THE PEOPLE SPEÄK Editor The Eagle Vernonia, Oregon Dear Sir: There is a problem which we would like to call to your atten- tmn which should be of interest to the community of Vernonia from the standpoint of civic pride. The Oregon Highway Depart­ ment does everything possible to keep the highways of our state clean and beautiful. In this res- pett, 630 litter barrels are now in use in strategic points on main highways throughout the stat?. It costs about $32.000 a year just to empty these litter barrels The State Highway Department maintenance crew in servicing litter barrels on the Sunset High- way has found that one barrel at the Davies Overcrossing is being used for regular domestic gn-nage disposal, apparently from a citizen or citizens in Vernonia. The garbage has been wrapped in magazines which bear the spe­ cific address of a Vernonia citi­ zen. The litter barrels are operated fo' the specific purpose of keep­ ing the highways free from litter that distracts from the natural scenery and appearance of the loadside. This litter barrel sys- tern has been requested by vari- ous civic and motoring orgamza- tions and has their wholehearted backing. In addition, it has re­ duced maintenance cost for the reason that less time is needed to clean up the right of way. Our purpose in calling this to your attention is that we ask everyone’s cooperation in giving full use of the barrels to their in­ tended purpose. Barrels contain­ ing garbage other than highway litter can readily create an un­ satisfactory sanitary condition as well as burden the State with garbage disposal costs that are rightfully the obligation of the householder. In a few locations we have found it necessary to remove barrels as they were be- lrg used extensively for deposit­ ing houshold garbage and waste. We do not want to do this as it is defeating the purpose of the bar­ rel, but sometimes are forced to do so and find a new location. We have brought this to your attention for the reason that we thought that if the citizens of Vernonia understood the reasons and purposes for this program, that they would cooperate along with all the other communities of the state in helping ke?p the highways clean and beautiful. Gene Huntley, Director Personnel and Public Relations AND ALL GOOD WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR Sunnyside Service GENE AND MARY AND ALL THE CREW helpful holiday hint “Use party lines sharingly... the call that comes through may be for you!” replace receiver carefully.. TELEPHONE fflMPlM ■ LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: ] I would like to clarify some of the facts of this garbage disposal franchise that Councilman Stur­ devant has so conveniently (for him) left unsaid First as to asking him to re- sign: I did not at that time stated in his article in the Vernonia Eagle, nor have I ev^ asked any city official to res V* Second, does Mr. Sturdevant explain how he proposes to make the changes that he refers to in his "report to the people?" He does not tell you how he would go about changing the section in the franchise that states that the collector may clos? the dump ex- cept on Saturday morning, no r the section that states that the collector may charge a nominal fee for people who choose to haul their own garbage. He does not explain because he know’s that to summarily make any change in the franchise that was duly signed by elected rep resentatives of this city, would very likely involve the city in litigation. Litigation would make that $2.000.00 that he mentioned in his article look like a drop in the bucket compared to the judgements, attorney fees and court costs that the city would very likely have to pay. Let us take his arguments point by point. In his article he says that the former dump was closed because of the deplorable condition it was allowed to get in. He does not tell you that that dump was illegal for two rea­ sons, first because it was too close to a county road; second, that there was a stream through it which is strictly forbidden by th.' health authority. That dump was at the mercy of anyone who hap pened not to like it for the rea- son that anyone could close it merely by making a complaint to the district attorney. Let me ask you if you think this council would have looked pretty silly to spend $700 or $800 in the development of that dump only to have someone come along and close it. Another thing before I that subject. The main reason it got into such deplorable condi­ tion was because it was so close to the road and very handy for people to dump their garbage just inside the fence, and some did not even bother to put it inside. Now let us take the subject of selling the present dump to the collector for $10 00. Mr. Stur­ devant very carefully leaves out the fact that it will be