Library, U of 0 Tax Notices To Be Mailed This Month Columbia county residents will be receiving their tax notices this year about the week of Oc tober 21. according to the coun ty sheriff's office. The notices, which will num ber 15,359. will be turned over to the sheriffs office on Octob er 15. The total tax bill this year will be $2.012,231.57, plus $6.- 432 26 and $5,332.01 in forestry and fire fees. Persons who wish to receive a rebate on their taxes this year will have to pay them by No vember 15, the sheriff's office re ported. The sheriff’s office advised tax payers to come in as soon as the bills are received and not to wait until the last two or three days, so that the work can be precessed faster. The office also said that it was important that persons who sold property during the year turn the tax statements for the prop erty sold over to the new prop erty owners. Many persons who purchased property during the tax year have failed in the past to receive rebates because form er owners failed to give them tax notices. It would also save time if all remittances were accompanied by the tax statement, either when paying in person or by mail, the office reported. A break-down of the tax bill is now being prepared by the county assessors office and a booklet describing the counhy taxes will be available to the general public. Night Classes Attract Many Boards Give Bus Approval The elementary school board which met Tuesday evening ac cepted the resignation of Bob Curl as driver of the bus on the Pebble creek loop route and ap proved the sale of his bus to Bob Thompson who was given the contract as driver for the route. The action had been given approval of the high school board the previous evening Reason for Curl’s resignation was that he is leaving here Mon day to fly to Indianapolis to be gin a three weeks training course with the Aero-Mayflower Tran sit company, nationwide mov ers for whom he will work. His family will remain here. Rites Saturday For Higley Baby Vicki Lynn Higley, threo- month and twenty-one day old infant daughter of Owen and Alice Higley, was found dead in bed last week» end at the home of her grandparents in Yamhill where she had been visiting with her parents. She was born June 13 in Port land and most of her brief life had been spent in Vernonia. Surviving besides the parents are two sisters: Deborah ann Laurlei Higley; her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Long, Yam hill; W. O. Higley, Timber route and Mrs. Bertie Wright, North Plains. Funeral services will be con ducted at Prickett’s Mortuary, Forest Grove, Saturday at 2:00 pm., followed by interment in the Forest View cemetery. Of ficiating at the chapel services will be Elder Alfred L. Carlson, Elder Hyram H. Long, Elder Henry T. Hudson and Elder Hu ey P. Long. Dedication of the grave w’lll be by Elder Joseph A. Long. Musical selections will be fur nished by the Hillsboro Ward Choir singers of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints. Serving as casket bear ers will be Henry F„ Leland, Roy and William Higley, uncles of the deceased child. That becoming a teacher does not end the need for going to classes as a student is evidenced by the number of Vernonia teachers who are taking evening courses this year. Monday evenings, Mrs. Grace Mathews, Mrs. Dorothy Sandon and Mrs Jane Pace go to Clats kame for a class in audio-visual education. Most of the other evenings of the week find some of them attending classes some "place. Leslie Caran, Ivan Bo The week of October 6 to 12 dine and Miss Margaret Cotter has been designated as Interna who came into the Vernonia tional Letter Writing week ac schools from out of state are tak cording to O. T. Bateman, Ver ing courses in Oregon school law nonia postmaster. and Oregon history to fulfill Commenting on the establish Oregon certification require- ment of International Letter m< nt«. Kerry Moran, Joseph Writing week, Mr. Bateman point Roemer, Marilyn Knox. Janice ed out that each year since 1938 Archibald, James Johns, Mrs. th? post office department has Loanee Cousins. Mrs. Grace ’ joined in the observance of na Cantwel, Miss Carol Smith, Miss tional letter writing week -an Mirilvn Knox, Miss Janice Archi annual event celebrated to em bald, Mrs. Ruby Kyle and Miss phasize the meaning and value of Lucille Edmundson are all tak letter writing as a symbol of ing courses, many of them at American freedom Portland State college in Port As a result of its success, na lard. tional letter writing week will Also taking