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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1957)
C THURSDAY. APRIL 18, 1957 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE CLASSIFIEDS A I BILLS ' HOMETOWN FOR SALE General FOR SALE Real Estate HARDWARE FOR SALE: Girl's bike, good condition, $15; Man's White Stag wpor’ coat, size 38. $5.00; lady's beige suit dress, size 14, $5.00 Call HA 9-6804. 16t3c FOR SALE: Three bed-rm. house Full concrete on double lot. foundation; dining rm., den, util- ity rm.; city water; large garage. R. C. Lindsay. HA 9-5795. 16t3 Phone HA 9 6131 VERNONIA. ORE. Paint. Bldg. Supplies, Sporting Goods. Housewares, Appliances CHEVRON PRODUCTS gas. oil, tires. Also, dairy and poultry feeds, including complete broiler feed; sand, gravel, cement, pier blocks, tile and chimney blocks H. H. Sturdevant, Rose Avenu HA 9-G69I 16t3c FOR SALE Insurance Good Stock °l LINES‘ LURES, SAND SPIKES, NETS, LEADER L BOWLING RESULTS HOMKO Rotary Lawn Mower. Briggs-Strat- ton 4-cycle $Qf|95 motor 89 INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Lost i Won I 59 69 Bob's Union MIST — The Donald DeWitts 63 Long-Bell 65 have purchased the cottage own 67 61 Milt Market ed by th? Brooks family now liv 67 61 Nehalem Service High individual game, Ed Bur- ing near Clatskanie. It is located ton, 199; high individual series. back of the Mist store. Mr. and Mrs. John Devine Howie Johnson, 558; high team game, Nehalem Service^ ' 1020; from Clatskanie were Monday high team series, Nehalem Ser- visitors of the Sam Devines. A week ago Sunday, guests at vice. 2758. the Chas. Hansen home were Mr. CITY LEAGUE and Mrs. Ted Kulju from Port i V Won Lost land, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roe- WANTED: Someone to mow lawn 54 throughout the summer and dig Oakes Radio & TV 74 ser and two children from As 59 Lyle ’ s Barber Shop 69 toria and Eurile 'Koski from around the flower. Call at 451 60 63 Rose Ave. 15tfc Radiant Cleaners Quincy. 75 Vernonia Milk 53 M.". Gillespi, the Watkins deal STRAWBERRY PICKERS want High individual game, A. Chris- er, was calling on the village ed for Baileys at Buxton. Pick tensón, 200; high individual ser- Tuesday with his products. ing starts about June 1. Corttact ies, W Ade, 525; high team game, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cozad from Celeste Poetter, HA 9-3432. Lyle's Barber Shop, 921; high Eugene visited her folks, the L. 15tfc team series, Vernonia Milk P. Wikstroms over the week end. Farms, 2684. Recent dinner guests of the WANTED TO RENT: 12 stands Howard Johnson bowled a tri Sam Devines were Mr. and Mrs. of bees during cherry blossom plicate 186; in other words—in Jack Dowden from Vancouver. season. Phone Mrs. Bacon, St. three successive games made ex Mrs. Nellie- Eastman came Helens. 1400 W 3. 15t2c actly the same score. down from Forest Grove last WANTED: Man to take care of week for a couple of weeks visit. WOMENS LEAGUE yard. Mrs. Lulah Fullerton, 479 She is staying with the Knowles Won Lost Rose Avenue, HA 9-3451. 15tfe where she will assist Mrs. Know Dessy’s 75 53 FERNS WANTED. For informa Sam's Food Store 7044 57'! les next Thursday with enter taining the Mist Helping club. 61 tion, write or contact Callisons, Vernonia Drug 67 Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Wills came S. P. yards, Box 228. Tillamook. Brunsman’s 4944 78'4 down from Seattle during the High individual game, M. Phone Victor 2-2391, Tillamook. Bur- 13tj ton, 200; high individual series, week end and visited her folks, Margaret Elliott, 512; high team the Knowles. WANT TO HUY livestock in Mrs. Shalmon Libel and Mrs. game, Brunsman Hardware, 855; any condition. Phone 2362, John high team series, Dessy’i, 2381. Austin Corll motored to Wheeler Wilmarth, Clatskanie, Oregon. last Thursday. Splits picked up: Della Vroman, 5tfc 5-7. EASTER LILIES for sale at Ver nonia Trading Company. 