sunday evening 26 square danc- ers gathered at the Anderegg home for a surprise birthday party lor Mrs. Bryant. the Mrs. Grace Currie is at Jim Minor home at 5903 N. E. Hassalo in Portland recuperating from a heart attack suffered last week at Seattle where she had gone to attend the funeral of her step-daughter, the former Isabel Currie. She will have to be down for several weeks, accord- LOCKED OUT ? ALWAYS wis. ? CARRY sowrg. ~ EXTRA 28.1. “g Er- KEYS “to KEYS MADE IN 1 MINUTI VERNONIA DRUG CO. I Drivers Advised To Be Defensive Berry Growers Meet March 26 If every driver on the road were to become a defensive dnv. ir.g to present information er overnight, a lot of police offi Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hearing Sr , Program details for the annual Mrs. Wilbur Davis and Mrs. Paul strawberry meeting are about cers would be out of jobs. • Defensive driving is the theme Gordon were in Portland Friday complete. of this month's Back the Attack evening to attend a reception Strawberry growers attending honoring Irene McKinley, grand the annual growers meeting will | on Traffic Accident camaign be- Lecturer, OES, at Myrtle chap hear Dr Edward Vaughn, Oregon i ing conducted by the Oregon ter. Mrs. Gordon also attended a State college plant pathologist, • Traffic Safety commission. The defensive driver is his own reception in Portland Saturday i and entomologist. Bob Every evening honoring Pearl Dahl, work together as a team to de policeman. He’s a skillful driver, and he knows traffic laws and grand marshal. velop a complete disease and in Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Nance were sect control program for straw always obeys them. He also knows his safety de in Portland Sunday to attend the berries. pends to a great extent on other Pacific Coast Beauty and Trades The meeting is scheduled to show at the Multnomah hotel. start at 10:00 a m. on the county people he meets in traffic, so he Mrs. Nance noted a trend to un fairgrounds. Deer Island. Wed- constantly anticipates their ac usual hair shades and elaborate nesday, March 26. The program tions, and whenever necessary, compensates for their unsafe acts. styling. is sponsored jointly by the Co Mrs. Laura Carmichael arrived lumbia county Strawberry Grow With enough drivers of this type home Sunday from Los Angeles ers association headed by Ken As- on the road the law enforcement where she had been since Decem burry and the county extension problem would be much simpler. Unfortunately, there aren’t ber 11 visiting her son John and office. his family. Relatives who ga Colored slides showing defici enough defensive drivers. There thered at her home Sunday even ency diseases of strawberries will are too many drivers whose main ing to welcome her back were be shown by Dr. R. Ralph Clark, code of the road is: "Never give Mr. and Mrs. Victor Berg and OSC horticulturalist. Walter Ka- the other guy a break." family from Birkenfeld; Mr. and hlie of the Birdseye Division of Mrs. Wm. Carmichael and family, General Foods, Hillsboro, will Timber route; Mr. and Mrs. M. B. speak about strawberries. Other Steers Jr. and Mary, M. B. Steers events on the program include a Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Ron Smith short talk by Herb Steiner, Bea THURSDAY. MARCH 20 and two children and Mr. and vercreek, in regard to a straw Vernonia Study club — Home of Mrs. Harry Culbertson, 6:00 Mrs. Jim Peterson and family. berry growers marketing organ p.m. Forest Grove. ization, and a demonstration of a Wayne Thomas and his par strawberry flaming device by Soil judging school and contest —county fair grounds, 11.00 ents, Mr and Mrs. L. H. Thomas, Earl Frazier of Gas Heat of St. am. left Sunday morning for El Se Helens. Winema Grange — Birkenfeld, gundo, California to visit the Following the program, the an 8:00 p.m. Thomas’s daughter and husband, nual meeting of the