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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1957)
Book Review Heard by Study Club Members Points Of Social Security Law Explain Status Of Older Workers THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. Party Observes Sixth Birthday The Vernonia Study club met at the home of Mrs Marvin Karr.- is particularly important to the holz Thursday evening. October 17. A brief business meeting self-employed, many of whom Mona Gordon then never retire and who otherwise was held. presented her varied program giv- might never receive any return i ing a review of the book. ‘'Ms- on their contributions. ‘The retirement test is part of Love Possessed” by James Gouid the basic philosophy of social in [ Cozzins. She also gave a few highlights of the life of Cozzins. surance’’ Sherman concluded." as it not only prevents exces This was fallowed by a thought sive drains on the old-age and provoking review of our states survivors insurance trust fund taxes, on which most of the group but also serv-s to guarantee that had some comment. The evening was ended very those most likely to need some nicely with refreshments served replacement of lost income re by Mrs. Kamholz ceive it.” Latest local figures show that tiw* great majority of full-time workers retire because they are ir> ill health or because th-y have lost their jobs. Few people in Columbia county are retiring from full-time work just to col let! social security payments,” Wes Sherman, field representa tive of the Portland social se curity district o?ffice said today Under the Social Security act, persons who continue working and earning over $1200 per year arc not eligible to receive their full social security benefits. A Social Security representa DICK O'BRIEN proudly displays Since in almost every case a per tive is in St Helena each Monday the head and wide-spread horns sor s income is sharply reduced from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at of the deer he killed recently in when he retires, social security the sheriff's office» Columbia Eastern Oregon near Burns. It benefits were designed to parti county court house. was a three-point buck and dress ally r< place this lost income. ed out about 200 pounds. Whi n the law was passed, it wa.- — Celeste S. Dickinson of Cor thought better to pay more ade- I vallis, grand conductress of the quate benefits to those whose ■ grand chapter of Oregon. O.E.S.. working days were over than to and her husband Dr E. M Dick spread the money thinner by also inson. head of veterinary depart paying benefits to men over 65, ment at Oregon State college, or to women over 62. who were RIVERVIEW Week end visi stii] working and who had suf- 1 tors at Jhe home of Mrs. Rose were guests of Nehalem Chapter BIRKENFELD Winema fered no substantial loss of in Hall were her daughter and son- No. 153 Wednesday evening. Mrs. cone. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Dickinson was making her offi Grange held their annual harves' Sherman reminded those who Wainscott, granddaughter Wino- cial visit to the chapter and gave supper Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs Fred Stinchfiela int<nd to work part time after ma Delsman of Hillsboro and a school of instruction. A clever applying for old-age insurance Mrs. Anna Hawes of North Plains. ly appropriate addendum was visited with the Francis Larsons Sunday evening benefits to get full information Mrs. Anna Roberts.' Albert and given in her honor and Worthy Mr. and Mrs. Arby Mills made at their nearest social security Ralph Torrey of Portland spent Matron Lillian Davis, using spe daily written verse, presented a business trip to Portland Mon office as to how their earnings Sunday and Monday at the home her with a gift from the chapter. day. affect their benefits. Sub of Mr. and Mrs Tom Solomon. Mrs. Dickinson announced that Mrs. John Acton has gone on 3 stantial earnings could mean the Mr. and Mrs. Neal Ward of 10« of some if not all their bene, Hillsboro spent Sunday visiting Alvilda Hearing, chairman of the vacation to Portland and Seattle Nehalem chapter instruction com where she will visit with her fit; However, after one reaches her mother, Mrs. Glenn Mitchell mittee, had passed the proficiency son and daughter. age .2 there is no longer any res Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dutton test and is eligible to give the test Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bollinger ef triction upon his earnings. This and children returned home Fri to other members. The proficien Portland visited with Mr. and day evening from Mountainburg. cy test is one of the worthy Mrs. Arby Mills Saturday. Arkansas where they were called grand matron’s projects for this Visitors at the home of Mr. and SHOP AT HOME AND by the death of her father. ' year in an effort to have more Mrs. T. M. Hopkins Sunday were Mrs. R. A. Pet-rson underwent members learn the secret work Mrs. Cody and her daughter, also surgery at Tuality Community and other important phases of Mrs. .Cody’s granddaughter, all hospital a week ago Monday and the order. from Vancouver. Washington: came home Sunday evening She Krkft Mayonqaise A delicious pot luck dinne: Mrs. Olie Meiers from Jewell is recovering satisfactorily. preceded the meeting. The re and the Mickey Hopkins family. Qu&ri Jar»..., freshment committee was Mollv Mr and Mrs. Ralph Berg and Eby, Isabl Brunsman and Janet family have moved into th- house Today's Green Lima Many Mist