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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1957)
4 THURSDAY, MAY 1«, 1957 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. Sewing Prizes Awarded Ladies At Pomona Grange Meet May 4 from Multnomah, Washington, Clackamas and Clatsop counties. A tour of certain areas of the Scappoose dike lands to view weed control as being practiced at this time showed good results in controling Canada thistle Re commendations as to sprays to use for different weeds were made by Don Walrod, county agent. Aprons and dresses were judg- ed by the home demonstration agent. Mrs. Margaret Allyn, with BIRKENFELD — Mrs Joss Sr of Jewell passed away Saturday, the following results Aprons: 1. Florence Tarbell, She had been in ¡»or health for Warren Grangs; 2 Honor Thorn quite some time. Mrs. Eva Doyle and son Sterl- ton, Clatskanie Grange; 3. Anna >ng of Waldport visited with An Eskola of Marshland Dresses: 1. Pearl Becker of na Hanberg Thursday. Robert Berg is having some Warren Grange; 2. Naomi Gill, carpenter work done, Francis Chapman. The first place winners will Larson is doing the job. Mr. and Mrs Fred Udey Jr and show at the Stat? Grange in June. It was announced that Judy children spent Mother's Day here with his folks, the Fred Udeys. Kessi had been given the Po Mr .and Mrs. M. P. Mills and mona 4-H scholarship for sum family spent Saturday in Port mer school at Corvallis next month. Juvenile Grange camp land. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stinchfield also was discussed, with granges returned to their horn - here last t urged to give $11 00 scholarships week to spend the summer. They for this event. The grange sum came from their home in Arizona mer camp is near Bend in Cen where they spend the winters. tral Oregon. The eighth grade graduation The annual Pomona Grange exercises for Birkenfeld will be picnic will be held as usual on held jointly with Mist at the Mist the last Sunday of July, with a school on Friday evening, May work day a week earlier to pre 37. There are two graduates pare the grounds. All are urged from hen1, Linda Jeremiah and to attend the work day if possible Lucill.-' Mills as well as the picnic. The picnic Lawrence Jepson is driving committee consists of George around in a new Ford car. Nelson, Clyde Thornton, Nobie Mr and Mrs. George Belling Dunlap and the subordinate ham are the proud parents of a grange masters. The program new son. The little fellow also will b? in charge of the Pomona has a brother. lecturer, Mrs. Ralph Langdon John Acton’s sister from Flori consisting of music and talent da came in for an extended visit numbers from the various grang with them. It has been a good es. Each grange is asked to give many years since he has seen $2.00 toward prizes for the win •' ‘ i 1 her. ners in talent, races, etc., as Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carl spent i worked out by the committe ■. Mother's day week end in Port The grange intermediate meet land with their daughter aqd hus ing will be held at Beaver Homes band. Mi and Mis Bill Loge on Sunday, June 23, when final Mr. Loge came down after them plans for the picnic will be per and also brought them back fected. and ritual work will be home. practiced. Ther? will be a pot Alton Berg and Victor Berg luck meal at 12:30 with an after made a business trip to Portland noon meeting Monday. Election of the alternate dele gates to the State Grange from Pomona Grange resulted in Mrs. Couple Makes Plans for Pearl Becker being chosen to Teaching In Alaska serve if the Pomona master is MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Donald unable to go. State Grange will ¿undland and daguhter Sharon meet at Bend were h?re from McMinnville over The next meeting of Pomona the week end visiting his par will be with Yankton Grange in ents, Mr and Mrs. Charles Sund- August. land. Donald and his wife are teachers and plan to teach in Alaska next ("rm. Mr and Mrs. Tom Ford and boy* from Portland and his mo ther came dowp for the week WHEREAS, the conservation and intelligent development, use and end for a visit with her parents, protection of the natural re the Chas. Hansens. sources of the state of Oregon. Mr and Mrs. Sam D' vine went to Hillsboro Saturday evening me of primary importance to our where they were dinner guests present generation