Columbia Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ross and their County Strawberry Growers as FRIDAY, MARCH 21 Columbia Encampment No. 89 — daughter and other relatives. sociation will be held. Lunch IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fields re will be pot-luck except that cof Round dances — Union hall, 7:30 | turned recently from Claremore, fee will be furnished p.m. Oklahoma where they had visit d SATURDAY, MARCH 22 who had been ill for the past his parents for several months. Mrs. Frank Lentz left Tuesday four and a half years. He was Natal Grange Party — Natal hali, 8:00 p.m. afternoon for Oakland, California the husband of Mrs. Count's sis ifter receiving word of the ill ter, Hazel Bonnick, who former SUNDAY. MARCH 23 VFW Auxiliary district meeting j ness of her sister who was in the ly lived here. —Vernonia VFW hall, 2:00 p.m. Dudley Spofford attended the hospital for treatment. Mrs. Lona Weidman came home | meeting of the Oregon Fuchsia MONDAY. MARCH 24 Tuesday of last week from the society which met March 17 in Lions club dinner meeting — VFW hall, 7:00 p m. U of O medical school hospita: the central library in Portland. where she had been undergoing Ralph Sittel, a commercial fuchsia Nehalem Assembly, Rainbow for Girls — Masonic Temple, 7:30 treatment for her eyes. She will grower gave a demonstration on p.m. return for further treatment next how to start cuttings, and show Chamber of Commerce board of ! ed colored slides of the new fu week. directors — West Oregon bldg., Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis, Mrs. chsias. 8:00 p.m. March 16. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Leora Normand and Sherri arriv Farm records and budgeting ed home Tuesday from Columbia Spofford took his mother, Mrs. workshop—County fairgrounds. South Carolina, concluding a trip Bessie Spofford to the home of 8:00 p.m. of several weeks during which her daughter, Mrs. E.S. Biddle and I TUESDAY. MARCH 25 family in Svenson where she will they visited Mr and Mrs. Francis Chapter BS, PEO Sisterhood — spend a few days. Davis and family. Home of Mrs. Harry Sandon, Word has bean received by Mrs. CHRISTIAN Church C. E. cooked 8:00 p.m. Herb Counts of Keasey route of food sale. April 5, 9:30 a.m. Junior Promenaders — Union Bldg, next to Ben's Barber Shop. the death March 9 of her brother- hall, 7:30 pm. 1213c in-law, W D. Still of Los Angeles Mrs. Clarence New and Mrs. Odd Fellows Lodge No. 246 — IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. Robert Mathews were at Forest Grove Tuesday to see their new WEDNESDAY. MARCH 26 granddaughter, Tonya Sue Holce Vernonia Temple, Pythian Sis ters - IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. who came to live with Mr. and Birthday party. Mrs. Thomas Holce Monday, March 17. The little girl is just Natal Grange — Natal hall, 8:00 p.m. a month old and is being adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Holce. She is Veterans of Foreign Wars—VFW hall, 8:00 p.m. their only child. Mrs. Mathilde Bergerson drove Strawbery grower’s meeting - County fair grounds, 10:00 a.m. to Aloha Tuesday evening to visit her brother, Arthur Fluke, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Alice Toedtmeier. He had been released that day from Tuality hospital where he had been for a week for tests and treatment. Mrs. Martin Rainwater enter ed Tuality hospital at Hillsboro Tuesday and had major surgery Wednesday morning. “Oly Mrs. Wilbur Davis and Mrs. Mona Gordon attended the meet ing of Acacia chapter, OES, Tues day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clif OLYMPIA WASHINGTON U.S.A. ford Carrick, former Vernonia residents, are th? worthy patron and matron of that chapter. The Vernonia ladies were joined at Stayleys by Mr and Mrs. Jens Hermann of Seaside and at Stay ton by Mrs. Gordon's sister from Cottage Grove. A lot of visitors from Portland were also there, including a number of grand of ficers, and Mrs. Carrick was sur prised with a three year appoint ment as grand representative of Maine in Oregon. DATES io Remember Its the Water that makes Olympia beer refreshingly different OLYMPIA BREWING 00MPANY MODERN KITCHEN? got Uni not rumble lubrication glide out ’ UNION COMPANY | Then how about vour insurance? Is it as m<> | dern as your kitchen? 