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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1957)
6 THURSDAY, OCT 31, 1957 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE CLASSIFIEDS FOUR HEINZ kittens to giv- away. Also factory. Your choice, mnm, three sons, one daughter. All cute HA 9-6058._______ 43t3c CHEVRON PRODUCTS: gas, oil. tires. Also, PRESTO LOGS; dairy, poultry and rabbit feeds; cement, $1.45 H. H Sturdevant, Rose Ave. Phone HA 9-6691. 43tfc HEMSTITCHING and buttonhole work done by Mrs. Lamping at Reta's Apron shop on Bridge St. Mrs. Lamping, proprietor. 43t3c RADIANT cleaners will pick up from and deliver to Reta's Apron shop on Bridge street. 43t3c FOR SALE: Good potatoes. Come and get them at $2 60 sack while digging. On Pebble Creek Carl Trimm, HA 9-3105 42t3c CASH PAID for deer hides. Phone HA 9-3421. John Siedel- rnan. 42t3c U HAULS for rent, local or one way. Truck for lease, drive your self Vdrnonia Trading Com pany. 32tfc SAND and gravel for sale. Ver- ■ nia Ti ading Co 29tfc TEN-POUND bundles of news papers for sale. Suitable for starting fires, etc. Vernonia Eagle office. 8tf ATTENTION: People who have friends in Moses Lake, Washing ton or may move there, I have one lot on lake, near center of I town. Will trade for Vernonia | property. Call HA 9-3642 44tfc | FOR SALE-Car, Truck 1951 PONTIAC 2-door sedan with hydromatic. $395 takes it. Inquire at Vernonia Drug Co. 43t3c WANTED WANTED TO BUY: 5 or 6 room house in or near Vernonia, about $5000 cash. Ernest East, Ver nonia. Phone Hazel 9-5732. 4413 WANTED: Good small refrigera tor, left hand door preferred Phone HA 9-6084. 43t3 WANTED: Lincoln cents. Nearly all Lincoln cents before 1940 are worth more than face value. Will buy these and other U.S. coins and pay high prices for them. Write or contact Herman B. Wo)', 518 E Cedar, Hillsboro, Oregon. 43t3 WILL PAY $2.00 each for the following coins: 1908S 1969S, In dian cents; 1909S-1931S, Lincoln cents. Call HAzel 9-3543. 43t4c HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone 126. 14tfc FOR SALE: Used chain saws. Ted’s Saw Shop, corner Bridge WANTED TO BUY Lincoln pen and State St. 22tfc I nies, certain dates, for cash. R. ________ ._______________________ i J. Whaite, 1175 West Bridge. SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill dirt. Call HA 9-6829, A.G. Os- trander.____________________ 26t52c FOR RENT FOR SALE Real Esiaie FOR SALE: FARM. 172 acres, 77 in cult. Good clean level land. Bordering Nehalem river. Two modern houses; three barns. Several other buildings. If in terested, welcome to look. J. (.’echmanek. Mist Oregon. 37t8e HOMETOWN HARDWARE FOR SALE-General FOR SALE for parts: 1946 Buick 4-door sedand. $75. H. Hudson, HA 9-605«. 43t3c Best Wishes To : BILLS " oi : BILL WILSON, SR. i FOR RENT: Small 1-bedroom house, furnished. Couple , no children. 162 A St. Call HA 9- 3591, R. H. Hanon. 44tfc FOR RENT: 2 houses, both in first class condition, both wired for range. One has electric water beater and burns oil. Other burns wood. Take your choice. Inquire at 842 3rd street. 43t3 HOMES VERY NEAT 2-bdrm. modern APARTMENT for rent. Couple' home, wired for range. Close only Burton Apartments, River to business district. Houseful view. 36tfc of almost new Hollywood fur- ,— ----------- —--------------------------- - lture. Goes at price of $2500. | CLEAN, attractive, one-bedroom house. Electric heat, electric hot Good terms. . water heater. Wired for range. FARMS 3 . ACRES, ideal for retired Utility room wired and plumbed ouple. Has 4-room modern for automatic washer and drier. Inquire 475 South First Avenue. house and single garage. _ 31tl sere very good garden space. Price only $3800. Very good I SMALL clean modern house for I lent. Suitable for two. Oil heat; terms 20 ACRES on main highway. 5- i has water heater and is wired for I room hous •, 6 stanchion barn i range. Call Mrs. R. D. Eby, plus other outbuilding. 10 HA 9-3671 29tfc a<Tes can be cultivated. Farm i machinery including John I THREE ROOM furnished apart Deere tractor in deal at $6700. ment, shower bath, electric range refrigerator, oil heat. Also, apt. .nod terms. 37 ACRES, some timber, 12 sen's with electric heat, and a large •n cult Has very well kept r<M>m with kitchen privileges. 