^THURSDAY. OCT. 25^7 ^ the eagle , wc ^ o ^ a . QjtE XHZHZHZHZHXWZHZHZHXHXHZHXHXHZHXHXHXH7HXHXHZHXHXHXHXHZHXHZ SEE US EOR PRICES AN AMANA AND FRIGIDAIRE FREEZER. Also Freezer Bags—Boxes—Wrap SIMPLY STUNNING! STUNNING i1 LY SIMPLE! '57 Frigidaire Automatic i ■ Electric Range with the new SHEER • LOOK ’ ¡ Thurs., Fri., Sat., Oct. 10-11-12. Free presents for the first 200 ladies registering on our second floor. Also floor prizes for both ladies and men Winners will be posted in store win dow Saturday night after closing and in paper next week FLOOR PRIZES FLOOR PRIZES FOR THE LADIES FOR THE MEN R 11N t M A H hardware LM 0 a U i 1 J lTf M H PHONE HA 9-5651 FRIGIDAIRE ELEC. APPLIANCES and electric WE DELIVER ----- FINE FURNITURE BONANZA BUYS HUNTING SUPPLIES $21.50 Electric Drill $6.95 Copper Chafing Dish Biscuit Basket Towel Set s 2 Pocket Knives 49c Salt ajid Pepper Range Sets Hunting and Fishing Licenses and Deer Tags Available Here. $1595 Serving Table with handles and top lift Tray Adjustable All Metal Ventilated Ironing Board 95 $10.95 Value $10 Aluminum Wear- Ever Roaster. Will hold 22-lb. Turkey. With handy $ 1^95 Lift Rack $7.50 Door Chime Wh-te Camellia 16 pc. Dinnerware Set Six-yeer deluxe baby crib. Has plastic teething rail all around. Both sides drop Charcoal Broiler FOR RENT ITEMS $15.95 King Tray Set of 4. Only Regular Size Trays Special Only Skil Floor sander t$> rent $5.00 per day $2.50 half day FOR RENT Flour Polisher $1 00 per day Cosco all Metal Step Stool. Yellow, Tur- quoise, Pink and Red Special Value Baskets Special Punch Bowl Set For Curtain Stretcher for Rent 50c per Day 53-Pc. Set Edwin M. Knowles Dishes, For sythia pattern, Ser- vice for 8 50 $35 Value The New 4-Pc. Pyrex mixing bowl set with pouring bp. Blue, yel. low and $ Pink <_ Deviled egg plate with 22-K gold trim gift box Special F irst gauge Dupont seam. TRICYCLES $8.95, $11.95, $15.95, $17.95, $19.50 All Metal, Rubber Tired Wagons $2 95, $4.99. $8.95, and $14.95 Gleaming white Toilet Seat Special 1 i Reg $5 50 Value « 9x12 $ -g « 95 I 1 Direct Connected 1'olli‘t . Only Í Beautiful new patterns i Simmons Mattresses and Box Springs $49.50. $59 50. $79 95 Spring At mattress set by Kingfisher. Reg. $139 Value Complete for only i both 6 and 9 Ft. Linoleum Per Yard $149 Val Dinetti with 6 chairs, rubber s< ata, be covering $ Special, Only $250 Value Biltwell Daveno sets ir. Rose-Beige, Persimmon, Green Cocoa and $-| L)(k 5Ü Blue 2-Pc. Mocha Sectional Davenport $285 Value Special áte Yellow Sweat Shirts Blankets $ 495 $7 00 Value Purrey Blankets. Re versable. Beautiful Colors 95 $12.95 Value Foam Rubber Pillows Feather Pillows Field Crest Sheets Pair Field Crest Pillow Cases $ -| I FS-101-57 10 1 cu. ft. Reg $339.95, Save $40 Amazing Now Controled Heat Stoves. Use less than one-half thi- wood a regular wood stove uses. Will pay for themselves in one year in savings over oil heafer. More healthy heat. Will heat space never reached by or- dinary oil or wood stoves, Holds heat over night easily. Oakland automatic heat control wood .95 heater Oakland fireplace heater Deer Baes 139 ,93 129 Norwcster automatic heat trol wood heater ,95 4-Pc. bedroom s?t with Holly wood head board, tilting mirror, $79.50 mattress and $79.50 box By Gillespie of Cali- springs, .00 