and gen ’ra tions yet unborn; and of relatives Jack Miller fruin Clatskanie WHEREAS, our soil, water, for «ailed in the village one day last est range, fish and wildlife, and mineral resources are the foun- week. rations of our economy and way Mrs. Irving Knowles is spend . ing a week in Portland with of life; and WHEREAS, the State of Oregon friends Mrs. Lloyd Beach from Birken through the Committee on Na feld and her mother, Mrs. Maud tural Resources is coordinating Rodgers from Seaside, visited and carrying forward a construc- Mrs L. P. Wikstrom one day live program of conservation and development of the« > resources ^ week m by numerous Sunday callers at the Sam De- participated agencies, service groups, business vine home were Mr and Mrs organizations, and countless in Lloyd Stunkard of Knappa. Mrs. Wagoner motored to Port dividual.«; and land one day last week to get WHEREAS, it is of utmost im- portance that we continue this her daughter. Wedding bells rang Friday work of conservation and effi- night in Kelso, Washington for cient use of these resources to the one of our popular young men. betterment of all humankind; Billy Kyser and a Clatskanie i NOW. THEREFORE. I. ROBERT lady. I D HOLMES. Governor of th.- State of Oregon, in order Io desig nate the importance of thi> work, by virtue of the authority in me / vested, do hereby pndiuin the Marvin Kamholz week of May 20 through 26. 195V Editor ar i Publisher CONSERVATION WEEK FURTHER. I urge all organiza Official Newspaper of tions and citizens of our state to Vernonia, .Oregon give their whole hearted recogni Entered as second class mail tion and support to those actively natter, August 4. 1922 at the engaged in the conservation and poet office in Vernonia. Oregon wise use of our natural resources. under the act of March 3, 1879. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. Subscription price $3 00 yearly 1 have hereunto subscribed in the Nehalem Valley. Else my name and cause to where $3 56 affixed the great seal of State of Oregon Done Salem, the Capitol, t twenty-fourth day of April, A D. 1957. Robert D Holme«. Governor Nl WJtAMI Atteat: ruaiiiHtei Mark O Hatfield. Sec of State Columbia County Pomona Grange was entertained at Scap- p<M>ae grade school on Saturday, May 4, with South Scappoose Grange as host. There was a yood attendance from all parts of the county and also visitors Jewell Resident Taken by Death PROCLAMATION (V tuoni a Fagk association I Sell it with an Eagle Classified. Friends at Beaverton Visited by Couples The Forum NATAL-PITTSBURG — Mr. To The Editor: WHY NOT COLUMBIA and Mrs. Robert Lindsay and COUNTY? Mr and Mrs. Noble Dunlap mo- ft appears that the ways and tored to Beaverton Sunday after means committee of th? Legisla noon where they called on Mr. ture has acted favorably on the and Mrs Charles Wenthworth. bill authorizing the establishment Mr. and Mrs Max Oblack were of a Northern Willamette Valley dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Experimental Farm. It is said Reed Holding at Birkenfeld, Sun that this farm, if established, day. would be located in either Clack, Mrs Martha Kalasse from on amas, Columbia, Multnomah, or Clatskanie mountain was a Mon Washington Counties, and the re day evening visitor at the Nobie search work contemplated would Dunlap home. be in cooperation with the cen Mr and Mrs. Max Oblack mo. tral experiment station at the tored to Portland last Wednes Oregon State College at Corval day. lis. Pete Banzer of Mist was a sup Somewhere in Columbia Coun I per guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert ty an ideal spot could be found i Lindsay Monday evening. for this farm, and since our tax payers will have to pay their share of its support, regardless of where located, if the law ma terializes. why don't our enter prising farm organizations, such ar the Farm Bureau, the Farmers Union and the Grange keep it in I The high school awards assem mind get busy and go out after bly will be held at 12 40 p.m. this plan? tomorrow at the high school. It Maybe the newly organized will begin with tryouts for cheer Columbia County Development leaders for next year after which Commission, as well as other civic the special awards for activity organizations of the county, could participation will be made a= give an assist. I follows; Agriculture, art, choral, The experimental