courses at Portland be conducted on an international State arc Mrs. Gloria Ferguson basis this year for the first time an 1 Wilbur Wilson from the West International Letter Writing week Oregon Electric office is based on the idea that written communication between people in all the countries of th? world will contribute toward the build ing of a lasting peace. A persona) letter is next to an actual visit, the most intimate The Social Security adminis- means to communicate with our Letters tra'.on has announced new office fellow human beings. s. in St. Helens The repre- between peoples of different na s tative will be in the sheriffs tions are a sure method of es .cc on ground floor of the Co tablishing friendly relationships and understandings. The prob rn-*bia county court house Callers are asked to use the lems of freedom loving people ramp to left of the court house will be more quickly solved if r r*. The hours will remain the they are better understood. Letter Writing Week Observed Social Security Office Changed sf.'-e. 9 a.m. V- -day. to 12 noon each Destroy« Trimm Barn Tie large bam at the Carl Tr-mm farm, on Pebble Creek r--,d burned Friday at 9 a m Th: origin of the fire is un- -'wn although it is thought to hive been from detective wiring. Ti e place originally was the Elon Malmsten place Store Building Purchased A change of ownership for some Vernonia business property took place last week when Mr. and Mrs Sam Hearing Jr pur chased the building which houses Sam’s Food Store from Frank and Ralph Wortman of McMinn ville. The former location of the Vernonia Bakery is also a part • of the building. Council Told Logger Squad Travels to Wy ’East for 2nd League Chief's Plan Game; Rainier Next Try To Resign Job Lions Plan Annual Feed As Benefit At the meeting of the city council held Monday evening, a verbal statement was heard to the effect that Bob Curl will tender his resignation as fire chief It was tabled pending the presentation of his formal res ignation and Herb Heckenliable, assistant chief, was authorized to serve in the interim. The garbage franchise was dis cussed and the attorney is being asked to mak" certain changes before it will be ratified. Another complaint was heard concerning wood piled by Mil lers store due to the fact that fenders had been scratched bv protruding sticks. The council authorized Mayor Don Bavley to write to Millers requesting them to remove any pieces that pro trude so as to cause a hazard and also to inform them that pil ing of wood on the curb would not be permitted for another year. Remainder of the business Monday was routine. This year’s annual hotcak ■ feed, sponsored annually by th Vernonia Lions club, is scheduled to take place Saturday, Noven» ber 16 the club decided definitely Monday evening at their régulai meeting The date had been und er discussion from the meeting of the previous week when it first came before the club. Arrangements hav? been ma«« for the feed, an all-day affair, to take place at Kate’s cafe start ing at 6 a m. and to continue until the evening hours. Club members will work in shifts to prepare and serve the meals and these details were being prv pared this week by Lions named to handle the work. This year’s revenue is desig naled for a special purpose, the club decided Monday. Net in come from the feed will be de voted to the Young Dan I .aw lev fund to help defray expenses incurred by the boy’s extended illness. Because of this worthy purpose, people who are unable to attend the hotcake feed, but who wish to help financially may do so by forwarding their con tributions to the Lions club and designating the money for this fund. The boy underwent brain sur gery at Good Samaritan hospital Monday. September 16 and his condition has been listed as crit ical. He had been ill for a ycai* prior to the operation and betort* his trouble was diagnosed. He is the nine-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lawler. Mrs. O'Rourke Taken by Death Last Friday evening Coac'i able to capitalize on what yard Vlcek's Vernonia Loggers took to age they did secur ■. the road and made the long trip The last score of the game re to Wy’East to engage that eleven sulted in the third period when in the second league encounter a hard charging Eagle line block for the local team, only to go ed a Logger punt on the locals' down to defeat 20-0 in the third 38, which rolled all the way to Vernonia’s five with an opponent straight loss for the Loggers. Once again the local eleven’s recovery. In two plays Wy’East lack