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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1958)
Library, U of 0 VOLUME 3, NUMBER 10c COPY 11 VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY. OREGON ====== Instruction In First Aid Ends Tuesday VOTERS REMINDED 40 BLUSTllTIQI For Directors I One of the school laws changed a the past legislature wes the. time and manner of electing school directors. Under the new la * the annuel school meeting end election of directore will now tee place on the first Monday Mi May, this yeer Mny 5. P arsons to be eligible for the i position of seno 1 director must fi • with the clerk of the schœpl aist Kt a petition to that effect se days bw fore the date of the election The petition must con te n more than three per cent of tt number of qualified voters wh voted in the last schœl elec- bi . but in no ase le 6 than. 10 i tures An acceptance P th nomination must be filed at « sa time or such petition is I void. 1 school district 47 Jt. there 1 wi 1 be one vacancy, that not | bi g held by Ralph Sturdevant, io a five-year term A petition for his nomination has been re : << v<d Others wishing to fil • may get petitions from Harold McEntire, district 47 clerk In the high school district, the t m of Antone Smejkal is the on expiring. Persons wishing th . nam s placed on the high sel 1 ballot may get petitions from Mrs Paul Gordon, i Ieri at 1 the Vernonia city hald • • the Mist district, the 4 -m G John Howry is expiring and h is a candidate for re-election. Hr is foreman of th stale high- way maintenance section and has been a resident of Mist almost 12 years. 0 4.” - fr ■ 4 ■ % * - BITTY C. (MAS. DAN) McCAL LUM has filed io Republican ticket ice County Cles. A St. Melons resident for 13 reare, • mother of • roung children and artive in civia affairs. M m M< Callam has compleord ■ year’s course in conebr uztive aocouniing and ■ planning to take a course in "Office Organisation and Man- agemeni." Mr. MeCallum » a Crown Zellovboch mozhania. Dates Released - almon Libel. Mist, wes en unced • i •» * the "Pro- ion Inere a '• qhy awe tei ( count ft burean @t è annual meeting of the Columbia County Dairy Herd Improvement a s ciation. Libel's 35-cow herd completed the 1957 gear within , average increase in production • er 1956 of 79 R pounds of but- . t and 1676 pounds of milk 31 ding to Doug Messenger. ir al extension ag @) ©eville Dever, herdsman for '. e Shalmon Libel doiry was pre- • atO the meeting to receive the trophy on behalf of Shalmon Libel who was not able to be pre- 13th Anniversary Due The 13th ob»?vanee marking th anniversary of Brunsman Hardware and Electric will take place from Thursda.y through Saturday ce next week. The three-day sale will be featured with gifts for ladies and floor prizes for both men and ladies. Tuesday of last week. Bill Horn de nioii tl ated ambu- lance resusitator to the groups and instructed them in the use of it so that in case of € mergener there would be more persone available who could operate it. =======**==*==*====== Annual Essay Contest Held Students in the seventh and eighth gradee at the Washington «hui have submitted essays on the audojct; What Is Democ- ., awn Tr nee fin “a PeeMeU spewnot ky * • A mor reta I • gion auxiliary, accor aling to Mrs. Ralph Valpiani, chairman of the Americaniam committee for the local group. Cueva are now in the hands of the judges who will select Pir t, second and third place win- nets The first place one will be entered in the state contest PTA io Feature | Science Fair The Boy Scout charter wild be presented to the FTA M the meeting which will tata id the Washington hoc I a iditepiumn next Monday evening % yees for the fes» t me, th PTA • onsoriag both the By He ruts • 1 the € aM Heart Fund Total Given Art Davis, chairman of the Plastic Heart drive in Vernonia, reports that a total of $27 00 was collected Proceeds from the drive will b? used for heart research I I . | Containers Out For Seal Sale. CHANGE SLATES DAILY SERVICE Effective March 17. next Monday, train service out of Vernonia will be on a daily schedule. C. L. Johnson, agent, announced Tuesday. Word of the change indicat ed that departure from here would be at approximately 5 p.m. daily axcept Sunday. "This* traan will make a round trip giving Vernonia. Haydite, Manning. Buxton. Worth Plaie, Merle. Hills