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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1957)
« THURSDAY, OCT 24, 1957 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA ORE R K D II N J < 1 M ’1 A A 11 N hardware D U 11 PHONE HA 9-5651 and electric ----- I « LOWEST PRICE EVER. All-new ‘57 Frigidair* Food Freezer- Refrigerator FRIGIDAIRE AUTOMATIC ELEC TRIC RANGE . . with the Sheer Look WE DELIVER FRIGIDAIRE ELEC. APPLIANCES — FINE FURNITURE BONANZA BUYS FanGlo Heaters With Thermostat Clipper Bottom Stain Jos steel cover’d 1 4 Quart Saucepan Se • us for wall heaters Thermodor, Wesix Westinghouse. Westclox Electric Kit chen Clocks. Display samples. Values $7 98 Special at $3, $4.50, $5.95 •avere 24 Quart Whistling Teakettle Neoprene Raincoats and pants Each Rain Hats Heavy Wool and pait Wool Socks 65c to $1 49 Hickory Double Bacat Work Shirts Blue Bell $093 Overalls 3’ $34.95 Black and Decker Drill Kit and meta! carry- Si ing cas 4 4.1-Pc. Yellow Daisy Dish Sit $0095 $35.CO Value ££ TRICYCLES 15. $11.95. $lk95, $17.95, $19.50 Bel Nor Blankets $7.00 $ 495 Value 1 Babv Strollers $11.95 and $19.95 Purrey Blankets, Re versable. Beautiful Colors 95 $12 95 Value Foam Rubber Pillows Six-year deluxe baby crib Has plastic teething rail all around. Both sides drop $50 Value i Feather Pillows Field Crest Sheets Pair $5M 98 T 53-Pc. Set Edwin M. Knowles Dishes, For Ser- sythia pattern, vice for 8 $ 50 $35 Value The New 4-Pc. Pyrex mixing bowl set with pouring lip. Blue, yel. low and Pink Deviled egg plate with 22-K gold trim, gift box. Special 5 Field Crest Pillow Cases Paii- » t I 1 $la 95 Serving Table with handles and top “ft M 1 Tray 1 1 FOR RENT ITEMS Skil Floor sander tJ> rent GE Electric Blankets. Completely Washable. Mothproof Dual control Single Control GE heating Pads from Amazing Now Controled Heat Stoves. Use less than one-half the wood a regular wood stove uses. will pay for themselves in one year in savings over oil heater. More healthy heat, Will heat space never reached I by or- dinary oil or wood stoves, Holds heat over night easily. Oakland automatic heat conti >1 wood heater Oakland fireplace heater Norwester automatic heat trol wood $ 1 / heater 1 t Ashley Controlled Heat Wood Heaters'$107.95. $129.95, $159.95. 2-Pc. Mocha Sectional Davenport $285 Value Special Transparenl plastic 1 loor Lamps From 8 $20 Shetland Table Lamps For China « : ti Beautiful New Col ors in Biltwell Swing rockers with full foam rubber seats $ 95 $85 Value $90 Value Chair House Jacks for Reul i i • ! : i ! ■ Punch Bowl Set For Rent $1 00 Day Stretcher for Rent 50c per Day Flashlight complete with batteries $-| 19 $1 69 Value I ZHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXK 8 An enthusiastic extension worker for the past six years is Mrs Norman Hansen of Mist Mr and Mrs Hansen and daughter. Sandra, live there on th«1 Hansen farm Mi« Hansen was born at Cai pio, North Dakota but received her elementary and high school education ut Burlington. North Dakota In 1943 her family, including a brother and sister, moved U> Portland. Oregon Here »hr work rd until she married and in- wi! to the Mist community in 1951 Mr Hansen has lived in Ore gon all his life, spending much of it on the farm h > is now or. Until recently he has worked m the woods but since the spring of 1957 he has been working with the state highway departm nt The family is doing quite an extensive remodeling job on then- home. adding two bedrooms, a den. bath and enlarging the In ’tU r<W' doing much of the Vf’rM thiin-wb»« S-er niter Mrs. Han*-n cam. » « New FRIGIDAIRE Ultra-Clean Automatic Washer I Airtight Heaters $5.75, $7.25, $8.25 • 9c TABLE VALUES Mugs. Bowls. Glasses. Chore Girls Exclusive colore-keyed 3-nng agitator. Direct Connected Toilet Only For Cleanest Clothes For Lint Removal. For Driest Spin. Rated No. 1 by U.S. Testing Company, Inc. 364 95 New, Matching FRIGIDAIRE Fabric-Master Automatic Dryer Goulds Amazing NO-TANK PUMP A Deluxe Gold Seal Li noleum $ 95 Rugs. 9x12 Complete Water System. No Tank Needed Priced At Beautiful new patterns in both 6 and 9 Ft. Linoleum Per vard Simmons Mattresses and Box Springs $49.50, $59.50. $79.95 Spring & mattress set by Kingfisher. Reg. $139 Value. Complete for only Roll-away Simmons Innerspnng Mattress 95 Special S torm Kn Other Storm Window Kits MARSH ALL-WELLS Imperial non-blister- ing outside white Paint. Reg $6 25 per Gallon Special $75.0C Dinette Set, 