THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. I t t Bob's Union Service SAM'S FOOD STORE VERNONIA INSURANCE TED'S SAW SHOP Union Oil Products OUR JOB IS YOUR H omelite Hood Tires PROTECTION DIRECT DRivft Nic-L-Silver Batteries Free Pickup and Delivery Phone HA 9-3731 SALES AND SERVICE Planning Is A Pleasure HERE! BILL J. HORN 7 Brunsman Hardware Ànd Electric FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES CHAIN SAW FINI FOODS Representing old line, sound companies. : THURSDAY, OCT 31, 1957 Used Saws for Sale FINE FURNITURE MARSHALL WELLS PAINTS We Deliver—Phone HA 9 5651 VERNONIA MILK FARMS HENRY AND POLLY HUDSON Vernonia’s only independent owner-producer of Grade A Pasteurized Milk and Cream. Riverview — HA 9-6058 DRY GOODS — NOTIONS Simplicity Pattern Hdqtrs. FIRE & AUTO INSURANCE REAL ESTATE HENRY H. AND ISABEL WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS ANDEREGG Strong's Electric Wiring Elec. Repairs—Motor Winding Refrigeration Service Hotpoint. Maytag, Philco Appliances and Television MR. & MRS. CLIFF WHITE HA 9-6641 fl» I 1 > Featuring a complete line ot clothing and shoes for men. Phone HA 9-3123 women and children. BURNS TV & RADIO SALES AND SERVICE SUPPORT Hoffman EASY-VISION ' televisioR Westinghouse Appliances UNITED Phone HA 9-5441 Homer Fuller and Bob Thompson ROYAL The World's First Minute man service with a smile is the kind dispensed at Bob’s Union Service station at the corner of Bridge street and Weed avenue which is own.-d and operated by Bob Thompson with the able assistance of Homer Fuller. In addition to dispensing Union Oil company gasoline, both Royal 76 and 7600, and other Union Oil products, they also service cars for lube jobs, tire work and minor mechanical re- pairs, And, when they get real busy, if the Union Oil distn- butor for Vernonia, Loel Roberts, and his assistant, Phil Shafer, happen to be around, they get pressed into service dispensing gasoline and oil or changing tires or answering the call of a lady in distress whose car has develop ed a flat tire out on the road. Mr. Thompson came to Ver- nonia in 1939 from Valley City, North Dakota where he was born and raised. His first job here was at Vernonia Auto company where he started as grease boy and worked up to mechanic after which he did body and fender work for them for about a year and a half and was in the parts After department for a year, leaving Vernonia Auto in 1945. he hauled logs for Crown Zeller- bach for four years, then hauled for gypos until in 1951. Also, in 1945 he became the owner of the school bus on the Stoney Point run which he operated for four years with his wife, Eleanor, do ing most of the driving. In 1949 he sold the bus to Marion Steers. In 1951, he bought the service station from Jake Berger and has operated it for the past six years. And. now, with the recent acqui- Complete Line of Revlon Lip stick refills in every shade: Lustrous creamy, Lanolite non-smear and Living 24 hour. CLEAN & CLEAR Cleansing Cream. SHAMPOO for tinted and bleached and normal dry hair. FUTURAMA cases, Love Pats and Touch and Gio. Nance Beauty Shoppe Miller's Store — HA 9-6121 Vernonia Service Station SHELLUBRICATION Gasoline Repairing Ed Roediger, Jr PLUMBING sition of the Red Curl bus and th-- contract for the Pelsble-Creek loop run, he is once more in the school bus business, too. Mr. Thompson had married in North Dakota and when he came here had a daughter. Deloris, six and a baby daughter, Joyce only two weeks old. Mrs. Thompson joined him here a month later and later they added another daughter, Janice. Delons is now Mrs. Donald Webb and has added two grandchildren to Bob’s list of relatives and Joyce is now Mrs. Gene Weller. They recently re turned from Virginia where Gene was in army training and will De here until November 18 when he expects to be sent to Alaska. His family has had a definite leaning toward royalty for De loris, better known as DeeDee, was May Queen her senior year at Vernonia high school (1952) and the youngest daughter, Ja nice, was home coming que -n last week end. Bob’s Union Service is conven iently located on Vernonia’s mam street and is a handy place tor cars to be left for servicing while the owners do their mar keting. In addition to the gas and oil products, he also has ant-- freeze, Hood tires and batteries and a full line of accessories. Hi specializes in prompt, courteous and efficient service. Bob has been active in civic- affairs and was a member of the Vernonia fire department for 17 years, and fire chief for three years He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and won himself some distinction as a pa rade organizer with his- work on both the clean up and July 4 TRULY parades held this year. He was a member of the city council a year, a position which he signed only recently when he be came county commissioner, Hi political -career was short lived because other opportunities pre sented themselves that looked like better financial bets for a secure future. For recreation, his interest cen ters mainly in horses, He says it has always been his greatest interest and he owned his first horse when he was 11, and he had earned the money and bough* it himself. He now owns two mares and a colt, (the well- known Hi-Top that almost stole the show the day of his daugh ter Joyce's wedding) and is pre sident of the Vernonia Ridge Rid ers club which at present has 30 members. He and his club were responsible for the very fine horse show entertainment thaf was a feature of the July Fourth celebration. Bob has a firm faith in the future of Vernonia and feels that there is a good future ahead it the residents of Vernonia buckle in and make it so. He feels that it w^ll take an optimistic view on the part of everyone with a chin-up attitude rather than a give-up defeatist one. He intends to do his part to make this a good community in which to live. And, the example of the Union Minute Man, service with a smile is one that might help everyone, merchant and customer alike, tu encourage a more optimistic at titude and to stimulate trade at home where the friendly service of those you know is always best. MODERN Portable Typewriter AT THE Uernonia Eacjk Ph. HA 9-3372 — Vernonia, Ore Vernonia Texaco Service FIRESTONE PRODUCTS McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS SALES AND SERVICE MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Wes Bolmeier. Bill Nelson Member United Grocers Frozen Food Lockers KING'S GROCERY AND MARKET WHERE YOUR MONEY BUYS MORE” YOU RING WE BRING Phone HA 9-5183 Vernonia Drug Co. » » I ♦ "YOUR REXALL bTCHE I i I featuring national i BRANDED MERCHANDISE ! Th* Complete Department Store i Full Line of Footwear < Phone HA 9 6122 ■ : i • « i i • : : : Prescripbvu« — M>ugs — Toys Sundries — Jewelry — Photo Suppies — Greeting Cards Cosmetics — Baby Supplies SUNNYSIDE SERVICE Open from Noon to 7 P.M. Sundays and MOBILGAS t< Holidays. SERVICE ♦ » i » I I I I I • I GROVE STUDIO & CAMERA SHOP 19928 Pacific — Forest Grove OAKES RADIO SHOP I « DODGE i ♦ i • THE PHOTO GRAPHIC ADMIRAL 112 S. 3rd — Hillsboro TV—RADIO—APPLIANCES : ! Washington County’s Largest Photgraphic Headquarters. Two Handy Locations. Guaranteed Service All Makes « Hawken Motors I PLYMOUTH DODGE TRUCKS Expert Service Department : !