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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1957)
9 THURSDAY, oct ai, 1957 I the eagle . V ernonia ore XHZHZHZHZHXHXHXHXMZHZHZHZHXHXHXHXHXHXHZHZHZHZHZHZHIHZHIHZ D n II 11 € M A N HARDWARE AND ELECTRIC D K U H J fl 11 PHONE HA 9-5651 ----- WE DELIVER 'S FRIGIDAIRE ELEC. APPLIANCES — FINE FURNITURE 1 $34 95 Black and Decker Drill Kit and 95 metal carry- $ ing case......... 24 HOUR THERMOSTATIC WOOD HEATERS Copper Bottom Stain less steel cover'd i 4» Quart Saucepan Ret $625 Special $107.95 Neoprene Raincoats and pants Each 50 Rain Hals Heavy Wool and pait Wool Socks 65c to $1 49 Hickory Double BacK Work Shirts $*>99 Blue Bell Overalls ’8“ 20c Stainless Paring Knives low ground Only ’3M Cheese Cutter 495 Purrey Blankets, Re versable. Beautiful Colors 95 $12.95 Value Foam Rubber Pillows Feather Pillows 9 s5” 98 1 □ Field Crest Pillow Cases $ * 35 Pair I 10x12 Plastic Tarp Special Only Other Sizes Cut To Order at 39c Runnin , foot 12 feet wide s3” $159 95 Blankets $ Field Crest Sheets Pair Chore Gills, Vege etable Brushes, Mugs. Bowls, Glasses, Cookie Cut- ters on our 9c Tabb Revere 2’à Quart Whistling Teakettle. Re». $5 50 Value $129 95 $7 00 Value Bates. Field Crest and Morgan Jones Bed spreads priced from J y BONANZA BUYS The Lowest Price in the country! $10 95 Value Iron ing Board Ironing Board Pad & Cover $3 98 Value $2 98 Vallie Pad and Cover Amazing Now Controled Heat Stoves. Use less than one-hall the wood a regular wood stove uses. Will pay for themselves in one year in savings over oil heater. More healthy heat, Will heat space never reached by I or- dinary oil or wood stoves, Holds heat over night easily. Oakland automatic heat contr>! wood $ •* heater I Norwester automatic heat trol wood heater Speed Queen Washer timer and pump. $30 allowance for your 95 old washer Amazing New Toastmaster automatic heater with instant heat. Themostatically controlled. Fully guaranteed. Both ra diant and force hot air heating. Tip-over safe, ty switch, Beautifully Rose-beigi designed, enameled finish only 189 Gleaming white Toilet Seat Special 89 With Thermostat Skil Floor sauder ill rent $5 00 per day $2.50 half day $gg95 Floor Lamps From Goulds Amazing $250 Value Biltwell Daveno sets in Rose-Beige, Persimmon, Green Cocoa and Blue Orbit Sander $1 50 Dav I i i 4 I 1 j ) six-year deluxe baby crib Has plastic teething rail all around. Both sides drop 95 >50 Value Flashlight complete with batteries $1 69 Value ZMXHZHZHZHXHXHXHXHXHZHXK land Saturday on a combined business and pleasure trip Staff Sergeant Jack Gates was confined at the Air Base hospital from Sunday to Friday last week, TIMBER ROUTE Mi and due to an attack of Asiatic flu. Visitors at th«' home of Mrs. Mrs Art Kuk and his mother. Mrs Julia Kirk went to CoBay Florenz West Saturday of last Thursday of last week and visit week were her brothers. Herbert and Ralph Greilmg and then- ed with their nephews and Mrs folks. Mr. and Mrs, Wm Gredin; Kirks grandsons, Mr and Mi i from Portland Francis Kirk and Mr and M i Forrest Kirk, returning to Ver Mi Anna Nielsen left for h--r nonia th“ following Monday i home in Skomokawa. Washing Mr and Mr* Clifford Fithe.- ton Sunday after having »pent |h<- nut two weeks visiting her ston moved into V»rrv rua !>, week end They 7t”»vtd M'Whe Alicen Johnson houW m Iftrh avenu" Mr and Mrs. Harold fcoier Mrs Flore»/ W» t was in Port and family from Dexter we' I Trip Is Made To Coos Bay 95 I t I i i I i I I i • Roll-away Simmons Innersprini* Mattress Special NO-TANK PUMP Complote Water System. No Tank Needed Priced At A PLYWOOD ''4x4x8 sheet %x4x8 sheet ••4x4x8 sheet i»x4x8 sheet •tn x4x8 sheet Simmons Mattresses and Box Springs $49.50, $59 50. $79.95 Spring & mattress set by Kingfisher. Reg. $139 Value. Complete for onlv $3.25 $4.50 $5.95 $6.95 $7.55 All Porcelain. Automatic Time Control. New Fabric Guide * Drying Temperature Selector. Custom Imperial Filtrator i i < i Dryer. DCI-58 Simpson Ceiling Tile 12x24 Ctn. of 60 Sq. Feet $925 DD-57 Deluxe. $229 95 Value. Save Hardboard \x4x8 $2.65 Special on S259.35 Frigidaire Range | 4-Pc bedroom s *t with Holly wood head board, tilting mirror, $89.50 mattress and $69.50 box springs By Gillespie of Cab- forma. Sb $318 50 Value 249’ 4-Pc. Gillespie set without mai- tress and box $ springs Special 179 A3/ Curtain Stretcher for Rent 50c per Day 364 ! O__ MARSH ALL-WELLS t> Beautiful New Col ors in Biltwell Swing rockers with full foam rubber seats 95 $85 Value $90 Value </• ar Chair :. J« JiviCS for Rent WCI-58 All Porcelain New, Matching FRIGIDAIRE Fabric-Master Automatic Dryer GE Electric Blankets. Completely Washable. Mothproof Dual control Single Control For Cleanest Clothes For Lint Removal. For Driest Spin. Rated No. 1 bv U.S. Testing Company, Inc. i by PYREX $20 Shetland Table Lamps GE heating Pads from FOR RENT Fluor Polisher $.' 