25tfc bouse and yard 4 bedrooms, Riverview Cabins. .ving room and kitchen with APARTMENT available at Cher its of built ins. Other build ry Tree apartments, 830 Second ings include barn, woodshed Sheet HA 9 SOO 17tfc and garage Two miles out. Price, $10,000 « 1 ACRES, 3-room house, 5 acres i cult 2 miles out Price. $2500 LOST Small black and tan Very good terms hound pup Call HA 9-5542 ACREAGE 44tlc X ERY beautiful 2 acres with Nehalem river bordering one ••ide Completely modern 3-rin house, wired for range. Good «.’ell with pressure systen . LET GEORGE DO IT Mainten ance and repair service, install H© $1,000 Good | linoleum floors, sink drain board... SEE ME FOR FARMS AND insulation, roofing, gutters, side ACREAGE walks and carpentry. You name DON BAYLEY. BROKER it HA 9 3642 44tfc Palace Cafe Bldg Ph. HA 9 5225 43tlc DEAD and worthless stock re moved free of charge. Also, w ill MFORTABLE 3-br home, lot. buy your cows, calves, hogs. John ■ f ornamental shrubs, flowers. Wilmarth, Clatskanie, Orc. Phone iarage, workshop, chick house, 2362________________________ 25tf.- bed barn Two dandy acres, m nice location Underpriced PORT ABLE welding service, St $3900 power plant, night work. George MAMERS, nursing or conval | Smith, HA 9 3876 32tfc ■ nt Nice 4 apt. 10-rm home J aid separate 1 bdrm horn«' I CLARENCE R WAGNER, county Near churches, schools, store ' surveyor. Court House, St Helen. All furnished and in good con Phone office. 698; home. 183 Pri dition throughout A real buv | vate surveying, engineering work. 24tfc at $9750 Terms SMALL 3-bdrm. home on 2 lots ut of city Slashed at $2250 1 THREE acres on river Sintpl», •can 2-bdrm. home Venison j NOT RESPONSIBLE for anv debts other than my own. it included $2200 Beryl R Normand 4313 Vernonia Office E.-np & Meyer. Inc.. Real Estate Phone HA 9 6058 j Hudson. Riverview • OPTOMETRISTS: I i 1 43t3c i • I Dr. V. J. Horne and t t Dr. R. V. Lance i • Standard Typewriter For • : Across from Texaco * Rent i 1 Wednesdays • !------ ___ • LOST AND FOUND SERVICES NOTICE Phone HA 9 6131 VERNONIA. ORE. Paint. Bldg. Supplies, Sporting Goods. Housewares. Appliances M i £ : On His Opening of i £ : Mist Auto Service: ►ri ! —“Eat that fruit and you will surely die.’’ So God warned Adam, our first parent. But Adam ate the forbidden fruit and so became dead in God’s sight. Hence the great gulf be tween Adam and all of us and God. Adam dead to God and God alive. Then God acted to . win us back. He out our sins on Christ who had no sins of his own. By that Christ became sin on our place and died to clear us. Receive Christ as dy ing for you. Then God counts you cleared and gives you eternal life. Now to grow up, read your Bible and pray. This Message by God's people who want you to know. Sunday, November 3, 1957 9:45 a m. — Sunday school. Mrs. George Johnson in charge. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. Rev. E. A. Fogg begins series of Bible studies. 6:30 p.m. — Youth Fellowship. 7:30 p.m. — Evening service. •Rev. E. A. Fogg presents se cond in series of sermons. Tuesday, November 5 througn Friday, November 8 — E. A. Fogg, each evening, 7:30 p.m. , FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Donald W. Hainer. Minister 9:45 a m Bible school. 11:00 a m. Morning worship. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administratrix of the estate of Homer L. Inman, deceased, b\ the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County, tnd has qualified. All person, having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at Vernonia, Ore gon with vouchers and duly veri fied within six months from the date hereof. Date of first publication Octo ber 10, 1957. Date of final publication No vember 7, 1957. Hazel B-rgerscn Administratrix John L. Foote St. Helens, Oregon Attorney 41t5c CARD OF THANKS MY SINCERE THANKS to all my friends for their cards, let ters and calls while I was in the hospital and during my convales cence Bill Pringle 44tlc MY SINCERE THANKS to all my friends and neighbors for the cards, flowers, visits and manv other expressions of thoughtful ness I received while hospitaliz ed They were all greatly ap preciated Mrs. G. E. Koski 44tlc CLASSIFIED RATE? THE EAGLE assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads pub lished in its columns, but in case where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. MINIMUM charge 40c for 2$ words or less. Words over min imum. 2c each. Three inser tions for the price of two. NO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed. 5:30 p.m. — Christian Endeavor. 