of offense spelled the out pushed over their last T.D mak come of the game. The Loggers ing the scoye stand at 20-0 The remainder of the game wa- made yardage, but couldn't keen a drive going with the result that a slow affair with neither team the first downs they did happen threatening seriously until the to make wer ■ so scattered final seconds of the game when throughout the game that they the Loggers got lucky and com- went to no avail in the procure plet ’d a long toss going approxi ment of points on the scoreboard. mately 60 yards from Howard to On the first play of Fridav Tunnell who made a beautiful evening’s game after the kickoff, catch on the 10-yard stripe of Wv'East caught the Loggers nap Wy’East, only to have time run ping and on a reverse went 60 out on the local team at that yards all the way to the Logger.-,’ point. Bill Howard had a field day as 10. Vernoma held at that point and taking to the air lanes drov > far as pass completion.« went, up to their own 25 where one completing 14 out of 27 tosses and toss was snagged by the oppon having only’ two interceptions, ent eleven. From that point the both of which proved disastrous, Both occurred at the Eagles drove for their first T.D . however scoring with the first quarter just start of the game. With lessons learned in this game the Loggers minutes old. Once agaiu early in first quar should sport quite an attack, pro. ter play Wy’East scored when viding they can ke -p a drive go they succeeded in snaring a Ver ing all the way. Friday night of this week Ver nonia toss on the local's 40, go ing all the way for the tally. nonia will take to the road once Halftime in first quarter play again to play a league tilt. Rai revealed the Wy’East eleven nier will be the intended victim sporting a 13-0 edge. of the local eleven The Colum After the disasterous first peri bians by virtue of their 19-7 win od of play the Loggers settled over Hood River last week will down and held the' Wy’East ele definitely be the favorite in this ven, actually securing more first .tilt and should win quite easily downs than the* Eagles, but un I over the Loggers. Mrs. Margaret O'Rourke, moth er of Mrs. Dave Brunsman who had lived here with her daugh ter for the past year, died Satur day night while enroute to a Portland hospital in the ambu lance. She had suffered from a heart condition for some time but it became critical quite suddenly. Mrs. O’Rourke was born in Ire land but came to this country when a girl so had lived most of her life in the United States. The Columbia county unit of She was 66 at the time of her death. Her husband. Frank O' the American Cancer society held Rourke, passed away in Cali its annual meeting at St. Helens The fornia about a year ago and it Monday, September 30th meeting was attended by the was after that that she came to Vernonia to live with her only board of directors and individuals daughter. ! interested in the work of the Services for her were at S*. I American Cancer society. Field Cecelia’s church in San Francis Representatives Charles Clark co. Wednesday morning and bui- and Jack Green from th” Port ial was in the Golden Gate na land division office also attended tional cemetery. Mrs. Brunsman the meeting as advisors to the went to San Francisco Monday to board. care for arrangements. The meeting was opened with Surviving besides Mrs. Bruns a film showing of a new cancer man are six grandchildren, a bro education film called “The Other ther in Ireland and a number of City" which will be shown pub nephews and nieces in Ireland licly throughout the county at a and in the Bay area. later date. Mrs. Wm. Horn. Vernonia, chairman of the education com mittee, reported on the 1956-57 work of the committee. Ralph Bergerson, treasurer, reported the final figures on the 1957 cam paign was $2392 30 for the coun Funeral services were held on ty and memorials totaled $77 00 Thursday of last week for Mar- Two new members were ap guerette L. Mangat. 