6 THURSDAY, OCT 10. 1957 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE-General LEGAL NOTICE _ _ BILLS : Superflame Oil i i HEATERS ■ HARDWARE « I Double and Single • HOMETOWN n Phone HA 9-6131 _ NOTICE OF FINAL Burner Types VERNONIA. ORE. SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Paint. Bldg. Supplies, frj — Sporting Goods. —, I Airtight Wood Heaters | that the undersigned has filed Housewares, Appliances her Final Account and Report in the estate of G G. CAUDILL, deceased, in the County Court I ________________________________ FOR SALE: Girl's Schwinn bike, of Columbia County, Oregon, and like n 'w, $25. Carolyn Carlock, the Court has fixed Tuesday the WOMEN'S LEAGUE Mist, Oregon. Call Jewell ex 22nd day of October, 1957, at the • xir Lost Won change, Skyline 5-2468 41tl hour of 10 o’clock a.m. in the FOR RENT: Clean two-bedroom 161 - Brunsman Hdwr. sh County Court Room in the Coun • house. Wired for range; has elec- F’OR SALE: 28-foot house trailer. 10 10 ty Courthouse at St. Helens, Ore | trie water heatT. See Louis Vio Sam's Food Store • *i ll'.- See M. C. Mask, at the Pine gon, as the time and place for lette, 888 Second St. 41t3 Vernonia Drug Hank and Polly 5 15 Cone. 41t3 the hearing of objections thereto FOR RENT: Three-bedroom Rena High individual game. and settlement thereof. F'OR SALE: Six-year baby crib house, wired for electric stove; Brady, 189; high individual series, M.\RY K CAUDILL and mattress. Good condition. Administratrix Hot water heater, partly furnish Rena Brady, 542; high team game, Sams and Brunsmans, 795; Lee Rogers, 362 North St., or Bush and Bradley ed. Inquire of James Johns or high team series, Brunsmans, call at post office._________ 40t3 Attorneys for Administratrix call HA 9-3846. 40t3c 2347. PUBLISH: September 19, and 26, FOR SALE: White fryrs, 25c per Splits picked up: Celeste Poet 1357—October 3, 10 and 17, FOR RENT. 2 houses, both in pound live. Also, White Rock 1957. 38t5c first class copdition, both wired ter, 6-10; Pat Hahmeyer, 2-7-10; pullets, $1.00 each Mrs. L. Car. for range. One has electric water Pat Galloway, 3-10; Ann McEn michael, Stoney Point road. HA STATEMENT REQUIRED BY beater and burns oil. Other tire, 3-7. 9-6463. 40t3 THE ACT OF AUGUST 24. 1912. burns wood. Take your choice. AS AMENDED BY THE ACTS Inquire at 842 3rd street. 40t3 F’OR SALE: Pair of chrome fau OF MARCH 3. 1933, AND JULY cets and a wood circulation heat 2 1946 (Title 39. United States APARTMENT for rent. Couple er. Call at 1009 Nehalem St. Code. Section 233) SHOWING only. Burton Apartments, River 38t3 36tfc THE OWNERSHIP. MANAGE view. HAY FOR SALE, wire baled, MENT. AND CIRCULATION OF CLEAN, attractive, one-bedroom MIST — The new proprietor L’-haul. $15 per ton. See Bill The Vernonia Eagle published house. Electric heat, electric hot along with Mrs. Wiester, the own weekly at Vernonia, Oregon for Sword. 39t3c water heater. Wired for range. er of the Mist store, arrived Sat October 1. 1957. Utility room wired and plumbed urday to take over the store. U-PICK tomatoes, or picked. Al 1. The names and addresses of i Th? H. E. C. club met at the so, U-pick cucumbers. All va the publisher, editor, managing I for automatic washer and drier. Inquire 475 South First Avenue. home of Mrs. Ellen Devine last rieties or squash. Bose pears and editor, and business managers ________________ 31tt I Wednesday with six members apples. Ernie's Farm Market, 2'» are: Publisher, Marvin Kamholz, I present. mi. from Forest Grove on Gales Vernonia, Oregon. Editor, Man SMALL clean modern house for Delmar Jepson was visiting hi? Creek road Look for signs on aging editor and business mana lent. Suitable for two. Oil heat; I grandfather, H. Jepson Saturday. highway. Phone 16524 39tfc has water heater and is wired for I Delmar has moved to Seaside. ger, same. Call Mrs. R. D. Ebv, CASH PAID for deer hides. 2. The owner is: Marvin Kam range. John Howry was here last week HA 9-3671. 29tfc Phone HA 9-3421 John Siedel- holz, Vernonia, Oregon. from Seaside to see his son, 39t3<- 3. The known bondholders, THREE ROOM furnished apart John Howry Jr. Mrs. Freda Foster was here FOR SALE: Electric hot plate, mortgagees, and other security ment, shower bath, electric range tw<. burner, Master Deluxe; baby holders owning or holding 1 per refrigerator, oil heat. Also, apt. from the dike land Sunday to clothes washer, wood range with cent or more of total amount of with electric heat, and a large see her father, H. Jepson. George Ray from Gaston was coils. See Mrs. Bessie Spofford, bonds, mortgages, or other secur room with kitchen privileges Riverview Cabins. 