Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, June 20, 1957, Image 1

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Logging Events on 4th Promise
High Entertainment with Five
Events. Prizes Now Scheduled
Aspirants for the S25 first priz'
offered in the log birling contest
on July 4 are giving Internation­
al Paper company employees
some good laughs as they catch
moments to practice on logs in
tne mill pond. Reports are that
some of them are becoming quite
accustomed to being all wet.
Terry Brady, chairman of the
logging events committee, has an­
nounced that there will be five
ontests on the afternoon of the
fourth with a $25 first prize in
each event and second and third
prizes of merchandise.
Scheduled are trailer backing, log
'ruck and trailer; power saw fall­
ing. 7 to 9 horsepower falling of
44 to 48 inch tree; power saw
bucking, 7 to 9, 6 and 3 horse­
power; eye splicing, seven eighths
meh line, three-tuck eye; and the
birling. Persons interested in
registering for any of these events
should contact Terry Brady now.
The log birling will be done in
tne city park pool.
cede the fireworks.
John Harris who is in charge
of the swimming contest that will
be held the morning of the Fourth
has announced that there will be
events for three age groups with
three prizes offered in each group
Confirmation was given at the
meeting of the Jamboree com­
mittee last Thursday evening that
Jajk O’Brion of Portland would
bring three rides concessions here
for the three days. They will b?
a train ride, an airplane ride and
a pony ride.
The Stardusters, dance band
from Pacific University, has been
secured to play for the street
dance that will be held Saturday
evening, July 6. In case of in­
clement weather, it will be mov­
ed to the Legion hall. Of special
interest locally is the fact that
Dane Brady, as a result of audi­
tions last week, has been selected
to play in the Stardusters band
during the summer.
As a result of the publicity in
The window display committee. the Portland papers Monday, th?
Art Ostrander, Mrs. Georg’ wooden nickels have gained in
¿.•ddle and Mrs. Dean Wood, popularity with letters coming
have been busy this' week ar­ from various places asking for
ranging for exhibits and have lo­ some and one request for a pair
cated some very interesting and of earrings from a woman at
unusual ones about which most Seaside who has a very large
Vernonia residents
have not and interesting collection which
They promise interest she has had on display there dur­
ing the Miss Oregon pageant. As
ft - both local people and visitors:
further promotion in this line.
A complete directory of the ex-
b aits will be published before Janelie Thomas is in Portland
the Fourth. Best window display today to purchase a ticket on the
is to be given special recognition, excursion train with wooden
nickels. As a reminder, tickets
for the train ride are on sale
Mrs. C. C. Fugate who is in
at the S.P. and S. depot here, but
charge of the art and hobby ex­ require the coin of the realm
omits which will b? shown in the rather than wooden nickels.
c d post office building plans
t- be there every day from July
Parade plans are shaping up,
through the Jamboree to re-
; ve and arrange displays and also, with a band and color guard
care for them as they are being parade planned on the Fourth,
v't wed. She suggests that child­ the kiddies pet and costume par-
ren who wish to visit the dis­ , ade on Friday, July 5, and the
giand parade on July 6, Satur-
plays do so on July 3.
Bob Thompson is chairman
To correct an error made last
of the committe for the Saturday
✓ 'eek. the band concert which
w.ll be given at 7 p.m. July 4 parade and persons and organiza-
wj] be on the lawn at the Wash- tions who will enter floats,
■ ?ton grade school and will pre. marching units or drills should
contact him as soon as possible.
In order to make it a GRAND
parade, there must be a lot of
entries that are interesting to
Groups still wanting conces­
sions should see Pet."*
1 Brunsman.
ill persons inter''sted in the Plans are underway for a pan­
o. camzation of a Rock or Agate cake breakfast, with details as to
c ub here are invited to attend a who will serve it, time and place
rr 'ding at the West Oregon to be announced later.
Eight trophies and 32 ribbons
¡■.Hiding Friday evening at 8:00
lock wh"n delegates from the are being offered for events in
P.--ck club at Tectronix near Bca- the horse show that will be stag­
ed Saturday afternoon, according
v -ton will be here.
Mrs. Albert Schalock is making to Bob Thompson, chairman of
- -angements for the mee^ng and that event.