41. Vernonia pointed to the board of directors. in Roseburg. She was killed in a Mrs. Verne Soley, Raimer and car accident near Cornelius Sat James Akins, St. Helens. urday, September 28 The board of directors elected Mrs. Mangat was born in Port officers as follows: Mrs. Joe land. She lived in Canyonville Walker, president, David Wil between 1930 and 1938 and had liamson, vice-president; Ralph spent the last 18 years in Ver Bergerson, treasurer and Mrs nonia. She is survived by her stepfather and mother, Mr and Mrs. Charles L?iser of Canyon ville; a son, Fredrick, and a daughter, Martha, both of Ver nonia. County Cancer Group Elects New Officers, Names Committees Monday Two Firemen John Whipple, secretary. Groups Merge Rites Held for Mrs. M. Mangat Savings Stamps Sold at School 483 Get Chest X-rays A total of 483 person wen- x-rayed by the chest x-ray unit during the two day stand here last week, according to informa tion received from the county nurses office. Friday, 234 went through the line and Saturday, there were 249 Reports on the results will be mailed to thos« x-rayed Ladies Day Planned The 12th annual ladies day affair sponsored by Brunsman Hardware is scheduled this week end from Tnursdav through Sat urday. Pete Brunsman said Wed nesday morning Details ot the sale appear on page 8 of this issue. The savings stamp program is being sponsored again this year at both the Lincoln and Wash ington schools by the Parent Teachers association Stamps are sold ”ach Monday during the noon hour and Mrs. C. L John son is in charge of the sale at Lincoln school and Mrs. Earl King at Washington « Stamp sales have been run ning around $50 each week with a good representation of children participating in the program. Teachers Slate Senator Senator Richard L. Neuberger will be the speaker for the meeting of the Columbia county schoolmasters which will be held at Ra.mer Thursday evening of next week Mrs. Walker appoint 'd stand ing committees as follows: Education: Mrs. Bill Horn, chairman. Mrs. John Whipple, Mrs. Robert Bovee, Oliver Mel linger, Miss Lois Kent, Dr. G. E Muchleck, Miss Grace Rouma goux, Dr. R. L. Deaver, Mrs. Lloyd Garlock, Mrs. J. B. Stew ard and Len Monroe. Service: Dr.. J. B. Steward chairman, Miss Grace Rouma- goux, Mrs. J. B. Steward and Mrs. G. E. Muehleck. Public relations: Mrs. H C Shadley and David Williamson Budget and finance: Ralph Ber gerson, chairman, Mrs Bill Horn and Mrs. Vesta King. Campaign: David B William son, Mrs. H. A. Shadley, Mrs. Roy Garlock, Mrs. George Con yers, Mrs. Vesta King, Mrs. Nel lie Neuffer, • Mrs. G. E. Mueh leck, Sgt. Hindman, Mrs. Verne Soley and James Adkins. The Columbia county fire-w men’s association met Septem ber 25 at Scappoose and voted to merge with the Washington county association to form a larger, more efficient organize tion which could serve the area better in case of disaster. Merger will increase the facilities avail able for disasters in either coun ty and will provide opportunity for an exchange of information on fire fighting procedures. Bob Curl, Bill Krieger and Don Murray attended the meeting from here. The next meeting will be Oc tober 18 at the Tuality fire hall White Satin To Sponsor Contest One of the main interest*, at the next meeting of Columbia county Pomona Grange will be the annual State Grange White Satin Sugar canning contest This will be held at Marshland on November 2nd. and all mem bers of the grange are encouraged to enter their best products, us ing White Satin sugar in their products of jelly, canned berries or tree fruits. There is also a contest for mtn, and another for children. The prizes which are well worth working for will b? sugar on the county level, and electri cal equipment as state prizes. PT A Announces TV Programs A series of informative pro grams on TV are being sponsored by the P.T A. and are recommen ded for viewing by all parents. They are presented on channel 8 each Monday at 2:00 pm and the first in the series was pre sented Monday of this week. Programs for the rest of this month are as follows: October 14. The child of elementary school age; October 21. O.C.P.T. tuition scholarships; October 28, A panel of teen-aged students discuss pro. blems with Principal Howard Horner of David Douglas high school. | Dove Attends Conferences Eugene Dove, high school su perintendent, was in Portland on Wednesday to attend the meeting i of the American Society for Cur riculum Development. Monday and Tuesday of next week, he will attend the fall session of the Oregon Association of Se condary School Principals at Sa lem at which he will be in charge of one of the group sessions DAVIS APPOINTED AS COMMISSIONER Art Davis was appointed as county commissioner at the session of the county court held Wednesday at St. Helens. His appointment fol lowed the acceptance of the resignation of Bob Thompson who had been appointed re cently to fill the unexpired term of Raymond C. Johnson. Thompson's resignation be came necessary because of the conflict in hours after be accepted the school bus con tract to succeed Bob Curl on the Pebble Creek run.