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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1957)
, APRIL IB. 1957 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA ORE. Lowest Price Ever p D11N C M A N hardware and electric ö D K U 11 J A 11 PHONE HA 9-5651 ----- WE DELIVER SIMPLY STUNNING! STUNNING- LL SIMPLE! '57 Frigidaire Automatic Electric Range with the new SHEER LOOK i ALL-NEW FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS & FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC APPLIANCES ’57 FRIGIDAIRE FOOD FREEZER REFRIGERATOR HARDWARE — SPORTING GOODS — GUNS — AMMUNITION PAINTS LINSEED OIL — TURPENTINE — ELECTRIC WIRING — NAILS UNCLAIMED NUMBERS 15729. 15816. 15744, 15843 Model FS 101-57 : I ? Simmon:: Twin mbination Two 1 1- nerspring Mattresses, two innerspring box springs with 6 legs on each, or can be us d singly. A $150 Value For Only Beautiful 2-Pc. Sectional, made into b d if need d. 30 $250 Value Biltwell Daveno sets in Roar-Beige, Persimon, Green, Cocoa and Blue lO-UAR GUAtMta Deluxe Gold Seal Li noleum $ Rugs. 9x12 Beautiful new patterns in both 6 and 9 Ft. Linoleum Per '’aid ! « I i i roning board. Board self-opening, self- closing, self locking, ¡th 12 adjustments. Fully ventilated top. A $30 45 Value Both KING- FISHER'S 50TH ANNIVERSARY SALE $2495 Speed Queen Washer with Stainless Steel Tub. Demonstrator. Regular $209 Value, Special with your old Washer Special Used Washer in cellent condition. With pump Special « The Golden King-Fisher mattress and box spring with 312 coil springs, lG- year factory guarantee. 50 Reg. $119.90. Set, Special Beautiful Western Knotty Mapi 3- Pc. bedroom set. Includes bed. Mr. and Mrs. Dresser $ Night Stand. Special 4- Pc. Knotty Maple Set with Mr. and Mrs. Dresser, bed, Night QJ5 stand and 4-drawer chest Blond 5-Pc. Bed- 93 loom Set 149 MARSH ALL-WELLS Special Paint Brushes Prices On To »J Large Selection Pain’ Rollers From $11.95 - $10 95 - $13 95 Table Lamps 95 $ pe 95 $ O To Cone Mop 10 and 8- oz. String Yacht Mop 9- oz. Cellulose Yacht Mop Special on 5-rc. Virtue Dinette Sets. Duncan Phyfe style. Gray or Red ONION SETS Floor Lamps I 2995 PAINT-UP FIX-UP NOW 80 FINISHED CHESTS IN WHEAT COLOR Stiel Step Stool with Rubber Treads, Tur- quoise, Pink Yellow. i Red. A $13.50 i Value. Only 3- Drawer Chest 4- Drawer Chest 8-Drawer Mr. Mrs. Chest TH'XOTROPIC ALKYD ENAMEL Imperial non-blister ing outside white paint. Reg. $5 95 per Gallon 95 Special 4 Marshal-Wells otropic jell Enamel and ‘39 FOR RENT ITEMS Floor sander tX rent $5.00 per day 52 50 half day HUFFY Model 180 budget pri- ced 18” Huffy electric with push button starting. HP Delco motor. Five cutting heights Now Only * new selection rockers w rubber sei blue, beige, Orbit Sander $150 Day P L Y W O O D FOR RENT Floor Polisher $1 00 per dav $3 50 SIMPSON BOARD tx8x% $2 45 1x8x54 CEILING TILE Box of 60 Sq Ft. $8.25 HARDBOARD 4x8x5»” $2.Bo MASONITE 4x8x3/16" $3.20 House Jacks for Rent Deluxe 4-cycle Huffy gas rotary pow er mower with recoil starter and deluxe 95 muffler Only Super Wall-Tone rub ber base Qt. New. Improved Mir acle Wall-Tone Water 3-Pc. Garden and flor al set. Shovel, rake and hoe Special Bow Rake $2.25 $1.89 Garden Hoe Shovel $3.25 Direct Connected Toilet $* » Gleaming white Toilet Seat. $ Jti9 Special Punch Bowl Set i or Rent $1 00 Day XHZHZHZHZHZHZWZNZHZHZHZK County Teachers Install Leaders The last Columbia County Ed- uvation association meeting for the 1956 57 school year was held in Scappoose April 1st A del; clous dinner was served and the centennial birthday of the N E A was ccPbriited A huge cake, with one hundred candles, wa lighted by president Edith In gold and Mr DvLashniutt. ani! cut and served by four past prt- sidcnts At this dinner most of the food was donated by teachers of the county The proceeds are Io be used toward the allowance Curtain Stretcher for Rent 50c per Day Creosote for Treating Sills under Houses FIRE EQUIPMENT Huffy Mower for rent Half 50 Day o' the year, the business meetim w as brief and a social evening followed during which gam were played Approximately 120 teachers, ad ministrators and guests attended, including 20 teachers from Ver nonia