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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1957)
« THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE THURSDAY, OCT 24, 1957 CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE for parts: 1946 Buick 4 door sedand. $75. H Hudsor . HA 9-6058 43t3c FOR SALE: Wood heater in good < ondition N w grates. »3000 Call J W Johnson, HA 9-5897 43tlc FOUR HEINZ kittens to giv away. Also factory Your choice, mom, three sons, one daughter AJI cute HA 9-6058 43t3c CHEVRON PRODUCTS gas, oil, tires. Also, PRESTO LOGS; dairy, poultry and rabbit fee»..*; ctnent, $1.45. H H Sturdevant, Rose Ave. Phone HA 9-6691. •13tfc HEMSTITCHING and buttonhole work done by Mrs. Lamping at Reta’i Apron shop on Bridge St. Mrs. Lamping, proprietor 43t3c WILL PAY $2 00 each for the following coins: 1908S-1909S, In dian cents; 1909S-1931S, Lincoln cents. Call HAzel 9-3543. 43t4c HIGHEST cash prices psid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone 126. 14tfc U HAULS for rent, local or one wi.v. Truck for lease, drive your- K« !’. V«vnoniu Trading Com pany. 32tfc SAND and gravel for sale. Ver nonia Trading Co. 29tf<? WANTED TO BUY. Lincoln pen nies, certain dates, for cash R. J Whaite, 1175 West Bridge. TEN-POUND bundles of news I 42t.’l papers for sale. Suitable for I T starting fires, etc Vernonia Eagle office. 8tf SERVICES FOR SALE Real Estate HOMES V?RY NEAT 2 bdrm modern omc, wired for range. Clos ■ ’• business district Houseful I almost new Hollywood fur- ’ture. Goes at price of $2500. Good terms. FARMS 3 . ACRES. ideal for retired uple. Has 4 room modern ouse and single garage. ere very good garden space, rice only $3800 Very good •erm*. 20 ACRES on main highway 5- om h<>us •. 6 tanchion I barn lus other outbuilding^ 10 cre.s can be cultivated Farm t machinery including John I'cere tractor in deal at $6700 g d terms ■ 7 ACRES, some timb«-r. 12 acre i cult Has very well kept ’ 'use and yard 4 bedrooms, vi ng room and kitchen with of built ins Other build "its include barn. woodshed nd garage. Two miles out. 1 nee, $10.000 " ACRES. 3-room house. 5 acres cult 2 miles out Price, $2500 Very good terms ACREAGE $ ‘ RY beautiful 2 acres with Nehalem river bordering on- ‘de Completely modern 3-rm t'ouae, . w ired for range Gotxl «ell with pressure system. Price. $4.000 G«»od terms. F.E ME FOR FARMS AND ACREAGE DON BAYLEY. BROKER Palace Cafe Bldg Ph HA 9 5225 43tl- FOR SALE. FARM 172 acres, 77 in cult. Good clean level lend Bordering Nehalem river Two modern houses, three barns Several other buildings If in tt r» sted. we home to look J. Oihmanek. Mut Oregon 37t«c — Oiiic* Supplie« ai the Eagli DEAD and worthless stock re moved free of charge. Also, will buy your cows, calves, hogs. John Wilmarth, Clatskanie, Ore. Phone 2362. 25tfc PORTABLE welding service, power plant; night work. George Smith, HA 9-3876 32tfc CLARENCE R WAGNER, county surveyor, Court House, St Helens. Phone office. 698; home, 183. Pri vate surveying, engineering work. 24tfc FOR RENT FOR RENT 2 houses, both in first class condition, both wired for range. On«' has electric water heater and burns oil. Other burns wood Take your choice. Inquire at 842 3rd street 43t3 i I Robert L. Fuller, 44, in charge of timber land purchases for Crown Zellerbach Corporation in the Pacific Northwest, died Oc tober 17* of a heart attack while inspecting a tract of forest land in the Molalla, Oregon area. Funeral services for Mr. Fuller, who resided at 244 Glenmorrie Lane in Oswego, wnre held Oc tober 21 at 2 p m. from Christ Episcopal church, 340 Tenth St., in that city. Mr. Fuller joined Crown Zel lerbach in 1937 in the Grays Har- I YESTERDAYS FIVE YEARS AGO From The Eagle. October 23. 1957 The Loggers tied Wy’East, 7 to 7 in the game played on the city NOTICE TO CREDITORS park field here Friday night. Not.ce is hereby given that the Bill Braun made the V-rnoma undersigned has been appointed touchdown and Francis Crowston administratrix of the estate of tallied the extra point. Homer L. Inman, deceased, by Monday of this week, death the County Court of the State claimed two prominent citizens. of Oregon for Columbia County, Paul Gordon and Henry H. King and has qualified. All person^ and services for both ware on having claims against said estate Thursday. are hereby notified to present Logging and mill restrictions the same to me at Vernonia, Ore i were lifted by the state forestry gon with vouchers and duly veri i department and all wooded areas fied within six months from the except the Tillamook burn were date hereof. opened to hunters. Date of first publication Octo ber 10, 1957. TEN YEARS AGO Date of final publication No- From The Eaqle, October 23. 