fornia. $364 Value 4-Pc. Gillespie set without mat- tress and box $ springs. Speci»< 4-Pc Western Knotty Maple bedroom set $ Special 249 179“ 112“ MARSH ALL-WELLS con- 50 162 Ashley Controlled Heat Wood Heaters $107.95, $129.95, $159.95. Floor Lamps From $20 Shet'.ind Tuple F '8 Chin.i 0’5 Maple Bunk B"d B< autiful wagon whe« 1 design Complete with mattresses sggss Bates. Field Crest and Morgan Jones Bed- spreads priced from $8.95 to $14.75 10x12 Plastic Tarp Special Only Other Sizes Cut To Order at 39c Running foot 12 feet wide TH'xoraoric ALKYD ENAMEL ROLL ROOFING 43-Pound $3 25 53-Pound $3 73 *3 Pound $4 45 #0 Pound $3 75 GE Electric Blankets Completely Washable Mothproof Dual control Single Control GE heating Pads from ifa ; . ♦ : ' * FanGio Heaters With Thermostat us for wall heaters Thermodor, Wesix or Westinghouse See Our Line oi Useful Items in Gift ware at Spec ial Prices. g a Roll-a wav Simmons Innerspring Mattress Si Special C Imperial non-blister- ing outside white Paint. Reg. $6 25 per Gallon Special ’3" Airtight Heaters $5 75. $7 25. $8 25 PLYWOOD \x4x8 sheet $3 25 Sx4x8 sheet $4 50 4x4x8 sheet $5 95 4x4x8 sheet $6 .»i 4x4x8 sheet $7 95 Simpson Ceiling The 12x24 Ctn of 60 Sq Feet $9 25 Hardboard 4x4x8 $2 65 I i Mndal FS-iOl V Real Zero Zone Freezer - holds 44 lbs • Exclusive Cycla-Matic Defrosting in refrigerator sec tion • Four Full-Width Shelves • Full-Width Glide-Out Porcelain Hydrator • Big, Deep Storage Door with Five removable shelves. I t> Beautiful New Col ors in Biltwell Swing rockers with full foam rubber seats $ Rugs I LOWEST PRICE EVER. All-new '57 Frigidaire Food Freezer-Refrigerator HUNTING KNIVES. CANTEENS. COLE MAN GAS LANT- ERNS & STOVES. CHUCK WAGONS DUTCH OVENS 5 •3” I Deluxe Gold Seal Li- Save $50 00 Air mattress of lami- nated vinyl, With in. flato-bag Air Pump Red or Yellow Hunt ing Hats Special 9 s5's 4 DD57 Dlxe. $229.95 Val. Now $179.95 ! For Rent: 30-06 Army Rifles. $1.00 per Day while hunting. Quality 51- hose made of nylon. Dark $169 Value. 59' Hirsch Weis Sleeping Bag. 2 bags zip to gether to form over size outdoor bed. Ap prox. weight 8 lbs. $22 50 val. Only Sunbeam Mixmaster Junior in Turquoise, Pink, Yellow. White. Reg. $1995 $ Special I 077 House Jacks for Reo I 45-Pc. Yellow Daisy Dish Set $35.0 Value Model RS-15-57 Reg. $259.95. Special For Limited $n | n 95 : Time Only 1 ¿/ Model RS-33-57. Reg. $249.95. SpecialI For Limited Time Only DCI-58 Custom Imperial $*) 1 Q95 { Frigidaire Dryer OU • 1999| 30-30 Winchester Mo del 94 $ 95 Rifle 30-06 or 308 Reming ton auto. S-|Q4 Model 740A $8 14-Pc. Outdoor Cook ing set. 4 cups and plates, fry pan, stew pot, coffee pot, water pail. weight, and $^88 durable Orbit Sander $1 50 Day i Medium Mixing Bowls Two For Cereal Bowls Emerson Table Radios Blue, pink, green and ivory. $15 95 & $24 Flashlight with posi tive action slide switch Heavy gaug. chrome plated LOWEST PRICES WE'VE EYER HAD ON PL. ASTIC HOSE 25 FEET, SPECIAL X Complete Water 25 Feet 49 !-Qt Handled Fname< System. No Tank Special 5auce Pan • Needed $ 50-Feet 49 I f A 53c Valu« » Priced At Length IT S A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN VERNONIA Goulds Amazing NO-TANK PUMP : eyer had 1 1085 4XHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXI i i 4 I i • i i : I !