Residents Bridgers who also serv d refresh recently vacated by the Delmar Beans No. 303 Can Hunt In Eastern Oregon Jepsons. ments after the meeting. MIST — Many villagers have Tar.tewell White Sell it with an Eagle Classified. Sell it with an Eagle Classified. been to Eastern Oregon on a Hominy No. 300 Can hunting trip including the Les Closners, Paul Wikstroms, Lloyd Tasirewell Pork and Garlocks and Ray Carlock Beans No. 300 Can Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap called on the Austin Dowlings Dubuque Corned Beef Sunday evening Hath Lb. Can Week end guests at the L. P. Wikstroms were Mrs. Tb lma Serie r Green Olives w’th Roeser and Butch and Kathy and Pizr.iento S'4-cz. Jar Mrs. Les Cozad and Mike, all from Eugene. Tastewell Tomato Catsup Mr. and Mrs. Percy Baillett 12-ox. Bottle Newest editions of the from DeLake were her- a few Fluito Golden Shorten- O E?c days last week visiting her sis “Big Wheel” in trucks with ter, Mrs. L. P. Wikstrom and ing 3-Lb. Can Of) family. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dowling Nt», Dromedary Corn came down from Vancouver and Bread Mix 15-oz. Pkg spent the we-k end with his folks, the Austin Dowlings. Orndent All-Purpose Bernard Dowling called on the Fleur 25-Lb. Bag Charles Sundlands Saturday. The Lee Ennebergs have mov Sucked Pig Knuckles ed up to Bums wh?re his brother 2-Founds Joe lives. j Gary Davis, son of Mr and ■ Mrs. Sam Davis, celebrated his sixth birthday with a party at which some of his class mates were guests at the home of his parents immediately after school October 11. Games were played and the occasion was given a festive air with a touch of Hallowe’en with horns and balloons for all the guests. A birthday cake with cowboy decorations was the high light of the refreshments whicn also included ic- cream and jel lo. Guests for the occasion were Stanley Johnson. Sheila Wolff. Faye Russell. Myron Dennis. Au drey and Greg Lamping and Ricky Davis. Chapter Visited By Grand Matron Relatives Visit During Week End Harvest Supper Held by Grange I Nehalem Valley Squares To Dance At Birkenfeld The Nehalem Valley Squares have slated a dance for this Fri day evening at 8:30 at the Bir- | kenfeld grange hall with John Harris as caller. Refreshments will be potluck and all square dancers are welcome. SAVE 58 15 THURSDAY. OCT 24, 1957 County 4-H Girl Win* Wool Sewing Contest Patty Burghart of Yankton wa. named a winner for the second consecutive year in the "M<do- It Yourself With Wool” contest Three Columbia county 4-H dub members took part in the run test which is directed in Oregt'«i by the Oregon wool growers aux iliary. Patty Burghart and Mary Ann Havlik of Scappoose entered a wool skirt in the sub deb cia*A with Patty placing first. This class is for the age group 13 t** 15. Marilyn Avis of Colum*» City entered a wool dress in the junior class for the 14 to 17 year olds Oregon sugar beet farmer« rank high in the nation for their production of an overage of al most 25 tons of sugar beets pci- harvested acre. Phone HÄ 9-3462 NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT ’•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a•••••»w FUITEN'S CHAPEL IN THE HILLS Ole Mill Pure Pork Sausage Lb. Roll A Pf c 40 VERNONIA AND FOREST GROVE Phone CO 9725 THx.SE PRICES GOOD AS LONG AS PRESENT STOCK LASTS MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Member United Grocers Inc. Deliveries Twice Daily 10 A M. & 3 P.M.—Ph. HA 9 3492 24-Hour Mortuary Service Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas. Res. Managers Phone HA 9-3725 A call has been issued by the Vernonia American Legion post for all veterans who like to sing to report next Tuesday evening at 7:30 pm. at the music room at the high school where first steps will be taken toward th : organization of a Legion glee club. Bill Johnson, high school music director, will be director for the club. Sell it with an Eagle Classified. I I CARS UNTITI The amazing purple motor oil, we mean. New Royal Triton 10-50 in its new formulation prolongs your engine s trouble free performance thousands of extra miles You get it at the sign of the big 76... where you know you always get the finest. UNION OIL COMPANY OF CAMFCAN1A I New Light-Duty Ap3.ChCS Offering high-capacity pickups and panels, plus Chevrolet's lat est, three new Step-Van Forward Control models with 8', 10' and 12' bodies? Famous fuel-saving 6 s with increased horsepower arc standard. New Medium-Duty Vikin^S Nine new models have been added, all featuring a neu cab-to- rcar-axle dimension for better load distribution in specialized uses. Compact, short-stroke V8 s arc standard in all middleweight L.C.F. models. New Heavy-Duty SpiirtHIlS The big news in Series 90 and 100 is Chevrolet's rugged new 348-cu -in Workmastcr VS It packs 230 h.p., and its radical new Wedge-Head design assures peak efficiency even with regular grade gasoline. See them at your dealer's now! g® æw CHEVROLET ÎM/v ' r». .’ Chfifolrf flffib'H ' • 4 : 9 9 « Chevrolet's Task-Force 38 rolls in with new broad- shouldered ntyling, a revolu tionary new V8 engine, new Step-Van delivery models complete with bodies and a wider choice of medium-duty haulers! They're here to speed up schedules and whittle down operating costs with new fast-working efficiency! See them at your Chevrolet dealer’s right now! i 9 NEW HUSTLE! NEW MUSCLE! NEW STYLE! American Legion Post To Organize Glee Club i 9 10 29 29 $219 C >h*plny thia¡ammn inuL-murk See i oitr I ah al /ialina ized (’lierrolet Dealer ! ’