16tlc WANTED FOR SALE D-8 Cat; HD-7 AC <’at; crane; long log truck and trailer. D. P Spofford, HA 9- «5X3 1613 SWEET HOME WINERY now open under n-w management. Wine for sale retail at 31365 W Jackson, Hillsboro, or phone 7544 16t3c IRRIGATED PASTURE for rent. Cattle only. Art Kirk, HA 9- «501 15t3c BEAGLE PUPPIES for sale. AKC registered, field and show. John Artman, Timber route. 1413 ORDER Easter lilies and other pbints and flowers for Easter rwrv. Mrs. W. J. Lindsley, River- vi< v Greenhouse. Call HA 9-3704 14t3c BLUEBERRY PLANTS for sale. Five varieties, six years old, will bear this year. Price, $1.25 each, includes setting for you. Call or «ee Mrs. W J Lindsley, River view. HA 9-3704 14t3c TEN-POUND bundles of news papers for sale. Suitable for starting fires, etc. Vernonia Eagle off' < Btf I HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone 126. 14tfc Birthday Club Mrs. J. Peachey Meets At Buxton Honored Monday SERVICES RIVERVIEW Mrs. Joe Peach ey was honor guest at a birthday dinner Monday at the home of Mrs. Carrie Brown at Ridgefield, Washington for which Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Lena Gardner of Drain, Oregon were co-hostesses. Those attending from here were Mrs- Robert Tunnell, Mrs. Virgil Snook. Mrs. Clifford Fowler, Mrs. Harvey Smith and Mrs. Carson Strong. Mrs. Mancel Rose and children from Portland visited Tuesday with Mr and Mrs. J. E Rose. Mrs. Clifford Fowler received a letter recently from Mrs. Blanch Millis in which she gave a very interesting account of a tour of Germany she and Mary had made. They report liking it more there as they learn the ways of the people and become better acquainted Mrs. Cora Biggs who suffered a stroke about a week and a half ago is iri critical condition at a St. Helens nursing home. Tom Magoff, who is confined to bed because of a back ailment, was taken to Beaverton twice last week for treatments. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Sasse and family from Empire, Oregon were week end guests of his mo- ther. Mrs. Jim Cox. WILL DO plowing with either garden plow or tractor. Cail HA 9 6003. 16tfc SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill dirt. Call HA 9 6829, AC Os trander. 26t52c LAWN MOWERS sharpened. Al bert pchalock. Third Street, Riverview. 1413 FOR SALE Real Estate WILL EXCHANGE Portland pro perty for Vernonia property. Older couple have three bdrm Kt- home. Want small place m Vernonia Write, Owner. 3433 SR 17th Av? . Portland 2. Ore Ron. 15t3 PORTABLE welding service, power plant; night work. George Smith, HA 9-3876 32tfc CLARENCE R WAGNER, county surveyor. Court House, St. Helens. Phone office, 698; home, 183. Pri vate surveying, engineering work. 24tfc FOR .SALE Large greenhouse, full equipped on one lot. $1500 M.' W .1 Lindsley. Riverview • .1701 IStlc FOR RENT FOR RENT: Two small modern HOMES THIS 2 BDRM mod. home ■ is houses Clean, neat, nicely fur 162 A St.. or phone HA J' mated close to schools and nished lHtfc < t lurches Wired for range; ____ ; ex 9 3591 ’in large closets; plenty of FOR RENT: Two-room apart- built-ins. Priced at $2000. ment with kitchenette at 224 C<>- Very good terms. lumbia St $36 per month, water FURNISHED 2 bdrm mod. homi» furnish -d See Vera Anderson '••-half block from school All at above address. I6tfe r ady to start housekeeping. >! eluded in turn is auto wash- FURNISHED apartment Couple c and electric range. All for only See Ed Burton. Riverview. $3000 $500 will handle. HA 9-6033. lOtfc NT.Wl.Y remodeled and very •• "dem 2 bedroom home, wired i f r range and automatic wash n and dryer; electric heat THE RECENT bereavement which • ment foundation; extra large has visited our homes has Ten Little Cooks Make >■ t and very well located brought to us a greater apprecia Plans for Paper Drive ♦ 750 Good term-. tion of our frr'nds Such kind- The Ten Little Cooks 4-H cook FARMS ness and neighborly thoughtful- ing club met at the home of their 3 . ACRES with 4-rm hse . about ness can never be forgotten t miles out of Vernonia River The family of Katherine Foster leader, Mrs Magoff April 15th. t orders on back. Price $2200. 