boro and Forest Grove daily service. On completion of switching train will return to Vernonia and tie up." the bulletin indicated. Soil District Slates Meeting I I I i | | ' | ! The annual meeting of the Clatskanie Soil Conservation dis trict will be held at th • Clats- kanie grammar school Wedne day, March IS at 7 p.m in the cafeteria room The ladie . of the Clatskani grange will again serve the dinner. D: Gerald Korzan of th Ore gon State college department of agric litui al economics will talk on "Vertical Integration." There will be another speech contest bntrwen the Clatskanie, Rainier ar Veewaus FEA chapters. The tor* A wpic chosen this year is Water Conservation" The public is invited to attend i thie open moins Directors Phi New Folder oi .Valley Areo Suggestions for pictures and other ideas were asked for 1.1 preparation for a new folder ft | Vernonia and the Nehalem valley during the regular directors meet ing of the Vernonia chamber of commerce Monday night. President Marvin Kamholz ap pointed as a nominating commit- tee. Chairman Dwight Str ng Art Ostrander and Lyman Hevi en Directors whose term Will expire ar Sam Hearing Jr. Mar Drips, Ed Ruediger Jr, and Jedi i Thompson Ballots for the elec tion of new directors will b • mailed to members by May It A tentative date set for the quarterly membership dinner meeting is April 8. The place will be announced later and also the evening's program. Chairman Louis Towne, agri culture committee, reported on attending the meeting hele re cently at Natal where the valley agriculture programs were dis cussed. The cooperative market ing of Christmas trees and florist greens was discussed He also announced that fireplace wood packaging has been started on a test basis. Clean-up, Paint-up, Fix-up com- mittee chairman Don Bailey told of the effort being made to get the empty buildings on Bridge Street improved. He announced that a Clean-up, Fix-up commit tee meeting will toe called for about the 20th of March. The term of M P Mills of Bir- I kenfeld, district supervisor rep. 1 • qai my, the Pekoom valley, is Albert Robalo wk announced that * éspir* tp ismi Hat ions will the Vernonia Gem and Fossil taw mod as U m me ting prior to Mrs Guy Thomas has bon club will have its next meeting | •*= named as Vernonia chairman for i on March 28. the Easter seal drive of the Ore- A report was given on a meet gon Society for Crippled Children mg with Donald S. Bryant from end Adult and this week placed the Northwest Regional Office of containers in the various busin 86 the General Extension Division, places in which contributions Eugene Dove, Guy Thomas and may be dropped The sale of the Kamholz had met with Bryant lilies on the street will iw con- Word has been received here who outlined a course in business dwa ted by the Rainbow Girls on management improvement which April 5, the day before East » of the death Monday if Mr W might be put on i Vernonia. The D Stele, former Riverview res- In Oregon, part of the Kaster course would «Mt $27 00 and ident, who pesord away at the eel fund supports the Children’s Pythien Nome at Vancouver take 10 weeks to complete and N -pita I S< hal at Eugene and could be for college credit or not. where she had been a resident those who have visited it marvel Information is being gathered for the past avrai years Ser- a' th thing that are accomp lished th re in teaching hericey > vice for her were scheduled for on the matter and local firms will be contacted to decite wh. thie moenins. Thursday, at 10:30 pod children D help themselves ther or not this course could be am at the A J Rose chapel in Fund also are used ’"i clinice given. Port lend and reeded medical i are Death Claims Mrs Steele n 1 Note Be low i.