farm, in ad athletic, band, baseball, citizen dition to the help it would give ship, cheer leaders, commercial, our waning agricultural indus dramatics, driver training, G.A.A. try, would spend an estimated girls intramural sports, industrial $50.000.00 per year as an operat arts, librarian, mathematics, pho ing budget in the county where tography, poppy poster, public located. speaking, track letters. Memolog Yours truly, and Timberline editors and staff. John W. Whipple Also, two cup presentations County Judg* will be made, that of the drama cup and the Ferguson science cup. I The assembly is open to all who wish to attend. Award Assembly Plan at School Eighth Graders To Visit School Eighth graders from Vernonia, I i! Mist and Birkenfeld are being « invited to visit Vernonia high i school during the forenoon, nsxt Radio and TV Tuesday, May 21. This will serve Sales-Service as an orientation to acquaint ALL MAKES them with the high school and REPAIRED will be the time when they indi cate the courses they wish to Westinghouse Appliances take. Also, they will attend an assem DAY. EVENING SERVICE bly at which th? new student Phone HA 9 5441 — Vernonia body officers will be installed. BURNS i I i i ! • I i I I t t• i !• I I I• I I • I I « MOTHER Highlight of the Cub Scout pack meeting which will be held tonight at the Washington school at 8:00 o’clock is a graduation j ceremony for the Webelos who have completed the Cub Scout work and will now become mem. bers of the Boy Scout troop. The change of date to Thursday evening instead of Friday as is customary has been made to avoid conflict with the band-chorus concert scheduled for Friday evening. Den 9 of which Mrs. Hugo Hill is den mother will serve the re freshments tonight. County Historians Dated The Columbia County Histori cal Society will meet Saturday, May 18, at Prescott for a pro gram on the history of that area. As usual, the meeting will start with a potluck dinner at noon. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. Into the woman's keeping is ■ committed the destinies of the generations .to come after us. —Theodore Roosevelt A mother’s affection cannot be weaned from her child, because the mother-love includes purity and constancy, both of which are immortal. —Mary Baker Eddy Unhappy is the man for whom his own mother has not made all other mothers venerable. —Richtei If you would reform the world from its errors and vices, begin by enlisting the mothers. —Charles Simmons The mother's heart is the child's schoolroom. —H W Beecher A man never sees all that his mother has been to him till it's too late to let her know that hn sees it. —E. H. Chapin For that holiday treat or any day of the week SUNSET FREEZE ICE CREAM SPECIAL: Gallon of ice cream, 1 box cones, 1 jar of topping ’ cones - pints ’— quarts — SHOO gallons We make our own ice cream. On Sunset highway at Manning 2 miles east of Vernonia junction. GENE TRUSSELL, Owner NEW ENRICHED EXPERIENCED MEN WANTED SO GOOD IT'S EVEN DIGE§TIBLE FOR BABIES. NEHALEM Sawyers, Trimmer Men, Resawyers, Miscellaneous FOR NEW SAWMILL MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone HA 9-6341 Vftcrfion Timi ! Write letter giving experience or be at plant 5:30 P.M. MAY 20 VanVleet Lumber Co Rainier, Oregon GEMS OF THOUGHT . Graduation For Webelos Tonight There's move fun per mile when your family travels via S.P.&S.Ry. Phone 64411 EB3KOHM DELICIOUS MEALS The dining car meals are always tasty and attractive. Menus are varied and priced to please your pocketbook. ; i LLOYD QUINN 4<iy4 BREATHTAKING SCENERY There’s so much to see in the constantly changing paniiranu. you'll wish vou had another pair of eyes. Modern glass-topped dome cars give you a grandstand seat. Don't Let Hospital Bills Wreck Your Family Budget! Insurance Company of Oregon’s Hospitalization plans are today's best answer to the problem of emergent sickness expense LUXURIOUS COMFORT S. P AS. Trains are modern and up to date in every way. Reclining coach seats, deluxe Pullman accommodations, and the friendlv club lounge car w ill make sour trip comfortable and enjoyable. For infirma lion nil; C. L. JOHNSON 7pORTI AND] QUINN RAILROAD STATION OW'<»i '86 Bridge St. — Vernonia. Orc. Phone HA 9 3123 or HA 9-3C93 I Amerifin Bark |idg Partland Or» SI’OKAXE. IMlKTI AMI und SEATTLE KAILWAY SYSTEM SA*a aW Travel "Tfce NarfAwe»» • Owe • •»♦way