2 THURSDAY, OCT 10, 1957 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. AROUND THE FARM TOPICS OF THE TOWN Forest seedlings will be avail and Mr». Oscar Weed made | an<j Mrs. Fred Heckenliable able from the state nursery about a trip to Myrtle Point last week and other relatives. November 1, but the great de to visit their son and wife, M.. Mrs. Richard Gwin and daugh mand for trees has made it ne and Mrs. Chester Weed and their ter Stephanie and Mrs. Bruce cessary for a definite limit to be family. Hoyt and daughter Kimberly ar I placed upon the number of trees Mrs. Wilbur Davis and Mrs. rived Monday evening from of each species that any one in Sam Hearing Sr. were in Port Kenai, Alaska where they had dividual may purchase. land last Saturday to attend the spent the summer. Mr Gwin I Consequently, we would like to /roup luncheons for the matron and Mr Hoyt will remain there call this point to the attention for another month. end associate matron clubs, OES, of forest farmers We have avail Miss Ruby Wells who is at f« Portland and vicingy. The able a few mimeograph copies "revious Saturday, Mrs. Davis tending University of Oregon at of what is to be a brand new l ad attended a reception at Cor- Eugene this year spent the week I bulletin entitled "Raising For- xaliis for Celeste Dickinson, end here with her parents, Mr. I est Tree Seedlings at Home.” si ¿rand conductress, after which and Mrs. L. L. Wells. This is the first circular of its Mrs. Pearl Adams returned to > he spent the week end with Mr. | kind that has come to our at- and Mrs. A. L Kullander at In her home here last Saturday tention. after spending the summer at dependence. At the start of this circular Robert Kelly who taught vocal Foster with her son Gloyd ana there is a section that deals with his family. music in the Vernonia schools I 1 the advantages and disadvantages Mrs. Ben Sharar came home last year was calling on friends of such enterprise called "Should here Monday. He has just com Monday from Portland where she I Grow My Own ' We f el that Mr. and Mrs. Albert Parcel pleted basic army training at had spent a week with relatives are the parents of a boy, Philip it well worth quoting. after leaving the hospital. She Fort Ord and will now go into "Growing seedlings in a home is making good recovery from Roy, weighing 6 pounds, 4 oun the Army band there. ces, who was born October 6 at nursery is something like grow recent surgery. Miss Frankie Hire who is Mrs. L. L. Wells and Mrs. Earl Tua lit y Community hospital. ing garden plants for transplant working at the Albertina Kerr Grandparents ar*? Mrs. Maeva i ing. With a 3' by 10’ seedbed baby home in Portland, spent King attended a county P.T.A. the week end here with Mr. and school of instruction Monday at Brimmer and Mr. and Mrs. Rcy you can grow 2.000 Douglas fir seedlings to one year siz? or about Mrs. George Johnson and family. Columbia City with the P.T.A. E. Parcel, Kelso, Washington. 1,500 seedlings to two year siz«'. was born to Mr. and A son group there acting as host. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Thomas were Guests at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Ed Schaffer of Portland at It is not likely that you can in Hillsboro on business Monday. Rev. and Mrs. John Cowles and Laura Carmichael last week end Tuality hospital in Hillsboro raise seedlings cheaper than you I Your seedlings family left Sunday evening to were her sister and husband. Mr. Tuesday morning, October 8 He can buy them, be cheaper if in at 7 pounds, 12 oun- will probably weighed and Mrs. Charles Hanson of visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. bought from a state-federal nur ces. Maternal grandparents an R. T. Cowles at Waterford, Cali Seattle. Mrs. Grace Mathews was ill Mr. and Mrs. Art Kirk and great sery and then, too, it takes two fornia and other relatives in that state. They plan to be gone a Wednesday and Mrs. W. T. grandmother, Mrs. G 'orge Kirk. years to grow your own. Graves taught for her. "Raising coniferous trees from Meek. seed is an exacting job that is Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schneider of not recommended for the ama Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, teur. It requires special know left Tuesday after a weeks visit ledge, and is greatly assisted bv here with her sister and husband, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1957 special equipment beyond reach Vernonia Extension Unit—EUB RIVERVIEW—A party of five, of the small home nursery. Th? church. 10:30 a.m. Mrs. Fred Virgil Snook, Joe Snook, Ken I 1 l.ttle fellow can be successful Roediger and Mrs. Louis neth Jacobs, Everett Brown and < however, if he follows certain Towne, project leaders. Pete Ran°y, went to Jack Lake as explained in this Radio TV Appliances Mt Heart Rebekah Lodge—IOOF for the opening of the deer sea procedures leaflet. hall. 8:00 p.m. • Low Down Payment son. By the fofllowing Sunday “Growing seedlings at home of FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11 evening Raney and Brown were f fers a way to obtain seedlings in Mist Nehalem Extension Unit back with their de t . The other times when planting stock is Mrs. Ray Garlock’s home, 10:33 three arrived home Wednesday scarce, as it is now. By growing a.m. each with their buck. your own seedlings, you may i Fraternal Order of Eagles and * 12 Months to Pay. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parker and raise species not commonly of- Deep Freezers, Refrigerators, Auxiliary Hall on First Ave., grandson Jimmy Gann of North fered for sale. Also, you can use and appliances of all kinds. 8:03 p.m. Bend spent several days visiting your home-grown trees for any Nehalem Valley Squares Vine at th? home of Mr. and Mrs. Torn purpose GUARANTEED SERVICE desired, whereas state Maple, 8:30 p.m. J 9 A.M. io 6 P.M. — All Makes Solomon and deer hunting in laws in general forbid the use of SATURDAY. OCTOBER 12 state-federal nursery seedlings ¡OAKES RADIO SHOP Vernonia Grange — Hall near I this Mr. vicinity. and Mrs W. T. Lilly pur for anythings but reforestation, | Phone HA 9-3653 — FLASHES Riverview golf course, 8:00 p.m. chased the Cates home near the Christmas trees, windbreak and AUTOMOTIVE Natal Grange party — Hall at Mill Market and moved there re other conservation purposes. Winter months are approaching Natal. 8.00 p.m. cently. Mr and Mrs. Cates mov State-federal seedlings cannot be and for automobile owners this MONDAY. OCTOBER 14 ed to Banks. ’ planted within incorporated li means driving conditions that Lions Club dinner meeting — Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fowler mits, nor can they be resold with ase more troublesome than those VFW hall, 7 00 p.m. attended the funeral of his bro I roots attached." encountered during w a r m e r Chamber of Commerce board of ther-in-law, Walter George, who These circulars are well writ months. Lower temperatures re directors — West Oregon bldg.. died of a heart attack early the ten and contain information that quire lubricants designed to pro 8:00 p.m. opening morning of the deer is quite complete. We have only tect your car under these condi Nehalem Assembly No. 18. Rain hunting season at Senaca. a very few copies. It will be I tions. If the temperature drops bow Girls — Masonic Temple, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dutton first come, first served, but we Welow freezing, which it very 7:30 p.m. and family left Monday night for probably can run off additional likely will, radiator antifreeze Harding Lodge No. 116, Knights Arkansas where they were call copies should the demand justify w a necessity. of Pythias — IOOF hall, 8:00 ed because of the death of her it. p.m. father. Protection to make driving Washington - Columbia county Numerous folks have been in trouble- free all winter is possible. jamboree. Legion and Aux. for application forms for the Have us drain your auto's cooling Scappoose grade schoo^ 8 p.m. registration of wells claiming a fyateni. properly flush it to re TUESDAY. OCTOBER 15 right to appropriate ground wa move rust and refill with the American Legion Auxiliary ter. This matter is serious, as proper mixture of permanent Legion hall, 8:00 p.m. the law allowed three years after antifreeze. A change to the cor- Vernonia Odd Fellows Lodge No. BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs passage for the filing of these rwet weight motor oil as well as 246 — IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m. Delmar Jipson moved to their registrations. More than two transmission and differential lu WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 16 years have passed, and now we bricants can save expensive re Nehalem Chapter, OES — Ma new home in Seaside Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Berg were understand that the state engi pairs to your vehicle at a later sonic Temple, 8:00 p.m. in Vernonia on business Monday. neer estimates that considerably tunc. Mrs. E T. Johnston and Mrs. less than half the wells eligible Timber Route Unit Brut ■ Larsen were Portland busi for registration have been regis WE ARE PREPARED TO Learns Broiler Use ness visitors Monday. tered up to this tim?. SERVICE YOUR CAR OR Mr. and Mrs Keith Elliott and Failure for any person to regis TRUCK PROPERLY FOR The Timber route extension family of Clatskanie visited with ter Jiis well prior to August 3. SAFE. TROUBLE FREE unit met October 8 at the home friends here Sunday. 1958 will be interpreted as WINTER DRIVING. of Mrs. R. E Bergerson for a les Mrs Elsa Richardson is spend «•■bandonment for all claims to son on broiler meals which was While we're talking about car presented by Mrs Bergerson and ing a few days at her home in right of appropriating such water by reason of use prior to August care, let us remind you to keep Mrs. Dean Wood. There were 11 Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Don Jensen, 3 1955 a car young acting, lubrication members and two visitors pre Cheryl and Gary of Warr -nton It is important to note, how must be regular—every 1.000 sen*, Guests wore Mrs. Roy miles, and it must b? done cor Kelly of Newport, mother of visited with the Art Bellinghams ever, that certain wells are ex rectly with the right lubricants, Mrs. Richard Meyer, and Miss Sunday, Also visiting with them empt, "The new law does not were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thomas apply to appropriation of ground in the right amounts at every Elisabeth Wunsch. cousin of Mrs of Warrenton. water for