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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1957)
2 THURSDAY, OCT 31, 1957 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr«. Gsorgs Koski has return- <d home after spending several months in the hospital for treat ment. HALLOWEEN DANCE. IOOF HalL Varnonia. Sat. Nov. 2. Sponsored by Vernonia Trap Club. Modern Music by Swing- tiers. 43t2c Mrs. Essie Nance returned hgme last Thursday from Tacoma where she had gone the previous Satur day because of the illness and hospitalization of her mother due to a severe case of bursitis. She was released but had to return to the hospital the latter part of last week for further treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Paris and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred May at Forest Grove Sun day afternoon. Also there were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Garner from Seaside. RUMMAGE SALE. Nov. 8 & 3, old P.O. Bldg. Mi. Heart Social club. 4412c Jay Taggart from Tigard was a business visitor here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Garner were in Portland Sunday afternoon to attend a reception honoring Rae Matthews, grand chief of Ore gon Pythian Sisters. They later called on Mrs. L. H. Dewey and Joy. Otto Barnell Jr., is listed among tenors selected for the choir at Oregon College of Edu cation. Monmouth, which is start ing preparation for the Christ mas assembly which they will be lesponsible for. HALLOWEEN DANCE. IOOF Hall, Vernonia. Sai„ Nov. 2. Sponsored by Vernonia Trap Club. Modern Music by Swing ers. 4312c Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis visi- ADMIRAL Radio TV Appliances • Low Down Payment * 12 Months to Pay. Deep Freezers. Refrigerators, and appliances of all kinds. GUARANTEED SERVICE 9 A.M. io 6 P.M. — All Makes OAKES RADIO SHOP Phone HA 9-3653 — Riverview OLYMPIA with pleasure.' ted at Tillamook Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Davis and family. Mrs. Evelyn Heath attended the banquet in honor of 4-H leaders which was held Monday night at the Columbia county fair grounds and was sponsored by the Portland General Elec tric company. Wm. B. Johnson, band instruc tor. attended the music educators conference at Lewis and Clark college in Portland last Friday and Saturday. RUMMAGE SALE. Nov. 8 & 9. old P.O. Bldg. Mi. Heart Social club. 44t2c Leslie Caron. Mrs. Rose Steen and Mrs. Noma Callister were the host and hostesses for the coffee hour held by the elementary school faculty at the Washing ton school last evening Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Fetherston and family have moved from the Parrish place near the golf course to the Johnson house on Ruth avenue Mrs. Dick McNair received a $150 merchandise certificate to ward purchase of a Philco freez er or other major appliance as a reward for her efforts in a recent contest. HALLOWEEN DANCE. IOOF Hall. Vernonia. Sat.. Nov. 2. Sponsored by Vernonia Trap Club. Modern Music by Swing- sters. 43i2c Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Forker from Anaheim. California were house guests last* week at the home of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Graves. Leiters have been received hers from Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff from Berlin where they were visiting relatives including his brother whom he had not seen for 34 years. Th‘>y had done ex tensive sight seein« and had not ed the reconstruction going on in Berlin to repair war damage They plan to leave for home the latter part of November. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hewett from Portland spent a day re cently visiting her sister and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jessee While they were there, Mrs. Eth el Muker called at the Jessee home and visited with the group of old friends. RUMMAGE SALE. Nov. 8 & 9. old P.O. Bldg. Mt. Heart Social club. 44i2c THURSDAY. OCTOBER 31. 1957 HALLOWEEN. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 1 National Assembly Washing ton Grade school, 9:00 a m. Featuring Ray Dixon, make-up artist. Columbia Encampment No 89— IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. Fraternal Order of Eagles Hall on First Avenue, 8:00 p.m. Round Dance — Union hall, 7:30 p.m. Harry Bryant, instructor. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 2 Pomona Grange Marshland, 11:00 a.m. Do-Si-Do Square Dance club — Legion hall, 8 30 p.m. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 4 Lions club dinner meeting — VFW hall, 7:00 p.m. Past Chiefs club — Home of Mrs. Harry Laschinger, 8:00 p m. American Legion — Legion hall, 8:00 pm. City council — City hall. 8 00 p.m. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 5 Junior Promenaders---Umon hall, 7:30 p m. Cub Scout committee — Home of E. E. Larson, 8:00 p m. Odd Fellows Lodge No. 246 — IOOF hall. 8 00 p.m Mt. Heart Social club — Home of Mrs. Charles Minger, 8 00 p.m. American Legion Auxiliary — Legion hall, 8 00 p m WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 6 Nehalem Chapter. O E S. — Ma sonic Temple. 