Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, June 20, 1957, Page 2, Image 2

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1 THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1957
Mr. and Mrs. Ban Fowler re­ angulation Point in the Tilla­
Miss Ruby Wells
turned home last week end from mook Burn.
a two weeks vacation trip during was also home from Thursday to
which they traveled about 3500 Sunday, She has been on a fire
rmJes and went as far as Yuma, lookout for several weeks and
Arizona and into Mexico.
In Monday was transferred to the
taime areas they encountered 120 Grindstone lookout where she
degree temperatures which made will be for the rest of the sum­
than glad to return to Vernonia. mer.
They visited Mr. Fowler's sister at
Father's day guest* at the home
Fterence. his brother Hal at San of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Jacobs
Francisco and another sister at were her mother, Mrs. L. R. Jae-
Stackton They also visited Mrs. ger and brother, Robert Lester
Faarler's brother. Melvin, in Cali­ Jaeger, Yakima; another broth-
fornia and a brother of her moth­ er and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Dan
er. Mrs. Newell Wood, and a Jaeger and family, Tacoma; the
number of friends.
Jacob’s daughter and husband.
Father's day guests at the home Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Olson and
«>1 Hr and Mrs. M. J. Lamping daughter Denise, Longview; their
tir. were Mr. and Mrs. Bernard son and wife, Mr, and Mrs. Ken­
neth Jacobs, Vernonia; Mr. Ja­
Lamping and family.
Mr*. Ray Lamping and small cob’s brother and wife, Mr and
Mrs. W. T Jacobs and daughters
son left last week for New Mexi-
Gloria and Joann, Clatskanie and
eo and arrived there in time to
♦pend Father s day with her fath­ Mrs. Ethel Hall. Vernonia Three
er. She will be gone for several of the Jacobs children, Roberta,
John and Jim, returned to Yaki­
ma with their grandmother and
Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mr and Mrs. E. E. Garn­
er were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Garn
er, Susan and Brad from Seasid '.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lindley and THURSDAY. JUNE 2J
Raymond Hahmeyer.
Winema Grange — Birkenfeld,
8:00 p m.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hamilton
♦.topp'd here for a brief visit FRIDAY, JUNE 2i
with Mrs. Hamilton's sister, Mrs. Columbia Encampment No. 89—
IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m.
Melvin Schwab, last week end
before leaving for Pennsylvania. Fraternal Order of Eagles—Hall
on First Ave., 8:00 p.m.
They have been at Seaside th"
Baseball, PeeWees versus
past month.
nier — High school field,
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Steers Jr.
and Mary, M B. Steers Sr and
Larry and Linda Kuehn of Elgin, SATURDAY. JUNE 22
Oregon spent Sunday at Seaside Natal Grange Party Night — Na
tai hall, 8:00 p.m.
celebrating Father’s day and the
birthday of Grandpa Steers.
Mr. and Mr*. Oscar Weed and Baseball, Junior Legion versus
Scappoose — High school field,
Mr. and Mrs. Oren Weed and
2:00 pm.
Barbara were at Sweet Home
to attend the MONDAY. JUNE 24
Sunday evening
wedding of Robert Weed of Lions club annual picnic — City
park, 6:30 p.m.
Myrtle > Point. The occa-
♦Kin was the twenty-third wed- Baseball, PeeWees versus Scap­
poose, there — 7:00 p.m.
wing anniversary of the groom's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Harding Lodge No. 116, Knights
of Pythias — IOOF hall, 8:00
Weed of Myrtle Point, and the
48th wedding anniversary of his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Chamber of Commerce board of
directors — West Oregon bldg.,
8:00 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hearing Sr.
attended the wedding of their TUESDAY. JUNE 25
granddaughter, Sandra Walker at Chapter BS, PEO Sisterhood
Home of Mrs. Harry Sandon,
Langlois, Oregon June 1.
8:00 p m.
Harry Emmons was rushed to
the Portland General hospital last Odd Fellows Lodge No. 2-46
IOOF hall, 8:00 pin.