4 chairs 1 & table Foam Rubber $ 95 Cushions $149 Vai Dinette Set with 6 chairs, foam rubber seats, boltaflex covering. Special. Onlv ■4x4x8 sheet $3.25 *4x4x8 sheet $4.50 4x4x8 sheet $5 95 4x4x8 sheet $6.95 *« x4x8 sheet $7.95 Simpson Ceiling Ti'e 12x24 Ctn. of 60 Sq. Feet $9.25 Hardboard 4x4x8 $2 65 4 Pc bedroom set with Holly wood head board, tilting mirror, $69 50 mattress and $69 50 box springs, By Gillespie of Cab- forma. ,00 $318 50 Value 4-Pc. Gillespie set without mat- tress and box S springs Special 4-Pc. Western Knotty Maple bedroom set 95 Special 249 Emerson Table Radio« Blue. pink, green and ivory. $1595 & $24 to the Mist community she be- Mist- Nehalem extension unit which was organized over twenty years ago She says. "Mv mother wa- a member of an extension group in North Dakota. so I have grown up with it. Besides. Nor man's mother has belonged to the Mist unit since it was organ- i zed.” 1 came a member of th’ Since becoming a unit mem- bet she has been unif 1 vice-chan man and chairman i as well a. project leader Project leaders from each group attend area training meetings held at Vernonia. Rainier and Ssappoo« or St Helen« At the.-? ..tta meetings the leaders get i » Dryer. DCI-58 PLYWOOD Maple Bunk Bed Beautiful wagon wheel design. Complete with mattresses $9995 All Porcelain Automatic Time Control. New Fabric Guide. * Drying Temperature Selector. Custom Imperial Filtrator * DD-57 Deluxe. $229.95 Value. Only Save $50.00 ALKYD ENAMEL ITS A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE Mist Housewife Takes Active Part In County Home Extension Program I : ■>4 O' SS Cosco Metal Step Stool. Yellow, Tur- quoise, Pink and Red 95 Special Value FOR RENT Floor Polisher $1 00 per day Í : i Gleaming white Toilet Seat Special TH’XOTROrIC Orbit Sander $1 50 Bay FS-101-57 10.1 cu. ft. SQQQ95 Reg. $339.95, Save $40 ¿,¿7 ¿7 WCI-58 All Porcelain $250 Value Biltwell Daveno sets in Rose-Beige, Persimmon, Green Cocoa and $ | / k 50 Blue 1 0J Bates, Field Crest and Morgan Jones Bed- spreads priced from $8.95 to $14.75 •Adjustable Al) Metal Ventilated Ironing Hoard 95 I $10.95 Value 219 i Enameled Commode Speed Queen Wash timer and pump $.' allowance for your old washer All Metal, Rubber Tired Wagons $2.95, $4.99, $8.95, and $14.95 Model RS-15-57 Reg. $259.95. Special For Limited Time Only Model RS-38-57. Reg. $249.95. Special For Limited Time Only Heal Zero Zone Freezer-holds 44 lbs • Exclusive Cycla-Matic Defrosting in refrigerator sec tion • Four Full-Width Shelves • Full-Width Glide-Out Porcelain Hydrator • Big. Deep Storage Door with Five removable •helves. • ROLL ROOFING 45-Pound $3.25 55-Pound $3.75 65-Pound $4.45 90-Pound $5.75 Deer Bags VERNCNIA subject matter material which they, in turn, present at their regular unit m’etings. In 1955. Mrs Hansen was elect ed to the Homemakers counti committee. This committee is made up of seven horn-makers representing the various areas of the county and act in an advisory capacity to the home agent The committee holds r"gular monthly meetings* from August through May As a member of the county committee, she has been county Azalea House chairman, citizen ship and research chairman, coun ty vice-chairman and the current • ear is t-ounty chairman Azalea House is a girls coopera- i 179° ’1 » i • i i I i I I i I I i i I I I i : 4XHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXI tive dorm at Oregon State col lege in Corvallis, which was built through the efforts of homemak. ers throughout the state of Ore gon. It houses 58 girls . Savings Bond Sales Decrease In addition to being active in the extension program, Mrs Han sen is also active in community affairs For two years she has been chairman of the Mist Young People’s club; also belongs to the American Legion auxiliary post 68. Clatskanie, and is a substi tute Sunday school teacher in the Methodist church. When asked her opinion of the extension program she says: "I learned to sew in home extension and to me that’s mighty impor tant.’* Savngs Bohds sales dropped substantially in the Stat? of Ore gon in September. Although total sale« 01 SL873. 628 indicates a very considerable amount of saving by Oregonians, the fact remains that this total is down 30 per cent tgBM Sept ember of 1956 National sales were $362,000 000. up 8 per cent The county chairman reports that series E and H Bond salt« in this county last month were $32.769 compared to £5.142 f.x September a year ago.