00 per day Beautiful new patterns in both 6 and Linoleum Per '’aid Airtight Heaters $5.75, $7.25, $8.25 Exciting New Cinderella Bowl Set $15.95 Serving Table with handles and top lift Tray FOR RENT ITEMS New FRIGIDAIRE Ultra-Clean Automatic Washer ■ : I • I I I 1 1 i 1 1 f i I Direct Connected Toilet Only Sc-* us for wall heaters Thermodor, Wesix or Westinghouse. K it Maple Bunk Bed Beautiful wagon wheel design. Complete with mattresses FS-101-57 10 1 cu ft. $4)QQ ,95 Reg $339 95, Save $40 Exclusive colcrc kcyed 3-ring agitator. • Smart calar* and pafiirni alternata in aach set. Site* are 4 qt», 271 qlt , l ' i qt«., I !6 p«. Ì Real Zero Zone Freezer-hold« 44 lba • Excluaive Cycla-Matic Defrosting in refrigerator sec tion • Four Full-Width Shelves • Full-Width Glide-Out Porcelain Hydrator • Big, Deep Storage Door with Five removable ■helves. r anGlo Heaters Deluxe Gold Seal Li i noleum $ 95 Rugs. 9x12 Cosco all Metal Step Stool, Yellow, Tur- quoise, Pink and Red Special Value Mndal FS 101 «7 Transparent Plastic All Metal, Rubber Tired Wagons $2.95, $4 99, $8 85, and $14.95 Z' I V TRICYCLES $8 95, $11.95, $15.95, $17 95, $19.50 45-Pc. Yellow Daisy .1 I: S t 9.1 $35.00 Value 5* Pc. Set Edwin M. - nowles Dishes, Fo. •vthia pattern. Ser vice for 8 $35 Value M 4L ■A O' >-V >4 I i I i i i i i i i i i i f i i i i i t I i f i 1 • 1 I i i LOWEST PRICE EVER. All new '57 Frigidaire Food Freezer Refrigerator Baby Strollers $1195 and $19 95 4 Pc Western bedroom set Special Knotty $ Maple 112 ■ 45-Pound 55-Pound 65-Pound 90-Pound $7500 Dinette Set. 4 chairs A- table. Foam Rubber I Cushions $149 Vai. Dinette Set with 6 chairs, foam rubber seats, Boltaflex covering. Special. Only PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN VERNONIA Party Observes Eighth Birthday RIVERVIEW — Several if Greg Laird's friends gathered at his home Thursday afternoon to celebrate his eighth birthdas. Games were enjoyed after which they had a weiner roast followed by birthday cake and ice cream Laurel U vekoff and her room- Sundav dinner guests at the home of his brother and family, Mr td’Mrs James Calhoun They •n visited Mrs Calhoun's moth < e and brother. Florenz and Ken- ny West. ROLL ROOFING mate, Alice Brinn. both nurses ' trainees at Good Samaritan hos- | pital in Portland spent the week end at the Robert Wyckoff home Miss Brinn. daughter of Mr and Mrs. James Brinn of LaGrand”. I formerly lived in this vicinity. Mr and Mrs Bert Mills and son of Portland spent Sunday at I the home of his mother, Mrs Alice Mills. Mr and Mrs Lloyd Callister, son Ronnie and Mr. and Mr; Bob Spencer spent Sunday at the Spencer's cottage at Sunset b*ach. Mr and Mrs Everett Rundell of Beaverton brought his mother. Mrs C. N Rundell, home Sunda« 1 afternoon She had visited at the s TH’XOTgOPIC $3.25 $3.75 $4.45 $5.75 \ Derr Bags ALKYD ENAMEL Gallon $7.50 Quart $2 25 Pint $1.20 Half-Pint 70c 45c One-Quarter Extra durable—Use it inside or outside. Ready to use Never needs mixing. 1ZHZHZHZHXHZHZHZHZHZHZHZI Emery Georg-* home in Portland and the Everett Rundells for the past three weeks. Mrs Helene Rand of St. Hel ens visited at the home of Mr and Mrs. P. L Welter Sunday. Sell it with an Eagle Classified. OFFICE SUPPLIES Sign* — Posters — Business Cards Stationary -- Envelope Returns Statements — Wedding Invita tions Uernonia Eagle PH: HA » 3372 — VERNONIA Motorcycle Club Visits Vernonia Vernonia was visited Sundav by better than 30 motorcyclists who are members of the St Johns and East Portland motorcycle chibs and th hr friends who were participating in time trials The group stopped here at goon and most of them lunchBT «t Kate'» cafe. The parking lot by Bob service station was filled with the cycles for awhile JOB PRINTING THE VERNONIA EAGLE