specified right in the deed that it will be turned back to the city at the termination of this franchise for the very same amount of money. Neither does he give you th? rea­ sons for this transaction. We do this to remove the city from any liability that might occur. Lia­ bility that could cost the city hundreds of thousands of dollars. Now let me suggest to you folks that you ask Mr. Sturd ivant to explain how (not what he would doi. but how he proposes to make the changes without running the risk of involving the city in litigation. I for one will be very interest­ ed to learn just how he wouii accomplish these changes. I would also like to suggest to the citizens of Vernonia, that right now is the time for them to express their desires concerning their city government. Do you want your city govern­ ment that is administered in a safe and sane manner or do you want your city government run on a personal grudge basis? Speaking for myself, if it is indicated to me by the majority of the people that you do nut think I am doing the job for which I was elected, I will im­ mediately resign my position. Personally *1 would rather enjoy having Monday night to sit in my easy chair and watch television instead of sitting at the city hail and having to discuss garbage. Let me also add that there are many hours besides Monday nights that are put in by your councilmen and myself. I am going to take this oppor- tunity to issue a challenge to Mr. Sturdevant to a full scale débat-' on this issue at any time and place that he wishes. In the event that he accepts this challenge, the people of Vernonia would learn the full facts of this case. Donald E Bayley, May >r TO THE EDITOR This is the first in a series of letters to be written in regards to our highways located in Columbia county. In the letters to be written will be discussed: what has been done, what has promised to be done, and what is proposed to be done It seems our highway depart­ ment m this state takes very much interest in all the highways | of this state with the exception | of highway 30 in Columbia coun­ ty I Of course we do appreciate all the work that has been done in I the piece meal fashion. When will we ever get this ; stretch of Highway 30 completed between St. Helens, Oregon and Astoria, Oregon’ It is understood that the poli­ tical pull now exists in Astoria and that the Youngs Bay bridge now has priority over any furth­ er work to be done on Highway 30 in this area. There have been considerable amounts of money spent on high­ ways between Portland and As­ toria with little regard to High­ way 30, even though the high­ way was and still is on the map We have Art Stecie of Clats- kame, Oregon, and his organiz.i- tion to thank for the greatest part of the work that has been done under the organization known as the Lower Columbia Highway association. President Art Steele has ceived numerous promises in past which will follow in series of letters to the editor. Signed, Rainier Lions Club, Highway chairman. L. E. Odb' THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE THURSDAY. DEC 19. 1957 9 Portland Family Dinner Guests (Held over from last week) MIST — Sunday dinner guest at the Sam Devine home were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hirtbel and children of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Clair Devine of Clats- kame. Mr. and Mrs. L. 1». Wikstrom were Portland business motor- ists last Friday. Ernest Lane of Portland was in the village on business one day last week. Recent callers at the Sam De vine home were Mr. and Mr Bill Devine and baby from Kla­ math Falls. Lincoln Peterson was a cal • ler one day last week in the vil­ lage. Lawrence Jepson was a visitor of his father, Henry Jepson one day recently Fire cause of deaths averaged five pei-sons every month during 1956. Most of these deaths oc- cured in residences, and 16 child­ ren under 5 years of age. Is your home safe from fire? It may be labeled a heart-t- heart talk, but it doesn't make the bawling out any easier take. DR. ÄBRflMS DENTAL PLATE LABORATORY Broken Plate Repair 1 hour BE YOURS TO ENJOY ALL THROUGH THE COMING YEAR We thank you for your consid­ eration last year, and look for­ ward to your continued good will next year and for many years to come. Loose Plates Relined 4 Hours New Plates Made 1 to 3 Days Phone 1871—Hillsboro 132 So. 2nd St. Vernonia Milk Farms HENRY AND ISABEL ANDEREGG MERRY CHRISTMAS « Greetings to the many folks we have had the pleasure of serving during the past year and to those we hope to serve in the future. Ai the Noriliwcat's own railway we take pride in offering the finest, most modern fraset accommodations and shipping service to all major points in the United States. I 1 J (PORTLAND)] General Officer Ameritan lank iuiid.nj Portland. Oregon