I X THURSDAY, OCT. 31, 1957 New officers wen» elected for the Columbia county 4-H Lead t rs association at their recent meeting held in Clatskanie. Those chosen to direct the busi ness and activities for this group for the coming year are: Presi- d mt, Mrs. Arnold Tarbell, War ren; vice-president, Mrs. Bessie Moholt, Rainier; secretary, Mrs. Clyde Thornton, St. Helens; treasurer, Elmer Jensen, St. Hel ens. Louis Towne, power use en gineer for West Oregon Electric, Vernoma, talked on the applica tion of electricity to 4-H club projects. He also showed a film stressing the use of proper size electrical services and circuits m the home. The older youth group of the 4-H also met and planned a pot luck supper and program to be held in the youth building at the fair grounds November 11 at 6:30 p m. All 4-H club members 14 years of age and over are urged to come. FOR SAFETY INSURE NOW . . . I I I I) Play safe. Insure your property against theft, fire and other hazards it costs little to enjoy security and peace of mind. i BELL-HUDSON INSURANCE ' Phon« HA 9-6058 — Riverview School Heads Formulate Plan Eugene Dove was at St. Helens Wednesday of last week to meet with superintendents of the other four county high schools and a representative of the scholarshin committee at Oregon State col lege to determine the plan for awarding the Harrison Collins scholarships for the next three years. The Harrison Collins schdlar- ship fund was S"t up from an es tate and is invested in bonds and securities, and the annual in come from this is used for the scholarships They are specified for use at Oregon State college and are designated for first year students. The committee voted to con tinue the plan that has been in op . ration of allowing one schol arship each year to each of the five county high schools. THE PURPLE SHIELD BURIAL INSURANCE PLAN For Information PHONE COLLECT 641 Prickett's Mortuary OF FOREST GROVE BUY NOW AND SAVE USE OUR LAY-SWAY PLAN 17-Jewel Wrist Watch SI Q95 NOW Regularly $39.95 AW Water resistant, shock resistant, antimagnetic. Regularly $39.95 NOW 17-Jewel Deluxe. s2995 •Vernonia teachers are invited to attend an O.E.A. dinner meet ing at Clatskanie Monday even ing. TV Series Now Featuring Golf Vernonia C of C Members Listed News From FRANZ Riverview Homes Get Improvement TRIM NEHALEM Winterize Your Wood Shed... Order PRES-TO-LOGS Now! U A 0 ROOR nA U-uyut) FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS To Order Call MRS. L. M. THOMAS HA 9 3725 NOW V W Life time spring. Alasta Men’s Teachers Bid io Dinner MIST — The M.H.C. met last Thursday with Mrs. Chas. Sund- ’ land. There was a good attend ance The next meeting will be with Mrs. Austin Corll the third Thursday instead of the fourth as usual on account of Thanks The attention of Vernonia golf giving. ers has been called to the “All David Closner just returned Star Golf TV series now being after spending three months on carried on channel 6, KOIN-TV. each Saturday from 5:00 to 6:0# the coast near Newport. Mr. and Mrs. J. E Crawford p.m. The series, which will run were in Portland Friday visiting for 26 weeks, will show complete 18-hole matches between top Mrs. Allen Welch Smith name golfers. Mrs. Sam Devine and her fath The filming is done by six er, Mr. Danielson, were visitors cameras shooting simultaneously of the Austin Dowlings Friday. Wm. H. Wilson has opened the Mist garage for business. He has THE VERNONIA EAGLE had 35 years experience in the Marvin Kamholz Editor ar 4 Publisher business. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Case visi NEARLY 600 Columbia County 4-H club members will receive Official Newspaper ot ted Monday with the John Craw, recognition as community builders, November 2. 4-H Achieve Vernonia, Oregon fords and Wednesday with Mr. ment Day. A total of 29.600 boys and girls are enrolled in 4-H and Mrs. Wayne Reynolds and club work in Oregon. Adults and youngsters, farm or town, who Entered as second class mail would like to learn about the 4-H club program. are invited to daughter and Thursday with Mr. matter, August 4, 1922 at the call or phone the Columbia County Extension office located in and Mrs. Sam Devine. post office in Vernonia. Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Garlock under the act of March 3, 1879. the Courthouse at St. Helens, Oregon. and Mrs. Mary Garlock were in Subscription price $3.00 yearly Portland to see his mother who is tn the Nehalem Valley. Else ' in the Portland Sanitarium and where $3.50. has undergone surgery twice re NATIONAL £ 0 fT O R I A I Beginning next week, the Ver Crown Zellerbach Corporation. cently. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wikstrom 1 Mary Drips, Sunn*y^ide Service. x. 4 Z 1 A sTo c IF a T IO N nonia Eagle will carry a sum < I U / mary of the work done by the Dr. R D. Eby, Hawken Motors, were in Vernonia Saturday. The Sam Devines were in ■ ftmiv.uKumui Vernonia chamber of commerce Glen F. Hawkins, Bill J. Horn, during th" past year and a half. Evelyn Heath, Henry and Polly Clatskanie Saturday. NEWSPAPER There have been quite a fe^ As a prelude to this, given be Hudson, Bell-Hudson Ins. and PUBLISHERS successful hunters among the vil- low is th ■ list of paid up mem Variety;’ A. W. Gardner, Jones langers, Billy Kyser the latest ASSOCIATION bers of the chamber who have Grocery, King’s Grocery, Dr. R made the carrying out of the V. Lance, Lew’s Place, Interna one. tional Paper Co., Long Bell Div.; program possible: Henry Anderegg, Vernonia Milk Mill Market and Lockers, N ■ Farms; H. Kenneth Anderson, halem Service Station, Nehalem Cherry Tree Apt.; Don Bayley, Valley Motor Freight, Nichols George W. Biddle, Bill's Home Variety, A. G. Ostrander, Darrold Town Hardware, Bob’s Union Proehl, Ed Roediger Jr., Safe Service Station, Brunsman Hard- way Stores, Sam’s Food Store, war? and Electric, Mr. and Mrs. Schaumburgs, Albert Schalock, Carroll Buckley, Ed Burton. Bur Spokane, Portland and Seattle ton Apts.; Dr. L. M. (jrossan, I Railway Co., Standard Oil Com- • pany of California, Strong’s • Electric, Sundland Electric, Ted s | Saw Shop, Vernonia Auto Com pany, Evert W. Peterson, Ver nonia Drug Co., U.S. National Bank, Vernonia Branch; The Vernonia Eagle, V‘rnonia Sani A special new weight-control formula RJVERVIEW —There has been tary Service, Vernonia Trading; extensive remodl.ng of several Vernonia Variety Store, West bread that tastes GOOD! Riverview homes recently. Two Coast Telephone Co., West Ore HIGH PROTEIN — LOW CALORIE bedrooms and a bath were add' J gon Electric Co-op. Inc., and to th? Carl Brauner house earl Western Store. Less Than 48 Calories Per I8I2 Gram Slice ier in the y.ar but the interior finishing is being don? at this time. Harold Elliott has added a liv MARKET AND GROCERY AUTOMOTIVE FLASHES ing room across the north end For Delivery Every Day Phone HA 9-6341 of his house with three large pic YOU’LL SEE THEM SOON: The ture windows. The Elliotts pur new Dodge and Plymouth» for chased th? Martin Davis home 1958 and when you do. you'll early this year. find significant advances in safe Merle Cline has enlarged their ty engineering, fuel economy, en living hoom and built a fire gine performance and styling ad place, added one bedroom and vances in keeping with the trend enlarged another bedroom. setting characteristics of both Mrs. George Peachey and tw<_ cars. sons left Saturday for their home at Camp Irwin, near Bar Just one of these features is the stow. California. They had spent “Sure Grip’’ differential which several weeks visiting relatives provides pulling power to the here. rear wheel with the most trac Charles Allen spent several tion. eliminating wheel-spinning days last week at Tuality Com on ice or snow, or in sand and munity hospital in Hillsboro with mud. flu and near pn umoma He is $2.50—80 90-Lb. $4.55 improving now although he is Don't fail io see these cars when still confined to his home. they are placed on display early Mr. and Mrs M. C. Brewer and next month. Bulk Molasses, mill run, per cwt. $2.45 baby have moved from the Rat- Cement $1.40 kie house on the highway to the Meanwhile, you'll want to pre Guardsman Permanent Anti-freeze Gal. $2.59 Lovell Shelley house on Second pare for winter driving with per street. Mr. Shelley left some manent anti-freeze, winter lubri time ago to work at a mission at cants and a mechanical check-up Riverside, California. so your car or truck is in top Chief Petty Officer and Mrs. shape for stormy weather. Let Glen Laymance and baby visited us take care of th ?se essentials his cousin and family, Mr. and now so you will be prepared. Mrs Ralph McKee, over the REMEMBER TO PHONE FOR week end Officer Laymance has Is it time for a motor tune-up? been in the navy several years Better, more economical perform Cason Transfer and is now stationed at Astoria ance is the payoff after a thorougn job of tuning that will find and correct approaching trouble. , Sell it with an Eagle Classified. Bring your car in today. $*>K00 Alasta Men’s i i ■ VERNONIA TRADING CO- HAWKEN MOTORS COMPLETE NEHALEM VALLEY FARM STORE Dodge ■ Plymouth ■ Dodge Trucks 968 Bridge HA 9 6061 Feed — Seed — Fertiliser — Building Material __ Paint Phone HA 9 598$ Vernonia, Oregon IDEAS FROM SAM’S FOR YOUR TABLE NEEDS — Honey Grahams Snowflake Crackers Watches In fill Price Ranges A SMALL DOWN PAYMENT WILL HOLD ANY WATCH OR OTHER ITEM ON OUR LAY AWAY PLAN. RITZ CRACKERS Triangle Thins So-o-o good Shredded Wheat — with ertrvüiincf ALL MADE BY NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY VERNONIA DRUG CO. Telephone HA 9-6254 I M.H.C. Meeting Time Advanced The attention of the ladies who belong to the Mist-Nehalem extension unit is called to the meeting set for Friday, Novem ber 8 at the home of Mrs. John Crawford near Mist. They are advised to rustle around and find their husband's tin snips and needle nosed pliers so that they will be prepared to learn the making of Christmas decora tions from tin cans. Of course, they will also need some clean tin cans and tin can lids. Mrs. Norman Hanson and Mrs. John Howry, this month's project leaders, will also instruct mem bers how to make dried flower arrangements. Members are to bring native materials, (dried flowers, wheat stalks, corn tas sels, etc ), florist clay, need) • i point flower holders pebbles and shells and a base for the arrange ment to be made. The meeting will start at 10.30 a m. and there will be a pot luck luncheon at noon. Members are invited to bring a friend, al so. Exclusive Sponsorship Regularly $55.00 17-Jewel. 4-H HARVEST: CITIZENS OF TOMORROW«, Mist-Nehalem Unit To Make Decorations Officers Chosen By 4-H Leaders I THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. FINE Groceries Meat»— Vegetable» Verne nù. Oregon i I SAM’S FOOD STORE Free Doli very HA 9 5501 I I ♦ • I I I I I » I ♦ I • I I ♦ I I I I I ♦ I I I I I i