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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1957)
r. THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1957 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE BILLS CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE General WANTED FOR SALE: Aster, cabbage and tomato plants. 35c and 40c per dozen. Mrs. John Krinick, 5th house on Tenth St , Riverview. 20t3c HELP WANTED: Man or woman interested in a career that has endless possibilities financially for one who will work hard to achieve success. We offer every possible sales aid and training if you are will ing to work. We handle every type of In surance—Fire, Auto, Life, H“alth and Accident, Hospitalization, In land Marine, Liability, A com- plete insurance service to handle all of your customers' insurance 4OR SALE: Registered Here, fords, top quality bulls, heifers, rows with calfs. Bert Scharf, Scappoose, Oregon. Phone Scap poose 3093. _____ 20t2c FOR SALE: Sprinkler system with 7 H P motor, water pump, 200 ft. 3" pipe, 12 sprinkler heads. Complete outfit, ready to go- $1150 See Carl Trimm, X mi. ■south of Riverview bridge. HA 19t3 9-3105. needs. We desire to have a represen- tative in the Vernonia area, Call or write BUD PHELPS GENERAL AGENT BOX 331 — SCAPPOOSE, i ORE. Phone 51 After May 18—Linden 3-6615. 20t2c SEED POTATOES for sale Call HA 9-3421. John Siedelman. 19t3c BEDDING PLANTS, all varie ties on hand Vernonia Trading Company. 19t3c BERRY PICKERS wanted. Hous ing available. Long picking sea son. Write Jess McNiel, Banks, Rt. 1, or call Vernonia Trading Co.. HA 9-5985. 20t3 TEN-POUND bundles of news- topers for sale. Suitable for •tarting fires, etc. Vernonia Eagle office. 61 f FOR SALE: Used chain saws. Ted's Saw Shop, corner Budge and State St. 22tfc STRAWBERRY PICKERS about June 1. Families preferred with trailer houses or tents. Camp fa cilities furnished. Work guaran teed for 5 or 6 weeks. Contact Mrs. Helen Vigil, Rt 1. Box 402, St. Helens. 19t3 SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill dirt. Call HA 9 6829, A.G. Os trander. 26t52c FOR SALE Real Estate FOR SALE: Modern 3-bdrm. home on four lots. Electric heat, wired for range, washer, drier; j hardwood floors, picture win dows; large yard, white picket fence. See Sam Davis. HA 9- M*M 20t3<- WE BUY chitam bark. 20c lb. dry weight. Inquire Vernonia Trading company. 18t3c I I I WANT TO BUY livestock in any condition. Phone 2362, John Wilmarth, Clatskanie, Oregon. 5tfc HOUSE for sale, 924 Second St., Vernonia. Write Don F. O'Brien, 4736 N.E. Buffalo, Portland 13, Oregon or phone ATwater 2-3663. 19t3c HOMES THIS 2-BDRM mod. home is located close to schools and • hurches. Wired for range; ex tra large closets; plenty of built-ins. Priced at $2000. Very good terms. FURNISHED 2-bdrin. mod. home one-half block from school. All t°ady to start housekeeping. Included in fum. is auto, wash- • r and electric range. All for $3000. $500 will handle, NEWLY remodeled and very modern 2 bedroom home, wired for range and automatic wash- *r and dryer; electric heat; . 'ment foundation; extra large l> t and very well located. Price, *.750. Good terms. FARMS ACRES with 4-rm hse., about miles out of Vernonia, River borders on back. Price $2200. Very good terms. 4 ACRES, 1'j miles out. Nearly new log house. About 3 acres c. n be cultivated. Price, $1800. Will accept $400 down. ACRES just out of Vernonia ith 5-room house, garage, «lodshed and fruit house Land all clear and level. Nehalem River just across road avail able for irrigation. Price $3750. <“H»d terms. SEE ME FOR FARMS AND ACREAGE. DON BAYLEY, BROKER P.nace Cafe Bldg Ph HA 9 5225. 1511C STRAWBERRY PICKERS want ed for Baileys at Buxton. Pick ing starts about June 1. Contact Celute Poetter, HA 9 3432 15tfc I HIGHEST cash Drices paid for cream and eggs at your door«— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone 126. 14tfc FOR RENT FURNISHED apartment for rent. I W O Porterfield. 376 North St. 19t3c ! APARTMENT available at Cher ry Tree apartments, 830 Second Street. HA 9-5042. 17tfc LARGE 2-bedroom apartment completely furnished. Refriger ator, range, auto, washer, wall- to-wall carpet, fireplace, living and bedroom furniture. Also 4- rm. unfurnished apartment. Wir ed for range. Reasonable rent. Inquire Bill's Hardware. 17tfc FOR RENT: Two-room apart ment with kitchenette at 1024 Co lumbia St $36 per month, water furnish’d See Vera Andersen at above address. 16tfc FURNISHED apartment. Couple only. See Ed Burton, Riverview. HA 9 6033 lOtfc HOMETOWN HARDWARE Springfield Rotary Tiller 3 H.P. motor, 4 S| tines. 26“ width 1 vîf Water Set including Pitch er and set of Six Glasses. | Regularly 51.98 Homko Rotary Mower. Pt H.P. 4-cycle Briggs & Strat. $QQ ,95 ion motor, recoil starter O«7 Phone HA 9 6131 VERNONIA, ORE. Paint, Bldg. Supplies, Sporting Goods, Housewares. Appliances I Homlco Heavy Duty Rotary Mow er. 2J, H.P. 4-cycle Briggs & Stratton motor $ recoil starter Two Birthdays Observed At Dinner Held Monday Mrs. B. Tisdale Is Honor Guest TIMBER ROUTE — The Tre- harne Birthday club met at the home of Mrs. Maxine Reynolds Thursday afternoon to honor Mrs. Pauline Tisdale's birthday. Mrs. Bea Rose baked the cake and Pauline and two friends came from Portland where the Tis dales are now residing. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Justice and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Justice and boys were in Portland over Saturday and Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Justice and family. M. P. Peterson and Mrs. Syl via Falcon ’r visited Mrs. Peter son at Physicians and Surgeons hospital Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson of Boring spent Mother’s Day with her mother, Mrs. Florenz West, who is convalescing from a badly cut foot she received two weeks ago. Tuesday Mrs. West entered Emanuel hospital because her foot seemed not io be healing properly. Mrs. Frances Hoyt, Marvel Russell and Hilda Pond visited Monday afternoon with Mrs. Florenz West and Mrs. Rita Ship- ley. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Weaver and family visited Sunday even ing at the horn’ of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riggles in Buxton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Birt spent Mother’s Day with her mother, Mrs. Robert Rowe in Portland. NATAL-PITTSBURG — I and Mrs. DeeVeere Hershey and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Tupper and daughter San dra, were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. W R. Wolff Monday evening. The occasion was to honor Mrs. Tupper and Mr. Her shey on their birthdays which were that day. Mrs. Fred Johnson called on Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap Fri day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson call ed on Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dun lap Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Henderson spent Mother's Day at the home of their son, Norman Henderson and family in Portland. Mr and Mis. Kenneth Tupper and daughter Sandra called Sat urday afternoon at the Robert Lindsay horn-.’. I Kenneth Tuppers Hosts for Dinner Shipley Home Is Scene Of Sunday Gathering TIMBER ROUTE — S/Sgt. and Mrs. Jack Gates and child ren Robin and Timothy of Port land spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of his folks. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shipley. Other din ner guests Sunday were Harold's mother, Mrs. Lura Shipley, and his sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. McCafferty from Portland. Mrs. McCafferty had been formerly employed in the diet kitchen at St. Vincents hos pital and had to work every Sunday, so the visit was a plea sant surprise. Mrs. M. P. Peterson who is confined to Physicians and Sur geons hospital in Portland with a broken hip and serious compli cations has improved slightly. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Weaver visited Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Riggles at Top Hill Friday “veil ing CARD OFTHANKS I NATAL-PITTSBURG — Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff were Mo ther’s Day dionner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tupper. Other dinner guests, also, were Mr. and Mrs. Max Glienk? and daughter, Elsie, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haag, all of Portland. Calling in the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner and daugh ter Sylvia of Portland. Later, all journeyed to the Wolff home where they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner and three children and Francis Foster, all of Portland. They all return ed to their homes that eevning. Mr. and Mrs. Weston Pemble and children of Hillsboro were Sunday guests /of Mrs. Susan Fowler. Also calling later in the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marshall of Portijnd, Mrs. Otto Cantwell and Mrs. Terry Brady of Vernonia. Mrs. Ed DeRossit and Mrs. J. R Parmer of Goble were Satur- day evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Parmer. Miss Gladys Dass of Seattle was here for the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Dass. Mr. and Mrs. DeeVeere Her shey and family were week end visitors in Portland. Sunday was spent at the home of Mr Her- shey's mother, Elsie Her- shey. Peony Gardens Visited Sunday TIMBER ROUTE'— Driving Vancouver, Washington to sp°nd Sunday were Mr and Mrs. Carl Wienecke, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stowell and two boys from Bux ton, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer, Mrs. Mary Eide and daughter Jackie, Mrs. Nell Thacker and Mrs. Edith Bledsoe. Sunday af I ternoon the group visited at the i Max Reeher peony gardens at Laurel, Oregon. Little Bradley Hoff of Sal“m spent last week visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Crawford. Friday esvning, Mrs. Crawford and Bradley returned to his home till Saturday and Mrs. Crawford visited her son, Boyd Bush and his family. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hoff returned to Vernonia with her mother and stayed over for Mothers Day. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Biggs visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Crawford early Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bender at- tended the funeral Saturday of an old friend, Gordon G. \friest, in Skamokawa, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Art Kirk spent the week end at Seaside clam digging. Kenneth West was in Molalla Sunday visiting at the home of Miss Diana Looney. Mrs. Fred Nielsen of Skamok awa. Washington is a house guest at the home of her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bender. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Richardson and daughter Anne «Marie pt Cathlamet. Wash ington spent Mother's Day with her sister and mother at the Bender home. An* uncle, John McNew, and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Petterson, of Mountaindale were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker. Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Weaver were in Forest Grove for medical attention for their daughter, Virginia Mae, I who had the misfortune to catch her finger in the door. ADMIRAL Radio • • TV Appliances Low Down Payment 12 Months to Pay. Deep Freezers. Refrigerators, and appliances of all kinds. GUARANTEED SERVICE 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. — All Makes OAKES RADIO SHOP Phone HA 9-3653 — Riverview INSURE SURE I AND BE Whatever your insurance needs may be we are capable of handling them. Don’t take any chances but inquire to day at— INSURANCE Phone HA 9-6058 — Riverview • ____________ : OLYMPIA with pleasure.1 DR. ABRAMS DENTIST SERVICES HILLSBORO Broken Plates Repair ed. While You Wait. Mail Them In. turned Same Day Loose Plates Relined — 4 Hours. New Ones — 1 io 3 Days. LEGAL NOTICE L. MOTOR FREIGHT Tuesdays 6 to 8 P.M. Saturdays 2 to 6 P.M. CLASSIFIED RATES F or sale Insurance NEHALEM VALLEY DR. VOTAW OPTOMETRIST Sundland Building Mist-Birkenfeld Graduation Set THE ODD FELLOWS lodgo No. MIST — The Mist school closes 246 wishes to express their sin May 27. Graduation exercises cere appreciation to all those who are May 17 at Mist for Birkenfeid LEASE a truck U drive. Phone helped make the Scout break and Mist graduates. HA 9-5985. Wilbur Davis. 18t3c fast held last Sunday such a The L. P. Wikstroms are ex huge success. We appreciate all pecting their son and wife from WILL DO plowing with either i those who came to eat and extend California for a visit soon. garden plow or tractor. Cail a special thank you to the follow Mrs. Chari ’s Hansen was shop HA 9-6003. ifltfc ing merchants who assisted us: ping in Clatskanie Saturday TO TRADE Six-rm. home on PORTABLE welding service, Vernonia Trading Co.. Sam's Food Our mistake! We were misin ■elf lot, value $4800, located in power plant; night work. George Store. Safeway, Swift and Co.. formed last week about Chas. 32tfc King's Grocery and Vernonia Hansen ploughing for Hugh Cox Sutr.erlin, 12 miles north of Rose- Smith, HA 9-3876 20tlc It was Harry Reynolds who bu.'g advertised as the 1 timbri CLARENCE R WAGNER, county Milk Farms. <■; ■ ’al of the Northwest ti» trade surveyor, Court House, St Helens. ploughed. Sorry. f«’. -mall iKreaage and he »me near Phone office. 698. home. 183. Pri Mrs. Joe Roeser and Mrs. L. Vuionis.. Box 412, Sutherlin. vate surveying, engineering work. i P Wikstrom were m Portland NO information on clauifiadt will Friday. Ort gon. IStSc 24tfc be given out until after paper Mr. and Mrs. Austin Corll mo is mailed. tored to Wheeler on Saturday. I THE EAGLE assumes no finan- Ricky Devine had the misfor- cial responsibility for error» W! ARE now selling auto and tune to break his arm while play- NOTICE TO CREDITORS that may appear in ads pub r, insurance for Farmer's Mil- ing at the home of his grand- I have been appointed adminis lished in its columns, but in ... 1 of Enumclaw along with tratrix of the estate of Margaret parents on Saturday case where this paper is at M. ■ flower There is no mem Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dowling C Barnhart, deceased All per fault, will reprint that part of hip fee on autos with Enum spent the week end with his par sons having claims against said an adv. in which the typo Pleas,, come in and com- estate hereby are required to ents. the Austin Dowlings. graphical mistake occurs. rates Mrs Julia Wi’ster was a din present them, with proper vouch BLIND ADS with answers to be Russell Insurance Agency ner guest of the Norman Hansens ers, within six months from th«- handled by the Eagle: Mini 959 Rose Avenue one day last week date hereof, to me. at the office mum charge 80c. No informs lOtfc ot the County Clerk. Courthouse. Paul Wikstrom went to Van- tion giver relative to such ads St. Helens, Oregon. MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 couver. Washington Sunday with Dated this 25th day of April, words or less. Words over min the Jack Crawfords AT THE The Mist Helping Circle will 1957. imum. 2c each. Three inser meet Thursday of next week ESTHER E. BAIRD, as such tions tor the price of two. ROYAL Administratrix POETRY accepted only as paid The World's First MARSH MARSH & DASHNEY matter. Rate: Sc per type line. I i OPTOMETRISTS: RULY MODERN EDWARD L. CLARK. JR CARD of Thanks It Notices 80c. » « : 212 N High Street Dr. V. J. Horne and Portable Typewriter NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY » Dr. R. V. Lance Salem, Oregoti ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED I» PE. HA 9 3372 — Vernonia. Ore. Attorneys for Administratrix Across from Texaco « I AFTER WED NOON EXCEPT I • I Wednesdays FOR NEXT WEEK'S PAPER. I7t4c I : Phone HA 9-3462 TERMS IF DESIRED i : IT SO REFRESHING X » International Paper Co. Vernonia, Oregon X