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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1957)
2 THURSDAY, OCT. 24, 1957 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. TOPICS OF THE TOWN Rorant guests al the home of j were Sunday guests of Mr and -Mr and Mrs Omar Poynter were I Mrs. J. W Nichols. Mrs. Judd Greenman of Portland and Mr. then daughter and husband, Mr »nd Mrs Herbert Peterson cf and Mrs. Charles Eversaul of Es Oakland, California. Mrs. Peter tacada who had attended ths son is the former Leatha Tousley. homecoming service at the E.U.- While th“y were here, the Poyn B church also called on the Ni ter* spent several days with them chols during the afternoon. at Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Malm MALLOWE'EN DANCE. IOOF sten of Cedar Mills and Mrs. Hall. Vernonia. Sat- Nov. 2. Archie Knaus^ of Portland were Sponsored by Vernonia Trap among formsr Vernonia residents here Sunday for the E.UB. Club. Modern Music by Swing »Mr*. 4312c church service and dinner. Week end guests of Mr. and Rev. and Mrs. Robert Knoll I * Mrs. Louis Towne and family and children Jimmy and Mari ■mere his parents, Mr. and Mrs. lee from Beaver, Oregon visited E. L Towne of Selah, Washing here Tuesday with his parents ton. and a cousin, Mrs. Lots Marr Rev. and Mrs. F. M. Knoll. of Herlong, California. The lat HALLOWE'EN DANCE. IOOF ter was Lois Ballard and was HalL Vernonia. Sat- Nov. 2. Mr. and Mrs.* James Brewer i*»m here and lived here until Sponsored by Vernonia Trap are the parents of a girl Debra about 12 years old. Club. Modern Music by Swing- Lynn who was born Octob'r 9 Word was received here l*-t sters. 43t2c at Tuality Community hospital week of the death of Mrs. Stella Mr. and Mrs. Jim Torrence of at Hillsboro. She weighs eight R obs at El Segundo, California. Longview visited here last week pounds, five ounces and came to She was the mother of Oscar, with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nichols. join three older sisters. Ran-. Hazel and Dayton Ross and Mrs. E. E. Garner visited with A 7 pound, 8 ounce son, Clin Mrs Lillian Malmsten and was Mrs. M. D. Cole at Longview ton Ray, arrived Saturday morn n former Vernonia resident. from Thursday to Sunday of last ing, October 19, at Emanuel hos Oscar Weed and Edward Garn week while Mr. Garner and Dr. pital in Portland for Mr. and- Mrs. er attended the Knights of Py Cole went to Ontario, Oregon Carl Holsey. Grandparents are thias grand lodge sessions in pheasant hunting. Mrs. Cole s Mr. and Mrs. Buck Holsey and Portland last week. making steady improvement from Rev. and Mrs. F M Knoll of Ver Mr. and Mrs. Pete Brunsman her extended illness. nonia. vwited with Mrs. Pearl Wilker- Recent guests at the home of wuu Sunday at the Baptist Home lor the Aged on 82nd avenue in Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson Jerry Bush Majoring were Mrs. Clara Steele from In Physical Education Portland and found her in good health and very happily situated. Portland, Indiana; her niece, Mrs. Jerry Bush of Vernonia has Dr. and Mrs. Powell B. Log Fred Rossow from Portland. Ore enrolled in the freshman class at gon and Mrs. Rossow ’ s daugh tan and family from Longview Lewis and Clark college for the ter, from Boise, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Pace re fall term. The freshman class ceived word Monday of the d -ath consists of 358 students out of of his father in Portland. He had the total student body of 1,054, been ill for some time but had according to Registrar William JTU- SAT. OCT. 25-26 'been improving and his death Norris. Bush, a physical education ma was unexpected. Mrs. Art Nanson was ill the jor, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. j first of this week and absent F. A. Bush, 609 Rose Ave. from her duties at the Washing SUN.. MON. OCT. 27-28 ton school cafeteria. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Bateman returned Monday evening from a three weeks trip during which they went to Covington, Oklaho ma with Mr. and Mrs. Cec.l Bateman of Olympia to visit the men's mother, Mrs. Emma Bate TO BE man. They also visited many interesting points enroute, includ | ing a trip into Mexico. They came up the coast from San J Diego. They report good weathei IT PAYS TO I and traveling conditions for the j entire trip. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Salomonson left last week for Phoenix, Ari zona where they spend the win We feature a complete ters. line of coverage what L. L. Grove of Hillsboro began ever your needs.. Come work a short time ago as mechan ic at Hawk n Motors. in today and talk over HALLOWEEN DANCE. IOOF Hall. Vernoni.