6:30 p.m. — Evening service. Mr. and Mrs. Hainer will be at the parsonage week ends where they may be reachd by calling HA 9-5242. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH A. L. Argo. Pastor 9:45 a m. — Sunday school. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. 6:30 p.m. — Training union. 7:30 p.m. — Evening service. 7:30 p.m. each Wednesday — Prayer meeting and Bible stu dy at the church. VERNONIA BRANCH LDS 9:30 a m. Sunday — Priesthood meeting. 10:30 a.m. Sunday — Sunday school convenes under super vision of Russell R. Snook. 7:00 p.m. Sunday — Sacrament service under direction of Axel Olson, Branch President. 7:30 p.m. Tuesday — Relief So ciety convenes under supervi sion of Erlene Olson. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday — Young people’s M I.A. group meets at Vernonia chapel. TIMBER FRIENDS CHURCH Pastor. Harold Ankeny 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Hour 7:30 p.m. Sunday Evening 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening The pastor's phone is 17T21. GEMS OF THOUGHT ENERGY AND INITIATIVE 1 believe in the patriotism and energy and initiative of the aver1 age man. —Woodrow Wilson The energy of the free indivi dual is the most dynamic force in human affairs. —Dwight D. Eisenhower Let us feel the divine energy of Spirit, bringing us into new ness of life and recognizing no mortal nor material power as able to destroy. —Mary Baker Eddv There are two ways of xerting one’s strength; one is pushing down, the other is pulling up. —Booker T. Washington When you have saved a boj’ from the possibility of making a mistake, you have also prevented him from developing initiative. . —John Erskine Don't do anything until you do it; and when you’ve done it, stop doing it. —Gillette Pouring Wool Insulation 40-lb. Bag $3.25 Water Pipe Insulation Length 75c Storm Window Kits, priced to $1.59 Innerseal Door Weather Strip Kit $1.89 Innerseal Live Rubber Weather Stripping Foot 10c 30-Ft. Heating Cable Set *7-45 Turquoise or Pink Tropic-Aire heaters with fan $9.95 Fan-Gio Heater, Lifetime Guaranteed Elements $22.95 Fan-Gio Heater, same as above, with Thermostat $24.95 — NEW LINE OF QUALITY TOYS — Millions Dead 'AT THE.CHURCHES VERNONIA EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN To God Rev. F. M. Knoll GEORGE N. TAYLOR Portland. Oregon BE PREPARED FOR COMING WINTER MONTHS REV. E. A. FOGG District Superintendent To Present Bible Studies ASSEMBLY OF GOD 2nd and Maple 9:45 a m. — Sunday school. Clas ses for all ages. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. 7:45—Evangelistic service. Lila Rauch. President Betty Hawken. Sec'y. Expert Tonsorial Work • Vernonia, Oregon SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST E. L. Broder• Services on Saturday: 9:30 a.m. — Sabbath School. 10:45 a.m. — Preaching, mission ary programs or Bible study. VERNONIA BIBLE CHURCH John Cowles^ Pastor Paul Weller. Sunday School Sup't. 9:45 a.m. — Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. — Morning Service. 6:30 p.m. — Classes for all ages. 7:30 p.m. — Evening Service. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday — Mid-week prayer meeting. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST (Colored) J. C. Foster. Pastor 9:45 a.m. — Sandav school. 11-12 a.m. — Morning worship. 6:30 p.m.—Young Peoples service 8 p.m. — Evening worship. 