and "£•■> elementary school directors and w|vc« Mr. and Mrs. Dane Brady and Mr and Mr Ralph Sturdevant Jack DeLashmutt, of the Yank ton school, the incoming pres, dent, was installed He is also the elected delegate Other of ficers installed were Waltr Sher man, Clatskanie, vice-president. M rs. Sharon Huff. John Gumm, secretary and Mrs. Fannie Lund Deer Island, treasurer Mrs Elisabeth Swarthout. of The w isdom of the wise and the John Gumm, was presented with experience of age may be pr- u r'Urmg pin ■«erved by quotation. Ed E]lwt. who Hihe manager for O E i winner of anx argument who sooke briefly is the man who know* when to Since this w as the last mectui-j quit 80-Pound Sack 25-Pound Sack 13-Pound Sack 5- Pound Sack YESTERDAYS FIVE YEARS AGO From Th» Eagle. April 17. 19S2 Loren Mills and Sharon Mag- off were named as valedictorian and salutatorian respectively at Vernonia high school on the ba sis of having the highest grade averages for their four years of high school work» Miss Delores Thompson was named as May queen at the high school. Bob Powell was elected as pre sident of the high school student bodj for next year i with amazing control tower. Dry clothes just as you please—damp dry or completely dry for storage. You can adjust temperature and drying time to fit all fabrics. Model shown. DD57 Deluxe $229.95 DI57 $299.95 Goulds Amazing NO-TANK PUMP ’17” 9x12 Ovai Deltiix rug An Armstrong pro duct $ Special 1 FISHING SEASON OPENS ON APRIL 27 Special price* on rod*, reel*, lina and lures. ITS A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN VERNONIA of the local delegate to N E A convention in Philadelphia this summer. I < » SEE THE NEW 1957 FRIGIDAIRE DRYER Complete Water System. No Tank Needed Priced At Back Pump Can, Special Axe» from $3.95 $3.25 Shovels Hazel Hoes $5 95 Fire Extinguishers 109 Savage rotor chief 21" deluxe gas rotary mower with fingertip control. $ * no Only I r « i 65 18" Hvtamatic Deluxe Huffy 4-cycle gas ro tary with recoil start er and deluxe muf- ,95 ii", FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS Thix- 62 j 199 Model RS-38-57. Reg. $249.95. Special For Limited Time Only FS-101-57 10.1 cu. ft. Si- See the new FD-120-57 12 cu. ft. 93 deluxe Frigidaire with auto. Defrost 1956 model 10.1 cu. ft Frigidaire Regularly S275.95 Now Simmons Mattresses and Box Springs $49.50, $59.50, $79.95 » /iu.»3 Sunbeam » r dry iron and $13.50 Í chrome plated steel 419 Full-size range with these features: Easy-to-use “Thinking Panel” includes I♦ See ’N Set Automatic Cook-Master Control; Full-Width Storage Drawer; Illuminated Range Surface; Sear- « Speed Radiantube Broil Unit tha< « sears like charcoal; Lifetime Porcelain Finish. Model RS-15-57 Reg. $259.95. Special For Limited $Q 1 Q ,95 Time Only ulv Heal Zero Zone Freezer - holds 44 lbs • Exclusive Cycle-Matic Defrosting in refrigerator sec tion • Four Full-Width Shelves • Full-Width Glide-Out Porcelain Hydrator • Big, Deep Storage Door with Five removable »helves. A Large 2j-Gallon proof garbage can $6 00 $ Value 1 495 Roll-awav with Simmons Innersphing Mattress Special IXHZHXHZHZHZHXHXHZHZHXHXI Mr*, Franklin Malmsten Te signed as secretary of the Ver- noma city library board, thu* ending 20 years of service on the board Eva Poynter was installed as president of th? VFW auxiliary' and Bert Brunsman was installed as VFW post commander. Mr and Mrs. C. R Hansen of Burnie. Tasmania, toured the Co lumbia Tree Farm Mr. Hansen was superintendent >f the woods division of associated pulp and paper mills at Burnie FIFTEEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle April IS. 1942 TEN YEARS AGO Thieves entered the Armitage From The Eagle. April IT. 1947 | Drug stor? early Monday mom- mg and took a considerable amount of narcotics and money The Vernonia Loggers relay team. Edgar Culbertson. Cloicr Hall. Wilfred Holce and Claire Sunnell, broke a former record in the class C quarter-miie re lay at Eugene Saturday and won the Hayward relay cup Time fo- the event was 46 2 Possibility of hot lunches at the schools next fall was being viewed Many a self made man thinks he has used up all the worth- while material in the world —Office Supplie* at the Eagli