The Jamboree committee will
a • umber of Vernonia people have
already mdicated interest in hav- meet again tonight at the West
mg a club here. Plans are for a Oregon building and all com-
iT-all membership fee, probably mittee members and others who
■ to exceed a dollar. Mrs' Scha- have ideas to help put the Jam-
boree over are urged to attend
s indicated.
Rock Hounds Bid
To Meet Friday
Attend State County Development Commission
Training Week Asks Aid lor Experiment Farm Effort
Three girls and two boys from
Representatives from the Gran­ I evening, June 26 at 8 o’clock
| Vernonia were among the high ges in Columbia county and other Purpose of the meeting is to lay
I school juniors from all over Ore­ interested groups are especially out a program to be followed in
< gon who were participating in invited to attend a meeting of an effort to have the proposed
citizenship training last week in the Columbia County Develop­ t xperiment farm located in this
»he Girls and Boys State pro­ ment commission which will be county.
grams on the Willamette Univer­ I held here at the West Oregon
The legislature, while m ses­
sity campus at Salem and the meeting room next Wednesday
sion, acted favorably on the bill
Oregon State college campus at I
authorizing establishment of a
Northern Willamette Valley Ex­
Carolyn Heath, Julia Waite and
perimental Farm and stipulated
Helen Mills of Birkenfeld were at
that it must be located in Clacka­
Salem for the Girls State sessions
mas. Columbia, Multnomah, or
which drew attendance of 248
Washington county. It would be
girls from all over Oregon. For
used for research work in co­
Vernonia ball teams were again
the week they were there, they
operation with the central ex­
became parts of a mythical state on the short end in the scoring periment station at Oregon State
in which county and city govern­ during the past week end. Ten college. Corvallis. It is estimated
ments were set up and officers errors and some very good pitch­ it would spend about $50,000 per
for them elected as well as for ing beat Vernonia Legion Juniors year as an operating budget.
the state government.
One of
The June 26 meeting is open
11 to 0 at Astoria Sunday. Final
th-1 most memorable session was
all interested persons.
held in the state capitol building tallies were as follows:
Thursday when the Girls State
governor was inaugerated. Gov­ Astoria
ernor Robert D. Holmes was guest Vernonia
Astoria pitchers were Osmus 6,
One of the most impressive Paulson 1 and Thom. For Ver
meetings was held Saturday nonia. R. Hunteman pitched 3,
One of the shortest council
evening, when all the girls gath­
meetings of the year was held
ered in the rotunda of the capitol Baker 3 and M. Mullins 1.
The Legion Juniors played Sea­ Monday evening with only a few
for a candle light service. Th”
thrill of the setting and the echo­ side on the local field last even­ items outside of routine business
ing of their singing in the capitol ing and play Scappoose here claiming the attention of the
o'clock body.
dome made it especially memor­ Sunday afternoon at 2
able for the girls. Helen Mills in a make-up game for the one
Bob Thompson resigned as fire
and Carolyn Heath were elected rained out last Wednesday.
chief and recommended Bob Curl
The PeeWees also had <heir for the position. The recorder
as representatives, also.
troubles when they played at was instructed by the council to
Jim Nanson and Byron Hawk­
Clatskanie suffering a 15 to 1 de­ contact Curl as t6 his willigness
ins were the boys who attended
teat. Vernonia pitchers were M
to accept the job If he consents,
Crowston, Ray Hamnett and Ol
appointment will be made at the
I lived in the main men’s dorm and son.
Apparently some of the July 1 meeting. Mr. Thompson
ing in the program. They were other schools in the county have will serve until his successor is
baseball programs in the spring appointed.
on a full schedule beginning with
which gives those boys a big ad­
No one was present to discuss
reveille in the morning and end­
vantage over Vernonia.
ing with laps tor lights out at
the budget so it was approved
The PeeWees wilkentertain Rai­
by the council as it has been
night. They were required to
nier on the high school field Fri­
make their own beds and clean
day evening at 6:30 and will go
their rooms and had marching
Miss Margaret Miner was ap
to Scappoose Monday evning
drills, calisthenics and flag rais­
as regular guard for the
for a game starting at 7:00 p.m.
ing ceremonies, so said they felt
park pool and Judy Towne was
a bit like they were in the army.
named as her assistant. Hours
There were daily assemblies
that they will be on duty will
depend on weather conditions,
| and classes in politics, American
history and American govern­
and parents should check when
ment. These were all put to
I uncertain as to their being there.
practical use in th? setting up of
They will begin giving swim
local, county and state govern­
ming lessons right away with
A new feature for customers of
ments during which elections
time for the lessons being from
were held and mythical govern­
10 a m. to noon. Lessons will b?
nounced this week by the owner
ments carried out.
given free any week day th? pool
to replace the profit-sharing se
is open.