Friday night for an emergency
hernia operation from which he VFW Auxiliary — VFW hall,
8:00 pm.
m making satisfactory recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seelye of WEDNESDAY. JUNE 26
Seattle visited the first part of Natal Grange — Natal hall,
this week with 1 Mr and Mrs. Ly- !
man Hawken Sr. and other Veterans of Foreign Wars-—VFW
hall, 8:30 pm.
friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McDonald Boy Scout Troop 201
in city park, 7:00 p.m.
left Monday for a two week va-
cation trip with Reno as one of Vernonia Temple No. 61, Pythian
Sisters — IOOF hall, 8:00 p.m.
the planned stops on their itiner­
Mrs. William Chadwick and
sun Jimmy of Metainia, Louisi­ I
ana arrived Thursday to visit her
parents, Mr and Mrs. F. A.
Blount and other relatives and
IOOF lodge members, at their
friends. Visiting Mrs. Chadwica
over the week end was Typist meeting Tuesday evening named
3/c I xiuis Reyes, a young friend Lloyd Quinn to fill two positions,
of the family, who is stationed at one being special deputy district
grand master and th" other, dis­
Fort 1 jewis.
Glenda Hahmeyer. daughter of trict deputy grand master.
The lodge will install officers
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hahmeyer, is
recuperating at the home of her for the coming year at the meet­
aunt at Forest Grove from a her­ ing of July 9
Five of the members partici­
nia operation pel formed Thursday
of last week at Tuality hospital, pated in degree work at Clats­
kanie June 13. They were Carl
Hillsboi o.
Miss Margaret Wells spent last Davis, Bob Spencer, Henry
deregg, Harry Culbertson
week here with her parents. Mr
uut Mrs. L. L. Wells, between Frank Lentz.
■completion of her years work at
U of O and starting to work Mon­ Engagement Is Revealed
day on the fire lookout at Tri- For Patricia Brissett
DATES to Remember
Frank went to Tacoma with his
Visiting with the Art Gard­
ners on Friday were Mrs. Gard­
ners' cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Alban La Viers and Mrs. Alzora
Hayden, and a sister, Mrs. E. D.
Hammond, all of Portland. Mr.
La Viers, now retired, was at one
time associated with a theatrical
group in which the well known
TV actress. Verna Felton, was the
leading lady.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mathews
and Marian of Mist attended a
family dinner at the home of
Ralph Condit in Portland Fri-
day evening. The dinner was in
honor of Mr and Mr*. Stewart
Wight and four children who had
just returned from a three year
stay in Formosa. Mrs. Wight is
a cousin of Mrs. Mathews. Mr.
Wight is a government employee
working in electronics and Mrs.
Wight has been principal and mu­
sic instructor of an American
school there.
Mrs. Locke Taylor of Salem and
Mrs. Clifford Carrick of Stayto.i
were calling on Vernonia friends
Saturday. They also visited Mrs.
Carrick's mother, Mrs. Bernard
Father's day guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest East were
Mr. and Mrs. Otis East of Prine­
ville. Mr and Mrs. Ed Thorpe ot
Longview, Ray East of Coos Bay sey and other Eastern points to
and Mr and Mrs. Owen East, visit her parents and other rela­
tives and friends.
Miss Laurel Wyckoff is em­
Mr. and Mr*. Cliff Feihersion
were at Eugene Sunday to visit ployed as office clerk* by the
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Scientific Supply company in
Fetherston and while there also .Portland and she was sent to
visited Mr. • Fetherston’s sister, Seattle for two days this week
Mrs. Clayton Jones, and baby for special training at the head
office there.
daughter at the hospital.
Gtiests from Monday evening
Mrs. Florenx West and Mrs.
Harold Shipley visited Friday till Wednesday of this week at
with the latters sister, Mrs. Eva the home of Mr .and Mrs. Lou
Manthe'y at Beaverton and an­ Towne were his parents, Mr. and
other sister, Mrs. Leia Miller and Mrs. E. L. Towne from Sela.i,
mother, Mrs. Maude Williams, at Washington and his sister, Mrs.
Don Ebert and son Alan from
Recent guests at the home of Yakima. They also brought home
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest East were Teresa Towne who had been
Mr. and Mrs. George Brunk of visiting in Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer and went to Yakima Friday to at­
Mrs. Nell Thacker return'd on tend a square dance festival and
Thursday from a weeks vacation then spent the rest of the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Milton
at Seaside.
