Daughter Home From California BIRKENFELD — Mary Ann Nordstrom returned home from California Sunday. She spent se­ veral months there working. She plans to stay home now and will care for her mother while she is recuperating from a recent op­ eration. Ted Bellingham Monte came up from Astoria on the motorcycle Sunday and visited with relatives. Mrs. Jim Garlock and Mrs. Fred Larson went to Seaside Monday to visit with Mrs. Del­ mar Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. George Grace and son of Portland spent Sunday at the Robert Bergs. Steve and George Koljones of Astoria are staying with Anna Hanberg and attending school it Jewell. Several from here attended the* house warming party at the Fred Rumbaugh horn - at Jewell Mon­ day evening. Mr and Mrs Herbert Rodgers and girjs of Jewell spent Satur­ day eve*ning with her folks, the Francis Larsons. Mrs. Zella Bellingham and An­ na Hanberg were in Astoria Fri­ day. They visited with Mrs. Francis Nordstrom in the hos­ pital. Winema HEC met at the horn? of Anna Hanberg last Tuesday with a pot-luck dinner at noon. There were mn * members pres­ ent. After the regular musiness gifts were exchanged. The next regular meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Francis Larson January 7. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Larson and Carl of Seaside* spent Sunday THURSDAY. DEC 12, 1957 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE 5 little granddaughter back witn them for awhile. with her folks, the Walter Carls. Vernon Bolin of Seaside passed away suddenly at his home Sun­ day. He was a former resident here several years ago. Services were held Wednesday at the Mist church with interment at the Fishhawk cemetery. Mr and Mrs. Jamses Cahill w.re in Portland Sunday to visit relatives. They brought their Grand Master Is Slated For Official Visit Here Vernonia Odd Fellows will have an official visitation front Grand Master Roy V. Terncy of Port­ land next Tuesday morning. Christmas time is party tim e... shop Safeway for wonderful California Sunkist ■t 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 26 27 30 31 i 7 14 21 28 Extra fancy, heafly with juice, sun ripened oranges . . . grand for tasty salads or fresh eating . .. MEDIUM SIZE ORANGES 1 Medium Size 33-LE. BOX 1R-LB. BOX ORANGES 36-LB. BOX 18-LB. BOX FRESH BREAD 3.8% MILK Mrs Wright's white or wheat Large Leaf Save 2c Loaf Lucern.* Riche Bonus Quality 2 Halt Gal. ft ¿A 29c 89c 23-Lb. Box Fancy Grade 53-Lb. Sack Oregon Russets No. 2 grade Christmas Gift Suggestions Nylons Truly Fine, 51-15______________________________ __ 2 Pairs $1.29 Flashlights Without Battery_____________ 39C .Carton 10 Pkgs $1.85 Cigarettes Lucky, Camel. Chesterfields__ 1-Lb Tin $125 Prince Albert Smoking Tobacco_______ 14-oz Tin $1.25 Tobacco Sir Walter Raleigh_______________ Tin $125 1-Lb Velvet Smoking Tobacco------------------------------ 1-Lb Tin $110 Granger Smoking Tobacco,------------------------- .Box of 25 $239 Roi Tan Gift Box Bankers._________________ .Each $139 Coca Mais Best for mud_________________ .Each $1.00 Gillette Razors with blades. .5-oz. Bottle 66C Mennen After shave lotion_ .5-oz Bottle 66C Aqua Velva After Shave Lotion. .Each $2.98 Panda Bears Cuddly 28-Inch. .Each $1.79 Panda Bears Cuddly 12-Inch. Bride Dolls 30 inches tall. Regularly 29.95-------------------------- .Each $9.98 6 S5.00 Each 89c Dolls of all Nations--------- Each 19C Aprons Mud. or Plastic---------------- _ $2.69 Percale Sheets Stevens Brand. $1.19 Pillow Cases Stevens Brand.----- Fresh Dates 2-Lb. Bag Poly Wrap Bananas 6' '¡- Pounds Long Finger 6 Regular 3 for 55c. All CAMPBELL SOUPS ™ PURE CANE SUGAR SALAD DRESSING 98' eluding onion and mushroom Tins For Candi Cane granulated. Reg. $2.67 Full at. Nu Made. Save 15c ea. Reg. 60c, now MORE PENNY SAVERS FEATURED THIS WEEKEND AT SAFEWAY 6 85C Krispy Crackers Rim«hln<» , ,,1-Lb. Pkg. 27C Corn Soda Crackers Busy Baker. 1-Lb Pkg 25C Ripe Olives Ebony I unity size 3 No. Ilins 85C Strawberries Bel-air Frozen 5 10-oz Pkg Si Fresh Eggs Grade AA Large_ 2 !><>/. SI 19 nm 4 «..? r*.., $1 Peanut Butter tn cookie jar. 3-lb , 12-oz. $1.69 Cheese 79C Marshmallows Fluff-i-est white_____ 1-Lb 33C M D Tissue 8-Roll Plastic Bag____ Nob Hill Coffee 1-Lb 88C 2-Lb S1.75 racial Tissue Chiffon Brand 4 box 400’s $1 Airway Coffee 1-Lb 81C 2 Lb $1.61 Fruil Cake Holiday in special tin 3-Lb $1.98 Edwards Coffee 1-Lb 93C 2-Lb $1.85 Chocolates Roxbury asstd_____3Va-I.b Box $1.79 65C 6 303 Tins 89C Egg Nog Lucerne already mixed Corn Banllatn Whole Kerntl- Old Fashioned Flavor Tea Garden PRESERVES d Your choice of Cherry, Boysenberry, Grape or Strawberry Delite. m h am ALL YOU NEED TO REMEMBER IS SAFEWAY! FOR THE FINEST IN MEATS HERE’S A GRAND VALUE ON CHIP STEAKS PICA Manor House. 4-oz. Pkgs. ROUND STEAKS CHOICE" beef full, half or whole cut 4 to 8 Pounds Pot Roast CHOICE Boiling Beef Beef Bacon Tenoer-smoked cut. Lb 55c 19C 59C CRISCO FLUFFO All Vegetable Shortening Golden Shortening 3-POUND TIN c 1 10c off Reg. 97c 2-LE. TIN Pork Sausage Beef Rump Roast Beef Swiss Steak Lb. RIB ROAST Tender-smoked and fully guaranteed by Safeway "U.S. CHOICE" beef, standing cuts V S CHOICE CHOICE Tcnatr-»««! 55C 75C 75C Sliced Bacon Leg 0' Pork Leg 0' Pork Lb. 75' 79' i.b Standard lajer I 55c pack. Fresh. full »hank half... —, Fresh. fill butt half. 59C ... 65C u, Prices in this advertisement are effec- tive through Saturday, November 14th, at Safeway in Vernonia. i tl