16tl The girls made brownies and served them with kool-aid for Very g<wd terms. refreshments. 4 ACRES, I'» miles out Nearly A discussion was held for th • • w log house About 3 acres THE EAGLE uiumii no finan I paper drive which will take place ..i be cultivated. Price, $1800 The next cial responsibility for errors Saturday, April 27. Aill accept $400 down that may appear in ads pub meeting will be held April 29th ? ACRES just out of Vernonia lished in its columns, but in with 5-room house, garage, case where this paper is at . Todshed and fruit house Land fault, will reprint that part of all clear and level Nehalem an adv. in which the typo ’• ver just across road avail- graphical mistake occurs. i le for irrigation Pric ■ $3750 BLIND ADS with answers to be t Jood terms. handled by the Eagle: Mini- -FE M e FOR FARMS AND mum charge 80c. No informa ACREAGE tion giver relative to such ads. DON BAYLEY. BROKER MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 F •■•er Cafe Bldg Ph HA 9 5225 words or less. Words over min IStlc imum. 2c each. Three inser Tt 1 TR XDE Six rm. horn«- on tions for the price of two. tionrry printed to jour L • lot. value $4800. located in POETRY accepted only as paid specification «. Su' iilin, 12 miles north of Rose etact matter. Rate: 5c per type line. ry advertised as the timber CARD of Thanks St Notices: 80c quality servier. Rapid. r;.; t«l of the Northwest to trade NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY for »mall acieaage and home near VERNONIA ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED V» • mia Box 412, Sutherlin, AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT EAGLE Oregon. ' 16t5c FOR NEXT WEEK'S PAPER. CARD OF THANKS CLASSIFIED RATES i I I I I I "BUY OF THE WEEK" Mitchell Spinning Reel Reg. $29.95 $1 Q95 Now 1U SAVE Easier Sunday Services Listed for Community Home Purchased By Don DeWitts WE ARE now selling auto and fire insurance for Farmer’s Mu tual of Enumclaw along with Mayflower. There is no mem bership fee on autos with Enum claw. Please come in and com pare rates. Russell Insurance Agency 959 Rose Avenue lOtfc M)R SALE: Baby's folding play pen, good condition; also baby ■wing, like new. Call HA 9- 3M0. 16tl FOR SALE Used chain saws. Tec's Saw Shop, corner Bridge and Stat,. St. 22tfc "BUY OF THEWEEK" 1 Westinghouse Auto matic j FryPan. Reg. S] 795« $22.95, Now 1 1 SAVE ! J* QQ I ! ‘ TIMBER ROUTE — The Tre- harne Birthday club met at the home of Mrs. Bea Rose near Bux ton Thursday to honor her birth day. A buffet, pot luck lunch eon was served at noon and the cake was baked by Mrs. Sylvia Falconer. Guests attending were Florence Kirkbride. Pat Weaver. Mabel Reynolds, Midge Reynolds, Carlotta Cox, Carol Reynolds, Mrs. Sarah Cox and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds. S/Sgt. and Mrs. Jack Gates and children Robin and Timothy of Portland visit 'd Sunday with his folks. Mr and Mrs. Harold Shipley, In the afternoon they called on Mr. and Mrs. Richard McNair. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Weaver and family spent Saturday visitin:' her aunt and uncle, Mr and Mr-. Lee Kells, in Forest Grove. Mr .and Mrs. Frank Birt were guests Saturday and Sunday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Robert Rowe in Portland. Mr. and Mrs Loyd Weaver and family were dinner guests Friday evening at th? home of Mr. and Mrs. Los Horsely. Couple Visits at Hillsboro Home BIRKENFELD — Easter Sun day services will be held at the Jewell school house on Sunday at 6 o’clock a m. The program will consist of a childrens choir and Easter pieces. Then also at Jewell at 9:45 a.m., colored slides will be shown on the 13th ap- pearance of Christ aft?r his first ressurrection. Then at 11:45 a m. at the Birkenfeld school house the same pictures will be shown. Rev. Harshman will have charge of the services. A special Easter service will be held at the Mist church on Sunday evening at 3 p.m. All curches in the valley are invited. On Saturday at 2 p.m. at Jewel) the grade school room will be decorated and any one who may have some flowers for this purpose pl'-ase contact the Harshmans. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. StSeers and Mary and Alice SSmith and Ronda visited the Everett John stons, Fred Udeys and Victor Bergs on Sunday. John Acton's sister. Miss Polly Acton of New York is visiting with them for a wek. Mrs. Lena Hendrickson Anna Hanberg visited with Mrs Laura Yoss at Jewell on Satur- day. Mrs. Ed Meier and and Glen Meier returned home from their trip on Friday. They went as far as Key West. Florida making most of the trip in Glen's car. Glen will now be stationed at McCord Field, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schaum- berg and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schaumburg and two sons visited at the Robert Berg home Sunday. Mrs. Victor Berg was a Ver nonia caller Monday. s10” Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larson visit ed at the Herbert Rodgers home at J 'well Sunday evening. Children learn by imitating When it comes to table manners and eating habits, a simple rule for parents is: Eat the way you want your children to eat. DR. VOTAW OPTOMETRIST Sundland Building Tuesdays 6 to 8 P.M. Saturdays 2 to 6 P.M. OLYMPIA with pleasure ! Radio and TV Sales-Service ALL MAKES REPAIRED ♦ ITS THE WATER THAT DAY, EVENING SERVICE j IT SO MAKES REFRESHING Phone HA 9-5441 — Vernonia * LLOYD QUINN WHY TAKE THE RISK? "Sickncss or accident may strike yon—that you can not avoid. . . . But. with Insurance Company of Oregon Accident and Sickness Insurance, you can avoid being without funds, or dependent on friends or relatives.’’ LLOYD QUINN NATAL-PITTSBURG — M and Mrs. Kenneth Tupper and daughter Sandra were Saturday evening guests at the Wayne Tupper home in Hillsboro Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Stuve and children Dianne and Steven were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs W R Wolff Cal Atcheson and son Ernest of Seattle were Sunday visitors at the Noble Dunlap and Robert Lindsay homes. Mr and Mrs. John Titus of Portland were Wednesday guests » of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Pringle. Mrs Minnie Holsapple was a week end guest of her sister, Mrs Edmonds at Mayger Mr and Mrs Max Oblack w re Hillsboro shoppers aturdav Mr and Mrs Robert Lindsay- were Portland shoppers Satur- Dass made a business trip to Portland Monday afternoon. i OPTOMETRISTS: Dr. V. J. Horne and Dr. R. V. Lance Acron from Texaco Wednesdays ■ 786 Bridge St. — Vernonia. Orc. Phone HA 9-3123 or HA 9-3693 OREGON ¿ai MIST LUMBER COMPANY Mist, Oregon LOGS WANTED DOUGLAS FIR LOGS 24’ only 18" and over dia.—Jr. peeler 24’ or longer. 12" and up diameter 24 or longer. 8" to 12” diameter 9’ 12’ to 22.8" and up diameter No. 3 logs and/or 7" or under diameter WHITE FIR, HEMLOCK. SPRUCE 12 and longer, 8" and up diameter CEDAR 12’ and longer, 8" and up diameter $58.00 $52.00 S46.00 S44.0D S25 00 $30.00 $30 0')