9 Check with us today to see if your coverage is adequate. i BELL-HUDSON | INSURANCE J Phene HA 9 6058 — Riverview This type of driver “will try anything if he thinks he can bluff his way through. Hergets a big kick out of making other drivers get out of his way. But, the person the smart-eleck driver often outsmarts is himself. He stays alive only because many ether drivers do drive defensively. If the irresponsible driver could get the idea that he’s his own worst enemy, maybe he'd start to really act smart ane drive safely. The motorist who out wits an officer, gets even with another driver or shows off his excess horsepower won’t get much of a kick out of his performance if he gets himself billed, injured or jailed in the process. Signs — Posters — Business Cards Stationary -- Envelope Returns Statements — Wedding Invita tions. THE VERMODA EAGLI Joy Theatre FRI., SAT. MARCH 21-22 EKEDIY BZLOW (Colar) Robert Mitchum - Curt Jergens Plus 40 GUMS TOWN! Only $3.00 brings you the Ver- nonia Eagle delivered to your home every week. Why not drop in and subscribe today and keep up with the local news and spe cial valsa» offered by Vernonia Merchants. THE VERNONIA EAGLI ■ a = LOSE UGLY FAT La Ton Daye If you are overweight, here is the first really thrilling news to come along i years A new & convenient way to get rid of extra pounds easier than ever so you can be as slim and trim as vou want This new product called DIATRON curbs both hunger & appetite No drugs, no diet Ro exercise Absolutely harmless When you take DIATRON. you still enjoy your meals, still eat the foods vou like but you simply don’t have the urge for extra portions and automatically your weight must come down, because as your own doctor will to you. when you eat less, you weigh less Excess weight endangers your heart, kid neys. So no matter what you have tried before, get DIATRON and prove to your- self what it can do DIATDON is sold on this GUARANTEE You must lose weight with the first package you use or the package costs you nothng. Just return the bottle to your druggist and get your money back DIATRON costs $3 00 and ‘ sold with this strict money back guaran- tee by: VERNONIA DRUG COMPANY Barry Sullivan Mail Orders Filled THIE SPAN TEEE "WHERE GOOD FRIENDS MEET" SPAR TREE CLÄM CHOWDER Served every Friday, (tyasgr C+awy ID-C- DEC W Made with Pioneer Razor Clams, i Made with small cove oysters) Served daily with crackers. HOMEMADE PIES Complete Fountain Service — Phone HA 9-6467 Open 10 A.M. to 12 midnight. Closed Mondays. FOCA SHOPPING IDEAS Be sure io include these items in your next order! Try NABISCO HUDSON Wheat Thins HOUSE Ritz Crackers Honey Grahams Olives String Snow Flake All-Around Mealtime ENJOYMENT! Beans Corn Crackers Cookies Good for Every Meal Shredded Wheat MARKET AMD GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone MA 9-6341 Willie Wiredhand asks: DO YOU HAVE LIGHT FOR LIVING! Better Lighting Can make for Better living To enjoy your home to the fullest you need modern lighting. CAMPFIRE or a You no doubt prefer the modern kitchen when there’s cooking to be done. THE BEST BUY IN Better lighting is not expensive. You will be surprised how little better light ing costs to install and to operate. For less than two cents a day you can en joy better lighting. Protect your childrens and your own eyes — Better lighting means better sight. For additional information, contact your Cooperative oovil... COOP way O, NRECA, 1952 WEST OREGON ELECTRIC CO-OP INC. Vernonia, Oregon A SELF LIQUIDATING. SELF MANAGED TAX PAYING COOPERATIVE ENTERPRISE