« the s cord al I thebe • ' tee • esplein t re ede I the detail o? wnœl ' peration : end financing The in? • mation Dar Mid Proc • r • as prepared • grode 81* ol sup rintera At, * give • detail d ' ' eplanation of actol budgets three • which • p»M elee where is this wees pubheétám.) Also t<> be feature M M»» • • wing, a the project which have be arried out by th va iow ala • and individual« * the grad act w! P • mtrtlow with this yeer • • •»«• Yair om this lo • the MM exhilies »> b: Pee • n»« • the county wier • Poi, ar •• Melane % I ch 20 end • 0 m here, ve ener • mgete • in @ regional la and a fine tate ' • sciem m : a ill culmivat • 4 project The whole t » • is • z ried on un@r do © ° ! Oregon Museum o Science •• | Industry. I The local exhibits will be placed around the auditorium and doors will open at 7:30 Mon day ev rung so that people may view them before the meeting - I Med to OI der. • In connection with the science fair. Dr. Donald W Stotler, sup ervisor of science for the Port land public schools, will speak He is known as a famous lectur- es and traveler and should have much of interest to offer. He also will specr at the Lions club prior to the PTA meeting. Rise Trophy Awarded 1 Production Classes in first aid which have been taught by Henry Rodgers, instructor from the state indus trial accident commission, and sponsored by the Crown Zeller- • here Tuesday with 32 ladies com pleting the course Tuesday at- emoon and 40 men doing like- wie Tuesday evening. Cards cer- tifying their completion were is sued by the state industrial ac cident commission and the Red Cross. Ladies who took the course were wives of CZ employees, members of the Party Line club and ladies associated with local civil defense groups. The men were employe of CZ and Wes ' Oregon Electric. The increased interest in the classes which afforded one of the best attendance records for uch held here, was st imulet eri by the fact that there is some- times no medical aid available lo cally and people feel th need for knowing what to do in an emergency. Also, in case of mili- ter, the informatio i would be invaluable. Porsene who have just reached velueg age must reg- ister and those who have failed • vede in the past two years at a general election must re -register. Also, any- one who has moved from one precinct to another must re- register. Anyone who is in doubt about their registra tion or the precinct in which they reside may check with Mr. Hearing. WAYNK TURNER Dem eerabi incumbnb, hae filed for nomine- 445 E -497 2} "AF gig AMPA- mppcoioh an — j. 44 A— pond. Tuenow ve appo into d by the Columbia county court, to take the placo of Robert Kleen sen, following his res ignation land year and aeread during the spo- •ial session of the legielaturo. He ie an employee of the Crown lei lerbach Paper Co., a World Wa i Jamboree Meeis Friday II veteran and resida with hie wife and five children in So. MM A meeting of the Friendship ene. Jamboree committee will be held Tridey vi nini at the West Ore gon meeting room, according to Pr il Steinmetz chairmen. All representatives from organize tons a 4 » eons should ete nd Soring Vacation Jernonia high school will re- ■ • all of next week fi puna vacation end cla s will resume March 24 The elementari school will I id < lasers Monday and Tut day • will a miss for the remain- i, three days of the week. Ma h 49, M and 11 Many of • hers eill attend the • sens of the Oregon Education a sociation which will be conven- i in Portland Thursday, Fi day and Saturday. Some diseussion was h Id by the school boards earlier about trtailing wring vacation to el • eerlber dismissal hi berry ' € sts M wever, frosts this • i < ar espected to delay har - and sine the Vernonia • • • — the ast Me enywey, the dea Sasa • ad • to the originel ebale wes •. •< I Beeidents of Vernonia are remind thet • number of ebartioue are coming up in May for which • valid regis- tea K m as • legal voter is uedd May > elections Will be held fov directors in both Mt high school and clemen- wwy dietrict. To b eligible 4 vite in a wAeM eletiom • eren neb be a rogioéce- e M. My 18 will tap * U W*w state of Ovoyen poi- mery edativn See nonine Mg county and alato officiale. Regietvation kooks are now open at the city hall with Sam k. Hearing as regiebvar. They will remain open until April IS. 30 days prior to the primary eboction, so all per- Sons nooding te register must do s before that time. THURSDAY, MARCH 13. 