1947 vember 7, ¡957. The American Legion auxiliary- Hazel B'Tgerscn initiated five new members in a Administratrix candlelight ceremony Tuesday John L. Foote evening. They were Mrs. Pete St. Helens, Oregon Brunsman, Mrs. Dave Brunsman. Attorn :*y 41t5c Mrs. Bert Brunsman, Mrs. Glen Mitchell and Miss Sally Biggs. The V F W bowling team was listed in top place for the 12 NOT RESPONSIBLE for any teams in the Industrial league debts other than my own. and Vernonia Bakery held top Beryl R Normand 43t3 place of the six women’s teams. The Scappoose Indians defeat ed the Loggers 12 to 7 on the Ver nonia field Friday. THE EAGLE assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors FIFTEEN YEARS AGO that may appear in ads pub From The Eagle. October 22, 1942 Mrs. Tom Turner took over lished in its columns, but in case where this paper is at Wednesday as manag-r of the fault, will reprint that part of local telephone office. Vernonia and Scappoose foot an adv. in which the typo ball teams were scheduled to graphical mistake occurs. MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 meet Friday to dacide the county words or less. Words over min championship. New and stricter dim-out rules imum. 2c each. Three inser were outlined. tions for the price of two. Joy Willard. Timberline editor; NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY I Betty Olson, business manager, ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT and Miss Freda B'ck. advisor, l«?ft for Eugene to attend the high FOR NEXT WEEK S PAPER. CARD of Thanks 8t Notices: 80c. school press conference. BLIND ADS with answers to be Trees planted now at a small handled by the Eagle: Mini cost under the conservation se- mum charge 80c. No informa tion giver relative to such ads. serve of the soil bank can. in a NO information on classifieds will reasonable time, grow into a pro- be given out until after paper fitable crop of products for mar ket. Meanwhile, there can be in is mailed. termediate crops for home use. Lost Won 7 21 Bob’s Union Mill Market 84 194 9 19 Vernonia Milk Oakes Radio & TV 64 21 K- High individual game. Dav«> Brunsman, 209; high individual series, A. Ovesen. 533; high team game, Mill Market. 949; high team series. Mill Market, 2695. WOMEN’S LEAGUE Won X Lost Brunsman’s 17'- 104 Sam's Food Store 16 12 Hank and Polly’s 12 16 Vernonia Drug 174 10'a High team game. Sam’s, 935; high team series. Sam’s, 2503; high individual game. Marlea Leffler, 213; high individual series, Marlea L’ffler, 527. Splits picked up: Pat Galloway, 6-10 and 2-7; Dolly Laird. 5-6-10; Celeste Poetter, 2-7; Ann McEn tire, 5-7. I Tree plantations provide food and shelter for wildlife. They provide cool shade to benefit fish life and clear water for good fishing. I I I NOTICE CLASSIFIED RATES 'M z costs IT COSTS ONLY ABOUT A DAY to have an extension phone for your kitchen, workshop, bedside — anywhere in your house. COLOR PHONES, too. You may have a regular or extension telephone in your choice of eight decorator-keyed colors for about ltf per day. To order yours, call the telephone business office. APARTMENT for rent Couple only Burton Apartments, River view. 36tfc CLEAN, attractive, one-bedroom house Electric heat, electric hot water heater. Wired for range Utility room wired and plumbed for automatic washer and drier. Inquire 475 South First Avenue. 