7:30 p.m. Tuesda; and Fridays— Prayer Meetings. Welcome to all to worship with tn Order of Eastern Star Neh&lem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular com munication first and third Wed. of each month at Masonic Tem ple. All visiting sisters and broth, ers welcome. Lillian Davis. W.M. Mona Gordon. Sec'y. 1-58 Knights of Pythias Hardings Lodge No. 116 Vernonia. Oregon Meetings 1.0 OF. Hall, Second and Fourth Mondays Each Month Charles L. Johnson, Chancellor Commander Oscar G. Weed, Secretary Pythian Sisters Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall Second and Fourth Wednesdays of each month Mathilde Bergerson. M.E.C. Alice Buckley. Secretary 2-58 Columbia Encampment No. 89 will meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Lloyd Quinn, Chief Patriarch Omar Vernon, Scribe 1-58 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 4-57 MT. HEART REBEKAH LODGE Nine members of the Lower ■ Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday Columbia Ministers fellowship met at the First Baptist church evenings of each month in the here Tuesday They represented I.O.O.F. Hall. Verda Cook. Noble Grand churches m Westport, Clatska Hasel Cook. Vice Grand me. Rainier and Vernonia. Principal order of business wa< Dorothy Carter. Rec. Sec'y. the election of officers and Rev Herlene Robertson. Fin. Sec y. John Cowles of the Vernonia Rose Mary Smith. Treasurer Bible church was named as pr< - 3-58 sident. and Rev Leonard Bucher, Vernonia F.O.E. pastor of the Rainier Assembly of God church was named as sec- | (Fraternal Order of Eagles) retarv-treasurer The next meeting was tenta Meets tively set for November 26 at | Every St Helens Friday • PM. BEN'S BARBER SHOP NAZARENE CHURCH Brooks Ackerman, Pastor 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. B. L. Mitchell, Sup’t. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship 7:30 p.m. — Evening service. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. — Prayer meeting. LODGE ÄND CLUB NOTICES Rev. E. A. Fogg of Jennings Lodge, district superintendent fo” the Evangelical United Brethren IWA Local church, will begin a series of meetings at the E.U.B. church 5-14 here Sunday morning which will Meets First and run through the following week. Services will be Sunday evening Third Thursdays and Tuesday through Friday 7:30 p.m. evening and Sunday morning and evening, November 10. Business agent at Union hall Rev. Fogg will present evan- | Thursday and Friday, noon to gelistic Bible studies that are 4-58 practical and doctrinal from the 6:00 p.m. oldest book in the Bible, Job. An VERNONIA CHAMBER invitation is extended to all who OF COMMERCE are interested to attend. Board of Directors report to members quarterly. Board meets 2nd and 4th Mondays, 8:00 p.m., Union Thanksgiving at West Oregon Electric office. Service Is Planned Visitors invited. At a meeting of the Vernonia Marvin Kamholz. President Ministerial association which was Mona M. Gordon, Secy.. Manager held October 13 in the afternoon Manager’s office at City Hall at the Evangelical United Breth 7-53 ren church, plans were made for the annual Thanksgiving service. VERNONIA The date chosen was Tuesday, LIONS November 26 and the service will be at the First Christian CLUB church. Rev. E. H Harshman from Birkenfeld will speak and MEETS EVERY MONDAY the Christian church will pro- EVENING vide special music. V.F.W. Hall Ministers who attended the O. T. Bateman. President meeting were Rev. John Cowles Wm. B. Johnson. Secretary 3-58 of the Vernonia Bible church. Rev. A. L. Argo of the First Bap V. F. W. tist church; Rev. Donald Hainer Regular meetings: of the First Christian chutg:h. 2nd and 4th Rev. F M. Knowles of the E.U B. i Wednesdays. 8 P.M. church and Rev. Harshman from V.F.W. Hall. Birkenfeld Th' next meeting of the group Edwin Ade. Commander will be November 17. Sunday William Wilson Sr.. Adjutant afternoon, at the E.U.B. church. AUXILIARY—2nd and 4th Tues. Vernonia Pastor Chosen As Association Leader 10:30 p.m. — Radio program — KGO, San Francisco. 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays — Mid week service and church. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC Rev. William Delplanche First and second Sundays Mast at 7:30 a.m. Third, Fourth anj Fifth Sundays Mass at 11:0 a.m. Meets Every Tuesday 8 P M. Omar Vernon, Noble Grand Bill Horn. Secretary j.$g A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 164 F. & A. M. meets <t Masonic Temple. Stated Communication first Thursday of each month, st 7.30 p.m. Dane S. Brady W.M. Walter Linn. Secy. 1-58 American Legion 158 1st Ave Vernonia Walter Floeter. W.P. Wally Noakes. Sec y. 7-$7 AUXILIARY First and Third Tuesdays 1-58