1958 PHONE HA 9-3372 This • • .the wader f this onyev • » have- the i re rtunity ce revinœing thie school budsts gn tain eg to the school dis® t • ■ • e ve They »«•••• S D. •> 1 Jt ele- o • t wo ef ol, S D No 47 Jt ; and, M t i ementary cho ol, SD t 52 To he% you better understand limitation "i •the ■ 3 tion vor ecwrvIv wos • It is the amount over the 6 per ent limitation that first and nd • '• districts will vote on at th designated election time (Phi will I* May 5 for both the elemestar tricts this year I Schcfule II is the next section of “the budget and includes the estimated receipts and expendi tures for each district. The left hand columns report the past history of the district finances for two previous® years and the budget for the current year. The caght hand column is the esti mated needs for the coming year, (the new budget). ° the items and the interpreta- Receipts ar ■ estimated by past tion. a short summary is pro- experience designated county and @de d of the budget item The first section of the budget state funds, and a general know- ledge of the districts financial @® the notice of th < hool meeting which will be held to status. Because of certain new laws and distribution formulas discuss the budget The date varies for each district but must and lack of a census extreme cau- be within a time limit specified I tion has been necessitated in es by law. Time and place of meet timating these figures this cur- rent year • Vernonia schools, ing are designated Any citizen I with a declining enrollment (on is Whgiblc to attend these meet- which many of these figures arc ings and voice his opinions con- based) has of necessity been con earning the proposed budget servative in their estimates A Secondly in schedule I. is giv sharp decime in enrollment in en the summary of the budget It the early spring months could includes estimated exp< nditures. change figures estimated on De- receipts, available cash balance or cember enrollment and paid for deficit, the amount of the tax on a basis of annual reports. levy and finally an analysis of the tax levy; Those amounts he EXPENDITURES EXPLAINED The second major section of either within the 6 per cent limi schedule II is the estimated ex- tation, outside the 6 per cent [•nditures This is divided into • • • • end IS the section of th budget of major interest to the public, because it is these items which can be controlled to a certain ext nt GENERAL CONTROL Gen eral control is that section of the budget in which is provided for the overall administration of the school district, the salaries of the superintendent, clerk, secretary and th? items neceeary for the conduct of their offices INSTRUCTION Expenditures under instruction are for those activities concerned directly with teach* or aiding in the teaching of children and generally will be the major portion of any school budget. OPERATION OF PLANT Op eration of plant is defined as that group of activities necessary to keep the plant open and ready for use Includes custodian abrie supplies and utilities. MAINTENANCE AND RE PAIRS: Maintenance has to do with all repairs and replacements necessary to keep the school plant in its original condition. Note It is by regular mainten ance, as evidenced in both Ver- nonia schools and the Mist school, that costly major repair projects arc avoided and spread over each tax year AUXILIARY AGENCIES: Th se are activities which, al though not a part of regular in- struction, are closely connected with the school and its operation. Included are health service, stu dent insurance, transportation co pupil school lunch prog rama and others. FIXED CHARGE Th ose char ge . that recur with some resu la ' it y in mi ant •. ■ iel ecerity and retirement charges, etc. NEEDS ESTM***» School district budgets are fore cast on the estimated needs of the students and community, for «a given period of time. In recent years, with increased salaries and prices, budgets have risen ac cordingly. The demands that a community makes for increased services in their school also af fect the cost of education. Most schools have a baric program 06 education which must be pro vided by law. To this must be added the ac - tivities and specialized items of instruction, for example in the elementary school, kindergarten; in both schools, band and vocal music, agriculture, shop, and home economics courses. If these are items the public wishes to have included in their school sys tem then it is the duty of the citizens to support their local school board and budget com mittee, whose duty it is to pre pare the budget, by seeing that the budg'd is accepted fairly and appraised in its true light of what it provides for in the coni munity. As was pointed out in last weeks paper, due to changes in the law the people will be called upon to vote their support for school taxes this year.