stock watering pur- lnction point Antone Smejkal who arrived here Mrs. Lloyd Beach and her sis- poses, for watering any lawn or recently from Berlin. Germany. ter. Mrs. Mary Lynch visited noncommercial garden not ex HAWKEN MOTORS M rs Wm. Carmichael and Mrs I with their mother, Mrs. Maud ceeding one-half acre in area, Dodge • Plymouth - Dodge Trucks E. P Crawford were hostesses for Rodgers at Seaside Friday. for single or group domestic 968 Bridge HA 9 6061 the meeting. George Lousignont of Klamath purpose in an amount not Falls has been visiting with exceeding 15.000 gallons per day, —Office Supplies at the Eagle— friends here and also at Jewell. or for single industrial or com Howard Jones and Hank Ro mercial purposes in an amount binson were fishing on the lower not exceeding 5.000 gallons per N ‘halem Sunday day. Registration statements for exempted uses cannot be accept- The future always holds some ed.” thing for the man who keeps his Instructions for filing appli- faith in it. cations will be provided with the F Mr. Stork Delivers Tax Deductions Five Hunters Get Their Bucks DATES io Remember | ADMIRAL I application form. Fees: When a registration statement is filed with this of fice. it must be accompanied by a $10.00 examination fee, plus a recording fee based upon the amount and type of water use. Recording fees for irrigation are $5.00 for the first 30 acres or fraction thereof; 15 cents for each acre in excess of 100 and up to and including 1,000 acres; and one cent for each acre in excess of 1,000 acres. Recording fees for any other purpose are $10.00 for the first second-foot or fraction thereof, and $2.00 for each additional se- cond-foot. » BIRKENFELD — The regular meeting of the Nehalem Valley Garden club will be at the home of Mrs. Francis Larson, Wednes- day, October 16. Robert Hanberg of Astoria spent a couple of days with his sister Anna and helped her with a few things around the place. Mrs. Tom Hopkins was an As toria business caller Thursday. Joe Lonnquist and his son, Jepson Lonnquist. were Portland business callers Monday- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Enneberg are moving in the near future to Burns, Oregon. Harold Ashley spent the week end at Beaver, Oregon visiting with his mother and sister. Mr and Mrs. James Cahill an* in Portland taking care of their grandchildren while the folks are hunting. Alton Berg made a business trip to Portland Tuesday. Cattlemen To Attend Hearing Columbia county cattlemen, both beef and dairy, are being urged to attend the hearing on a state beef commission to be held in Portland October 15. Jess Lewis, president of the Columbia County Livestock as sociation, indicates that the hear ing scheduled for 1:30 p.m. in the state office building, Port land, is the first of a series of such hearings that will be con ducted over the stat'*. Since this matter is of concern to all who raise cattle, Lewis stresses that both dairymen and beef men should attend this meeting which is the only one to be held in this area. Hearings to determine the need for statewide commodity com missions ar? assigned by law to the state department of agricul ture, reports Don Coin Walrod, county extension agent. Such hearings help the department to determine whether or not there is need for self-help program. If it is determined that there is a need for such programs, then the state d' partaient must bring th.? matter to a vote of the people in the industry. In this case, it would be the cattle raisers of the state. The Oregon Cattlemen’s asso ciation has petitioned the depart ment of agriculture for 17 hear ings that will be held over the state. Oregon now has commo dity commissions in the field of potatoes, dairy, fine fescue seeds, wheat and filberts. The kind of success that turns a man’s head always leaves him facing in the wrong direction. I I Joy Theatre OCT. 11-12 FRI., SAT. Loving You Elvis Presly - Lizabeth Scott OCT. 13-14 SUN.. MON. The D. I. Jack Webb - Don Dubbins THE HOUSE THAT JACK BURNED I I » I I I I I BELL-HUDSON i INSURANCE Phone HA 9-6058 — Riverview ! . * Prickett's Mortuary OF FOREST GROVE PHONE COLLECT 641 « IDEAS FROM SAM'S FOR YOUR TABLE NEEDS Honey Grahams Snowflake Crackers See and Hear Rexall's TV & RADIO Spectacular PINOCCHIO with Mickey Rooney, Walter Slezak Triangle Thins NSC tV 1 »4010 • - Orlok«- 11 - IX *• 7 M N.w Vari tim raw aawtaaaar far *>a*a aaW VaTrvaa »a yaar araa AS ADVtRTISfO in LOOK a POST a FARM JOURNAL a THIS WftK PROGRtSSIVf FARMER a PARADE Shredded Wheat CRACKERS So-o-o good » I I —vnlh trerythingf. I ALL MADE BY NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY VERNONIA DRUG CO. Telephone HA 9-6254 — Vernonia. Oregon i : I i FINE Groceries Meats—Vegetables SAM’S FOOD STORE I I I I 1 I I t 1 I It's an old story — he fell asleep with a cigarette! And fire destroyed his property. Be prepared for such acci ■ ui ouequdie dents with adequate insurance . » to cover any < possible loss. We [ will gladly check your cover I 1 age if you call WE ARE DEDICATED To extend to you our complete service regardless of y o u r per sonal financial situation! Couple Moves to Home at Seaside : » Garden Club to Meet October 16 BY DON COIN WALROD County Extension Agent Free Delivery HA 9 5501 ! • i » I I I • i ♦ —• i