25tfc here Monday with his grapes and Apt. 5. Cherry Tree Apartments. ities are: none. 4. Paragraphs 2 and 3 include, APARTMENT available at Cher taking orders for walnuts as he • 39t3 in cases where the stockholder ry Tree apartments, 830 Second has been doing for 25 years or CASH for furniture, cattle, mis- or security holder appears upon so. 17tf< cell. items. Also, sell on con- the books of the company as Street HA 9 50 li There was quite a fire at the signment. Forest Grove Auction trustee or in any other fiduciary garbage dump last week end. Mart. Spring Hill Road, S.E. relation, the name of the person Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wikstrom City limits. F’orest Grove. Phone or corporation for whom such were business motorists in As office, oi 4801. H H. H. trustee is acting; also the state DEAD and worthless stock re toria one day last week. Ul 1. OW1WI 36t!!c ments in the two paragraphs moved free of charge. Also, will buy your cows, calves, hogs. John —Office Supplies at the Eagle— U HAULS for rent, local or one show the affiant's full knowledge Wilmarth, Clatskanie, Ore. Phone way. Truck for lease, drive your and belief as to the circumstanc 2362.________________________ 25tfc self. Vcynoma Trading Com es and conditions under which pany. 32tfc stockholders and security holders PORTABLE welding service, who do not appear upon the power plant; night work. George 1 WISH to thank all my friends SAND and gravel for sale. Ver- books of the company as trus Smith, HA 9-3876. 32tfc and neighbors for the cards, nppia Trading Co. 29tfc tees, hold stock and securities in I visits and many other expres a capacity other than that of a CLARENCE R. WAGNER, county sions of thoughtfulness while I TEN-POUND bundles of news surveyor, Court House, St. Helens. was in the hospital. They were bona fide owner. papers for sale. Suitable for 5. The average number of cop Phone office, 698; home, 183. Pri greatly appreciated. : tarting fires, etc. Vernonia Eagle Elgus P. Frank ies of each issue of this publica vate surveying, engineering work. office. 8tf 24tfc 41tl tion sold or distributed, through F'OR SALE: Used chain saws. the mails or otherwise, to paid Ted's Saw Shop, corner Bridge subscribers during the 12 months and State St. 22ttc preceding the date shown above was: 766 SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill Marvin Kamholz dirt. Call HA 9 6829, AG. Os Sworn to and subscribed before trander. 261,52c me this 1st day of October, 1957 Bill J. Hom (My commission expires July 29, I960. FARMS (SEAL) .' 7 ACRES, some timber, 12 acres NOTICE TO CREDITORS t cult. Has very well kept Notice is hereby given that the »use and yard. 4 bedrooms, ■ ving room and kitchen with undersigned has been appointed its of built-ins. Other build administratrix of the estate of ings include barn, woodshed Homer L. Inman, deceased, by and garage. Two miles out. the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County, Price, $10,000 All person, -0 ACRES, 3 room house. 5 acres i nd has oualifi -d ■i cult 2 miles out. Price. $2500 having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present Very good terms. the same to me at Vernonia, Ore ACREAGE \ FRY beautiful 2 acres with gon with vouchers and duly veri Nehalem river bordering on * fied within six months from the -ide Completely modern 3-rm date hereof. Date of first publication Octo house, wired for range. Good ber 10, 1957. ■ ell with pressure system Date of final publication No Price, $4,1X10 Good terms H AVE PARTY looking for 2 to 5 vember 7, 1957. Hazel B‘>rgerson acres on stream Preferably Administratrix on Keasey Route John L. Foote » ACRES just out of Vernonia St. Helens. Oregon vith 5-room house, garage, Attorney 41t5c woodshed and fruit house. Land all clear and level Nehalem River just across road avail able for irrigation Price $3750 THE EAGLE assumes no finan Good terms. cial responsibility for errors SEE ME FOR FARMS AND that may appear in ads pub ACREAGE lished in its columns, but in DON BAYLEY, BROKER case where this paper is at Palace Cafe Bldg Ph. HA 9 5225 fault, will reprint that part of ' ____ ________________________4 Otic an adv. in which the typo- 1 FOR SALE FARM 172 acres, graphical mistake occurs. <7 in cult. Good clean level MINIMUM charge 40c for 2$ . d Bordering Nehalem river.' words or lest. Words over min Two modern houses, three barns. imum. 2c each. Three inser Several other buildings. If in tions for the price of two. '> ested. welcome to look J NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY I C’chmanek. Mist Oregon 37t8<- ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED | AFTER WED NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK'S PAPER. | CARD of Thanks k Notices 90c. I HIGHEST cash Drices paid for BLIND ADS with answers to be .ream and eggs at your door— handled by the Eagle: Mini p.cked up once or twice weekly- mum charge 10c. ho informa all or write Forest Grove Cream tion giver relative to such ads. ery. Forest Grove, Oregon, Phone POETRY accepted only as paid I -o 14tfc matter. Rate Sc per type line, j FOR SALE: Two men's even ing dress suits, black, one size 40, the other 42. Also coat and vest, also black. Call at Apt 5, Cher ry Tree apartments. 41t3 FOR RENT BOWLING RESULTS Mist Store Has New Managers SERVICES CARD OF THANKS^ Storm Window Kits with nails and molding 69c to $1.39 per foot 4c Beaded Weather Stripping Felt Weather Stripping large pkg. 25c Door Bottoms 40c up Pouring Wool Insulation Asbestos Corrugated Pipe Insulation length 75c Eaves Trough—Down Spout and Fittings—Flashing Fire Prevention Week Emphasizes Need For Caution with TV Sets Basic safety rules in the use and careful handling of home TV sets are this week being taught Vernonia children enrolled in the Junior Fire Marshal pro gram. More than 40 million television sets are now in U. S. hom?s. Al though manufacturers are doing everything to make them safe from fire and shock, there are nevertheless some simple precau. tions which should be taken. By enlisting children’s inter est in this increasingly important safety problem, it is hoped that parents, too, will benefit from TV saf ?ty tips. The simple TV "Do’s” and “Don'ts” that Junior Fire Mar- Hunting Party Bags Nine Deer shals are learning are: 1. DON’T try to repair your sets; DO have Dad call a quali fied repairman. 2. DON'T tinker with the wires: DO leave the insides alone. 3. DON’T forget a TV set is electric; DO keep it away from walls and curtains. 4. DON’T leave set turned on; DO turn it off when you leave the house. 5. DON’T forget there’s an an tenna and wires; DO have Dad get a TV serviceman to check them once a year. These ruhs are featured in the fall issue of the Junior Fire Mar shal magazine, highlight of the year-round JFM program created by the Hartford Fire Insurance Company and sponsored locally by Vernonia Insurance Exchange. Museum Benefit Luncheon TIMBER ROUTE — Mr and Draws Good Attendance Mrs. Art Kirk, his brother Lee There was a good attendance and other relatives made uo a hunting party of nine people that Saturday, September 28, at the luncheon served for the members spent a week in Eastern Oregon, returning to Vernonia Friday of th? Columbia county historical society in the Odd Fellows hall. evening with eight deer. Mrs. Thelma Vandahay from Rainier, with the proceeds going Banks spent Saturday afternoon to the museum fund. Since it visiting her sister, Mrs. Harold ’ was the first day of the annual deer hunting season, the atten Shipley. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Olsen of dance was affected to some ex Netarts wer-> Sunday afternoon tent, but a good sum was realized visitors at the home of Mr. and nevertheless. Mrs. Wilbur Thacker. A short business session was Mr. and Mrs. Dona van Rey held in the afternoon with the nolds and Mr. and Mrs. Albert regular prograrq being omitted Reynolds spent Sunday in Port on account of the luncheon. Plans land with Mr. and Mrs. Chester were made to hold the October Reynolds and Albert Walker. meeting on the fourth Saturday, Mrs. Walker, who has been in October 26, at Delena, with pio the hospital, is expected to be neers of that area being featured liqme in the near future. This is one of the few places in Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Eide and the county wh?re no meeting of daughter Jackie moved into the the society has yet been held. John Schmidlin house Monday. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Nell Thacker were OPTOMETRISTS: Mr. and Mrs. Lester Teeling and Dr. V. J. Horne and grandad Thacker from Portland, Dr. R. V. Lance Mr. and Mrs. Clarence New, Mr. Across from Texaco and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker and Wednesdays Tamara Galloway. FOR SALE Real Estate is really paying off! CLASSIFIED RATES WANTED He grows and harvests trees as a crop. Tree farming is like any other kind of farming, except the crop cycle h a little longer. Nature does most of the work. The tree farmer pro tects his woodland from fire and harvests trees when they're ripe and the price is right.