One day, the members of
•lection of numbers in which cus­
Bovs State visited the capitol at
The council also ordered 25
tomers have participated for th»'
Salem and also met with the
per hour signs to be placed
past two years.
Girls Staters for a social time.
I on Bridge street above Rose ave-
The last selection of numbets
Sponsors of the delegates from
will take place June 29 and the i nue because of many complaints
here were American Legion aux­
new feature. Bonanza Buys, will j of excessive speed in that area
iliary. Julia Waite; Mt Heart Re­
begin July 5. On that day the < endangering children as well as
I other motorists.
bekah Lodge. Helen Mills; PEG
first 200 ladies visiting the stor
Sisterhood, Carolyn Heath; Le­
will receive a valuable gift free
gion, Jim Nanson and Lions club,
as an opening feature of the new
Byron Hawkins.
profit-sharing plan.
At the same time that the
Bonanza Buys will feature
Boy Staters wre on the OSC throughout the store many mer­
campus, there were over 1800 chandise items at wholesale or
I 4-H club members at their sum­ less than wholesale prices and
1 mer school. Entire list of club will provide greater savings to
A freezer school will be con
. memebrs from here who were at­ customers than the $25 formerly ducted in the West Oregon Elec­
tending is not yet available
given away each week. The new tric meeting room next Thqrsda
plan will make possible a mor- June 27, from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m
equitable distribution of the pro­ by Mrs. Margaret Allyn, county
extension agent from St. Helens.
fit-sharing plan.
The school is op”n to the public
and will deal with the latest in-
formation on freezing of foods
and will stress care and operation
road as a Portland by-pass, n
of freezers.
Freezing of pre­
should be considered as a new
cooked and prepared foods will
alignment, which it really is and
also be featured
that this would be a more con­
structive and better approach to
was named director for elemen
the problem
tary school district 47 Jt. at the
Eugene Crumb, manager of the
election held Monday. He will
Ixmgview chamber, sent word
that their committee had worked serve for five years.
A total of 103 votes were cast
with the toll bridge authority
Monday with 51 for McDonald,
The last of four bridges on the
i and had secured a reduction in
49 for Dave Brunsman and three Scappoose-Vernonia
the passenger car toll from 60c
write-in votes for Gl?n Hawkins. were to be replac-d was under
to 50c and that research is being
construction last week as workers
done now on truck rates. It is
continued to build the concrete
hop?d that by next year a re­ Lions Plan for Picnic
pilings that would support the
duction can be made for trucks
Lions club members and then structure.
New signs directing traffic to
Work on the first of the four
and from the bridge have been families will picnic at the city
i asked for, which would be val- park Monday evening for their bridge projects, according to
last meeting of the year Sched­ County Judge John Whipple start­
I uable to this association
It was agreed that more sup- uled for 6:30 is a softball game ed in 1956 and three of the
l porters and more memberships to be followed by the picnic at 7. bridges have been completed in
The new concrete
in Highway 99WA are needed The club will serve hot dogs for that time
for this important long range the youngsters St°el doors were bridges replace wooden struc­
installed recently on the three tures
program s Success
All of the work is part of a
The next meeting will be held community kitchen fireplaces by
federal and state aid project in
Welcome Rumbaugh
I in Banks in September.
Highway 99W Alternate Road Group Presents Ideas at
Yamhill Meeting to Promote Route; Toll Rates Talked
The Highway 99W Alternate
Read association met at Yam-
Wedncsday night for its reg
u ar quarterly dinner meeting
They were welcomed by Keith
S irvpcl. secretary-treasurer and
¿•tetor of the association.
No formal program had been
panned. but a good round tabl?
a «russion followed the dinner
* *h good suggestions and ideas
c.-ming from it.
George Zimmerman, Yamhill,
d of the work of a group start­
ed 31 years ago that is finally
mg its dreams come true, that
.' a road from Yamhill through
tc the Nestucca valley and the
.-'•a»t for which contracts will b-
let soon.
Judge RE. Renne and Cliff El- McMinnville chamber man­
ager. Charles Teegarden, coun­
ty commissioner. Wm H Bennett
and Ron Miller, new owners of
th» Carlton - Yamhill Review;
John Richardson, News - Times,
Forest Grove;
President of 99W Road associa­
tion; Gordon Larson, secretary
Banks chamber; Mayor Krum
mer of Gaston; Guy Thomas,
Vernonia chamber president and
A. G. Ostrander, president of the
99W Alternate association, pa:-
ticipated tn the discussions.
Ostrander conducted the meet­
ing and others present from Ver­
nonia were Mrs Ostrander, Mis.
Wm. Heath, Mrs. Ed Frazee and
Mrs. Paul Gordon, 99WA sec­
It was agreed that more ex­
planation and advertising for the
route is needed. Other ideas
were, that in the near future a
caravan beginning at one end of
the proposed road, gathering mo­
mentum along the way and end­
ing with an old-fashioned picnic
would create interest; that in­
stead of thinking of the proposed
Legion, PeeWees
Meet Defeats
Chief Resigns
Department Job
Store Announces
Change of Plan
Freezer School
Here Thursday
McDonald Gets
Director Post
The approval of a substantial!
reduced budget and the selectio
of a member for the board i'
directors will be placed befor ■
the voters of the Union High
School district Monday, June 21
at the high school. The term er
Oscar G. Weed, director, expire..
June 30 Polls will be open lx
tween the hours of 2 and 8 p.m
The budget, which appeared ui
detail in a recent issue, features
a reduction of M.1M.M tot th
general fund and a reduction oi
$13,255.05 in the total estimated
lax levy This would reduce th
rate from the current 47 9 nulbs
to an estimated 41.1 mills. What
ever additional funds the distric*
may receive as a result of th ■
recent increase in the basic
school support fund enacted bv
the state legislature will by law
be used to reduce this levy stiil
The budget committee, com
posed of directors Oscar Weed,
Antone Smejkal, Sam Hearing
Jr., Claude Johnson and Howard
Jones together with Richard
Fletcher, Robert Mathews, E. T
(Boone) Johnson, Joe Johnston
and Bill Horn, set the budget
and turned down a special re­
quest for funds to build u tennis
In detail the budget shows no
increase in the allowance for
teachers although the teachers re
ceived a $200 raise for next year
This was offset by a reduction
in the number of staff members
Operation and maintenance costs
are higher and expansion of bus
service according to state law haa
increased the budget need for
transpi irlation.
Capital outlays were reduce.!
$11,792 00 to bare necessities, it
was the budget board's opinion
that further reductions could not
be made without impairing th«
school's standard rating.
It is hoped that all legally eiv
titled to vote who are interested
in the well-being of schools will
assume the responsibility of vot­
ing. Last year it required a sec­
ond election to pass the budget
and each election costs the dis­
trict nearly $300
It should be noted of the levy
to be voted, the "amount inside
the 6 per cent limitation, $27.
403.58," which is known as tn--
tax base, is less than half of the
"amount outside the 6 per cent
limitation, $79,681.63,''
the district was placed in the
rural school district some years
ago and thereby lost its accumu­
lated “tax base."
A high tax base or a low tax
base has absolutely no bearing
on the actual amount of taxes
to be levied, except that it gives
a false appearance that a great
excess above actual needs is be­
ing levied. A more realistic tax
base can and should be estab­
lished in a future election by a
vote of the people.
Up to noon Wednesday, only
one petition for director had been
filed, that of Warren Aldrich
Other petitions could be accepted
until Wednesday night and names
may be written in on the ballot
Examiner Due June 28
A drivers license examiner wilL
be on duty in Vernonia Friday,
June 28 at the city hall between
the hours of 10 a.m and 4 p.m .
Work Starts on Fourth Concrete
Bridge on Scappoose-Vernonia Road
which the fed-ral government
the state and the county share
in the expenses of the work. Th?
contracts for the bridges were let
by the state.
The latest bridge is expected t<>
be completed around Sept">mb r
1 and is costing about $24,000
The cost of the entire four
bridge project is about $100,000.
Judge Whipple said.
He added that the bridge now
under construction would probab­
ly be the last one to be built on
the Scappoose-Vernonia road f »r
some time.