8 00 p in. Hon oring past matrons and patrons and charter members. A special new weight-control formula bread that tastes GOOD’ H HIGH PROTEIN - LOW CALORIE KING’S Grocery - Market H Phone HA 9-6015 Second Son Joins the Earl Wanlland Family INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Lost Won 7 25 Bob’s Union 12’i 19H Mill Market 20 12 Vernonia Milk 24 Oakes Radio & TV 7l¿ High individual game, D. Laird. 199; high individual series, M Grady, 555; high team garpe, 1008, Vernonia Milk; high team series, 2687, Vernonia Milk. WOMEN S LEAGUE Won Lost 14 18 Sam’s Food Store 17>* 14H Brunsman's 141* 17 >3 Vernonia Drug 14 18 Hank & Polly High team game, • Hank and Polly’s. 847; high team series, Vernonia Drug, 2452; high indi vidual game, Marlea Leffler, 213; high individual series, Marlea Leffler, 526. Splits picked up: Ann McEntire, 5-10; Pat Gal loway, 5-6; Evelyn Johnson, 5- 10; Rena Brady, 4-5. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wantland of Beaverton are receiving con gratulations this week on the ar rival of a son at Wilcox Memorial hospital in Portland Sunday evening, October 27. He weigh ed 8 pounds, 11 ounces and his name had not been learned. Grandparents are Otis Fuller, Many on Timber Route Vernonia and Mrs. Marian Mey Suffer From Flu Attacks ers of Cascade Locks. Mr. and TIMBER ROUTE — On the Mrs. Wm. Shafer of Vernonia are great-grandparents. The baby | sick list last week from attacks of flu were Mr. and Mrs. Gus has a sister and a brother. Hult and son Jim, Mae Wienecke, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker and Altar Society Sets Date numerous others in the neighbor For Annual Sale, Tea hood. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Shaeffer and BIRKENFELD — The Altar Society will hold their annual children from Portland »visited silver tea and gift sale at th" Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Birkenfeld gym Friday. Novem Mrs. Art Kirk. Otto Williams from Newport ber 15 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Mrs. Fred Larson and Donnie visited Saturday afternoon with went to Seaside Monday to visit his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shipley and Mike. with Mrs. Delmar Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Parman and family of Portland sprint the week end visiting with her folks, I the Stinchfields and Bakers. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bvrg, Nel FRI„ SAT. NOV. 1-2 lie and Judy, were in Forest I Grove Saturday. Patsy Nogle ac- ! companied them. Mrs. Francis Nordstrom and j Plus Katy and Judy Berg went into j Portland Tuesday evening to take in the Show of Sjars at the I SUN., MON. NOV. 3-4 Paramount theater. Fred Larson and Jim Garlock I have gone to Beaver to work BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. George Bellingham and family are moving back to Birkenfeld from Astoria. They will live in the house recently vacated by the Lae Ennebergs. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Baker and boys were in Portland Sat urday. Mrs. Willard Benson and her daughter, Nancy, from Silverton are visiting with relatives, the Nordstroms, Johnstons and Lar sons. Fred Ud?y went in to Portland Monday to see his son who is in the hospital. He got a piece of steel in his eye. Percy Skaling and John Strait Phone HA 9-3462 i NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT fron* Seaside were visiting with relatives and friends in Birken feld Sunday. Mrs. Elsa Richardson left last week for Sutherlin to visit with a friend of hers. DR. ABRAMS DENTAL PLATE LABORATORY Broken Plaie Repair 1 hour Loose Plaies Relined 4 Hours New Plaies Made 1 io 3 Days Phone 1871—Hillsboro 132 So. 2nd Si. Mist Auto Service OPEN UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF BILL WILSON, SR J or/ Theatre • Auto Repairing ai a Price You Can Afford io Pay. Kettles On Old MacDonald's Farm The Streets of Laredo • • Chevrolet Sales and Service. Standard Oil Products. Open 7 days week, 7 a m. to 7 p.m. Band Of Angels DATES io Remember News From FRANZ H George Bellinghams Return to Birkenfeld BOWLING RESULTS f Riverview H H "Where Your Money Buys More" At the Mile Bridge H ^HXMXHXHXHXHXHXHIHXHXHXHi ALMOST TOO NEW TO '58 CHEVROLET ! TRUE! I he bluest. boldest mots’ any car ever made! It'» panther-quick. silk-smooth with a I fl unlike any other, a Full Coil suspension, a real air ride and two new super models! Here today! Look at Chevrolet's airy new styling. That's how new Chevrolet is all over! It's lower, wider—nine inches longer. ITtere's an all-new Turbo-Thrust V8* engine. Pair it up with Turbo glide* and you'll command the quickest combination on the road. There are two new rides—Full Coil suspension and a real air ride*. The body-frame design is new, the wheelbase is longer. There’s a new 4-headlight system, new 6 and V8 piower, a foot-operated park ing brake. Even two super modeis-the Bel Air Impala Sport Coupe and Con vertible. most luxurious and distinctive Chevrolets of all. See all that’s new at your Chevrolet dealer S soon. ’Optional at extra cost. '58! /777^^7T¡F I