«. Sat- Nov. 2. your insurance problems Sponsored by Vernonia Trap with us. Club. Modern Music by Swing- sters. 4312c Fourth Daughter At Brewer Home eJoi/ T heatre An Affair To Remember For Whom The Bells Toll Dance Program io Begin Friday at Union Hall THURSDAY. OCTOBER 24. 1957 Mt. Heart Rebekah lodge—IOOr' hall, 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 25 Neighbors of Woodcraft hand craft club — Home of George Johnson, 8:00 p.m. Fraternal Order of Eagles and Auxiliary — Hall on First Ave, 8:00 p.m. Vernonia Gem and Fossil club— West Oregon bldng., 8:00 p.m. Nehalem Valley Squares—Birken feld, 8:30 p.m. John Harris calling. Home Extension county commit tee — Home of Faye Beeler, Warren, 10:30 a m. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 26 Columbia County Historical So ciety — Delena school, noon. Mist-Birkenfeld 4-H achievement meeting — Winema Grange hall, Birkenfeld, 8:00 p.m. MONDAY. OCTOBER 28 Lions club dinner meeting — VFW hall, 7:00 p.m. Nehalem Assembly, Rainbow Girls — Masonic Temple, 7:30 Chamber of Commerce board of directors — West Oregon bldg eq p.m. 4-H leader’s Banquet — County fairgrounds, 7:00 p.m. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29 Don Coin Walrod, county agent, TV program—Channel 8, 12:00 noon. Vernonia Odd Fellows lodge No 246 — IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. Round dances will be featured at the Union hall Friday night according to Harry Bryant who has made the arrangements for the start of the program because of the many requests that have come to him from persons who wish to learn them. The session will start at 8:00 o’clock and all who are interested are invited. Beginners lessons for Junior Promenaders will start next Tuesday evening at the Union hajl at 7:30 p.m. MRS. DEAN WOOD holds North ern Spy apple grown on their farm and which weighed about 2'2 pounds. The fruit measured 12'2 inches in circumference. The first beet sugar factory constructed . in Oregon was built at LaGrande in 1893. The state's one b?et sugar factory today is at Nyssa. Jim Peters, airman, U.S.N., ar rived in Yokasuka, Japan on board the US.S. Ticonderoga uu October 14. The 11th squadron of which he is a member will un load their planes and go to the naval air station at Atsugi, which is located near Tokyo. He hopeo to make the trip and see the capital city. SO MUCH for SO LITTLE IN COST Two McFarland Sons Al Western Air Base A3c Jim McFarland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Perry McFarland of Keasey route, is now stationed at Davis Monthan air bas? at Tucson, Arizona. The McFar- lands other son, A3c Bob Me- Farland is now at Fairchild air base at Spokane, Washington. Peters Now' In Japan With 11th Squadron I I Prickett's Mortuary I | I OF FOREST GROVE PHONE COLLECT 641 • How Standard ’’beefs up” cattle to help meet the West’s growing food needs SURE INSURE DATES to Remember ( BELL-HUDSON ; ■ INSURANCE i i Phone HA 9 6058 — Riverview ! BEN S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon XNIHIHXHIHIHIHIHXHIHIHXHS M H H H Phone HA 9-6015 Riverview "Where Your Money Buys More" At the Mile Bridge H H ALWAYS — Top Quality H H ALWAYS — Best Prices H H ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery H H Z —From your home-owned independent grocery. H H SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING, <VE BRING Z H KING’S Grocery - Market K hxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhxhx ’ ENJOY A Producing 575,000 more tons GLASS OF THE Neu Standard plant foods have produced tuice as much beef from a single acre — enough extra beef to supply un average person for a solid year. of beef by 1967 to supply ouH growing population Who eats the most meat in the U.S,? You do—surveys show Westerners top the nation in meat consumption. Now Standard helps ranchers satisfy that hearty appetite with chemically blended plant foods,* so«economical they can be used to turn unproductive foothills into profitable pasture-land. These' new blends of essential plant-growth elements come from a $16 million Standard plant opened just a year ago. Grasslands they have enriched are now producing up to twice as much beef p»er acre. Farmers find them equally productive on many other crops. For you they promise tastier, more nutritious meals for every dollar you spend on food. STANDARD OIL COMPANY CWT t*t ItV h I 11 W« Cuno»», Pvrti«na. Ortfen plant ahaad to aoeva you battue 1,575,000 tot 1967 1 7 BTster* Stair» •ORTHO PLAST FOODS art madr and r<4d b* Standard'» nhvllf owned tubrndiarf California Spray-Chtmical Corporation. OF CALIFORNIA