i Stevenson-Woolsey Vows Are Exchanged Saturday Shower Honors Alice Snook Marriage vows were exchanged at 1:00 p.m. last Saturday after noon at the Evangelical United Brethren church by Stella Wool sey, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Albert Woolsey, and Claude E. Stevenson. Rev. F M. Knoll, pastor of the church, officiated The wedding march was played by Mrs. Lois Clark and Miss Mary Ann Clark sang, "I Love You Truly.” The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a dress of pink nylon with white accessories and carried a corsage of orchids. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Donald DeWitt of Mist. Mrs. Stevenson plans to com plete her school year at Vernonia high school where she is a sopho more and then join her husband at Las Vegas. Nevada where he is serving in the navy' as a first class petty officer. Guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Albert. Wools'y, Linda and John; Mrs W O. Ak ers, Phala Hines, Mrs. F M. Knoll and Mr. and Mrs. Rhamy of Warren, Oregon. . A bridal shower wAs held in the Vernonia Bible church social i*om Saturday afternoon honor ing Alice Snook. Games were played, after which the many lovely gifts were opened by the bnde-to-be. Guests were: Mrs. Myrtle Snook of Napa. California; Mrs. Lewis V.’rgan and Mrs. Sadie Naviaux. F'-rtland: Mrs. Harland Brown, daughters Virginia and Elsie June of Gales Creek; Mary Fullmer, H .lsboro; and Mesdames Ruby Fowler. Berneice Tunnell, Crecie Bass, Margv Snook, Ada Mae Ja- cobs, Jean Shulke, Barbara Ra- ney, Lois Cowles, Zada Snook, Grace Peachey, Maxine Weller. D»-d Misses Nadine Tunnell, Betty J ar e Snook and the honor gues», A‘ ce Snook. •Parents Invite Friends To Daughter's Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Snook have extended an invitation to friends of their daughter Alice and of E zerett Brown to attend their wedding Saturday afternoon at two o’clock at the Vernonia Bible church. SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE L.’nby's Sweet Pickles .: M. Jar Early Calif. Pitted Ripe Gives 12-ez. Can Cc-.umbia Fancy Sauer- kraut No. 303 Can 4 EJ c I-) O 4 c mix « « c I | Tsstwell Grapefruit. Brok- | rV ct Sections No. 303 Can JL | Si.co Short Cut Green Beans No. 303 Can Kraft Orange Drink 4t-cz. Can I>~omedary Gingerbread M X 14-oz. Pkg. Enquire Lanol-White Shoe Polish Lge. Bot. rtc 1 25 21 19 j I Staley's Sta-Flo Liquid Q 7’ , Sterch 'i-Gal. Jug O | I ! Duz Detergent Grant Size Pkg. 7F ' Sweetheart Skinless 4 ^c Franks Lb. Pkg. 4 / THESE PRICES GOOD AS LONG AS PRESENT STOCK LASTS MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Member United Grocers Inc. Deliveries Twice Daily 10 A M. k 3 P.M—Ph. HA 9 3492 Tall baskets of lilacs and snow balls which flanked wrought iron candelabra with lighted white tapers were the background for the very pretty spring wed ding at the Evangelical United Brethren church at 3:00 o’clock Sunday afternoon, May 5, at which Joyce Thompson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R L. Thomp son, became the bride of Eugene Weller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pythian Sisters Plan Convention Library Board Hears Report from Institute Weller. The double ring cere mony was read by the Rev. John Cowles of the Vernonia Bible church. The wedding music and march es were played by Mrs. Lois Clark at the piano and Mrs. L. H Thomas at the organ and Miss Kathy Weller, sister of the groom, sang "God Gave Me You" and "I Love You Truly.” The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore an ankle length gown of white lace with a finger-tip veil held with a crown of flowers and carried a bouquet of pink rosebuds. Maid of honor was her sister. Janice Thompson, who wore a dress of pink taffeta with matching hat and carri-d a nosegay of pink and white carnations. Miss Betty Sauer was bridesmaid and her dress was of blue made like that of the maid of honor and she al so carried a nosegay of pink and white carnations. Best man was Don Wantland and ushers were Don Webb and Don Morgan who also lighted the candles. Following the ceremony, a re ception was held in the church parlors at which the pink and white wedding cake was cut and served by Miss Marjorie Rey nolds and Mrs. K 'n Kiepkc of Netarts, cousin of the bride. Mrs. Don Webb, sister of the bride served coffee and Mrs. Chet Ray of Molalla presided at the punch bowl. Miss Lorene Stiff had charge of the guest book. After the reception, Mr and Mrs. Weller left for a brief hon eymoon at Seaside. For traveling, the bride wore a navy blue suit with white accessories. Wednesday of last week, the young couple left' here to drive to Fort Lee, Virginia where they will make their home for the next two years while he completes his army dutv. He had recently completed basic training at Fort j Lewis, Washington. At the regular meeting of Ver nonia Temple No. 61, Pythian Sisters which was held Wednes day of last week at the IOOF hall, furth’r plans were made for the