31tt house for Oil heat; wired for D Eby, 29tfc bor area two years after gradua tion from the University of Wash ington school of forestry. Later he held assignments with the timber, department in Seattle and Port Townsend. He came to Portland in 1952 as assistant tim ber buyer and in March, 1955 succeeded Hill Jones as timber buyer for the Northwest timber department. The heart attack came while Mr. Fuller was in the woods with a party of Crown Zeller- bach engineers including Bill Christy, Dean Callahan and Al bert Cissman. Death was instan taneous. He is survived by the widow, Kitty; five children, Timothy. Scott, Rosemary, Roberta and Thomas, ranging in ages from 14 to 6; and his mother, Mrs. Lola E. Fuller of 1303 Campus Park way, Seattle. Mr. Fuller was a member of the Society of American Forest ers, Tau Phi Delto forestry fra ternity and the Oswego Golf and Country club. extension phone I1 OR RENT Clean two-bedroori Louse Wired for range; has elec tric water heat-r See Louis Vio lette, 888 Second St 41t3 SMALL clean modem rent. Suitable for two has water heater and is range. Call Mrs. R HA 9-3671. BOWLING RESULTS Crown Official Taken by Attack LEGAL NOTICE WANTED TO BUY: Cows, Guern sey or Brown Swiss, fresh or soon to freshen Write J. E Lonn- quist, Birkenfeld, Oregon or call Skyline 5-2431, Jewell. 43tl<- i i CARD OF THANKS I WISH to express my sincere thanks to all the neighbors and friends for the many cards, let ters and other expressions of their interest during my hospitaliza tion and recuperation at home. A special thank you to the Pyth. ian Sisters for my flowery cup and all their attentions to me. They help«?d more than I can say. Mrs. Ben Sharar. 43tlc WANTED: Lincoln cents. Nearly all Lincoln cents before 1940 are worth more than face value. Will buy these and other U.S. coins and pay high prices for them. Write or contact Herman B. Woll, 518 E Cedar, Hillsboro, Oregon. 43t3 CASH for furniture, cattle, mis- <<:' items. Also, sell on con signment Forest Grove Auction Mi • Spring Hill Rond, S.E. Cit limits Forest Grove. Phone 7615, office, or 4804, res. H. H. Unger, owner. 36t8c SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill dirt. Call HA 9 6829, A G Os trander. 26t52c I WANTED: Good small refrigera- tor, left hand door pr"‘ferred Phone HA 9-6084 43t3 1 OR SALE: 28-foot house trailer. S« < M . C. Mask. at the Pine 41t3 I Cone. 59c Double Weight Storm-Lite Storm Window Kit CHRISTMAS TOYS ARE! Storm Queen Weather Stripping, 17-it. 20c STARTING TO ARRIVE' | Asbestos Pipe Cover Length 75c COME IN AND LOOK! Prestone Anti-Freeze Gallon S3.25—Quart 85c OVER OUR STOCK OF : Electric Portable Heaters S9.95 and up NEW TOYS AND USE ! i 40-Lb. Bag Pouring Wool Insulation S3.25 OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN S89.95 Up j Superflame Oil Heaters < M a CAR KEY on chain found on street Monday. Owner may claim at the Eagle office and pay for ad. 43tlc WANTED FOR SALE: Two men’s even ing dress suits, black, one. size 40. the other 42. Also coat and vest, also black. Cal] at Apt. 5, Cher ry Tre«* apartments 4113 f------------------------- j LOST AND FOUND 1951 PONTIAC 2-door sedan with hydromatic $395 takes it. Inquire at Vernonia Drug Co. 43t3c FOR SALE: Good potatoes. Come and get them at $2 60 sack while digging. On „Pebble Creek Carl Tnmm, HA 9-3105 42t3c FOR SALE: Used chain saws. Ted’s Saw Shop, corner Bridge and State St 22tfc Paint. Bldg. Supplies, Sporting Goods, Housewares. Appliances FOR SALE-Car, Truck RADIANT cleaners will pick up from and deliver to R'ta’s Apron shop on .Bridge street. 43t3c CASH PAID for deer hides. Phone HA 9-3421. John Siedel- mun. 42t3c Phone HA 9-6131 VERNONIA. ORE. COMFORTABLE 3-br home, lots of ornamental shrubs, flowers, garage, workshop, chick house, shed barn. Two dandy acres. tn nice location. Underpriced at $3900 ROOMERS, nursing or convales- cent. Nice 4-apt. 10-rm. home and separate 1 bdrm, home Near churches, schools, store. All furnished and in good con- dition throughout. A real buy at $9750. Terms. SMALL 3-bdrm home on 2 lots out of city. Slashed at $2250. THREE acres on river, Simple, clean 2-bdrm home. Venison not included $2200 Vernonia Office Bump & Meyer. Inc., Real Estate Phone HA 9 6058 Hudson, Riverview 43t3c GRAPES now ready at the Old Home, >1 mile east Cornelius U or I pick. 43tlc HARDWARE Ü M r HOMETOWN FOR SALE Real Estate FOR SALE General BILLS * M TEIEFHOIE (OMPHÏ ’ Suggerì ions for Your Xexi Grocery Order THREE ROOM furnished apart ment, shower bath, electric rang*' refrigerator, oil heat Also, apt with electric heat, and a large room with kitchen privileges Riverview Cabins 25tfc APARTMENT available at Cher ry Tree apartments, 830 Second Street HA 9 5042. 17tfc OPTOMETRISTS: I i I L Dr. V. J. Horn* and Dr. R. V. Lance Across from Texaco Wednesdays COME TO YOUR FAVORITE FOOD STORE FOR FINE Groceries Meats—Vegetables SAM’S FOOD STORE Frw Delivery HA 9 5501