Sherman Fisher is recuperating Lamping Jr. and family at Gol-
dendale where they have recent­
from a tonsilectomy.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sal- ly been transferred from Klicki­
cmonson during last week were tat.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meiwes
his brother and wife, Mr. and
Mrs. Si Salomonson from Astoria, are now home after spending sev­
her sister and husband, Mr. and eral weeks at Oakridge with their
Mrs. George Vosnick from Port­ son Ben and his family.
land and Mr .and Mrs. A. R.
Mrs. A. L. Ratcliffe spent sev­
Mills from Birkenfeld.
eral days last week visiting two
Mrs. Myron Vlcek and three of her sisters, Mrs. Edgar Pier­
children left Portland Tuesday point of Salem and Mrs. Charles
evening for Newark. New Jer­ Snider of Lebanon. While at Leb­
anon she also attended the straw
berry festival and was guest of
honor at a birthday party given
for her by her sister.
Mrs. Anna Partridge ha* been
transferred from the Univ*r*iir
of Oregon medical school hospita;
to the Women's Convalescent
home, «31 S.E. 28th Ave., Port
land where she will be near the
hospital to take her treatments
for a short length of time. She
sends word she enjoys hearing
from her friends.
Mrs. Alva Chadd and daugh­
ters Twila and Judy and daugl
ter-in-law, Mrs. Larry Chadd, ar­
rived Sunday from North Platte,
Nebraska for a short visit wit!
the Joe Eggerts, Harry Ecklands
and Charles Cederburg and also
to visit Mrs. Alva Chadds' moth
ers, Mrs. Anna Partridge who m
in Portland.
Joy Theatre
THU. FRI. SAT.—JUNE 20-21-22
Due to the Length of This Picture
The Giant Will Be Shown Only
Once Each Nioht Starting at 7:30
JUNE 23-24
The Atomic Man
Gene Nelson - Faith Domerqre
Thurs., June 27
1:30 to 3S30 P.M
Mrs. Margaret Allyn will conduct school featuring latest information
on freezing foods and care and operation of freezers.
fo.'.ywoHy about
unexpected guests?
Lodge Appoints
Member to Office
Auto Accidents
No matter if you're the
most careful of drivers it
can happen to you Why
prepared for this
emergency if it ever does
arise by being properly
insured with us.
Phone HA 3 60S! — Riverview
Expert Tonsorial Work
Vernonia. Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. William Brissett
have announced the engagement
of their daughter, Miss Patricia
Brissett, to A/2c Walter Charles
Kantorowicz of Minneapolis, Min­
He has recently been
sent to Labrador where he will
be stationed for a year and
date for the wedding will be
after he returns.
Mrs. Brissett and Patricia
cently spent a month in Minnea­
polis where Mrs. Brissett cared
for her mother who was ill While
there, they met members of Mr.
Kantorowicz's family, also.
Son Arranges Surprise
For Mother on Birthday
Mis T A Adams was surprised
last Saturday afternoon on the
occasion of her birthday with a
party arranged in her honor by
her -en. Allan York
lee cream
and decorated cakes were served
to guests who included Mrs Har­
ry Culbertson. Mrs. Albert Scha-
lock, Mrs. Beaulah Slemmons.
Penny and Peggy Badley, Tom­
my Hall, Mr and Mrs. Li R<>y
Johnson and Mr Adams. A d"
corated angelfood cake was mad<
by Mrs. Lee Jess • who was
able to attend
An Electric Freezer
Upset when unexpected guests drop in?
With an electric food freezer, you’ll always
be ready—whenever friends pay a call, no
matter how many guests you have.
It’s easy to prepare a delicious meal or a
quick snack, when a freezer serves as your
own private supermarket. You’ll find that
it takes only minutes from freezer to table
—that everything you need is right at your
fingertips, in your electric freezer.
See the new electric freezers and com­
bination refrigerator-freezers at your
dealer’s. Ask him how a freezer frees you
from unexpected guest worries—how it
helps you and your whole family to
A Self-Liquidating, Self-Managed.
Tax-Paying Cooperative Enterprise