district 5 convention which will be held here May 25. Committees were appointed and the Past Chiefs club displayed a beautiful crocheted afghan in shades of yellow and brown which will be awarded to some lucky person in a drawing held during the evening entertainment at the convention. Mother’s Day was observed by the singing of the song "Mother” Representatives from the Home- and news was received that Pearl makers Extension units through Wilkerson, charter member of out the county met at Rainier Vernonia temple and temple mo high school May 7 to plan the ther, was now residing at the 1957-58 Homemakers Extension Baptist Home for the Aged in Portland and plans were made program. All unit members have a voice for sending her a plant for Mo in the planning of this program. ther’s Day. They submit their suggestions to The office of protector was de. the program planning chairman dared vacant and Cora Lange of their unit. She, in turn, sends was elected to fill the unexpir-d these suggestions to the county term. She will be installed at extension office wher? all re the next meeting. May 22. It was quests are summarized. with regret that th' members When the final decision is made heard the report that one of their the program planners take into members, Hettle Peterson, had consideration th? projects receiv fallen at her home the previous ing the majority of requests. Thursday and was in Physicians After discussing the various and Surgeons hospital, with a projects requested, the following broken hip. program was decided upon: Following the meeting, delicious Broiler meals, economical use lemon pies and coffee were serv of the freezer, seafoods in our ed at attractively decorated Club Members Learn meals, beautifying home through tables by Kathryn Wyckoff, Points In Judging use of native materials, enter Eva Poynter and Erie Counts. The cooking and sewing 4-H taining our friends, metal etching, Officers and members will prac wardrobe building and a skirt tice at the hall tonight for the clubs of Vernonia met at the making workshop. convention. ' starting promptly at gi*ade school Wednesday, May 8 I for a judging lesson and contest, Those present at the meeting 8.00 o’clock. Mrs. Evelyn Heath began the from this area were: Mrs. A. meeting by explaining how the Smejkal and Mrs. Joe Baker, Legion Auxiliary Buys judging is done. Timber; Mrs. Harve Christensen, After she explained how to Keasey; Mrs. R. Reynolds, Ver- Ties, Plans Banquet • judge, the 4-Hers judged cakes, nortia and Mrs. F. Busch, Mist. At the meeting of the American material for a school blouse, jars Legion auxiliary held Tuesday, for canning and table setting. Cub Scouts Visit Two May 7 at the Legion hall, a de When the entire group had fin Places of Interest cision was reached to purchase ished judging the different ob 50 bow ties for the grade school jects, Mrs. Heath told how she Cub Scouts who belong to Den band. Plans were also made for had judged them and gave her 6 and for which Mrs. E. E. Larson the annual senior banquet which teasons. is den moth"r, went through the will be held Wednesday of next This was a part of the club Caylite candle factory Monday week, May 22. member» preparation for Nehal afternoon and were much inter The members are also busy on em Valley day and the fair. ested in the processes they saw their annual project of making there. They were each given a artificial flowers to send to the candle to take home. Veterans hospital in Portland for Atomic Energy Uses The previous week the boys the wheel chair parade. Viewed by Study Club had visited the fire department. Last Friday a meeting was held Boys who are members of th" On Thursday evening, May 2. at the Legion hall at which the den are Wayne Carmichael. Jer chairman of the various commit Mrs. Marvin Kamholz was hos ry Hays, Jackie Greenwood, tees filled out the annual ques- tess to the Vernonia Study club. John Weller and Larry Larson. tionaires sent out from the de There were 13 members present. Bobby Larson also accompanied An interesting program on partment as to the things don<? them as a guest. science about atomic energy was during the year. given by Mrs. Wilma Thompson. More of the peace time use was presented, such as fuel, medicine, Pinochle Club Enlivened research on age of fossils, build By 1000 Aces In Hand ing up soil. Much of this will be The Friendly Pinochle club met I in the near future and is just last Friday at the home of Mrs. beginning now. “The New Force" Art Davis. Refreshments of pine by Lapp was part of her refer apple delight and cookies were ence. served The next meeting will be May The play proved very exciting 16 at th’» home of Mrs. Lyman with Mrs. Claude Gibson and Hawken Sr., with Mrs. Lyman Mrs. Rueb"n Pederson holding Hawken Jr as hostess. 