Picnic Given For Visitors TIMBER ROUTE — A was held at the home of Mrs Nell Thacker Sunday in honor of Mrs. Helen Laman and daugh­ ter Jeannine from San Francisco. Present were the following re­ latives and friends: Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker, Mr and Mrs. Selwyn Graves and child­ ren, Mr. and Mi's. George Smith and children, Mr. and Mrs. Les Galloway and childr*>n, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lytsel and children. Bob McNew from Mountaindale, Mr .and Mrs. Wm. Falconer. Mrs. Edith Bledsoe. Mrs. Mary Eide and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wieneckie and the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. C A. Stone from Olympia. Washington, former re­ sident of Vernonia, were over­ I night guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Art Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Birt at­ tended a family reunion picnic of Mr. Bid's relatives in Estaca­ da Sunday. There were about twenty four present. Mrs. Helen Laman and daugh­ ter Jeannine of San Francisco. California, are house guests at the home of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer, and visiting other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Herinckx from Wilksboro visited with her aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke, Thursday after­ noon. Mrs. Nell Thacker returned to her hdme Friday from a weeks visit in Portland with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Teeling and Grandad Thacker. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamlin from Portland spent Sunday with his sister and brother-inlaw. Mr. and THE EAGLE. tTRNONIA. ORE. THURSDAY, AUG 22, 1957 5 Mrs. Clifford Fethrrston and children, Judy and Mike. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bowcher and three daught-rs from Port­ land and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schaf­ fer were house guests over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs Art Kirk. Mrs. George Kirk vibited with her daughter. Mis. S. H Peterson at Buxton last week, returning to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Justice Tuesday morning. Mrs. Florenz West spent the week end visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Calhoun and children who live at Dexter. Sunday evening Mrs. Maeva Brimmer visited with her daugh­ ter Janice at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shipley. —Office Supplies at the Eagb You can see your family growing big-eyed over this roast . . . and enjoying it with big appreciation. You'll enjoy it. This Safeway pot roast is guaranteed juicy, tender. It has the rich flavor you get only in properly aged "USDA CHOICE" beef. And it's trimmed of all excess bone and fat. Buy one for tonight. Freeze one for later. Saiewat/s -tender Roost • "USDA CHOICE" ROUND BONE POT ROAST 0 Blade Cuts PER. LB....... STANDING RIB ROAST lb. 89c Meaty, 7-inch cuts of correctly aged “USDA CHOICE” beef. The king of oven roasts. For the finest Meats in town . . . for farm-fresh fruits and vegetables guar­ anteed to please ... all you need to remember is 100% PURE GROUND BEEF............................ lb. 45C Won t cook away in the pan. Pure lean beef with just the right fat content for juicy flavor. SHELLED CRAB MEAT lb. 98C Flash-freezing protects its delicate flavor. Serve your family a big crab salad tonight. Candi Cane brand. Finest quality guaranteed w Save Now on this Special 5c off pack. CANE SUGAR WESSON OIL NU MADE Oil CUCUMBER CHIPS TUNA FISH I ! Reg. $2.67 25-Lb. Bag 4 Z.ppv Brand. Another gr< at Safeway Brand 79* 64-oz. Jar Froth Pork. Lean. Meaty. Beverly. Premium Quality. Creamy or Chunk Reg. 57c 12-oz. Jar 35c 18-oz. Jar Nu Mad '. Finest quality at a grand savings. Pint Jar 29c MAYONNAISE SANDWICH SPREAD New Potatoes Tomato Paste Tomato Sauce Chili Catsup 14-oz. Bottles Hunt, whole 2 Hunt Brand Hunt Brand 300 Can» Reg. 69c Full Quart 6-oz Can 3 fl-oz Size Reg. Hunt Brand Jar Fancy Cut Gre'n Beans 14-oz Bottle Lunch Box. Reg. 69c Pt. Jar 29c Kool Aid IOC Kool Shake 25C Fresh Bread 23C Edwards Coffee Qî. Powdered fruit drink Add Milk and shake Mrs SLICED CHICKEN 6 SANTIAM BEANS SI 00 GRADE AA EGGS CANTALOUPE 2 8 $100 SOUPS 2 SODA POP 35* BEST BEER 95* TOMATO CATSUP. 2 35* TOMATOES 69* SEEDLESS GRAPES CIDER VINEGAR CELERY TEMPEST TUNA JELL-WELL GELATIN 3..25* f LIA VI IL J ->Lb ANGEL CAKE MIX 47* POTATOES 73' ITALIAN PRUNES WHITE KING SOAP Wright a 49 49 6 Pkt» 29C 5 Pkg . 29C 29C $1.97 ALL YOU NEED TO REMEMBER IS SAFEWAY FOR FINEST Dozen |M| These are extra large pink-meated beau­ ties with thick firm netting and honey- sweet flavor. Campbell's Vegetable Bas? varieties — Except Mushroom and Onion Tall Cans Cragmont. Popular flavors and mix ?rs. Finest quality it Loin End, Lb I Ever Popular Taste Tells Brand Add Flavor to Your Meat Dishes or Turkey. Lynden Brand. A top Buy I Lb MORE WONDERFUL GROCERY SAVINGS AT SAFEWAY NOW CATSUP 2 No. *2 Cans Rib End W » SI 00 Scotch Traat Brand . ......................... „............... .. Reg. 54c Full Quart The Finest. Lb Old Smoky,_________ S10C R?g. 64c Full Quart Somerset or Del Monte 1-10 lb pcs Summer Sausage Pork Loin Roast 59C Whole or Hall Pork Loin Center Cui Pork Chops 6-oz. Cans JL A premium quality Safeway brand. Sea Trader—Chunk Style Finest Light Meat Tuna Large Bologna : FROZEN :LEM0NÄDE SÄFEWÄY 32-oz. Boils. Save on Top Quality Eastern Beer 12-oz. Size 6 Can Pack Featured in our garden room this weekend at a very special low price 14-oz. Btls. Gallon Piedmont 2 29' 15* juicy Thompson's Lb. Crisp and crunchy local Pascal variety Light Meat A '* * Hall's or Rio Osas, 12.39 2 25* Lbs. Pillsbury, white Save 6c Now I Prices in effect through Sat. Aug 24 st Safeway in Vernonia We reserve the right to limit. No sales to dealers. 16-os. Pkg. Economy Excellent quality for canning or eating YOU WILL WANT TO LOOK OVER THE OTHER FINE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IN OUR GARDEN ROOM. SAFEWAY OFFERS THE GREATEST SE LECTION IN TOWN.