1030 aces. High score went to Mrs. Peder BEN’S BARBER SHOP son, second high to Mrs. Joe Van. aerzanden and consolation to Expert Tonsorial Work Mrs. M. J". pjornson. The next meeting will be to Vernonia, Oregon morrow, at th? home of Mrs. Bjornson. . Projects Set For Extension Year ! I THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE Weller-Thompson Wedding Rites Performed May 5 At EUB Church GRADUATION GIFTS flatlmaw Caïds VERNONIA DRUG CO. TELEPHONE HA 9-6254 Vernonia, Ore. ZNZHXHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHfl The Vernonia public library directors met at the home of Mrs. Paul Gordon Monday evening of last week for reports on the Trus tees Institute attended in Port land at the mam library, last week, and other regular busi ness. Those attending the insti tute were Mrs. Ben Brickel, Mrs. Lyman Hawken Sr. Mrs. O. T Bateman and Mrs. Paul Gordon. Stewart Holbrook, author, was the speaker at the luncheon held in the Congress hotel. May 8th, the students of the third grade at Lincoln school with their teacher. Mrs. Cant well. visited the library so the children could get acquainted with library procedure and the librarian. Previously individual students from Mrs. Kienle’s second grade visited the library and inter viewed Mrs. Gordon, librarian. Death Claims Former Resident Clifton Herbert Tucker passed away at Vancouver. Washington May 10, 1957, at the ago of 72 years, 10 months, three days. He was born in Vernonia July 7, 1884 and was raised in this community. • In February of 1914 he married Agnes Kosher who survives him. Also surviving is a son Donald who is in the U.S. Navy at San Diego, California; one brother. LeRoy Tucker; two sisters, Eda Parker and Hilda Keasey. For several years Mr. Tucker ran a dairy on Sauvies Island. In 1925 he moved to Ridgefi'Id, Washington where he did dairy ing and poultry raising until the time of his death. Attending the funeral from here wcr Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kea- scy, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tucker, Mrs. Alice Gwin and Harve Christian sen. Family Party Honors Mrs. L. R. McNair Sunday Mrs. L. R. McNair was honor guest Sunday at a combination Mother's Day and birthday din ner at the Eagles hail on First avenue which had been arranged by her husband Mrs. Vera Ald ridge prepared and served the dinner. Guests included Mrs. McNair's children and step-children ani their families as follows; Mrs. Donna Riley and children, Mike, Pat, Mark and Becky Jo from* Tillamook; Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Conway and Judy from Carlip, Nevada; Mrs. Jack Hinze and Kathy Ix'e, Olympia, Washing ton; and Mr. and Mrs. Richard McNair, Scott, Susie, Teri and Kcri. Mrs. McNair received many lovely gifts and cards from both rcTatives and friends. Phone HA 9-6015 z "Where H X * H X Your Money Buyz More” Riverview z At the Mile Bridge ALWAYS — Top Quality ALWAYS — Best Prices ALWAYS — Phone and Delivery —From your home-owned independent grocery. J Members Attend 8 et 40 Meeting The Columbia County 8 et 40. an affiliate of the American Leg ion auxiliary, has done an out standing work in the field of Child Welfare throughout the year, and this month in sending for their third consecutive yeat a check of one hundred dollars to the National Jewish hospital in Denver, Colorado, for the care and prevention of tuberculosis in children. The group, with membership in Vernonia. St. Helens, Scap poose, Clatskanie and Rainier, thus becomes a member of the $100 club for the third time. Ac tion to do this was taken at the meeting h“ld at the home of Mrs Nora McCall at Raimer April 30 at which 10 members from Ver nonia were present. Five members from Vernonia also attended the departmental banquet at the Imperial hotel in Portland on Saturday, April 27 They were Mrs. Lona Weidman, Mrs. Gertrude Schalock, Mrs Jennie Lusby, Mrs. Nora Mitchell and Mrs. Freda Biggs. Mrs Weidman was also there in the afternoon to attend a tea honor - ing Eda Zellezo, national vice president of the western division of the 40 et 8. Would you trade your modern kitchen ...for this? We hope you never have to. But many families discover too late that they haven’t enough insurance to cover today’s cost of rebuilding and refurnishing their home after a disastrous fire. Now is the time to bring your fire insurance up to date. Call us for fast, friendly service. VERNONIA INSURANCE Bill J. Horn, Agent Phon« HA 9-6203 — Vernonia 90S Bridge Street Rcpretf»/luff Ih» Hartford Fire Insurance Company JXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXM H X The Deluxe Angl.o H 5 KING’S Grocery - Market g H THURSDAY. MAY 16, 1957 H X H H J X H New English-built Ford MOTORING YOU'VE DREAMED ABOUT — AT A COST YOU CAN AFFORD . . . ■ M Up io 35 miles per gallon. Starting with the smart, Family-Size ANGLIA Delivered in Vernonia Now on Display $1554 TWELVE DIFFERENT MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM OLINGER MOTOR CO. H SHOP BY PHONE — YOU RING. WE BRING X M 731 Secund St — Vernonia — Phone HA 9-6651 X H *ZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZft KHXHXHXMXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHS